P5510 Homework 13 RSE, Dep, and PANAS Correlations

PSY 5510 F15 HA 13
Use the file, ValProj AffData n1105 CCRSEPANAS 15111.sav, for this assignment.
Below is a sketch of a model of three scales - the Comrey and Costello Depression Scale (Dep), the
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE), and the Positive Affect Negative Affect Scale (PAN).
1. Create this model (with the appropriate residual latent variables) for the data in the above file.
Variables CC1 to CC14 are the Dep items.
Variables RSE1 to RSE10 are the RSE items.
Variables PANAS1 to PANAS20 are the PAN items.
Ignore the PA and NA distinction in the sketch below.
Be sure to allow the three factors to correlate with each other.
Submit, each on a separate page,
1a. The input path diagram.
1b. The Unstandardized output path diagram.
1c. The standardized output path diagram.
2. Compute the correlations between the SPSS file scale scores, rse, dep, and pan.
3. Submit a table of correlations of the scale scores along with the correlations between the latent
variables in your model.
4. Submit a 1-2 paragraph description of the results of this exercise. What does it show about the
differences between these differently named scales? What does it show about the differences between
scale correlations and latent variable correlations for the same data?