The Indefinite Article

Inovace výuky na Gymnáziu Otrokovice formou DUMů
The Definite Article
Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Kozlová
2. května 2013
Summary of the rules where to use
the definite article.
2. května 2013
• Something specific, already known or mentioned
We watched a film. The film was set in
• With nouns which are unique
the Earth; the Sun; the Eiffel Tower
• The names of cinemas, theatres, museums, galleries
the Golden Apple Cinema
the National Theatre
the British Museum
the Tate Gallery
• Hotels, pubs, restaurants
the Hilton
the pub At the Stone Bell, the Apollo Restaurant
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• Other buildings
the Empire State Building, the White House,
the Municipal House
• The names of newspapers, ships, organisations
the Times, the Daily Mirror (X Time magazine, Vogue)
the Cutty Sark (ship)
the EU, the BBC, the Amnesty International
• Musical instruments and dances
He plays the guitar. (X He plays basketball.)
I can dance the tango.
• The names of families and nationalities
The Smiths, the Windsors
the Americans, the Polish, the Portuguese, the Greeks…
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• Titles
the Queen, the Prince of Wales, the President
(X Queen Victoria, King Henry VIII)
• Adjectives or adverbs in the superlative form
the best solution
the most respected man
(X Most children like chocolate.)
+ comparative: The sooner you arrive, the better.
• Historical periods/events
the Middle Ages, the Crimean War
the Second World War (X World War II)
• With ordinals + the words last, only
the fifth day, the first person
the last word, the only child
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• The + adj. = a group of people
the poor/rich/sick/injured/elderly/young/
• Names with …of…
the Bank of England, the City of New York,
the Houses of Parliament, the Gulf of Mexico, the Great Wall
of China, the Tropic of Capricorn, the University of London
(X London University)
• With the words: beach, station, cinema, theatre, coast, country(side),
ground, jungle, seaside, weather, world, shop, library, city, sea
What´s the weather like? He arrived at the station.
We have a cottage in the countryside.
Let´s go to the sea. (X We were at sea. = We were sailing.)
• A/The dolphin is a clever creature. X Dolphins are clever creatures.
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• Adverbs of place
There is a book on the table.
I saw your socks under the sofa a minute ago.
• Other expressions
in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the night
(X at noon, at night, at midnight)
• Rivers, seas, oceans, canals
the (River) Amazon, the Mediterranean (Sea),
The Pacific (Ocean), the Suez Canal, the (English) Channel
(X lake Michigan They live near lake Michigan.
but They live near the lake.)
• Mountain ranges
the Rocky Mountains, the Alps,
the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands
(X Mount Everest, Ben Nevis)
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• Groups of islands
the Canary Islands, the Bahamas, the Hebrides
(X Corsica, Tahiti)
• Deserts
the Mohawe Desert, the Sahara
• Countries when they include nouns like republic, kingdom, etc.
the Czech Republic, the United States of America,
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
+ the Netherlands, the Vatican, the Lebanon, the Sudan
(X France, Spain, South Carolina)
• The North/South Pole, the Middle East, the Far East
• (in) the north of England (X northern England), (on) the south-west coast
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Without the
• Uncountable or plural countable nouns in general
Children like chocolate.
Fish live in water.
• Names of sports, games, days, months, drinks, meals,
languages, subjects
I play chess on Monday.
We speak French. (X The French language is
difficult to learn.)
He likes Chemistry and whiskey.
• Names of continents, countries, cities
Europe, North America, Paris (X the Hague)
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• Names of streets, squares, bridges, parks
Oxford Street, Fifth Avenue, Broadway (X the Mall)
Times Square, Piccadilly Circus
Tower Bridge, Hyde Park
• Two-word names when the first name is the name of a person or a
Gatwick Airport, Windsor Castle, Cambridge
University, London ZOO, Buckingham Palace,
Victoria Station (the White House)
• Names of pubs, restaurants, shops, banks and hotels named after
the people who started them, churches
Lloyds Bank, Harrods, McDonalds, Jack´s Pub,
St Paul´s Cathedral, St Wenceslas´ Chapel
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Names of companies, airlines etc.
Sony, IBM, British Airways
With by + means of transport
go by bus, by train
(X take a bus, get on the train…)
With the words work, home
go home, be at work
With the words bed, church, college, court, hospital, prison, school, university
when we refer to the purpose for which they exist
He is in hospital (as a patient). (X He went to the hospital to visit his
Peter is at school. (X Mr Green is in the school.)
He is in prison. (The Minister arrived at the prison at 11 o´clock.)
With the names of illnesses
He died of leukemia.
flu/the flu, mumps/the mumps, measles/the measles
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I Fill in a, an, the or nothing.
a bus to school every day. I leave ……
1 I take ……
house at 7.30
the morning. It is ……
in ……
five-minute walk from my house to
the bus-stop. ……
The journey to ……
school takes about ……
quarter of ……
- Bridgeford next week to
The Queen is going to visit ……
2 ……
the town. It will
…… new hospital which has been built in ……
- local people will attend.
be ……
exciting event which all ……
3 Stuart has got …… cold, so he has to stay in ……
bed. His
mother has made him ……
bowl of soup and he has got ……
the bedside table. He will probably spend
box of ……tissues
on ……
most of ……
day sleeping.
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II Fill in a, an or the where necessary.
… Breakfast is … most important meal of … day.
… Villages in this part of … country are very beautiful.
There was … accident as I was going … home at … night.
… Ambulance took … injured people to … hospital.
4) I want to go to … university when I leave … school.
5) … Duponts, who live next door to us, are … French.
6) Do you buy … newspaper every day? No, I buy … Independent
only once … week.
7) … Historian is … person who studies … history.
8) … Panda is … large mammal which lives in … China. … Pandas have
… black and white fur and eat … bamboo shoots.
9) Susan doesn´t believe in … ghosts. She thinks that … supernatural
is … product of … people´s imagination.
10) Carol is … economist. She used to work in … investment
department of … Lloyds Bank. Now she works for … International
Court of Justice in … Hague.
2. května 2013
KEY II Fill in a, an or the where necessary.
- Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
- Villages in this part of the country are very beautiful.
There was an accident as I was going - home at - night.
An ambulance took the injured people to - hospital.
4) I want to go to - university when I leave - school.
5) The Duponts, who live next door to us, are - French.
6) Do you buy a newspaper every day? No, I buy the Independent
only once a week.
7) A Historian is a person who studies - history.
8) The Panda is a large mammal which lives in - China. - Pandas have
a black and white fur and eat - bamboo shoots.
9) Susan doesn´t believe in - ghosts. She thinks that - supernatural is
the product of - people´s imagination.
10) Carol is an economist. She used to work in an investment
department of - Lloyds Bank. Now she works for the International
Court of Justice in the Hague.
2. května 2013
III Read the following proverbs and put a, an, the where
1) …- actions speak louder than …
2) …- still water runs deep.
3) …Anapple … day keeps the
… doctor away.
4) When in …- Rome, do as the
… Romans do.
a will there´s …
a way.
5) Where there is …
6) You can´t teach …anold dog …- new tricks.
7) You cannot make … omelette without breaking …
8) The
… more you get,the
… more you want.
theheart is.
9) …A home is where …
10) Fire is …a good servant but …a bad master.
2. května 2013
Použité zdroje
• Tryml, Sergej: Moderní učebnice anglické gramatiky pro středně pokročilé
a pokročilé, EKOPRESS, s.r.o., K Motelu 124, Praha 4, vydání I - 1999, ISBN
• DOOLEY, Jenny a Virginia EVANS. Grammarway 4. Newbury: Express
Publishing, 2006. ISBN 978-1-84216-368-9.
Všechny objekty použité k vytvoření prezentace jsou součástí SW Microsoft Office nebo jsou vlastní originální tvorbou
2. května 2013