“Task” Link is not available Access URL"

“Task” Link is not available
Access URL" ” and Login.
Access Bank/Lead/Account and observe their Company Overview Page.
There are some links which exist at Top (History, Opportunity, Docs, Inventory, Cases, Save) as well as
at bottom.
But observe that “Task” link exists at Top but “Task” link does not appear at bottom.
Field width needs to be increased
Access URL"" and Login.
Access Bank/Lead and observe that in order to convert them to Lead/Account respectively, “Assign AE”
dialog box opens
1. Now observe that in “Assign AE“dialog box, date pick fields named as “Assigned” field width
Needs to be increased, as selected dates are not shown properly in the fields.
2. Also observe the same case for the field “AE” in order to select “Market”, here also field width
needs to be increased.
3. Observe that field “SIC Code” field width need to be increased, as selected “code” is not shown
properly in the field.
Lead Source, Radio Button selection issue
Access URL"" and Login.
Access Banks/Leads/Accounts and observe their Company Overview Page.
If mistakenly user selects any radio button then there is no option to unselect, so there should be
provide another option “None”.
Field Name is not consistent
Access URL"" and Login
Access Bank/Lead/Account and observe their Company Overview Page.
1. Observe that in “Add Event Information” field “Type” and in “Event History” column “Event” is same
but both are named different .As both are for same field so their name should be consistent as “Event
2. Observe that in “Add Event Information” field “Follow up “and in “Event History” column “FUB
Assigned to date” “FUB Assigned Date “is same but both are named different. As both are for same
field so their name should be consistent as “Event Type”.
Tooltip is missing
Access URL"" and Login.
Observe that “Tooltips” are missing in the following cases.
Access Bank/Lead/Account and observe their Company Overview Page (Dashboard Menu,
Docs Button and Cases link, Save link, Address field Opportunity button) “Tooltip” is missing.
Access Sales >> Dashboard “Tooltip” is missing.
Observe “FUP” abbreviation of Fellow Up. FUB provide the Tooltip of “Fellow Up”.
Company search bar list shows the SIC Code textbox
Access URL"" and Login.
Access Bank/Lead/Account and observe their Company Overview Page.
Observe that when any “Company” is searched from search bar Company then while writing its name
the “Company” intellisense list shows the “SIC Code” text field.
Irrelevant column shown in Inventory Type
Access URL"" and Login.
Access Bank/Lead/Account and observe their Company Overview Page.
Go to Inventory link >> Master>> Add Inventory.
Observe that drop down list of “Type” field.
“Inventory Facet” columns show different Behavior against different types in the following cases.
“Car/Van /SUV” does not support the “Frame Size, Skin Size” so, should not show the column name.
Car support the Comments but Comments column is shown but there is no option to enter
Same AEs assigned for different AEs fields
Access URL"" and Login.
Access Bank/Lead and Observe that in order to convert them to Lead/Account respectively, “Assign
AE” dialog box opens.
Now observe that “Assign AE “dialog box. In “Assign AE” AE1 and AE2.AE1 supervises the AE2.
If same AEs are assigned for both AEs fields, system accepts and shows same name in both AEs fields.
Owner Field is missing
Access URL"" and Login.
 Access Bank/Lead/Account and observe their Company Overview Page.
Go to “Doc” links observe that “Owner” column name is present but field is missing in “Add Doc”
 If AE is “Owner” then “Owner” column should show AE’s name.
Company Name Duplication should not be allowed on add Bank/Lead/Account Form
Access URL"" and Login.
Go to Sales>>Add Bank/Add Lead/ Add Account.
Observe that give the name of Company “QA” (fine).
Second time same company name is used then duplicate company name message is show in
Company Overview Page .But this massage should be shown in the Add bank/lead/Account form.
Delete all records of Inventory of same unit number
Access URL"" and login.
Access Bank/Lead/Account and observe their Company Overview Page.
Access Inventory >> Add Inventory >> Master.
Observe that Delete the “Records” of one row it deletes the “Records” the entire inventory.
For example observe that delete the Display Type of “Front” of Unit No # 095.it delete the all the
Records of other display type of same unit number.
Document Log is not created and counter after upload file is 0
Access URL"" and Login.
Access Banks/Leads/Accounts and observe their Company Overview Page.
Access Inventory >> Master >> Add Inventory>>Doc>> Add Doc.
1. Observe that uploading the document but not create the “Document Log”.
2. Second Doc file “Counter” is shown to be 0.
3. Also Observe that if uploaded document edit .then “Display type” drop down list is blank
System redirects the user to My Work after performing any function on order approval form
Access URL"" and Login.
Access Order >> Order Management
During order approval of any action perform for example change “Work Flow”, “Change Request”
and save the “Cost Estimation Work Sheet” System redirects the user to My Work page after
performing any function order approval page.
On change request, Order is not approved and not submitted for Approval
Access URL"" and Login.
Access Order >> Order Management
During approval of Order it passes to different phases. If any order e.g. in Finance phase for some
reason change order to AE.
Now if AE “Update Order” then Order is not approved and not submitted to Manager for Approval.
While adding inventory, inventory facets’ input fields are not aligned according to columns
Access URL"" and Login.
Access Inventory >> Inventory Master List >> Add Inventory.
Observe that “Inventory Facets” shows different behavior s against select any “Type and Market” in
“Display Type” .For example select Display type (“Access”,”Bus”,”Peterman”) shows the checklist and
Text field against this type in “Inventory Facets’ .Checklist and Text field does not align at bottom
of Display Type and Panel Number.
Detail Link replaced with History
 Access URL"" and Login.
 Access Bank/Leads/Accounts and observe their Company Overview Page.
 On the Company Overview Page
 Go to Access Inventory >> Add Inventory >> Master.
 Observe that In Action List “Detail” link is replaced with the “History".
Close Case/Task functionality is only provided while editing them
Access URL"" and login.
Access Bank/Leads/Accounts and observe their Company Overview Page
Go to Cases >> Edit Cases /Tasks
Observe that “Close Case/Task” function provide in “Edit Case/Task”. But if user wants to close them
without editing then there is no option provided.
Inventory items with blank display types are showing in inventory listing.
Access URL"" and Login.
Access Bank/Leads/Accounts and observe their Company Overview Page.
Go to Inventory >> Master>> Add Inventory
“Add New Items” in “Inventory Facets “.But does not select any “Display Type” In “Add New Item”
Inventory items with blank display types are showing in inventory listing.
In ‘TO DO’ Filter based (dropdown) search is missing
Access URL “ ” and Login.
Go “To Do”
Observe that different drop down exist but filter based search is missing, as there is no option to
search against applied filters.
Added POC is not shown in lead listing
 Access URL" ” and Login
 Access Sales>>Lead >> Add POC
 Access Sales>> lead >> Company Overview Page>> Add POC
Observe that Added POC in both ways .but observes the Added POC is not shown any Lead listing.
System does not provide option to Email Id
Access URL" ” and Login.
 Access Bank/Leads/Accounts and observe their Company Overview Page.
 Select the “Vendor” in “Contact Type”.
 Observe that “Vendor Category” show different Vendor Type in Drop Down list.
 When select the Vendor type (“Design”,” Printer”, and “Instillation”) Checkbox show.
 On check the Checkbox after Message shows that “Please Enter the Email”. But system does not
provide any option to enter the email.
No need of opportunity link in Agencies and Channels
Access URL" ” and Login.
Access Channel /Agencies and observe their Company Overview Page.
Observe that “Opportunity” link should not exist in the Channels/Agencies.
Added Inventory in Agencies does not shown (check)(just edit my issue)
Access URL" ” and Login.
Access Agencies >>Inventory >> Add Inventory ??
Observe that “Added Inventory” in Agencies does not show in the “Master” and “Status”.
System does not provide the name of “FUB Assigned to”
Access URL" ” and Login.
Access Bank/Leads/Accounts and observe their Company Overview Page.
Observe that In “Event History” column “FUB Assigned To” is blank. System does not provide the
name of “FUB Assigned to”.
Tooltip is missing (edit)
Access URL" ” and Login.
Go To Do >>Add Project /Add Task
Observe that all Tooltips are missing of Add Project or Add Task
Field Validation check is missing (edit)
Access URL"" and Login
Access Bank/Leads/Account and observe their Company Overview Page.
1. Observe that “Transit Authority” subfield ( “Size of Market”, “Annual Revenue” etc) fields shown
that “Enter Numbers” .if we enter the alphabetically letter not shown any massage to enter
2. Observe that field validation checks are missing.
Go to Bank>>Add Bank (“Website”,” URL”).
3. Observe that enter “To, CC, Bcc” field any letter without follow syntax of Email send email then
message not shown enter only number.
4. Observe that “Add Event Information” “Date” field “From” caption is missing.
Text Alignment Issue
Access URL"" and Login
Observe in the following cases
Access Sales >> Bank/Leads/Accounts and observe their Company Overview Page.
Access Inventory >> Add Inventory.
Observe that In “Add Inventory” “Description” start writing in the “Center”.
Access Inventory >> inventory Master List >> Add Inventory
Observe that In “Add Inventory” “Description” start writing in the “Center”.
Field Name is not consistent (edit this issue in same reported issue)
Access URL"" and login.
Access Bank/Leads/Accounts and observe their Company Overview Page
Go to Cases >> Edit Cases
Observe that in “Add Case” field “Description” and in “Add New” column “Notes” is same but both
are named different .As both are for same field so their name should be consistent as “Notes”.
System does not provide the option to View All Event history
Access URL"" and Login.
Access Sales >> Channels/Agencies
Add the Event in Channels/Agencies but observe system does not provide the option to view of all
the added Events history
15 Sep
System allows editing Case, without specifying the mandatory field “Assigned To”
Access URL"" and Login.
Access Sales >> Other >> Cases >> Edit Case
Observe that during “Edit Case” not select the “Assigned TO” but System save the Case without
specifying the mandatory field “Assigned To”
Searching is not working in “Document”
Access URL"" and Login.
Access Sales >> Others >> Documents
Observe that searching is not working in “Document”
Added Task/Added Project placement need to be corrected
Access URL"" and Login.
Access To Do >> Add Task/Add Project
Observe that Added Task/Added Project placement need to be corrected
POC Name not shown in the “Add Event”
Access URL"" and Login.
Access Leads listing observe that Company “Airgas Carbonic Inc” only shows the added POC.
When “Airgas Carbonic Inc” Add the “Event” then it is not showing the name of POC in “selected
POC” in “Add Event” page.
AE is not showing in the “Case”
Access URL"" and Login.
Access Sales >> Others >>Cases
Observe that Add Case name of “AE ” is not showing
Name of company is not showing in Inventory
Access URL"" and login.
Access Leads/Channels /Agencies and access their Company Overview Page.
Access Inventory >> Add Inventory >> Master
Observe that name of Company is not showing
System not import the .SCV file
 Access URL"" and Login.
 Access Sales >> Others >>Competitors
 Import the .SCV file observe that file is not import .System show message “incorrect Header
:please follow the instruction carefully”
Vendor not opens in parent type
Access URL"" and Login.
Access Sales >> Others >>Vendors
Observe that open the any company in the Vendor .Company sometime open the in
Bank/Leads/Channels/ vendors. It does not open in the correct parent type.
7. Duplicate Unit Number Message shown (ask)
Access URL"" and Login
Access Bank/Lead/Account and observe their Company Overview Page.
??Go to Inventory link>>Master>> Add Inventory
Case1: Add Inventory against any Clint observe that Enter the ‘Plate Number’ 123 and ‘Clint Unit
Number’ 45 (fine)
Case2: Add new inventory enter ‘Plate number’ 923 but ‘Clint Unit Number’ 45 (Fine)
Case3: Add new inventory enter ‘Plate number’ 123 and ‘Clint Unit Number ‘ 45.Now massage of
duplication ‘ Clint Unit Numbers’ is shown
Mandatory Field(some change need)
Observer that user sends email without filling mandatory field “Send Signature" the Email is sent.