CUSTOMER_CODE SMUDE DIVISION_CODE SMUDE EVENT_CODE SMUJAN15 ASSESSMENT_CODE BT0087_SMUJAN15 QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 36427 QUESTION_TEXT Explain any five functions of WML Browser Library. SCHEME OF EVALUATION The WMLBrowser library contains functions that can be used to access browser variables. , , , , , , are the functions belonging to WML Browser library . 1.getVar(variable_name) Returns the value of the WML variable variable_name. Example: var wmlscript_variable = WMLBrowser.getVar("wml_variable"); 2.setVar(variable_name, value) Assigns value to the WML variable variable_name. Sets the value of a variable, and returns true if the new value was implemented successfully, and false if not Example: WMLBrowser.setVar("wml_variable", "Hello World"); 3.go(url) Goes to the card with URL address url. Example: WMLBrowser.go(""); 4.prev() Goes to the previous card displayed in the WML browser. Eg. WML Browser.prev( ); 5.newContext() Clears all WML variables and the URL history stored in the WML browser. WML Browser.newContext( ); 6.getCurrentCard() Returns the URL of the current card displayed in the WML browser. var a = WML Browser.getcurrentcard( ); 7.refresh( ) Refreshes the contents of the current card displayed in the WML browser. WML Browser.refresh( ); (explanation of any 5 types of functions– 2 marks each - > 5 x 2 = 10 marks) QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 73586 QUESTION_TEXT What are the format attributes? List the various format characters and highlight their uses. SCHEME OF EVALUATION The format attribute of the < input > element is used to control the type & number of characters that can be entered in an input field. The format attribute takes a number of format character as its value. Each format character has a certain meaning. The value of the format attribute is called to input mask. Format characters: a used to represent any lower care letter A to represent upper care letter n to represent any numeric / symbolic char N to represent any numeric character x to represent any lower care letter, numeric or symbolic character X m M to represent any upper care letter, numeric or symbolic character. to represent any character any character QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 118692 QUESTION_TEXT Discuss the usage of comments & line breaking with an example in WML. Comments in WML: comments are placed inside <!-- --> in WML this is the same as HTML Ex: <!_ _ this is a comment in WML _ _ > 1mark <! _ _ this is a multi line comment_ _> 2marks Line breaking in WML: <br/> is the line breaking tag in WML, which is same as that in HTML 1 mark Example: <?xml version = “1.0”?> SCHEME OF EVALUATION <!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC “-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.3 // EN “> <wml> <card id = “card1” title = “lme break”> <p> Before br <br/>after br </p> </card> </wml> marks QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 155772 6 QUESTION_TEXT Explain the four task elements of WML. WML allows us to specify tasks that can be performed when a certain events occurs, such as navigating to a specified card or deck. WML includes four task elements. The four tasks are go, prev, noop, refresh. Tasks are bound to do an event. An anchor element may contain a go, prev, or refresh task. 1.Go task: The ‘go’ element declares a go task, indication navigation to an URL. If the URL names a WML card or deck, it is displayed. A go executes a push operation on the history. The attributes of the go element are :Href=href, Sendreferer=boolean, Method= (post|get), Acceptcharset=CDATA, Id,Class. The go element may contain one more postfield element. These elements specify information to be submitted to the origin server during the request. SCHEME OF EVALUATION 2.Prev task: The prev element declares a prev task, indicating navigation to the previous URI in the history stack. A prev performs a pop operation on the history stack and removes the current URI from the history stack. If there is no previous URI in the history, stack, the prev element has no effect. Attribut- Id, Class 3. Refresh task: The refresh element declares refresh task, indicating an update of the specified card variables. Side effects of the states changes that are visible to the user occur during the processing of the refresh task. A refresh and its side effects must occur even if the elements have no setvar elements given that context may change by other names. The attribute of the refresh elements are:Id, Class 3.Noop task: The noop element specifies that nothings should be done, that is, “no operation”. This element is useful for overriding decklevel do elements. The attributes of the noop element are Id, Class WML allows programmer to specify tasks that can be performed when a certain event occurs, such as navigating to a specified card or deck.