Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC Frédéric Derue Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies de Paris, IN2P3-CNRS et Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris6 et Université Denis Diderot-Paris7 Reunión de Física de Altas Energias, FAE06 11-13 de Diciembre de 2006 Caracas 1. Status of the LHC 2. The ATLAS detector 3. Towards physics 4. Physics with first data 5. Conclusion FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 1 The Large Hadron Collider at CERN LHC • pp s = 14 TeV • Heavy ions Ldesign = 1034 cm-2 s-1 (after 2009) Linitial few x 1033 cm-2 s-1 (until 2009) (e.g. Pb-Pb at s ~ 1000 TeV) TOTEM (integrated with CMS): pp, cross-section, diffractive physics ATLAS and CMS : general purpose TOTEM 27 km LEP ring 1232 superconducting dipoles B=8.3 T ALICE : ion-ion, p-ion LHCb : pp, B-physics, CP-violation FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 2 Status of the machine and schedule Revised LHC schedule (cf. CERN council on 23 June 2006) last magnet installed : March 2007 machine and experiments closed : 31 August 2007 first collisions (s=900 GeV, L~1029 cm-2 s-1) : November 2007 commissioning run at injection energy until end 2007, then shutdown (3 months ?) first collisions at s=14 TeV (followed by first physics run) : spring 2008 goal: deliver integrated luminosity of few fb-1 by end 2008 LHC commissioning sectors 7-8 and 8-1 will be fully commissioned up to 7 TeV in 2006-2007 If other sectors are commissioned up to 7 TeV no beam will circulate in 2007 the other sectors will be commissioned up to the field needed for de-Gaussing initial operation will be at 900 GeV (CM) with a static machine (no ramp, no squeeze) to debug machine and detectors full commissioning up to 7 TeV will be done in the winter 2008 shutdown FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 3 The ATLAS collaboration (As of the September 2006) 35 Countries 161 Institutions 1830 Scientific Authors total (1470 with a PhD, for M&O share) Albany, Alberta, NIKHEF Amsterdam, Ankara, LAPP Annecy, Argonne NL, Arizona, UT Arlington, Athens, NTU Athens, Baku, IFAE Barcelona, Belgrade, Bergen, Berkeley LBL and UC, HU Berlin, Bern, Birmingham, Bologna, Bonn, Boston, Brandeis, Bratislava/SAS Kosice, Brookhaven NL, Buenos Aires, Bucharest, Cambridge, Carleton, Casablanca/Rabat, CERN, Chinese Cluster, Chicago, Clermont-Ferrand, Columbia, NBI Copenhagen, Cosenza, AGH UST Cracow, IFJ PAN Cracow, DESY, Dortmund, TU Dresden, JINR Dubna, Duke, Frascati, Freiburg, Geneva, Genoa, Giessen, Glasgow, LPSC Grenoble, Technion Haifa, Hampton,Harvard, Heidelberg, Hiroshima, Hiroshima IT, Indiana, Innsbruck, Iowa SU, Irvine UC, Istanbul Bogazici, KEK, Kobe, Kyoto, Kyoto UE,Lancaster, UN La Plata, Lecce, Lisbon LIP, Liverpool, Ljubljana, QMW London, RHBNC London, UC London, Lund, UA Madrid, Mainz, Manchester, Mannheim, CPPM Marseille, Massachusetts, MIT, Melbourne, Michigan, Michigan SU, Milano, Minsk NAS, Minsk NCPHEP, Montreal, McGill Montreal, FIAN Moscow, ITEP Moscow, MEPhI Moscow, MSU Moscow, Munich LMU, MPI Munich, Nagasaki IAS, Naples, New Mexico, New York, Nijmegen, BINP Novosibirsk, Ohio SU, Okayama, Oklahoma, Oklahoma SU, Oregon, LAL Orsay, Osaka, Oslo, Oxford, Paris VI and VII, Pavia, Pennsylvania, Pisa, Pittsburgh, CAS Prague, CU Prague, TU Prague, IHEP Protvino, Ritsumeikan, UFRJ Rio de Janeiro, Rochester, Rome I, Rome II, Rome III, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, DAPNIA Saclay, Santa Cruz UC, Sheffield, Shinshu, Siegen, Simon Fraser Burnaby, SLAC, Southern Methodist Dallas, NPI Petersburg, Stockholm, KTH Stockholm, Stony Brook, Sydney, AS Taipei, Tbilisi, Tel Aviv, Thessaloniki, Tokyo ICEPP, Tokyo MU, Toronto, TRIUMF, Tsukuba, Tufts, Udine, Uppsala, Urbana UI, Valencia, UBC Vancouver, Victoria, Washington, Weizmann Rehovot, Wisconsin, Wuppertal, Yale, Yerevan FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 4 How huge is ATLAS ? Size of collaboration ATLAS superimposed to the 5 floors of building 40 in CERN 35 countries 161 institutions 1830 scientific authors (1470 with PhD for M&O share) Size of detectors volume : 20 000 m3 weight : 7000 tons ~80 million pixel readout channels near vertex 175 000 readout channels for the liquid argon electromagnetic calorimeter 1 million channels and 10 000 m2 area of muon chambers very selective trigger/DAQ system (online rate reduction > 105) large scale offline software and worldwide computing (GRID) share) Time scale will have been about 25 years from first conceptual studies (Lausanne 1984) to solid physics results confirming that LHC will have taken over the high-energy frontier from Tevatron (Chicago) (early 2009 ?) FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 5 The ATLAS detector Length : ~ 46 m 1800 physicists Diametre : ~ 25 m Muon spectrometer (|h|<2.7) : air-core toroids Muon spectrometer (|h|<2.7) : with muon chambers air-core toroids with muon chambers Weight : ~ 7000 tons ~108 electronic channels ~3000 km of cables Cost : ~ 340 M€ / 10 y y x Calorimeters (|h|<5) (|h|<5) :: Tracking system (|h|<2.5, B=2T): Calorimeters Tracking system (|h|<2.5, B=2T): --- EM EM :: Pb-LAr Pb-LAr with with -- Si pixels and strips accordion shape -Si pixels and strips accordion shape -- Transition radiation Detector --- Transition radiation Detector -- HAD: HAD: Fe/scintillator Fe/scintillator (central), (central), (e/p separation) Cu/W-LAr (e/p separation) Cu/W-LAr (fwd) (fwd) FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) z 2 h ln tan Transverse plane projected physical quantities are measured: - pT - ET, ETmiss 6 The underground cavern at pit-1 for the ATLAS detector (Across the street from the CERN main entrance) Length Width Height Deep FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 = 55 m = 32 m = 35 m = 90 m Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 7 Generic features required of ATLAS Detectors must survive for ten years or so of operation Radiation damage to materials and electronics component Problem pervades whole experimental area (neutrons) : NEW ! Detectors must provide precise timing and be as fast as feasible 25 ns is the time interval to consider : NEW ! Detectors must have excellent spatial granularity Need to minimise pile-up effects : NEW ! Detectors must identify extremely rare events, mostly in real time Lepton identification above huge QCD background (e.g electron/jet ratio at the LHC is ~10-5, i.e factor 50 worse than at Tevatron) Signal cross-sections as low as 10-14 of total cross-section : NEW ! Online rejection to be achieved is ~107 : NEW ! Store huge data volumes to disk/tape (~109 events of 1 Mbyte size per year) : NEW ! FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 8 Generic features required of ATLAS Detectors must measure and identify according to certain specificities tracking and vertexing : ttH with Hbb electromagnetic calorimetry : H and HZZ eeee muon spectrometer HZZ mmmm missing transverse energy : supersymmetry Detectors must please collaboration : physics optimisation, technology choices funding agencies : affordable cost (originally set to 475 MCHF per experiment) young physicist who will provide the main thrust to the scientific output of the collaborations : how to minimise formal aspects ? How to recognise individual contributions ? FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 9 Tracking of charged particles : the Inner Detector The inner detector is organized into three sub-systems pixels (0.8108 channels) silicon tracker (SCT) 6106 channels transition radiation tracker (TRT) 4105 channels Three completed Pixel disks (one end-cap) with 6.6 M channels TRT SCT Magnet system solenoid integrated with the LAr cryostat 2T field with a stored energy of 38 MJ FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 10 Tracking of charged particles : reconstruction At high luminosity per bunch crossing (25 ns) more than 200 tracks about 15-20 vertex candidates Lint/y (fb-1) L (cm2/s) s (TeV) Minimum bias/bco LHC ( low L) 10 2x1033 14 5 LHC (high L) 100 1034 14 25 Complex task for tracking and Vertexing because of pile-up. Triggering algorithms have to be fast and robust to avoid to miss rare events FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 11 Electron/ : the electromagnetic calorimeter The electromagnetic calorimeter EM barrel : (|n|<1.475) [Pb-LAr] EM end-caps : (1.4<|n|<3.2) [Pb-LAr] lead/Liquid argon sampling calorimeter with accordion shape Physics requirements discovery potential of Higgs (into or 4e) determines most of the requirements largest possible acceptance (accordion) large dynamic range from 20 MeV to 2 TeV energy resolution sE/E~10%/E0.7% linearity ~0.1% (W-mass precision measurement) particle identification position and angular measurement : 50 mrad/E E FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 12 Barrel/Encap LAr Calorimeter Installation 170 tons assembly One end-cap calorimeter (LAr EM, LAr HAD, LAr Forward inside same cryostat, surrounded by HAD Fe/Scintillator Tilecal) being moved inside the barrel toroid FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 13 The hadronic calorimeter and jet reconstruction November 4th 2005: Calorimeter barrel after its move into the center of the ATLAS detector FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 14 Muon spectrometer The Muon Spectrometer is instrumented with precision chambers and fast trigger chambers Precision chambers: Trigger chambers: - MDTs in the barrel and end-caps - RPCs in the barrel - CSCs at large rapidity for the - TGCs in the end-caps innermost end-cap stations TGC big wheel Toroidal field to bend muons FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 15 Trigger system 25 ns is the time interval to consider ! Level 1 trigger hardware trigger (2.5 ms latency) calorimeter + muon chambers defines Regions Of Interest (ROI) 40 MHz 75 kHz Level 2 processing in parallel info from ROI, uses ID information (latency 10 ms) ~2 kHz Event Filter uses tools similar to “offline” code thanks to longer latency ~1s ~ 200 Hz Challenge have tracking, b-tagging and time information at trigger level speed ! FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 16 The data treatment at the LHC Needs for LHC experiments each event is independent of the others computing power ~100000 PC (P4 3 GHz, 2 GB ram) storage capacity for LHC experiments 20 petabytes/y on magnetic tape 1 petabyte/y on disc for the analysis possibility to access data from institutes production of Monte Carlo data necessary to the understanding of results of the analysis (30 mn/event) ATLAS computing model first publication mid-2005 (Technical Design Report), first modifications in 2006, will have to adapt with first data grid part use as much as possible standard LCG (LHC Computing Grid) tools have to be fully operational (low error rate in production, error monitoring …) FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 17 Towards physics 1: Testbeams 2: Subdetector Installation, Cosmic Ray Commissioning 2.5: Spring ’07: Global cosmic run 3: Single beam 4: First LHC collisions 5: First Physics 2005 FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 2006 2007 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 2008 18 Towards physics : test beams 2001-2002 H6 & H8 beam lines at CERN TRT experimental setup Beam chambers LArEM series modules Si layers Cerenkov counter Calorimeter TRT prototypes p, e and m beam from 1-300 GeV Studies presented : - transition radiation for e/p separation FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 4 barrel and 3 end-cap production modules e and beam from 10-300 GeV Studies presented : - energy resolution, constant term - shower development - /p separation Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 19 Towards physics : combined test beam 2004 Full « vertical slice » of Atlas tested on CERN H8 beam line between May-November 2004 G4 simulation of subdetectors setup TRT beam Pixels + SCT 90 millions events collected 4.6 Tbytes of data beams: e±,p± 1250 GeV m±,p±,p 350 GeV ~30 GeV B from 01.4 T Muon LArEM Tile For the first time, all Atlas sub-detectors integrated and run together with: - « final » electronics - common DAQ - slow control - common Atlas software to analyse the data First experience with : - Inner Detector alignment - ID/Calo alignment - ID/Calo track matching - ID/Calo combined reconstruction FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 20 e/p separation using the TRT Electron identification makes use of the large energy depositions due to the transition radiation (X-rays) when they traverse the radiators Results from TB 2002 @20 GeV Results from CTB2004 @9 GeV Preliminary Typical TR photon energy depositions in the TRT are 8-10 keV Pions deposit about 2 keV FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 90% electron efficiency 210-2 pion efficiency Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 21 Performance of the LArEM Calo TB 2001-2002 CTB 2004 (preliminary) Energy resolution 10.00.1 % /E 0.210.03 % Run 2102478 Ebeam=180 GeV h = 0.3 sE/E ~0.83 % @245 GeV P13 production module > 7 4.5‰ rms cL = 0.45 % Energy (GeV) Energy (GeV) Constant term @245 GeV rms cL=0.37% h (middle cell unit) h (middle cell unit) Performance of the LArEM similar in both test beams and in agreement with what expected FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 22 Electromagnetic shower shapes LArEM beam test 2001-2002 Comparison between data and G4 standalone simulation Longitudinal development Lateral development presampler Fraction of E rec. in 1st samp. Ebeam = 10 GeV Ebeam = 60 GeV 2rd samp. Fraction of E rec. in 3rd samp. Ebeam = 100 GeV Ebeam = 180 GeV The p contamination and the non-uniform distribution of dead material located in the beam line and not described in the Monte Carlo might explain the small discrepancy Shower profile in agreement between data/simulation from 10 to 180 GeV FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 23 /p0 separation in full simulation and test beam The identification of photons is based on set of cuts applied on calorimeters information (no leakage in HCAL, narrow shower in EM2 Calorimeter). After application of HCAL + EM2 criteria, the remaining background is composed at ~80% of isolated p0’s produced by jet fragmentation A /p0 separation ~3 is needed for =90%. For this the fine granularity of the EM sampling 1 is used Test beam 2002 @50 GeV G4 full simulation p0 → --- Data --- G3 MC E2nd max - Emin R. Sacco (ATLAS Coll.) NIM A(550), 2005 Fraction of energy outside shower core = 90 % Rp (G4) = 3.2 ± 0.2 FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Rp (data) = 3.18 ± 0.12 (stat) Rp (MC) = 3.29 ± 0.10 (stat) Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 24 Towards physics : -conversions ATLAS preliminary Primary electron ATLAS @ LHC: -conversion probability in tracker is > 30% important to develop (and validate !) efficient reconstruction tools Converted photon Inner Detector tracks extrapolated to ECAL and compared to calo clusters track Run 2102857 event # 88 primary electron converted FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 h Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) cluster 25 Towards physics : m-system The large-scale system test facility for alignment, mechanical, and many other system aspects, with sample series chamber station in the SPS H8 beam Shown in this picture is the end-cap set-up, it is preceded in the beam line by a barrel sector Example of tracking the sagitta measurements, following the day-night variation due to thermal variations of chamber and structures, and two forced displacements of the middle chamber FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 26 Towards physics : cosmic rays runs First cosmics rays In December 2005 in MDTs registered in the underground cavern barrel muon chambers (MDT and RPC) and level-1 m trigger and in June 2006 in RPCs FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 27 Towards physics : cosmic rays runs Cosmic rays runs event display in the barrel TRT and in the SCT End of February 2006 the barrel SCT was inserted into the barrel TRT, and this component will be ready for the final installation in ATLAS in August 2006 after further commissioning at the surface with cosmics Integrations of the two end-caps (SCT and TRT) are ongoing for installation end of 2006 FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 28 Towards physics : cosmic rays runs Cosmic rays runs event display from the first LAr+Tile calorimeter barrel cosmic run The barrel LAr and scintillator tile calorimeters have been since January 2005 in the cavern in their ‘garage position’ (on one side, below the installation shaft) FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 29 Towards physics : beam-halo events From April-May 2007 ? Only one beam in the machine : here physics data are beam-halo and beam-gas events FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 30 Towards physics : beam-gas events Collisions are essentially minimum bias 23 m : ~1.2105/s (integrated : 21011) 3 m : ~1.5104/s (21010; ID size) 20 cm : ~1103/s (2109; ID soft acceptance) Particles : consider 3 m and ask pT>1 GeV p : ~1.5109 over two months : ~5.5108 of one beam operation spectrum is soft : few Hz of electromagnetic clusters with ET>2 GeV trigger is an issue FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 31 What samples in 2007 ? First collisions (s = 900 GeV, L~1029 cm-2 s-1) : November 2007 commisioning run at injection energy until end 2007 30% data taking efficiency included (machine+detector) + trigger and analysis efficiencies ATLAS preliminary s =900 GeV, L = 1029 cm-2 s-1 Jets pT > 15 GeV (b-jets: ~1.5%) Jets pT > 50 GeV Jets pT > 70 GeV mm J/mm W e, m Z ee, mm 30 nb-1 100 nb-1 + 1 million minimum-bias/day start to commission triggers and detectors with collision data (min. bias, jets…) in real LHC environment may be first physics measurements (min. bias, underlying events, QCD jets..) ? observe a few Wl, mm, J/ mm FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 32 First physics run in 2008 First physics run (s = 1400 GeV, L~1032 cm-2 s-1) : spring 2008 1 fb-1 (100 pb-1) 6 months (few days) at L=1032 cm-2 s-1 with 50% data taking may collect a few fb-1 per experiment by end 2008 Process s(pb) N/s N/year Total collected before start of LHC W l 3104 30 108 104 LEP / 107 FNAL Zee 1.5103 1.5 107 107 LEP 1 107 104 Tevatron 106 1013 109 Belle/BaBar tt 830 bb 5108 With these data understand and calibrate detectors in situ using well-known physics samples Zee,mm tracker, ECAL, muon chambers calibration and alignment, etc. tt bl bjj jet energy scale from W jj, b-tagging performance, etc. measure SM physics at s = 14 TeV : W, Z, tt, QCD jets… (also because omnipresent backgrounds to New Physics) prepare the road to discovery …… it will take time … FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 33 Top physics in 2008 Example of initial measurement: understanding detector and physics with top events can we observe an early top signal with limited detector performance ? stt 250 pb for tt bW bW bl bjj W.Verkerke ATLAS preliminary 50 pb-1 4 jets pT> 40 GeV 3 jets with largest ∑ pT 2 jets M(jj) ~ M(W) W+n jets (Alpgen) + combinatorial background Isolated lepton pT> 20 GeV NO b-tag !! ETmiss > 20 GeV in addition, excellent sample to : commission b-tagging, set jet energy scale using W jj peak understand detector performance for e, m, jets, b-jets, missing ET, … understand / constrain theory and MC generators using e.g pT spectra FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 34 Example of “early” discovery : Supersymmetry ? If SUSY at TeV scale could be found “quickly” … thanks to : large q˜ , g˜ cross section ~10 events/day ar 1032 for m ( q˜ , g˜ ) ~ 1 TeV spectacular signatures (many jets, leptons, missing ET) M (TeV) 2.5 1.5 1 ATLAS + CMS 1 FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 q Z 01 Our field, and planning for future facilities, will benefit a lot from quick determination of scale of New Physics. e.g. with 100 (good) pb-1 LHC could say if SUSY accessible to a 1 TeV ILC 2 100 pb-1 q˜ 02 q g˜ 10 100 BUT: understanding ETmiss spectrum (and tails from instrumental effects) is one of the most crucial and difficult experimental issue for SUSY searches at hadron colliders Luminosity/expt (fb-1) Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 35 Example of “early” discovery : Supersymmetry ? Jets + ETmiss (0l) ATLAS preliminary Jets + 1l +ETmiss S.Asai 1 fb-1 m ( q˜ , g˜ ) ~ 1 TeV M eff (GeV) = E i=1,4 ETmiss spectrum contaminated by cosmics, beam-halo, machine/detector problems, etc. T (i) E T miss Estimate physics backgrounds using data (control samples) ATLAS preliminary 1 fb-1 I.Okawa et al. Run II V. Shary CALOR04 after cleaning FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 no cleaning R: Z() +jets B: as estimated from W(m)+jets Missing ET (GeV) Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 36 SM Higgs boson with first data Current indications are for a ‘light Higgs’ : search for Higgs in mass region 114<mH<200 GeV is crucial *July 2006. Combination of CDF+D0 Run I+II results mt = 171.4 1.2 (stat) 1.8 (syst) GeV Signal cross section (including BR) can be as low as 10-14 the total cross section FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 37 SM Higgs boson with first data signal H key ingredients : rare decay mode with BR~10-3 (2.186 10-3 for mH=120 GeV) the signal should be visible as a small peak above the continuum background good energy resolution of the electromagnetic calorimeter background Irreducible background consists of genuine photons pairs continuum. ~125 fb/GeV @ NLO for mH=120 GeV (after cuts and photon efficiency) Reducible background comes from jet-jet and gamma-jet events in which one or both jets are misidentified as photons (reducible/irreducible cross section (LO-TDR) 2106 (jj) and ~8102 (j) excellent jet rejection factor (>103) for 80% efficiency sever requirements on particle identification capabilities of the detector especially the electromagnetic calorimeter FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 38 SM Higgs boson with first data 3 (complementary) channels with similar (small) significances H ttHttbb blbjjbb qqH qq b H b S=130, B=4300, S/B=2 S=15, B=45, S/B=2.2 S=10, B=10, S/B=2.7 different production and decay modes different backgrounds different detector/performance requirements ECAL crucial for H (in particular response uniformity) : s/m ~1% needed b-tagging crucial for ttH : 4 b-tagged jets needed to reduce combinatorics efficient jet reconstruction over |h|<5 crucial for qqHqq (forward jet tag and central jet veto needed against background) All three channels require very good understanding of detector performance and background control to 1-10% convincing evidence likely to come later than 2008 FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 39 SM Higgs boson with first data Needed Ldt (fb-1) per experiment 10 H m m e e muon --- 98% C.L. exclusion 1 fb-1 for 98% C.L. exclusion 5 fb-1 for 5s discovery over full allowed mass range electron electron ATLAS + CMS preliminary 10-1 Events / 0.5 GeV 1 Signal expected in ATLAS after ‘early' LHC operation mH (GeV) here discovery easier with gold-plated H ZZ 4l by end 2008 ? H 4l : narrow mass peak, small background H WW ll (dominant at the Tevatron): counting channel (no mass peak) FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 40 B physics with first data Dms with BsDsp Nevents after trigger + offline rec. 30 fb-1 Signal Bs→D-s p Dms Bs→D-sa1+ Models used in MC or to confront experimental sensitivities. Backgr 8250 <100% 4060 <100% NP: Ball,Khalil, Phys.Rev.D69:115011,2004 given the low value measured by CDF ATLAS will be able to measure Dms with ~10 fb-1 (one year) 330.07 ps1 CDF:Dms 17.3100..18 D0 :17 Dms 21 ps1 @90% c.l. CP violation in BsJ/ :s = -2l2h = -2 tiny in SM (-0.0360.003 from CKMfitter) and not accessible by any of the LHC experiments Nevents after trigger + offline rec. 30 fb-1 Signal Bs→J/ s DGs 270k Backgr 15% Models used in MC or to confront experimental sensitivities. SM: Fleisher CERN-TH-2000-101 NP: Ball,Khalil, Phys.Rev.D69:115011,2004 New Physics could lead to enhanced and measurable CP violation 8 parameters extracted in maximum likelihood fir to angular distribution of the decay A||(t=0), AT(t=0), d1, d2, Dms, DGs to avoid failing a fit due to high xs-s correlation xs was fixed xs s(s)~0.046 for xs=20 ps-1, s(DGs)/DGs=13%, s(Gs)/Gs=1% FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 41 BTW: why am I here ? HELEN (High Energy Latin American European Network) students in physics groups engineers in computing groups VenezuelaFrance physics groups A. Cimmarusti (ULA) in Paris for top quark H. Martinez (ULA) in Paris for Higgs computing groups G. Diaz (CECALCULA) in Lyon for Tier1 V. Mendoza (Paris for Tier2) new “bunch” ~March 2007 FranceVenezuela physics groups J. Malclès (Paris) in Mérida F. Derue (Paris) in Mérida FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 42 Conclusion New LHC schedule machine and experiments closed 31 August 2007 commissioning run at s=900 GeV end 2007 first physics run at 14 TeV starting in spring 2008 Experiments on track to meet above schedule. Test-beam and cosmics results indicate they work as expected All efforts now to continue installation and commissioning of machine and detectors of unprecedented complexity, technology and performance With the first collision data (1-100 pb-1) at 14 TeV: understand detector performance in situ in the LHC environment, and perform first physics measurements measure particle multiplicity in minimum bias (a few hours of data taking…) measure QCD jet cross-section to ~30% ? (expect >103 events with ET(j)>1 TeV with 100 pb-1) measure W, Z cross-sections to 10% with 100 pb-1 ? observe a top signal with ~30 pb-1 measure tt cross-section to 20% and m(top) to 7-10 GeV with 100 pb-1 ? improve knowledge of PDF (low-x gluons !) with W/Z with O(100) pb-1 ? first tuning of MC (minimum bias, underlying event, tt, W/Z+jets, QCD jets…) FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 43 Conclusion And, more ambitiously discover SUSY up to gluino masses of ~1.3 TeV ? discover a Z’ up to masses of ~1.3 TeV ? surprises ? Later on the LHC will explore in detail the highly-motivated TeV-scale with a direct discovery potential up to m~5-6 TeV if New Physics is there, the LHC will find it it will say the final word about the SM Higgs mechanism and many TeV-scale predictions it may add crucial pieces to our knowledge of fundamental physics impact also on astroparticle physics and cosmology most importantly : it will likely tell us which are the right questions to ask, and how to go on FAE06, Caracas, Dec 11th 2006 Physics with first data in ATLAS at the LHC – F. Derue (LPNHE Paris) 44