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What will
you do this
Will you go to the beach?
Will you go on a trip?
Will you go to the pool?
What about when you’re at home?
What else can you do?
Have an Art Museum Day!
Make a bunch of pictures
either by yourself or with
your friends! Hang them up
on the walls or on the
fence outside your home
and take a walk through
your own art museum!
Take a virtual tour of an art museum! The
Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is just
one museum that lets you visit their galleries right
from your computer!
Visit a REAL art
The Zimmerli at
Rutgers or the
Princeton Art
Museum are only 15
minutes away!
Philadelphia and New
York aren’t too far
Be crafty!
Use photos from school or other events to
make a scrapbook! You can even take pictures
of other things you are doing this summer.
Glue the pictures to pages of a notebook and
decorate the pages with drawings or stickers!
Make a sculpture out things you find around the house,
like empty bottles, cardboard tubes, and other old items!
Collect empty containers and boxes
around your house & make instruments
out of them! Use rubber bands, tape,
and whatever else you need to hold
them together. Make up a song on your
new instruments! Have a concert!
Challenge yourself!
How long can you last without watching TV,
playing video games, or using your
computer? One afternoon? One whole day?
Two days? Longer?
How many sit ups, push-ups, or jumping
jacks can you do in one minute? Try it every
day and challenge yourself to go faster! Try
other activities, too!
Challenge your friends or family!
Set up a “Field Day” in your back yard or at a park!
Challenge your friends and family to relay races and other games like:
-Marshmallow Toss
-Ping Pong ball bounce
-Fill-the-Bucket race with a wet sponge
-Broom stick Limbo
Or make up your own challenges!
Be a Book Worm!
Visit the South Brunswick Public Library!
They have lots of activities there over
the summer.
Start a book club
with your friends!
Pick a book to
read and then
meet up to talk
about it!
Sign up for a reading challenge!
Time your reading with the Scholastic
Or set a goal for the whole summer! Visit and find out how
you can read 5 books and win tickets to a
Somerset Patriots game!
Go Outside!!!
Build a bug box & catch insects
outside. Observe how they move
and what they do. Look online for
information on what they like to
eat so you can give them some
Catch fireflies
in a jar and
watch them
Go for a walk! Come up with a
scavenger hunt list before you leave
and see how many of those things
you can find on your way! Make a
collage with all the things you’ve
Camp out in your back yard!
Bring snacks, toast
marshmallows, and look for
constellations in the sky!
Blow bubbles, play hopscotch, or draw with chalk on the sidewalk!
Ask a parent or grandparent what they played when they were little. Try out a new game!
Be a Scientist!
Use a magnifying
glass to explore
the world around
you up close!
Get a magnet from
your fridge. Test
out different
objects to see if
they are magnetic!
Visit the
in Trenton!
Fill a cup or a
bucket with
water. Test if
different items
will sink or float!
Explore life on the farm!
Go and pick your own fruit!
Here are some local farms to
visit to get fresh apples,
strawberries, and
-Von Thun’s
(South Brunswick)
-Terhune Orchards
Plant your own
Start growing plants from
seeds, or start with a small
plant that you buy at a garden
store. You can plant flowers for
your garden or even grow your
own vegetables!
Be a friend to animals!
Make a bird feeder!
Buy a kit at a store or
make your own by
sticking seeds to a
pinecone and hang it
Visit the Zoo! The
Philadelphia Zoo and
the Bronx Zoo aren’t
too far. The Turtleback
Zoo is even closer!
Do you like fish? Visit
the aquarium in Point
Pleasant or in Camden!
Have a Game Day!
Have a board game
tournament! Challenge
your friends or family to
Checkers, Monopoly,
Yahtzee, or your favorite
board game. See who
can win the most games
in a row!
A deck of cards can
be lots of fun!
Play Gin Rummy, Go
Fish, or even Solitaire!
Learn a magic trick!
your own board game!
Design the board,
come up with the rules
and make your own
game pieces!
Use the deck of cards to
build a house of cards.
See how tall you can
make it before it falls
Get into Show Biz!
Go see a play! Plays in the Park in Edison
even has plays you can see outside in the
evenings over the summer!
Write a book! Write a poem!
Write a silly story! Who knows
what it will become?
Sing a song and record it! Create a music
video for it! As an extra challenge, write
your OWN song to perform!
Write a play! Come up with
costumes and a set, and perform
it for your friends! Stuffed animals
make a great audience, too!
Make a movie! Write a
script and have your
friends and family play
different roles. Record it
and have a movie night
to enjoy it!
Have a family movie
night! Get into your
pajamas, make some
popcorn, turn off the
lights, and snuggle up
on the couch to watch
your favorite movies!
Be a chef and make yummy snacks!
Help out in the kitchen! Help mix up ingredients or
put things together for a salad. Ask what you can do
to help make your meals!
Help make Rice Krispies Treats,
cookies, or brownies to share
with your friends when they
come over for a play date!
Spread peanut butter or
cream cheese onto a piece of
celery. Stick raisins onto it to
make it looks like ants
crawling on a log!
Make fruit kabobs! Choose
your favorite fruits and line
them up on long sticks! Or
take your favorites, add
some ice, and blend them
together to make a tasty
Make your own pizza! Use
half an English muffin, some
sauce, and some cheese, and
microwave it until the cheese
melts. Yum!