17.1 Classification


17.1 Classification

Think about how things are grouped in a store or in your kitchen to help create order.


 Classification – the grouping of objects based on similarities

 Taxonomy – branch of biology that groups and names organisms based on characteristics

Early Classification

 Aristotle, Greek philosopher 384-322 B.C.

 Plants

 Animals

Early Classification

 Carolus Linnaeus,

Swedish botanist 1707-1788

Based on structural similarities

Binomial nomenclature – two word naming system in Latin

 Genus species Homo sapiens

 Common name humans

Classification Today

 We still use the system Linnaeus used

 Taxonomic rankings

 Larger groups share traits

 Kingdom

 Phylum

 Class

 Order

 Family

 Genus

 species

Keys to evolutionary relationships

 Similar structure

Keys to evolutionary relationships

 Similar structure

 Breeding behavior

Keys to evolutionary relationships

 Similar structure

 Breeding behavior

 Location

Keys to evolutionary relationships

 Similar structure

 Breeding behavior

 Location

 Chromosome structure

Keys to evolutionary relationships

 Similar structure

 Breeding behavior

 Location

 Chromosome structure

 Biochemistry
