Compilation of EPEA Experiences from the Netherlands Sjoerd Schenau Work done so far in the Netherlands……. Current situation: - Current Dutch EPER statistics describe different subsectors of the economy, such as mining, manufacturing en electricity and water supply, agriculture and transport. - Also provide an overall view of all sectors, including government and specialised producers. - ‘Net cost approach’ - Data not fully consistent with NA 2011: Pilot project: full EPEA and ReMEA 2013-2014: Compiling tables for EPE module 2 Compiling full EPEA tables EPEA/ReMEA framework in its most detailed form is a complex system Requires many different data sources Requires specific knowledge Requires significant resources/time to compile Feasible to compile tables B, B1 and A Experimental: Integration of all EGSS activities in tables B and B1 Experimental: also include resource management 3 Intermediate consumption of which EP services of which ad. And c.n prducts Compensation of employees Taxes on producution less subsidies on production Consumption of fixed capital Net operating surplus Output (basic prices) Non environmental output Environmental protection output Current EP resources Market output Current transfers 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 10 11 12 Capital transaction Gross capital formation Other capital uses (land) Investments grants received Other capitaL transfers received Labour inputs stock of fixed assets financed by producers 499 10 0 70 15 -27 119 121 797 1209 1 0 245 1 -2 32 130 1615 797 797 1615 1615 797 1615 130 49 32 5 130 49 812 67 -5 405 552 4966 602 1 0 170 1 -1 0 51 823 888 1482 0 712 0 0 9 3 1613 926 1 0 617 2 -2 9 203 1755 0 35 3186 3186 522 4444 4444 823 823 1613 0 1755 1755 0 3186 4444 823 762 389 15 0 2 11 762 0 2031 183 3135 1617 609 96 0 485 0 3221 other services general gorvernment Construction Environmental services public Electricity producers Manufectering Agriculture 1 1.1 1.2 2 3 4 5 6 7 7.1 7.2 8 8.1 8.2 Environmental services private Part of Table B: specialist producers EP 1755 0 1184 59 0 55 70 0 15 3 9 12 387 15 2856 125 4 Environmental protection services environmental services (private) environmental services (public) environmental inspection and control General governemnt services environmental education other environmental services environmental consultancy services Ancillary activities Products Biological products Industrial equipment Building services 0 0 16 0 0 4444 0 0 0 3186 202 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 134 0 0 102 68 4764 3254 134 1571 42 126 1629 1820 1571 42 426 1032 99 0 4 0 23 921 1615 823 0 96 126 1629 11 128 ?? ?? ?? ?? TOTAAL margins taxes import other services general gorvernment transport wholesale trade building recycling Environmental services public Environmental services private Energy producers Agriculture mln euro Manufectering Supply table (B1) ?? ?? ?? 921 1615 823 5 products Biological products Industrial equipment Building services 253 19 3 304 97 13 29 3 0 1612 1 0 154 0 0 33 10 0 227 22 0 49 18 1 112 23 24 1482 1860 0 341 132 27 42 0 0 0 1069 0 1571 42 1 426 6 1032 0 99 0 0 2 4 0 0 65 23 0 0 17 96 22 11 255 128 435 0 0 0 ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? 126 0 10 0 0 56 126 38 788 0 0 0 519 ??? ??? ??? ??? total stosck changes Investments consumption households consumption government export other services general gorvernment transport wholesale tyrade building recycling Environmental services public Environmental services private Energy producers Manufectering mln euro Environmental protection services environmental services (private) environmental services (public) environmental inspection and control general government services environmental education other environmental services environmental consultancy services Ancillary activities Agriculture Use table (B1) 6 4764 3254 134 1571 42,12 126,2 0 1629 1820 0 0 519 0 0 First experience with EPE tables (Eurostat) Pilot: filling tables based on existing data for on eyear to bring data from the National accounts together with the data from the EPER statistics To what extent can the Government statistics (COFOG) be used ? Voluntary and obligatory tables Focus on EP (but also look at some RM domains) 7 The accounting tables General government (table 1) Corporations: ancillary production (table 2) Corporations as market producers (table 3) Total supply of resource management products (table 4) Households (table 5) RM Transfers (table 6) Total economy (tables 7.1 and 7.2) 8 General government (table1) Central government Table can be filled using data from government statistics: COFOG Issue: COFOG versus CEA classification Local government: Data from government statistics: COFOG …. or production environmental services by government (monetary supply use tables NA). 9 Corporations: ancillary production (table 2) Data from surveys Issue: how to compile data for current expenditure ? Scope issue: inclusion of other sectors (agriculture, transport, building etc.) 10 Corporations as market producers (table 3) Data from National accounts (ISIC 37-39) Additional data needed from production statistics for allocation to CEPA Scope issue: Inclusion of other specialist producers : environmental consultancy/ engineering, environmental inspection services 11 Extending scope to resource management EPE tables can also be used for Resource management activities Key issues: 1) Scope 2) Definition of characteristic activities 3) Definition: products RM characteristic products Connected products Resource efficient products 4) Classification issues (EP versus RM) energy saving / renewable energy; recycling, etc. 12 Conclusions EPE tables (Eurostat) good point of departure for core table Tables can also be extended to include RM Integrated approach needed also integrate EGSS 13