Industrial-Organizational Psychology M.A. Program Orientation

~ Orientation~
Industrial-Organizational Psychology
M.A. Program
I-O Faculty:
Steven Kass (I-O Coordinator)
Valerie Morganson
Sherry Schneider
Stephen Vodanovich
Sample Course Schedule (Year 1)
• Fall (9 credits)
– Group Dynamics
– Advanced Organizational Psychology
– Statistics
• Spring (9 credits)
Research Design
Ethical Issues in I-O Psychology
Personnel Selection
Methods in Personnel
• Summer (9 credits)
– Human Factors
– Elective
– Elective
Sample Course Schedule (Year 2)
• Fall (9 credits)
– Organizational Change & Development
– Training
– Legal Issues in I-O Psychology
• Spring (6 credits)
– Internship, Thesis or TeRP (Supervised Research)
• Summer (1 credit)
– Internship or Thesis/TeRP if necessary
Some Electives:
• Advanced Social Psychology
• Advanced Sensation & Perception
• Practicum
• Regression/Other Statistics
• Cognitive Neuroscience
• Developmental Psychology
• Advanced Cognitive Psychology
• Consulting-based I/O Practices
I-O Curriculum:
How to Succeed in Graduate School
• Stay on top of assignments (Time
– Read assignments before class meets
– Start writing assignments early
– Focus on learning, not on grades
• Participate in class!!!
– Interaction is a crucial part of learning
• Get involved
– Help out in research, get to know the
faculty, join SHRM and/or ATD, start
something, do a practicum
How to Succeed in Graduate School
Be aware of deadlines
Attend internship presentations
Find a Thesis/TeRP topic or
Start your internship search early
Ask questions in class and out
– Try to do more than minimum course
– Meet regularly with your advisor
Steps in Doing an Internship
Start looking early, but submit applications
no later than fall semester of 2nd year (join
UWF I-O Group on LinkedIn, network via
2. Submit application to Internship course
instructor/Committee chair
3. Register for internship hours
(Internship course)
4. Get internship approved by your
• Ask for help from all faculty
• Get approval signatures
Steps in Doing an Internship
5. Work 600 hours (supervisor
6. Answer integrative questions (4)
7. Presentation and Defense
8. Final paper evaluated by committee
General Deadlines: Initial deadline for for submission of
internship paper is end of week 11; faculty provides feedback
by end of week 12; final version submitted by end of week 13;
internship presentation and oral defense completed during
weeks 14 and 15.
~ Integrative Paper ~
Purpose: To integrate internship experience with relevant psychological
literature, including what you learned in classes.
Requirements: Answer four questions about your experiences at your
internship site in the following areas:
1) Organizational Psychology, 2) Personnel Selection, 3) Organizational
Change & Development, and 4) one from any of the following
areas: Training and Development, Legal Issues, or
Research Methods/Statistics
Each question has a 5-page limit and the paper must have a
minimum of 5 references per question (a total of 20 unique
references for entire paper)
Grading: Internship questions are graded on a Pass/Fail
basis. Pass/fail decisions are made by the I-O faculty as a
group after the oral defense. If a “fail” decision is reached, may
be given opportunity to make revisions. May be required to enroll another term.
Steps in Doing a Thesis and TeRP
1. Identify general topic of interest
2. Select committee
– Usually summer after 1st year.
– 2 members of Psych faculty (at least 1 in I/O)
3. Proposal Defense (Lit. review, methods,
expected results)
4. IRB approval
- Must take “protection of human subjects”
training (e.g., CITI training online)
Thesis: (click here)
TeRP: (click here)
Steps in Doing a Thesis/TeRP
5. Data collection, analysis, write up
6. Defense
7. Thesis Routing (Committee, Department
Chair, Graduate School, Library)
TeRP Routing (Committee, Department
Important Forms (click here).
Scroll down to I-O Concentration
– Internship application (get approval
BEFORE beginning the internship)
– Internship On-Site Supervisor Evaluation
(due at completion of internship)
– Internship/Thesis Completion (to be
completed after defense by committee)
Also, need to complete the Application for
Graduation (due the semester before you
Faculty Research Interests
Steven Kass, PhD (Human Factors):
Driver Safety, Situation Awareness/Spatial Abilities, Attention, Motion Sickness
Valerie Morganson, PhD (I-O):
Work-Life, Gender, Diversity, Telework, Work Climate
Sherry Schneider, PhD (Social):
Group Dynamics, Leadership, Social Identity Theory,
Social Dilemmas, Organizational Citizenship
Stephen Vodanovich, PhD (I-O):
Boredom, Workaholism, EEO Law