Review sheet for scientific method quiz

Review sheet
Scientific Method and Measurement Test
Wednesday, October 2nd
You need to know:
1. proper lab safety
2. Know the definitions, units and instruments used to measure each of the
a. Length
b. Mass
c. volume
d. density
3. Know how to calculate the volume of regular and irregularly shaped objects.
4. Explain how density determines if an object will float or sink in water.
5. Know the density of water.
6. Be able to set up and solve simple density and volume problems.
7. Be able to identify and define the steps of the scientific method
a. Identify the _________________: usually stated as a question.
b. ___________________________: research the problem- find out what is
already known about the problem.
c. State a ___________________: make an educated guess based on what
you already know.
d. ______________________: test your hypothesis.
e. Collect _______________: use your sense to observe what happens during
the experiment. Keep a record of what you observe.
f. Examine your data and form a ________________________. Did you
solve the problem?
8. Be able to identify the different variables in an experiment
a. _____________________ Variable: what I change in an experiment
b. _____________________ Variable: what I observe in an experiment
c. _____________________ Variable: what is kept the same in an
9. Be able to explain how to set up an experiment and identify the different parts of
that experiment.
The test will consist of multiple choice, simple calculation problems, and open ended.
It will be worth 100 points total. Use the science web page to review powerpoints
used in class.