Insects - Courseweb

Le Andrea Grant
Essential Question: What significant
role do insects play in our
Unit Question: What are the
different types of insects? Where do
they live? What do insects eat?
 §110.5. English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 3.
 (10) Reading/literary response. The student responds to
various texts. The student is expected to:
(A) respond to stories and poems in ways that reflect
understanding and interpretation in discussion (speculating,
questioning), in writing, and through movement, music, art,
and drama (2-3);
(B) demonstrate understanding of informational text in a
variety of ways through writing, illustrating, developing
demonstrations, and using available technology (2-3);
(C) support interpretations or conclusions with examples
drawn from text (2-3); and
(D) connect ideas and themes across texts (1-3).
 Individual-The student will be able to identify different
types of insects as they process information given to them.
The students will be able to discuss the different types of
habitats insects are found from visual observation (prior
 Read various books about insects as the main characters
 Language Arts: Make an insect journal with the insects,
describe how the insects are alike and different through
 Illustrate the insects that most interest he or she and its
 Insects are everywhere!! Insects are often encountered, at least with a little
searching, in homes, yards, around building foundations, basements, crawl
spaces, flower or vegetable gardens that are NOT heavily sprayed with
pesticides, around lights at night, near streams and lakes, abandoned fields,
parks, and forests.
 Dead insects in reasonable condition (for collections) can often be found on
windowsills, car grilles, roadsides and walking paths.
 Some insects are very sedentary and are easy to catch with a pair of tweezers.
Others fly, some pretty slowly and others (like dragonflies) are FAST! Catching
insects takes some practice. It is best not to catch dangerous insects such as bees
and wasps at first.
 Collectors may want to keep an observation notebook to help them keep track
of their expeditions. It is a good idea to make labels for insects that include
collection date, location and habitat, as well as the collector's name.
Students will learn facts about bugs and
 What You Need
With students, brainstorm a list of bugs
and insects.
 Bugs and Insects Cards
Give each student a copy of the Bugs
and Insects Cards.
Tell students to choose two bugs to
make cards for.
Tell students to research the following
information about each bug: where it
lives, what it eats, and who its predators
are. If you have Internet access in the
classroom, students can use the Internet
resources listed below.
Each student should write the insect’s
name on a card, draw a picture in the
space provided, then write facts in the
spaces on the right-hand side of the
(PDF file)
books, encyclopedias, and
other sources of
information about bugs and
glue or tape
crayons or markers
 Have students cut out
the cards and then fold
and glue or tape them.
 If you like, you can
display the cards
around the room.
 Internet Resource
 Insects on the Web
The site provides an
“entomological database of very
cool bugs.” Check out intricate
designs on different butterfly
wings, fantastic close-up
pictures of a wide range of
interesting insects, and cool
facts about rare bugs. This site
is very well designed, and the
graphics are amazing.
Test : Spider Sense
 Some weave webs, to catch of prey. Others pounce, while
some even build traps for the unwary to fall into. Spiders
have been around on earth for millions of years. Take this quiz
to test your spider sense!
Test: Butter Quiz
 There are many kinds of insects in our world. Some of the
most beautiful and interesting insects are the butterflies. How
much do you know about them and their journey from
caterpillar to butterfly? Select the correct answer for each