Course Specification Institution Payap University Campus/Department/Faculty Maekhao Campus, English Communication Department, International College Section 1: General Information 1. Course Code and Title IEC 209/ (IAE316) Speech Writing 2. Total Credits 3 (3-0-6) Lecture: 3 hours, Lab: 0 hour, Self-Study: 6 hours 3. Program and Type of Course Bachelor of Arts Program in English Communication Major Elective course 4. Instructor Full-time faculty member, English Communication Program, International College, Payap University Faculty Member(s) Teaching the Course and Section(s) Instructor: Stuart P Shannon Email: Section: 1 5. Semester/Year of Study Semester 2, Year of Study 2013 6. Pre-requisite(s) (if any) IAE 211 7. Venue International College, Maekhao Campus 8. Latest Date of Course Revision Course Description Submission Date: October, 2013 Course Description Revision Date: October, 2013 Section 2: Objectives 1. Objectives of the Course Upon completing this course, students should be able to: 1. Demonstrate competence and effectiveness in writing public presentations, both informative and persuasive. 2. Demonstrate competence in audience analysis. 3. Use various rhetorical devices effectively in speech writing. 4. Analyze speeches and identity rhetorical devices in them. Section 3: Course Management 1. Course Description A study of the rhetorical principles of speech and composition in the practice of speech writing, rhetorical theories, as well as the criticism of speeches; audiences analysis, revision, coaching, and ghost writing. Section 5: Lesson Plan and Evaluation 1. Lesson Plan Week Unit Objectives Topic Hour Learning Activity and Material Instructor At the end of this part, students should be able to: 1. Oct 22,24 Introduction, syllabus review: Lecture Ice breaking: Introduction & Overview of the Class 3 Q&A Video of Charlie Chaplin speech Stuart Shannon 2. Introduction pg 80 (Detz) Oct 5 cliches pg 82 (Detz) 29, 31 3. Nov 5,7 4. Nov 12, 14 28 – 30 (Jones) Lecture Special Occasion Speech. 3 Basic format of speech writing. Q&A Socratic method 1 thesis-3 points pg 31 (Jones) Writing Exercise Audience Analysis Gathering information about your audience. pg 90119 (IEA 316) Lecture 3 Stuart Shannon Q&A Socratic method Audience Analysis Assessing your Audience Ch 5 pg 5-12 (Detz) Power Point Ch 16: Understanding Principles of Persuasive Speaking pg 355377 IEA Read Patrick Henry’s Rhetoric: The Persuasive Speech. Stuart Shannon 3 Stuart Shannon 1775/Obama Clip Lecture Q&A Socratic Method 5. Nov 19,21 Ch 7: Style Repetition, Rhythm, vivid Imagery (Detz) Ch 10: How to write a speech pg 105- Using Repetition, Rhythm, vivid Imagery I have a Dream Speech/Hitler clips Stuart Shannon Lecture 3 Q&A The Nitty-Gritty Details 108 (Detz) 6. Nov 26, 28 Ch 4.How to Research a Speech: 4 pg 18-27 (Detz) E-Library, Database, setting up a file: Ch 8 pg 115-136 PowerPoint Finding Good Research for an Informative Speech 3 Lecture Socratic Method Susan B Anthon, “Woman’s rights to the Suffrage’ 7. Dec 3 Stuart Shannon Stuart Shannon Review Review 1.5 5th No Class Dec 11 -14 Midterm Review for the Midterm Dec 16 - Jan 1 Christmas Break Week Unit Objectives Topic Hour Learning Activity and Material Instructor At the end of this part, students should be able to: Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address 8. Jan 2 View Speech and write its elements Stuart Shannon In Class writing Critiques 1.5 Individual work Read aloud in small groups 9. Jan 7,9 Find effective elements by critical analysis. Using Emotion to Persuade pg 393, Stuart Shannon Lecture Interview Speech Whom is your subject? 3 Group Work PowerPoint Strategies for adapting ideas to people and people to ideas 398 -401 IEC 316 10. Jan 14,16 Developing your Preparation Outline pg 240 IEC 316 Video: Mahatma Gandhi, Saddam Hussein Outline of Interview Q&A 3 Ch 7 Rhetorical Questions pg 66-67 (Detz) 11. Lecture Max 5 points: Pyramids pg 35 (Jones) Conclusion: “And finally” 37-40 (Jones) Group Work Conclusion Ch 6: How to make it simple (Detz) Memorable Moment/Story Speech Ch 7: Parallelism pg 64-65 (Detz) Making it Simple Socratic Method Video “Big Fish” clip Analysis Jan 21,23 Q&A Lecture The hero’s Journey pg 31-33 (Jones) 3 The Hero’s Journey Q&A Pear Work Stuart Shannon 12. Lecture Humor Ch 9: Humor: What works, what doesn’t and why pg 69-75 (Detz) Jan 28, 30 Q&A Structure Review Structure of: word usages (phrases & pauses) 13. Feb 3 Group Work “The girl who silenced the world at the U.N. for 5 minutes” Group work Inspirational Speech: Structure 3 Ch 5: Writing the Speechpg 28-41 (Detz) 4,6 Stuart Shannon Decide an Issue Stuart Shannon Lecture Pear work Socratic Method Avoid Plagiarism pg 133, Don’t Plagiarize 52-54: IEC 316 14. Feb Plagiarism 3 In class writing Lecture Stuart Shannon Individual work 11, 13 Short lecture 15 Write 1-2, 5 minute speech including the proper elements. Feb 18, 20 Impromptu Speeches 3 Stuart Shannon Individual Work Pear review speeches No Final Examination: September 23 – October 5, 2013 2. Course Evaluation Activity no. 1. Learning Outcome Evaluation Week Percentage Class Participation, Attendance. Weeks 1-14 10% Special Occasion Grammar, Introduction, 3 peg structure, Weeks 2-3 10% Speech Thesis, Audience Analysis Individual/group Evaluation Criteria work. Selfdiscipline, responsibilities, socialconsciousness, and honesty 1. Activity no. 2. Learning Outcome Persuasive Speech Evaluation Criteria Use of rhetoric, repletion, rhythm, vivid Midterm Examination 4. Informative 10% for proposal & 10% for speech Speech (Guidelines will be given) Outline structure, 5 points, Outline for interview Story Speech Weeks 4-5 10% Week 7 20% Week 6,7,8 20% Week 9-10 5% Week 11-12 10% Week 13-14 10% Week 4, 8, 11, 13 10% Week 15 5% Week 1-15 10% Rhetorical Questions, Point of interview Is it simple (A.A. jargon.) Is there a 6. Percentage words, Structure. Grammar 3. 5. Evaluation Week journey? What remains after the story is finished? Was it an affective story? Structure. Grammar 7. 8. Inspirational A.A. word/phrase usage, structure, Issue Speech clarity, was it inspiring, grammar Video/Written Quizzes. Speech Critiques. 9. Impromptu 3 point structure, was it effective? speech critiques. 10. Attention: Daily. Section 6: Teaching Materials 1. Main Texts and Teaching Materials Detz, Joan. How to Write & Give a Speech: A Practical Guide for Anyone Who Has to Make Every Word Count. New York: Martin's, 2002. Print. Jones, Susan. Speechmaking: The Essential Guide to Effective Public Speaking. London: Politico's, 2004. Print. Presidential Speech-Writing: From the New Deal to the Regan Revolution and Beyond, Edited by Kurt Ritter & Martin J. Medhurst IAE 316 Speech Writing course book, by Jason Clark 2. Supplementary Materials: N/A 2. Off-class Materials:,28804,1841228_1841749_1841745,00.html “The Apology” by Plato “Woman’s Rights to the Suffrage” by Susan B. Anthony Reagan’s speech in Berlin Lyndon B Johnson’s Special Message to the Congress in 1965 Inaugural Address by John” F. Kennedy “I have a dream” by Martin Luther King Jr. “Give me liberty or give me death” by Patrick Henry 1775 Frederick Douglass speech in July 4, 1852 “Blood, Toll, Tears” by Winston Churchill “Gettysburg Address,” by Abraham Lincoln Section 7: Course Evaluation and Improvement 1. Student Evaluation Strategy Class discussion Observation Course Evaluation Form (Student) 2. Teaching Evaluation Strategies Course Evaluation Form (Teacher) Student Learning Result (Grade) 3. Teaching Improvement Seminar in teaching Knowledge Management Activities Classroom research 4. Standardized Criteria Students must attend 80% of the class to be able to sit for the final examination. This course employs the following criterion reference: 80-100 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 0-49 A B+ B C+ C D+ D F Attendance Policy: Absences 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Points Earned 10 8.33 6.66 4.99 3.22 1.65 0 5. Revision and Improvement Processes Studies in student achievement, student failure, and course materials and examination analysis