Critical Propagators in Power Law Banded RMT: from multifractality to Lévy flights Oleg Yevtushenko In collaboration with: Philipp Snajberk (LMU & ASC, Munich) Vladimir Kravtsov (ICTP, Trieste) LMU Outline of the talk 1. Introduction: Unconventional RMT with fractal eigenstates Multifractality and Scaling properties of correlation functions 2. Strong multifractality regime: Basic ideas of SuSy Virial Expansion Application of SuSyVE for generalized diffusion propagator 3. Scaling of retarded propagator: Results and Discussion: multifractality, Lévy flights, phase correlations 4. Conclusions and open questions Bielefeld, 16 December 2011 WD and Unconventional Gaussian RMT The Schrödinger equation for a 1d chain: (eigenvalue/eigenvector problem) Hˆ n n n , Hˆ Hˆ † H - Hermithian matrix with random (independent, Gaussian-distributed) entries Statistics of RM entries: H ij 0, H 2 ii 1 2 , H i j F (i j ) If F(i-j)=1/2 → the Wigner–Dyson (conventional) RMT (1958,1962): Parameter β reflects symmetry classes (β=1: GOE, β=2: GUE) F(x) Generic unconventional RMT: A 1 x Function F(i-j) can yield universality classes of the eigenstates, different from WD RMT Factor A parameterizes spectral statistics and statistics of eigenstates 3 cases which are important for physical applications 4 Inverse Participation Ratio P2 1 k E n n n,k P2 N 1 N d2 1 n k d2 0 d2 d (fractal) dimension of a support: the space dimension d=1 for RMT 0 d2 1 2 Fractal eigenstates extended (WD) n d2 0 n k 2 n m k localized m k Model for systems at the critical point Model for insulators Model for metals MF RMT: Power-Law-Banded Random Matrices Hi, j 2 b is the bandwidth 1 1 i j b | H i , j |2 2 1, i j b 2 ~ 1i j , i j b RMT with multifractal eignestates at any band-width (Mirlin, Fyodorov, 1996, Mirlin, Evers, 2000 - GOE and GUE symmetry classes) 2 π b>>1 d 2 1 const b<<1 2 b 1-d2<<1 – regime of weak multifractality d2 const b d2<<1 – regime of strong multifractality Correlations of the fractal eigenstates Two point correlation function: Critical correlations (Wegner, 1985; Chalker, Daniel, 1988; Chalker 1980) For a disordered system at the critical point (fractal eigenstates) If ω> then must play a role of L: ω Lω L Correlations of the fractal eigenstates Two point correlation function: Critical correlations (Wegner, 1985; Chalker, Daniel, 1988; Chalker 1980) For a disordered system at the critical point (fractal eigenstates) Dynamical scaling hypothesis: d –space dimension, - mean level spacing, l – mean free path, <…> - disorder averaging Fractal enhancement of correlations Dynamical scaling: - Enhancement of correlations Extended: localized small amplitude substantial overlap in space critical extended Localized: high amplitude small overlap in space Fractal: relatively high amplitude and (Cuevas , Kravtsov, 2007) (The Anderson model: tight binding Hamiltonian) the fractal wavefunctions strongly overlap in space Strong MF regime: 1) do eigenstates really overlap in space? - sparse fractals Naïve expectation: n k n A consequence of the dynamical scaling: n k 2 m n 2 m k weak space correlations k strong space correlations Numerical evidence: IQH WF: Chalker, Daniel (1988), Huckestein, Schweitzer (1994), Prack, Janssen, Freche (1996) Anderson transition in 3d: Brandes, Huckestein, Schweitzer (1996) WF of critical RMTs: Cuevas, Kravtsov (2007) Strong MF regime: 1) do eigenstates really overlap in space? First analytical proof for the critical PLBRMT: (V.E. Kravtsov, A. Ossipov, O.Ye., 2010-2011) - strong MF – averaged return probability for a wave packet Expected scaling properties of P(t) P - dynamical scaling 1 Analytical results: - IR cutoff of the theory - spatial scaling (IPR) N Strong MF regime: 2) are MF correlations phase independent? Retarded propagator of a wave-packet (density-density correlation function): Diffusion propagator in disordered systems with extended states (“Diffuson”) Strong MF regime: 2) are MF correlations phase independent? Retarded propagator of a wave-packet (density-density correlation function): Dynamical scaling hypothesis for generalized diffuson: Q – momentum, - DoS The same scaling exponent is possible if phase correlations are noncritical Our current project Almost diagonal critical PLBRMT from the GOE and GUE symmetry classes 1 b/|i-j|<<1 - small band width → almost diagonal MF RMT, strong multifractality We calculate for this model 1) to check the hypothesis of dynamical scaling, 2) to study phase correlations in different regimes. Method: The virial expansion As an alternative to the σ-model, use–model cannot be used in the case Note: a field theoretical machinery we of the of the expansion strong fractality the virial in the number of interacting energy levels. Gas of low density ρ Almost diagonal RM b bΔ ρ1 b1 Δ 2-particle collision 2-level interaction b2 ρ2 3-particle collision 3-level interaction VE allows one to expand correlations functions in powers of b<<1 (O.Ye., V.E. Kravtsov, 2003-2005); SuSy virial expansion Hybridization of localized stated Interaction of energy levels m Hmn n Hmn m n SuSy is used to average over disorder (O.Ye., Ossipov, Kronmüller, 2007-2009) Hmn m Coupling of supermatrices n Summation over all possible configurations SuSy breaking factor Virial expansion for generalized diffusion propagator Coordinate-time representation: contribution from the diagonal part of RMT contribution from j independent supermatrices The probability conservation: the sum rule: Note: → critical MF scaling is expected in Leading term of VE for generalized diffusion propagator 2-matrix approximation: 1.0 Propagators at fixed time (r’=0) 0.8 CriticalCritical states states at m ultifractality atstrong strong multifractality 0.6 Extended Extended states states 0.4 Diffusion Diffusion r Lévy flight Levi flights d 0.2 r2 2 Dt r 40 20 2d 20 40 Leading term of VE: MF scaling Regime of dynamical scaling: Using the sum rule: First conclusions • We have found a signature of (strong) multifractality with the scaling exponent = d2 ; • Dynamical scaling hypothesis has been confirmed for the generalized diffuson; • Phases of wave-functions do not have critical correlations. Leading term of VE: Lévy flights Beyond regime of MF scaling: - perturbative in slow decay of correlations because of similar (but not MF) correlations of amplitudes and phases of (almost) localized states Meaning of - Lévi flights (due to long-range hopping) (heavy tailed probability of long steps → power-low tails in the probablity distribution of random walks) Beyond leading term of VE: expected log-correcition Regime of dynamical scaling: due to dynamical scaling Subleading terms of the VE are needed to check this guess Beyond leading term of VE: expected log-correcition Regime of Lévy flights: correlated phases → uncorrelated phases (WD-RMT) due to decorrelated phases Note: we expect that both exponents are renormalized with increasing b Subleading term of VE for generalized diffusion propagator Result 3-matrix approximation (GUE): obeys the sum rule: Regime of dynamical scaling: Regime of Lévy flights: No log-corrections from As we expected Phase correlations: crossover “strong-weak” MF regimes Two different scenarios of the crossover/transition Non-perturbative (Kosterlizt-Thouless transition) No long-range correlations Lévy flights exist only at b< bc Perturbative (smooth crossover) Lévy flights exist at any finite b Can we expect Lévy flights in short-ranged critical models? Smooth crossover Critical RMT vs. Anderson model Strong multifractality The Lévy flights exist Weak multifractality to be studied Instability of high gradients operators (Kravtsov, Lerner, Yudson, 1989) - a precursor of the Lévy flights in AM Guess: the Lévy flights may exist in both regimes (strong- and weakmultifractaity) and all (long-ranged and short-ranged) critical models. Conclusions and further plans • We have demonstrated validity of the dynamical scaling hypothesis for the retarded propagator of the critical almost diagonal RMT. • Multifractal correlations and Lévy flights co-exist in the case of critical RMT. • We expect that the Lévy flights exist in regimes of strong- and weak- multifractality in long- and short- ranged critical models. • We plan to support our hypothesis by performing numerics at intermediate- and -model calculations at large- band width.