The role of powerful brands in creating shareholder value By Professor Malcolm McDonald LSBU 14th February 2013 1 The limited value of Profit and Loss Accounts and Balance Sheets “The information appearing in the majority of boardrooms remains predominantly financial in nature. Without (additional) information on value-creating activities management are typically flying blind – when financials tell them there is a problem management have already missed the optimal point for taking appropriate corrective action”. PricewaterhouseCoopers – ValueReporting™ Review 2003, Transparency in Corporate Reporting, p.25 Page 2 Inter Tech’s 5 year performance Performance (£million) Base Year 1 2 3 4 5 Sales Revenue - Cost of goods sold £254 135 £293 152 £318 167 £387 201 £431 224 £454 236 Gross Contribution - Manufacturing overhead - Marketing & Sales - Research & Development £119 48 18 22 £141 58 23 23 £151 63 24 23 £186 82 26 25 £207 90 27 24 £218 95 28 24 Net Profit £16 £22 £26 £37 £50 £55 Return on Sales (%) 6.3% 7.5% 8.2% 9.6% Assets Assets (% of sales) £141 56% £162 55% £167 53% £194 50% Return on Assets (%) 11.3% 11.6% 12.1% £205 48% £206 45% 13.5% 15.6% 19.1% 24.4% 26.7% Page 3 Why Market Growth Rates Are Important InterTech’s 5 Year Market-Based Performance Performance (£million) Base Year 1 2 3 4 5 Market Growth 18.3% 23.4% 17.6% 34.4% 24.0% 17.9% InterTech Sales Growth (%) Market Share(%) 12.8% 20.3% 17.4% 11.2% 27.1% 16.5% 10.9% 19.1% 18.4% 17.1% 16.3% 14.9% Customer Retention (%) New Customers (%) % Dissatisfied Customers 88.2% 11.7% 13.6% 87.1% 85.0% 82.2% 80.9% 80.0% 12.9% 14.9% 24.1% 22.5% 29.2% 14.3% 16.1% 17.3% 18.9% 19.6% Relative Product Quality Relative Service Quality Relative New Product Sales +10% +0% +8% +8% +0% +8% +5% -20% +7% +3% -3% +5% +1% -5% +1% 0% -8% -4% Page 4 Quality of profits % Sales Revenue Cost of Goods Sold Profit Margin Advertising R&D Capital Investment Investment Ratio Operating Expenses Operating Profit Key Trends Virtuous plc (%) 100 43 57 11 5 7 23 20 14 Dissembler plc (%) 100 61 39 3 2 5 20 14 • Past 5 year revenue growth 10% pa • Heavy advertising investment in new/ improved products • Premium priced products, new plant, so low cost of goods sold • Flat revenue, declining volume • No recent product innovation, little advertising • Discounted pricing, so high cost of goods sold 3Note: This table is similar to a P&L with one important exception - depreciation, a standard item in any P&L has been replaced by capital expenditure, which does not appear in P&Ls. In the long-term, Capex levels determine depreciation costs. Capex as a percentage of sales in an investment ratio often ignored by marketers, and it has been included in this table to emphasize its importance. Factor Profit on existing products over 3 years old Losses on products recently launched or in development Total operating profits The make-up of 14% Operating Profits Virtuous plc (%) 21 Dissembler plc (%) 15 (7) (1) 14 14 From Hugh Davidson’s “Even More Offensive Marketing” 1998 Justifying investment in marketing assets Whilst accountants do not measure intangible assets, the discrepancy between market and book values shows that investors do. Expenditures to develop marketing assets make sense if the sum of the discounted cash flow they generate is positive. Balance sheet Assets Liabilities - Land - Buildings - Plant - Vehicles etc. - Shares - Loans - Overdrafts etc. £100 million £100 million Balance sheet Assets - Land - Buildings - Plant - Vehicles etc. £100 million Liabilities - Shares - Loans - Overdrafts etc. £900 million Balance sheet Assets - Land - Buildings - Plant - Vehicles Liabilities - Shares - Loans - Overdrafts etc. Goodwill £800m £900 million £900 million Asset Breakdown for the top 10 countries by Enterprise Value (US$ millions, 2011) Intangibles P and G paid £31 billion for Gillette, but bought only £4 billion of tangible assets - Gillette brand Duracell brand Oral B Braun Retail and supplier network Gillette innovative capability TOTAL £ 4.0 billion £ 2.5 billion £ 2.0 billion £ 1.5 billion £10.0 billion £ 7.0 billion £27.0 billion (David Haigh, Brand Finance, Marketing Magazine, 1st April 2005) Brand Value A brand may be an intangible asset for accounting purposes, but the value of brands is hard to deny. The top 100 brands increased by 2% to $2 trillion despite the global economic turmoil. Moreover, the stocks of those 100 brands have consistently rewarded shareholders, outperforming the S & P 500 by more than 30% between April 2006 and April 2010. Brandz Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands. Millward Brown Optimor. 2011 study The substitution of physical assets by intangible In the past few decades there has been a transformation in the production function of companies– the major assets that create value and growth. Intangibles are fast growing substitutes for physical assets. L.Baruch. Professor of Finance Stern School of Business. NYU (reported by Haigh D in “Marketing Accountability” Kogan Page 2010 chapter 12 page 4) Residual goodwill International Financial Reporting Standard 3 (IFRS 3) recommended the identification and disclosure of individual intangible assets on acquisition. The residue paid on acquisition will be referred to as “residual goodwill”. IFRS 3 also called for “impairment reviews” based on discounted cash flows (DCF) valuation techniques on each intangible asset included in Residual goodwill. Residual Goodwill Residual Goodwill Artistic Intangibles Marketing Intangibles Intangible Assets Customer Intangibles Contract Intangibles Enterprise Value Technology Intangibles Working Capital Tangible Assets Plant and Equipment Land and Buildings What does “Brand” mean? A logo and associated visual elements -to add value, trademarks need to have “associated goodwill” acquired by superior product quality and service over a long period l A larger bundle of associated intellectual property rights -product design rights, trade dress, packaging, copyright in smells, sounds, advertising visuals, written copy etc. Many of these legal rights can be registered and protected. -e.g. Mercedes product design; Guinness recipe and production process l A holistic company or organisation brand -the whole organisation: culture; people; processes etc. -taken together, these create specific value propositions and create stronger customer relationships l Hence, “brand” means one of the following: -”trademark”; “brand”; “branded business” l Brand Equity l l l A financial term to denote that brands are financial assets A propensity of specific audiences for preferences which are financially favourable to a good brand. Brands with high equity are able to persuade people to make economic decisions based on emotional rather than rational criteria. The Rational Consumer 20th century economics were based on the lunatic assumption that humans are ‘rational’ i.e. They calculate their maximum ‘utility’, using perfect information to reach perfect decisions, i.e. A precise point on a precise graph. Branding “An extreme case has to be that particularly scabrous class of drivel known as " skincare " ads. Who on earth would believe the incredulous, ludicrously pseudo-scientific, indigestible goulash of molecules and meaningless polysyllables ? " Baker N "Cynical consumer seeks brand for meaningful relationship " Market Leader March 2009 ( pp 48-51 ) Brand Equity Comparison of some Global Brands by the World’s Top Brand Valuation Companies (USD) Interbrand (2010) Millward Brown (2010) Coca Cola 70.4bn 67.9bn Walmart - - IBM 64.7bn 86.3bn Microsoft 60.8bn 76.3bn GE 42.8bn 45bn Google 43.5bn 114.2bn McDonald’s 33.5bn 66bn Brands are key intangibles in most businesses Brands are estimated to represent at least 20% of the intangible value of businesses on the major world stock markets. Brands combine with other tangible and intangible assets to create value Developed Markets Brand Brand 20% Patents Marketing intangible Technology intangibles Software Intangible assets Other Intangible Assets Customer intangible Distribution rights Assembled workforce 55% Tangible Assets 25% Customer relationships Contract intangibles Business Goodwill Tangible assets Illustrative Source: Brand Finance Brands achieve this increased value by positively affecting different stakeholders • • • More invitations to tender Greater propensity to award Higher share of fields awarded Partners • • Greater willingness to partner Partnership on better terms Employees • • Lower recruitment costs Lower retention costs Suppliers • Lower prices and better terms Bankers • • Lower borrowing costs Better repayment conditions • • Higher price earnings ratio Lower volatility Government Investors Brands Increasingly Drive Business Results Brands affect business value by influencing the behaviour of a wide range of Shell’s stakeholders, some of which directly impact Shell’s P&L (and hence value) STAKEHOLDER PERCEPTION Customers - individuals, businesses Trademarks Suppliers / Partners Brand - businesses, energy asset owners Employees - current and potential Reputation Shareholders / Bankers - individual and institutional Indirect influence on value Other Stakeholders - government, media, opinion formers, academics, public, environmentalists STAKEHOLDER BEHAVIOUR • Pay price premium FINANCIAL IMPACT • Buy more Revenues • Lower prices • Better terms • Willingness to partner Costs Revenues SHAREHOLDER VALUE •(more opportunities) • Better retention • Lower salary expectations • Better qualified candidates Costs Productivity • Higher PE ratio • Lower volatility • Lower borrowing costs • Better repayment conditions Costs Risk Influences business and brand value Successful brands * * * * * * * * * Have a clear customer benefit Make a promise and keep it Have simplicity, clarity and honesty Have distinctive logos and design Are widely available Build trust Have a price/quality trade off – win/win Help consumers make good decisions Result? Higher margins, higher volumes, innovation, better quality What went wrong with many brands? Success led to smugness Cutting corners/reducing costs Economical with the truth (eg. ‘low fat’, but no mention of high sugar content) Add some gold to the packaging (illusion of quality) Became the new commodities 27 SKIN-DEEP BRANDING If your image-only re-branding exercise isn’t accompanied by improvements in the core product or service, it is an image-wrapper branding fiasco---- a great way to waste money and get marketing a bad name. If you improve the sizzle, don’t forget to improve the sausage There are many products that pretend to be brands, but are not the genuine article. As the Director of Marketing at TESCO said, “Pseudo brands are not brands. They are manufacturers’ labels. They are “me-toos” and have poor positioning, poor quality and poor support. Such manufacturers no longer understand the consumer and see retailers solely as a channel for distribution” Marketing Globe Vol 2, No. 10. 1992. * A brand is a name or a symbol on a product, service, person or place * A successful brand creates super profits * The brand is about the total experience, not the logo. Successful brands offer consistently superior value that is delivered by fair processes. Page 31 The route to Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA) Differentiation High Price Sales Revenue High Volume Economies of Scale Learning Curve Operations Lower Costs Financial Gearing Interest Cover Working Capital Ratio Operational Leverage From Keith Ward, Cranfield School of Management Low Business Risk Low Financial Risk High Cash Flows Positive NPV SCA The value proposition and the brand “The customer is simply the fulcrum of the business and everything from production to supply chain, finance, risk management, personnel management and product development all adapt to and converge on the business value proposition that is projected to the customer”. This value proposition is represented by the brand ( The Customer Information Wars, Sean Kelly, Wiley, 2005) ( Professor McDonald February 2013 ) The Brand Iceberg Symbol Brand Name Product Key Assets and Competences What you can see Price Efficient Production What you can’t see People Low Cost Operations High Service Levels Strong Supply Chain Management Effective Selling Brands Are Business Systems, Not Just Labels and Names From “Even More Offensive Marketing” by Hugh Davidson The overall purpose of strategic marketing is the identification and creation of sustainable competitive advantage. Map of the marketing domain Define markets & understand value Monitor value Asset Base Determine value Proposition Deliver value Page 36 In capital markets, success is measured in terms of shareholder value added, having taken account of the risks associated with future strategies, the time value of money and the cost of capital. 37 Shareholder value added A branded business valuation is based on a risk-adjusted cash flow analysis of future earnings discounted at the appropriate cost of capital Shareholder Value Added (SVA) * What is it? – * Profit after tax minus (net capital x cost of capital (%) There are only 3 things you can do to influence SVA 1. 2. 3. Increase revenue (sales) Decrease costs (product costs/overheads) Decrease the amount of capital tied up in the business Economic profit Operating profit after tax Capital employed Cost of capital Economic profit Operating profit after tax less cost of capital 15,000 x 10% Economic profit £2,000 £15,000 10% 2,000 1,500 500 Risk and return Required returns Perceived risk Therefore Expected volatility in future returns 41 Financial Risk and Return High 1 Return 2 3 Low Low Adapted from Keith Ward, Cranfield School of Management Risk High Financial Risk Low High High Business Risk Low What is Marketing Due Diligence? Marketing Due Diligence Risk Assessment Market Risk: Is the market there? Strategy risk: Will we get our planned share? Implementation risk: Will we get our planned profit? Page 44 Market Risk Profile l Product Category Existence The marketing strategy has a higher probability of success if the product category is well established l Segment Existence If the target segment is well established Sales Volumes If the sales volumes are well supported by evidence Forecast Growth If the forecast growth is in line with historical trends Pricing Assumptions If the pricing levels are conservative relative to current pricing levels l l l Page 45 Market Share Risk Profile l l l Target Market Definition Proposition Specification SWOT Alignment l Strategy Uniqueness l Anticipation of market change The marketing strategy has a higher probability of success if the target is defined in terms of homogeneous segments and is characterised by utilisable data If the proposition delivered to each segment is different from that delivered to other segments and addresses the needs which characterised the target segment If the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation are independently assessed and the choice of target and proposition leverages strengths and minimises weaknesses If choice of target and proposition is different from that of major competitors If changes in the external microenvironment and macroenvironment are identified and their implications allowed for Page 46 Shareholder Value Risk Profile l Profit Pool The marketing strategy has a higher probability of success if the targeted profit pool is high and growing l Profit Sources If the source of new business is growth in the existing profit pool Competitor Impact If the profit impact on competitors is small and distributed l l l Internal Gross Margin Assumptions Assumptions of Other Costs If the internal gross margin assumptions are conservative relative to current products If assumptions regarding other costs, including marketing support, are higher than existing costs Page 47 Market segment objectives: Directional Policy Matrix Relative company competitiveness High Low High Segment attractiveness Analysis process •Attractiveness of each segment (ranked) •Projected net free cash flow (3/5yrs) for each segment •Key risk factors influencing cash flows Strategic invest/ build Pro-actively maintain No change Selectively invest Manage for cash •Risk assessment for each segment •Risk adjusted future cash flows per segment •Deduct risk-adjusted cash flows from the capital x cost of capital for each segment •Aggregated positive net present value Low Present position Forecast position in 3 yrs Critical success factors Cranfield University School of Management 1996 Strategies to increase present value •Increase future cash flows •Cash flow happens earlier •Reducing the risk in the cash flows A great brand is the Holy Grail, the distillation of years of creativity, sweat, ambition and investment. Not so much a logo, more a way of life, a way of being, a way of doing business: a great brand conveys everything that in your finest dreams you want your customers to understand about your business and product. “Great stars shine brightest when the sky is darkest. In austere times, great brands bestow pleasure, maintain their premium and take a long view” Mark Ritson, Marketing Magazine 3rd December 2008 (p.20) APPENDIX 1 Brands as Assets * Kraft Phillip Morris bought Kraft and its portfolio of food brands for $12.9billion – four times the value of Kraft’s tangible assets * Grand Met Bought Pillsbury for $5.5billion – a 50% premium on Pillsbury’s pre-bid value and several times the value of its tangible assets * Nestle Paid $4.5billion, more than five times Rowntree’s book value Intangible Assets: driving corporate value in the 21st century Analysis of the world’s 35 largest stock markets (11,000 companies, total capitalisation $41 trillion) representing 99% of all quoted companies in the world by value, revealed that 63% of all enterprise value is made up of intangible assets. Only a small proportion was disclosed or explained in published accounts. Global Intangible Tracker 2008. Brand Finance Identification & Recognition Criteria of Intangible Assets separable Control Future economic benefit Identifiability Flow of future economic benefit to entity probable Cost reliably measurable contractual-legal An intangible asset shall be recognized as an asset apart from goodwill if it arises from contractual or other legal rights or if it is capable of being separated from the acquired entity and sold, transferred, licensed, rented, or exchanged. (SFAS 141, par. 39) Valuing trademarks and brands Historic cost to create Costs to replace Market value “economic use” -price premium/gross margin -earnings split -royalty relief Marketing • Trade names • Trademarks • Trade dress • Service marks • Collective marks • Geographic Indicators • Certification marks • Internet domain names • Newspaper mastheads • Non-competition agreements • Design rights • Packaging designs • Copyrights over descriptors, logotypes, advertising visuals and written copy Customer • Customer lists • Databases • Sales or production backlog order books • Customer contracts and related customer relationships • Non-contractual customer relationships Contract Technology • Licensing agreements • Franchise agreements • Advertising contracts • Lease agreements • Construction permits • Operating and broadcasting rights • Servicing contracts (mortgage contracts) • Mineral, water, air usage rights • Employment contracts • Assembled workforce • Distribution rights • Landing slots • Production or import quotas • Government permits and authorizations • Raw materials supply contracts • Patents (compounds, processes, technology) • Unpatented technology • In process R&D • Product trials data and research • Manufacturing process controls • Computer software • Trade secrets such as formulas and recipes • Templates and castings • Positive and negative knowhow • Manufacturing and operating guides Artistic • Illustrations • Artworks • Films • Pictures • Cartoons • Photography • Personality rights Shareholder value-adding strategies 57 Excellent Marketing Confusion Marketing Customer insights that lead to the development of genuinely new products. ‘New, improved’ products that pretend to be different. Clear positioning and branding. Clear, honest marketing communications that make for easy access and availability. Confusing, emotional communications to justify price premiums for parity products. Pricing strategies designed to make comparisons impossible. Distribution strategies that out obstacles in the way of choice. Differential Advantage Different Similar Different Target Market Similar Co. name plus grade eg. Mercedes Co. name eg. ICI, Standard Bank Unique brand names eg. Tide, Bold Co. name plus product name eg. Cadbury Flake Branding as Customer Service Great brands do not differentiate just for the sake of differentiation They innovate around core category benefits They make the brand famous and distinctive (easy to recognise) They make it easy to buy ( distribution and penetration ) In other words, they get the basics right ( Professor Malcolm McDonald, January 2011 ) 60