DOLCE: Developing Off/On-Line Computer Ethics partially supported by the National Science Foundation CCLI-DUE 9952841 1 Grading Essays in Computer Science: Rubrics Considered Helpful Barbara Moskal Keith Miller Laurie King Mathematical & Computer Sciences Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO 80401 Computer Science Univ. of Illinois-Springfield P.O. Box 19243 Springfield, IL 62794-9243 Math & Computer Science College of the Holy Cross One College Street Worcester, MA 01610 2 Rubrics Considered Helpful: Outline • Brief overview • Brief practice grading session 3 Computer Science Ethics: Important Issues • Responsible Computer Use • Harm from Unreliable Software/Malicious Attacks. • Professional Decisions • CSAB and ABET 4 Classroom Challenge: Assessing Students • Writing is important – What? – So What? – Now What? • Grading Essays is different from grading in a technical course 5 Rubrics: Descriptive Scoring Schemes • Pre-Defined Scheme makes Evaluation more Objective • Holistic versus Analytic • Analytic: Separate Specific Criteria of Interest 6 Rubrics: Details and Definitions • Task Specific versus General Criteria • Validation: Evidence to support that the manner in which assessment information is used is appropriate. • Rater Reliability: Consistency of Assessment Scores between raters. 7 Rubrics: An Example Written Communication (General Criteria) Mechanical (Sentence Level) Inadequate (1 pt.): Sentences and paragraphs are difficult to read and understand due to poor grammar or mechanics. Needs Improvement (2 pts.): The essay contains numerous grammatical and mechanical errors. Adequate (3 pts.): The essay contains minimal grammatical or mechanical errors. Excellent: (4 pts.): The essay is clear and concise and the grader found no grammatical or mechanical errors. Clarity (Paragraph Level) Inadequate (1 pt.): There appears to be no organization of the essay’s contents. Needs Improvement (2 pts.): Organization of the essay is difficult to follow due to a combination of inadequate transitions and a rambling format. Adequate (3 pts.): The essay can easily be followed. A combination of the following is apparent: Basic transitions are used. A structured format is used. Excellent: (4 pts.): The essay can easily be followed. A combination of the following is apparent: Effective transitions are used. A polished format is used. Organization (Whole Essay) Inadequate (1 pt.): Thoughts in the writing do not appear organized or logical. No organization visible. Needs Improvement (2 pts.): Some thoughts are discernible, but the essay confuses the reader. It is unclear the direction the essay will take. Adequate (3 pts.): Most thoughts appear logically, but the essay is listless, flat, or slightly muddled. Excellent (4 pts.): Essay presents its ideas eloquently, logically, and clearly. Writer leads the reader gracefully. 8 Rubrics: An Example Technical Content (General Criteria) Followed the Assignment's Directions Inadequate (2 pts.): The paper has no apparent relation to the directions of the assignment. Needs Improvement (4 pts.): Some of the paper follows the directions. Adequate (6 pts.): Most of the paper follows the directions. Excellent: (8 pts.): The paper follows the directions precisely. (i.e. the sections are labeled, directions for finding the article are clear, all required information, etc.) Explains the Technical Issue Inadequate (2 pts.): Names the technical issue, but technical issue is not explained. Needs Improvement (4 pts.): Attempts to explain the technical issue, but is misleading or inaccurate. Adequate (6 pts.): Technical details are accurate, but either incomplete or rambling. Excellent: (8 pts.): Technical explanation is both concise and complete in technical explanation. Leads gracefully into ethical discussion. 9 Rubrics: An Example Technical Content (General Criteria) Stakeholders Identified and Values at Stake Explained Inadequate (2 pts.): Does not identify who is impacted by the ethical dilemma or how they are impacted. Does not explain the values at stake. Needs Improvement (4 pts.): Specifies either who is impacted by the ethical dilemma OR how they are impacted, but not both. Attempts to explain the values at stake, but misses the mark. Adequate (6 pts.): Specifies who is impacted by the ethical dilemma AND how they are impacted. Attempts to explain the values at stakes, but leaves out important points. Excellent: (8 pts.): Specifies who is impacted by the ethical dilemma AND how they are impacted. Clearly explains the important values at stake and why they are ethically significant. Conclusion: Justified Preferred Position Inadequate (2 pts.): Doesn’t pick a position. Needs Improvement (4 pts.): Picks a position, but doesn’t justify it. Adequate (6 pts.): Picks and tries to justify position; Argument is not convincing OR a convincing justification is given, that has nothing to do with the analysis stated. Excellent: (8 pts.): Essay provides a persuasive argument that clearly supports the position. Even a reader who disagreed with the position before finds her/himself thinking about the issue more carefully. 10 Rubrics: An Example Technical Content (Task Specific Criteria) Uses Utilitarian Theory in Analysis Inadequate (2 pts.): None discernable. Needs Improvement (4 pts.): The paper mentioned utilitarian ideas, but they weren't used well. Adequate (6 pts.): The paper included an adequate utilitarian analysis. Excellent (8 pts.): The paper included an unusually original or particularly revealing utilitarian analysis. Uses Deontological Theory in Analysis Similar to Utilitarian above. Uses an Analogy Inadequate (2 pts): None discernable Needs Improvement (4 pts): The paper included an analogy, but it was not used well. Adequate (6 pts): The paper included an appropriate analogy (i.e. similarities and differences are explained with respect to the original situation/activity). Excellent (8 pts): The paper included an appropriate analogy which was either unusually original or particularly revealing. 11 Rubrics: Results Highest CONTENT: Possible Followed Directions 8 Technical Details 8 Stakeholders 8 Analysis: Analogy 8 Analysis: Utilitarian 8 Analysis: Deontological 8 Conclusion 8 WRITING: Clarity 4 Mechanics 4 Organization 4 OVERALL SCORE: 100% ESSAY 1 7.8 7.0 5.4 5.0 ESSAY 2 7.6 6.2 5.4 5.6 6.4 6.2 6.6 3.5 2.5 3.4 77% 3.8 3.4 3.4 82% 12 Rubrics: Conclusions • Helps faculty member organize thinking • Helps students understand how they will be evaluated • Produces higher quality work • Tool to track student development 13 • • • • • • Keith Miller Laurie King Barbara Moskal Tracy Camp Deborah Johnson Chuck Huff (supported by NSF grant DUE-9980768) DOLCE home page: 14 Activity: Assignment Write a sentence that expresses an analogy between a technology that includes computing and a technology that does not include computing. Your sentence should illustrate something germane to ethics about the computer technology. Try to write a sentence that makes the reader think; don't restate the obvious. The sentence can include both similarities and differences, but should emphasize an aspect that has ethical significance. 15 Activity: Rubric Inadequate (1 point) Mechanical Misspelling and Details bad grammar. Adequate (2 points) Misspelling or bad grammar. Excellent (3 points) No obvious mechanical errors. Analogy None discernable or unrelated analogy. Analogy An unusually appropriate to the revealing analogy. assignment. Ethical Content No discernable ethical content. Some ethical content. Ethical content impressive for a single sentence. 16 Activity: Sentences 1. The Internert is like a bomb because it blasts away all competing media. 2. MP3 files is similar to copyrighted books. 3. Just as the Model T Ford made autos accessible to many more people, Palm Pilots will make computing accessible to many more people, tearing down the digital divide. 4. Junk email is worse than junk mail from the U.S. Post Office because junk emails are cheaper for the sender and more annoying for the receiver. 5. Listening to a hacker on the topic of computer ethics is like listening to Bill Gates talk about open source software. Self justification is rarely enlightening. 17