July 2012

Dear Prayer Team,
July 2012
Well, wow, these past 2 months have flown by so fast. Can I just pray to Lord a prayer of thanks….. and let you
listen in?
Father God,
Thank you for not only having directed me here to Perú, but also to very specific ministries. I have enjoyed my
new opportunities, especially putting my language skills to use. It was such a joy to translate Pastor Pat
Campbell’s course on the book of Daniel. Although the eschatological terms were new to me in Spanish, Lord,
you provided helpful students and the Spanish version of Grudem’s Systematic Theology to prepare for each
day’s lesson. Father, you gave me exactly what I needed for the task to which you had called me! You are the
So, God, as I get “nervous” about translating the Human Biology/Health class, I trust You to once again prove
Yourself strong in my weakness. I trust YOU, Lord, to help me find accurate medical sources in which I can find
proper translations of the technical biology & medical terms. I pray that You use this course to teach (1) the
beauty/science of the human body, that You in Your intelligence have created & (2) how to take care of it. I
pray that the notes will be well properly translated as well as the daily class sessions.
Lord, help me to be diligent and to not procrastinate to prepare for my own course in November.
Lord, I once again, simply say, “Thanks” even though these mere 6 letters can not express the amazment of
Your hand in our new JV AWANA program. Thank you for providing Isaú & his wife, Maria Elena, as leaders.
Thank you for Isaú’s ability to teach, clearly explaining the truths of scriptures to these teens.
Thank you, Lord, for bringing Betsabé, Delfina,
Esmeralda, Sayda, Guisela, Mik’eas, JJ, Efraín,
Sandra, Raúl, Joel, & Edmer to AWANA, and for
providing the AWANA books. Lord, would you
please do a work in Edmer, open his heart to
the gospel. Lord, thank you for the opportunity
to take Sandra & Raúl out to dinner before
youth group as encouragement to attend
church. Lord, please make your Word & its truths stand strong as they are confused with the lies they are
taught in ((public, Catholic)) school. Thank you for Sayda’s & Mik’eas’ ability to memorize scriptures. Please
transform their minds with the truths they are memorizing. I lift up Sayda & Guisela as they are struggling at
home with an unsaved father. Lord, thank you for their dad allowing the church to throw Guisela’s quiceañera
(the 15th birthday party – a “coming out” party that is seen as very important in this culture)– thank you that
he was there for her that night & that he attended the party, which the church was able to use as a gospel
event, a celebration of her salvation. Thank you for using this even to soften their dad’s heart to allow their
older brother to attend our seminary in training for future ministry. May they be living examples of Your love
and forgiveness in their family.
God, when I think of Myra, I think of the verses in John that say that no one comes to You except through your
Son. Thank you for sending you Son for me….. for Myra. Thank you for calling her to salvation through the
preaching of truth in a Sunday morning service. Thank you for speaking through me as we talked after the
service. Thank you for opening her heart to You. Thank you for the opportunity to have started
studying/reading scriptures together just today & the joy that is before me to continue with her. God, I pray
for her boyfriend & son, that You would also draw them to the saving knowledge of Christ’s love for them. I
believe that there is nothing too hard for You, You show me every day that you are the God of the impossible.
Thank you for the opportunity to travel to Lima at the end of June as a translator. Thank you for proving
Yourself once again to be stronger than human weaknesses. What a sight, Lord, to see you take 46 “gringos”
who do not speak Spanish to perform recorded gospel dramas in churches, neighborhoods, and public schools.
Thank You, Lord, for Your powerful
hand and for your marvelous works.
John 1:49 & 50 – “’Rabbi, You
are the Son of God’ …. Jesus
answered him, “You will see
greater things than these”
Prayer Requests:
Missions trips: Each winter break, the students are required to go on a missions trip. Please pray that they
would be effective during their trips, many doing kids clubs & services & vacation bible schools. Please pray
for the safety on the roads.
Wisdom: Please continue to pray for wisdom in discerning God’s will for long term service here.
Support: As you know, God has allowed me to stay on until December, with the possible extension into early
summer 2013 as well. Please pray that God would provide the funds for the December extension. If you are
currently supporting, please let me know if God would lead you to continue your support through December.
PRAISE: My parents are planning to visit me in Perú July 30-August 7. I am very excited that they will be able to
see my new home & ministry.
PRAISE: the apartments are almost done, and it looks like Rachel will start to move us in while I am in the
PRAISE: I leave tomorrow for the states, a quick 2 week trip home, for my “little” brother’s wedding. It has
been a blessing to see both him & his fiancé grow in the Lord. I look forward to celebrating with them.