W2K Auditing / Intrusion Detection

W2K Auditing / Intrusion Detection
Secure Labs
What is Auditing / Effective Auditing
Auditing Strategy / Intrusion Detection Strategy
W2K Auditing Functionality / Event Logs
Audit Policy / Group Policy
Types of Auditing
Utilities and Tools
What to look for ?
Questions ?
Windows 2000 Security Features
Active Directory
Encrypting File System (EFS)
Public Key Certificate Manager
Internet Protocol Security (IPSec)
Enhanced VPN (L2TP)
Enhanced Access Control
Enhanced Auditing Subsystem
What is Auditing
Auditing tracks the activity of users and processes
by recording selected types of events in the logs of
a server or workstation.
Will provide information required to spot attempted
attacks, to investigate what happened when an
incident occurred, and to possibly provide evidence
in support of an investigation
Without Auditing
Finding security problems can be difficult if not
You cannot fix it – if you don’t know about it !
System will remain open or vulnerable to attack
What is an Event ?
Any significant occurrence in a system that requires
Service did not start
Driver did not load
Information from an application
Logon Failure
What is Intrusion Detection (ID) ?
The ability to detect inappropriate, incorrect, or
anomalous activity
Host vs. Network Based ID
Host based ID involves loading software(s) on the
system to be monitored
Uses log files or auditing agents for information
Network based ID monitors actual network traffic
Uses packets as the source of information
Effective Auditing
Security Policy
Lan / Wan (Entry Points)
Security Entities (External)
Security Entities (Internal)
Auditing Strategy
Why are you auditing ?
Do you need different policy for different systems ?
Who is responsible for log collection and analysis ?
Who should have access to the audit logs ?
Is the loss of some audit information acceptable ?
Auditing Strategy (cont.)
Who reviews the logs ? How long should you keep them ?
What is the escalation procedure should an intrusion be
detected ?
Does the discovery of certain events require immediate
actions ?
Do audit logs need to be collected and analyzed centrally ?
Will the logs be used for legal action ?
Effective Auditing
Vulnerability Management
Threat Management
Checking current configuration against a defined baseline
Real-time detection of a threat or actual intrusion
Collection and Analysis Management
Ability to reveal information related to use and abuse
Effective Auditing (cont.)
Too Much Auditing
Performance Impact
Could hide significant events
The first rule in Auditing is “Restraint”
Too Little Auditing
Not effective
W2K Audit Logs
Directory Service
File Replication
DNS Server
Audit Log Categories
Recoverable events; not immediately urgent
Loss of functionality or data, service failure
Successful operation (Application, Service or Driver)
Success Audit
Failure Audit
W2K Audit Log Properties
Group Policy is recommended method to set audit
log properties
Only the Application, System and Security log
settings can be set via Group Policy
Settings include;
Overwrite events as needed
Overwrite events older than x days
Do not overwrite events (clear manually)
W2K Audit Log Properties (cont.)
Halting the system when the Security Log is full
If the Security Log reaches maximum size, by default the
system will stop auditing
Can be used to stop the system (Blue Screen) if auditing cannot
Could result in a Denial of Service
An Administrator must sign on to the system, backup and clear
the audit log then reset the registry value
Use this option only in the most extreme situation
Microsoft Recommendations (Log
File /
5-10 mb
2-4 mb
2-4 mb
2-4 mb
5-10 mb
1 mb
1-2 mb
1-2 mb
1-2 mb
1-2 mb
1-2 mb
1 mb
1-2 mb
1-2 mb
1-2 mb
1-2 mb
1-2 mb
1 mb
Event Viewer
View audit information for all logs
Manage audit logs (View, Export and Archive)
Apply filters to current view
Configure audit log properties
Open saved audit logs (.EVT)
Event Log Security
Access to the event logs is controlled to prevent
unauthorized modification or viewing
Four Type of Accounts are used for the logs;
Event Log Security (cont.)
R, W, C
R, W, C
R, W, C
R, W
Event Log Security (cont.)
R, W, C
R, C
Event Log Security (cont.)
R, W, C
R, W, C
R, C
Event Log Security (cont.)
Only the LocalSystem account can write to the
Security Log
On domain controllers these permissions extend to
the three additional logs
Administrators can only manage the Security Log if
they have the proper privileges
Registry keys can further prevent Guest accounts
from access (RestrictGuestAccess = 1)
Configuring Audit Policy
Two Stage Process
Set high-level audit policy
Set auditing on specific objects
Which events to audit ?
What objects ?
No audit policy is turned on by default
Configuring Audit Policy (cont.)
Event Categories
Audit Account Logon Events
This will record the success or failure of a user to authenticate to
the local computer across the network
Audit Account Management
This audits the creation, modification or deletion of user accounts
or groups
Configuring Audit Policy (cont.)
Event Categories (cont.)
Audit Directory Service Access
Audit Logon Events
Administrators can monitor access to Active Directory
Only available on Domain Controllers
Records the success or failure of a user to interactively log on to
the local computer
Audit Object Access
Records the successful or failed attempts to access a specific
object such as directory, file and printer objects
Configuring Audit Policy (cont.)
Event Categories (cont.)
Audit Policy Change
Records any successful or failed attempts to make high level
changes to security policy – including privilege assignments and
audit policy changes
Audit Privilege Use
Records all successful and failed attempts to use a privilege
Configuring Audit Policy (cont.)
Event Categories (cont.)
Audit Process Tracking
Provide detailed tracking information for events such as process
activation handle dups, indirect object access and exits from
Audit System Events
Records events that affect the security of the whole system
Audit Privileges
To be able to implement and configure audit policy
settings, you must have the following privileges;
Generate Security Audits
Allows a process to make entries to the Security Log
Managing Auditing and Security Log
Allows a user to specify object access auditing options
Group Policy
Allows central management of W2K computers
Domain Group Policy will override Local Policy
Group Policy Objects (GPO)
A collection of configuration settings
Computer Configuration
User Configuration
Settings applied at boot time
Settings applied at logon time
W2K reapplies Group Policy at specified intervals
Group Policy (cont.)
Apply configuration of local computers GPO
Apply configuration of computers site-linked GPO
Apply configuration of domain-linked GPO
Apply configuration of computers OU-linked GPO
GPO settings can conflict, last applied wins
Setting can be set to “Not Configured”
Configuring Object Auditing
Each object has a Security Descriptor associated
with it that details the Groups or users that can
access the object, and the types of access granted
to those groups and users (DACL)-discretionary
access control list
Each Security descriptor also contains auditing
information (SACL)-system access control list
Auditing File and Folder Objects
Must be a NTFS file system
Must specify the files or folders to audit
Must specify the action that will trigger the audit
Must be logged on as a member of the
Administrators group to enable auditing
Type of Folder Access
Displaying names of files in the folder
Displaying the folders attributes
Changing the folders attributes
Creating subdirectories and files
Going to the folders subdirectories
Displaying the folders owners and permissions
Deleting the folder
Changing the folders permissions
Changing the folders ownership
Type of File Access
Displaying the files data
Displaying the files attributes
Displaying the files owner and Permissions
Changing the file
Changing the files attributes
Running the file
Deleting the file
Changing the file permissions
Changing the files ownership
Setup Auditing on a File or Folder
Open Windows Explorer
Locate the File or Folder
Right Click, Select Properties, Select Security Tab
Select Advanced, Select Audit Tab
Select Add
Type the name of the User, Select OK
Under Access, Select Successful, Failure or Both
To prevent other Folders/Files from inheriting these audit entries, Select
“Apply These Auditing Entries to Objects and/or Containers Within This
Container Only”
Auditing Printers
Options for Print Object Auditing
Manage Printers
Manage Documents
Read Permissions
Change Permissions
Take Ownership
Auditing the Registry
Options for Registry Auditing
Query Value
Set Value
Create Subkey
Enumerate Subkeys
Create Link
Write DACL
Write Owner
Read Control
Auditing DHCP
Windows 2000 Server has enhanced DHCP Auditing
Can specify the dir path of the DHCP log files
Can specify a maximum size restriction in mb for all audit logs
managed by the DHCP service
Can specify an interval for writes to the audit log before checking
available disk space
Can specify minimum disk requirements to continue DHCP auditing
Can disable / enable audit logging at each DHCP server
Auditing Message Queues
Audit messages for a single Message Queue object
get logged on the computer that performs the
operation. Therefore, audit messages for
Message Queue objects may be scattered around
the network
Audit messages are only created when a queue is
accessed, not each time a message is received or
Auditing IPSEC Security
Can be filtered using “Oakley” in the Security log
Microsoft Audit Recommendations
See Excel Spreadsheet
Windows 2000 Resource Kit
Error and Event Messages (Help File)
– Utility to add entries to the Event Log
Cyber Safe Log Analyst
– Event Log analysis tool w/ reporting
– Access DB of all events for the System, Security and Applications
Command line utility to change audit policy
Windows 2000 Resource Kit (cont.)
Event log query tool
Event log dump utility w/ filter capabilities; Dumps to tab separated text file
Event log utility to determine Availability, Reliability and current Uptime
Can also monitor Service Pack and OS Failures
Security Config & Analysis Tool
The Security Configuration Tool Set allows you to configure
security, and then perform periodic analysis of the system to
ensure that the configuration remains intact or to make
necessary changes over time
Managing Logs - Export Log
Use Event View MMC to export the current view on
the log to a text file
Will use current filter settings
Managing Logs - Archive Log
If you archive a log in log-file format, you can
reopen it in Event Viewer. Logs saved as event log
files (*.evt) retain the binary data for each event
When you archive a log file, the entire log is saved,
regardless of filtering options
The sort order is not retained when logs are saved.
Managing - Archive Log (cont.)
If you archive a log in text or comma-delimited
format (*.txt and *.csv, respectively), you can
reopen the log in other programs such as word
processing or spreadsheet programs. Logs saved
in text or comma-delimited format do not retain the
binary data
Archiving has no effect on the current contents of
the active log
Log Monitoring Tools
Dorian Software, Event Analyst, http://www.doriansoft.com
TNT Software, Event Log Monitor, http://www.tntsoftware.com
Aelita Software, EventAdmin, http://www.aelita.com
RippleTech, Logcaster, http://www.rippletech.com
Opalis Robot, http://www.opalis.com
Argent Software, Guardian, http://www.argentsoftware.com
BindView, http://www.bindview.com
BMC Patrol, http://www.bmc.com/patrol
NetCool, http://www.micromuse.com/products
NetIQ, http://www.netiq.com/products
RoboMon, http://www.heroix.com/product_info.htm
Event Log - Targeted
Event Log cleared at random
A manual log should be kept for each server
When an event log is cleared, it should correspond to an
entry in the manual event log
Event Log flooding
Used to overwhelm the administrator
Used as a Denial of Service
Sophisticated hackers could write to the security log
Monitoring the Security Logs
Must monitor users that have Admin rights
Monitor System Events and Policy Change
categories to watch for tampering
Restarts (Security Event ID 512)
Shutdowns (System Event ID 6006 Clean, 6008 Dirty)
Audit Policy Changes (Security Event ID 612)
Time Change (Security Event ID 577)
Monitoring the Security Logs (cont.)
Policy should exist to manage the audit logs
Look for manual clear of the audit log (Security Event ID 517)
Proper policy should make this event rare
Logon and Logoff (Successful)
Logon uses Event ID 528
Local Console Interactive = Type 2
Drive Map or Network Connect = Type 3
Batch Logon = Type 4
Service Logon = Type 5
Unlocks Wrstn = Type 7
Logoff uses Event ID 538
Monitoring the Security Logs (cont.)
Logon and Logoff (Un-successful)
Have Event Ids that represent the reason for the failure
Most common failure
“Unknown user name or bad password” Event ID 529
Disabled Account = Event ID 531
Account Lockout = Event ID 539
Logon Outside of time allowed = Event ID 530
Event ID 534 is logged in the case of insufficient rights to perform an
action; such as log on at the console or gain access to a computer
Event ID 537 is a general failure “An unexpected error occurred
during logon”
Watch for Intrusions by monitoring Event Ids 529 – 537 and
Example Using SQL Server
If All Else Fails….
“And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge ?”
William Shakespeare