WebEngineering Specialization - 9 Credit Hours (Regular Track) Course Title: Enterprise Application Development Course Code: IT-4744 Course Structure: Lectures: 3 / Labs: 0 Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: IT-3548 (Web Systems and Technologies) Course Objectives: The course is aimed at creating robust enterprise applications using J2EE technologies that allow for rapid change and growth. Course Syllabus: Object-Oriented Programming Review, Software Architectures Overview, Challenges and Platform of Enterprise Application Development, J2EE Scenarios, J2EE Platform Technologies, The Client Tier, The Web Tier, The Enterprise JavaBeans Tier, Integrating with the Enterprise Information System Tier, Packaging and Deployment, Transaction Management, Security, J2EE Internationalization and Localization, Architecture of the Sample Application. Course Outline: 1. Object-Oriented Programming Review, Software Architectures Overview: Desktop, File/Server, 2-Tier Client/Server, Multi-Tier Client/Server. [TB: Ch. 1] 2. Challenges of Enterprise Application Development, the Platform for Enterprise Solutions, J2EE Scenarios. [TB: Ch. 2] 3. J2EE Platform Technologies: Component Technologies, Platform Roles, Platform Services, Service Technologies, Communication Technologies. [TB: Ch. 3] 4. The Client Tier: Client Considerations, General Design Issues and Guidelines, Design Issues and Guidelines for Browser Clients, Design Issues and Guidelines for Java Clients. [TB: Ch. 4] 5. The Web Tier: The Purpose of the Web Tier, Web-Tier Technologies, Web- Tier Application Structure, Web-Tier Application Framework Design. [TB: Ch. 5] 6. The Enterprise JavaBeans Tier: Business Logic and Business Objects, Enterprise Beans as J2EE Business Objects, Remote and Local Client Views, Entity Beans, Session Beans, MessageDriven Beans, Design Guidelines, Portability Guidelines. [TB: Ch. 6] 7. Integrating with the Enterprise Information System Tier: Integration Scenarios, J2EE Integration Technologies, Application Integration Design Approaches, Developing an Integration Layer. [TB: Ch. 7] 8. Packaging and Deployment: Packaging Components, Roles and Tasks, Packaging J2EE Applications, Deployment Descriptors, Deployment Tools. [TB: Ch. 8] 9. Transaction Management: Transactional Concepts, J2EE Platform Transactions, J2EE Transaction Technologies, Client Tier Transactions, Web Tier Transaction Guidelines, Enterprise JavaBeans Tier Transactions, EIS Tier Transactions, J2EE Resource Manager Types. [TB: Ch. 9] 10. Security: Security Threats and Mechanisms, Authentication, Authorization, Protecting Messages, Auditing. [TB: Ch. 10] 11. J2EE Internationalization and Localization: Internationalization Concepts and Terminology, Using J2SE Internationalization APIs in J2EE Applications, Web Tier Internationalization, EIS Tier Internationalization, Internationalized Application Design, Internationalizing Applications with XML, Logging Messages. [TB: Ch. 11] 12. Architecture of the Sample Application: J2EE Architecture Approaches, Sample Application Overview, Designing the Sample Application, Architecture of the Sample Application. [TB: Ch. 12] Textbook(s): ď‚·Designing Enterprise Applications with the J2EE™ Platform by Inderjeet Singh; Beth Stearns; Mark Johnson; 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall (March 25, 2002). Print ISBN-10: 0-201-78790-3 Reference Material: • Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 bySriganesh, R.P., Brose, G., And Silverman, M. Wiley Publishing, Indianapolis, (2006). ISBN 0-471-78541-5. • Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies by Deepak Alur, Dan Malks and John Crupi, Prentice Hall; 2nd Edition (May 10, 2003). ISBN10: 0131422464 • Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java EE Study Guide by Mark Cade and Humphrey Sheil, Prentice Hall; 2nd Edition (February 8, 2010). ISBN-10: 0131482033