Evo Psyc Study Guide 1 Creation myths: purposes, lessons Algonquin Greek (ages of man) Babylonian Genesis creation myth (historical context) Common themes of creation myths Unique qualities of Genesis myth Evolution Definition Historical background Anaximander Aristotle (fixity of species) Augustine of Hippo (rationes seminales) Thomas Aquinas (ideas foreshadowing evolution) Georges de Buffon Darwin and Russel (major contribution) Natural selection: Basic principles Evolutionary Psychology (EP): Historical background Wundt James Watson Equipotentiality vs. prepared learning European ethology: major figures and concepts E.O. Wilson and sociobiology Tooby & Cosmides and The Adapted Mind Buss and Mating Universals Basic Assumptions of EP History EEA Proximate and ultimate explanations Domain specificity Interactionism (evolved mechanisms activated by experience-expectant environmental inputs) Unconscious processes Mismatch theory Cross-disciplinary approach Reverse engineering Testing evolutionary hypotheses Define: evolutionary hypothesis Galperin et. al (2012) example: sex differences in sexual regret Hypotheses; tests, results, conclusions Evolution: Terms and concepts Variability Heritability Competition Selection Mutation Fitness and Inclusive fitness Blindness Chance and law Pre-adaptation Exaptation Modern synthesis Adaptation By-product Noise Sexual selection: intra- and inter-sexual competition Gamete size Parental investment Parental certainty Social selection Traits Homologous Analogous Derived Ancestral Convergent evolution Limitations of Evo Psych Unresolved issues: Homosexuality, suicide Incomplete understanding of past selection pressures Within-species or within groups variability