gb dragon boat team

World Championships Welland, Niagra, 2015
The GB Dragon Boat team has been selected from the top paddlers in the country and is now preparing
to compete at the World Championships in Welland, Niagara, Canada, during 2015. The team has
previously completed at World Championships in Prague, Tampa Bay and Hungary and European
Championships in Amsterdam and Nottingham and Prague.
The team is broken down into the following:
Junior A – Under 18 team made up of male and female paddlers
Premier Team – Male and female paddlers from around the country
Senior A Team – Male and female paddlers who are over 40 years old Senior
B Team – Male paddlers who are over 50 years old
Over the past number of years the team have performed well at the European Championships and
World Championships bringing home medals at each event. At the European Championships in
Nottingham in 2012 Team GB were the overall champions.
Event (Std Boats)
European Championships
World Championships
European Championships
Event (Small Boats)
European Championships
World Championships
European Championships
Dragon Boat racing is one of the fastest growing water
sports in the world and yet its history can be traced
back over 2000 years.
Legend has it that a minister in the Chinese Kingdom
of Ch’u became a victim of downsizing in the 4th
century BC and was sent into exile. Much dejected at
losing his job and pension entitlements and with a
rather large mortgage to finance, Ch’u Yuan threw
himself in the Mi Lo river. Ch’u Yuan underestimated
the strength of his popularity amongst the local fisherman who saw his struggles in the river and raced
to help. The fisherman took to their boats and raced as fast as they could to the spot where Ch’u Yuan
was last seen. They beat their drums and splashed their paddles in the water in grief and in an attempt
to keep the river dragons away from Ch’u Yuan’s body. Quite why or how a sport evolved from these
rather sad and confused events is unknown; the ancient Chinese writings are rather sketchy at this
point. For all involved in the sport we remain ever thankful to the late Ch’u Yuan for his selfless sacrifice
and the subsequent evolution of our sport.
Dragon Boat racing has been extremely popular in the Far East for many years but it is only relatively
recent that the sport has surged in popularity in Europe and the rest of the World. The growth of the
sport is set to continue in the 21st century as more people realise the appeal of Dragon Boat racing.
Modern dragon boat racing is organised at an international level by the International Dragon Boat
Federation (IDBF). The IDBF, a Member of the General Association of International Sports Federation
(GAISF) recognizes two types of Dragon Boat Racing activities, namely sport racing and festival racing.
The GB Dragonboat Team will be taking part in sport racing in Welland in distances of 200m, 500m
1000m and 2000m.
Over the past 20 years, Dragon Boat racing has taken the UK by storm and is seen as one of the most
exciting events that can be participated in on the water. It is now the fastest growing water sport in
the UK and there are now over 800 registered crews. The BDA (British Dragon Boat Association) is the
UK governing body and racing events are held across the country each year for the top racing teams to
enter. As well as the sport racing there are a number of charity events and corporate events held
throughout the year. The brightly painted fibreglass and carbon boats
are over 40 feet long and decorated with a dragons head and tail. Each
boat holds 20 paddlers sitting side by side with a helm steering the boat
and a drummer keeping time. As with most sports the pinnacle is racing
for your country against the best crews in the world.
The squad is currently drawn from all of the UK’s club teams
spread throughout the UK, from Exeter to Stockton-on-Tees.
Final time trials for the team will take place in March 2015
and the final selection will be completed and the team will
work hard in final training ready for August 2015 in Canada..
This is the culmination of many years hard work for the team.
There are paddlers who have competed for GB in the past
along with paddlers who are representing their country for
the first time.
The team will have a minimum of 26 paddlers in each squad
and so team GB will have a min of 150 paddlers across all 5
Team GB undertake numerous activities within the UK as well as overseas as part of the training
programme and to raise our profile for both the team and the sport internationally. These include:
Year Round Training – The teams train in locations around the UK including Liverpool, Bristol,
Worcester, London, Longridge and Stockton-on-Tees. The team undertake 18 training sessions
per year
Attendance at the British racing events throughout the year
Raft racing – members of the team take place in the Char race, a 75km raft race and the Great
River race.
Attendance at Vongolonga in Venice, Italy and in China.
Attendance at the World Cup and European Club Crew Championships
When competing in a Dragon Boat at this level, creating and harnessing the drive of 22 individuals is the
only way to win and we believe that a company’s involvement with a top flight sports team in such an
exciting and visual sport presents excellent opportunities for the development of their brand and
exposure along with knowing they have supported and helped a team who are striving for gold level on
a world stage.
The support of GB Dragon Boat teams provides the obvious supporting sport profile which as we know is
rapidly rising in the national agenda. We would welcome and encourage those who support and
partner with us to utilise the GB brand to its maximum extent through advertising, press launches and
marketing material along with the internet and the host of other new exciting media that are now
present to promote a company.
We will be striving for national press coverage as well as our own website and social media campaigns
where our supporting companies will gain high profile and exposure.
There are a number of ways in which a company can support or sponsor the team:
1. Team Level Sponsorship
2. Sponsor an individual team member
3. Equipment sponsorship
4. Clothing sponsorship
We would welcome any cash donations from individuals or companies to help support and fund the
team’s trip to the world championship.
Platinum Level - £10,000
As a platinum level sponsor you would be a key sponsor and contributor to the GB squad and as such
would receive a high level of return on your investment.
This would include:
Logo on the website with link to your site
Logo and presence on the GB social media sites
Full page feature on the website with information
Leaflets/information provided to our team members throughout the country
1 x visit to a training camp to meet the team
2 x visits by the team to your office to take part in a corporate event of DragonBoat racing
Gold Level - £7, 000
As a Gold level sponsor you would be a priority sponsor and contributor to the GB squad and as such
would receive a high level of return on your investment.
This would include:
Logo on the website with link to your site
Logo and presence on the GB social media sites
½ page feature on the website with information
Leaflets/information provided to our team members throughout the country
1 x visits by the team to your office to take part in a corporate event of DragonBoat racing
Silver Level - £3,000
As a silver level sponsor you will receive a great package for promoting your company through our
teams and a high level of return on your investment.
This would include:
Logo on the website with link to your site
Logo and presence on the GB social media sites
¼ page feature on the website with information
Leaflets/information provided to our team members throughout the country
Sponsor a team member - £1,250
There will be nearly 150 members of the GB Dragonboat Team going to Canada and if you wish to
sponsor an individual team member then please contact us for a list of details. Each team member
would represent your company and would be available for a corporate photo shoot and interview. Your
details would also be put on the website against that individual name and also promoted through or
social media campaigns.
International competition requires that we carry no more than 100 sq cm of branding on our
competition wear however our training and off water clothing is not constrained with branding
restrictions and we actively encourage our sponsors to participate in this area. All our team and squad
are proud to be part of the GB Dragonboat Team and wear their kit where ever they are with pride.
With the spread of the crew across the UK and its life after the championships this provides a strong
medium/long term promotion of the brand.
Training T-Shirts: £1000 (for a print run of 50 t-shirts)
Training Sweatshirts: £1500 (for a print run of 50 tops)
Race Paddles: All members of the team have invested in their own paddle which is their weapon in the
boat. Modern paddles are constructed in carbon fibre and each side of the paddle is capable of
supporting a sticker of 100 sq cm of sponsor’s representation. Each paddler will use this sticker
throughout training and in the world championships and photo opportunities will be available with the
paddles and racers.
If you are interested in any of the above sponsorship opportunities please speak to the member of the
crew that you know or email the team on or ring GB Team Manager, Jenni
Henderson on 07818 037475 and we would be delighted to discuss this further with you.