Sheila Snoddy - Clemson University

The Black Baptist Denomination
South Carolina:
An Agent for Social Change
A Social Capital Analysis
Presented By:
Sheila Snoddy
PhDc IFCS PhD Program
Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life
Clemson University
Introduction to the Study
This study will utilize a quantitative approach for measuring the relationship and
relative contributions of social capital to the creation of positive social change through
the efforts of Black Baptist churches in South Carolina. This study will attempt to
demonstrate how the Black church, through its use of social capital, mobilizes
congregations for collective action in shaping civic discourse, bringing about social
change and facilitating the development of vital communities.
Statement of Problem
Since the Civil Rights era, the Black church has been under attack for being powerless
and nonchalant in stimulating and directing constructive social change. In spite of the
many acclaimed abilities, resources, work, and reputation of the Black church and its
development and use of social capital, it is becoming a prevalent sentiment within the
American society that the Black church is an underutilized catalyst for facilitating
positive social change, community building, and a thriving civil society.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this research is to systematically examine, within a social capital framework, how South
Carolina’s Black Baptist denomination mobilizes its pastors and congregations for collective action in
influencing civil society, impacting social change, and aiding in the development of vital and sustained
individuals and communities.
This study also pursues:
to portray the current efforts of Black Baptist churches in South Carolina in creating and championing social change,
to increase knowledge and opportunities to facilitate improvement and replication/expansion of social programs and
and to promote and disseminate these positive efforts and practices among the Black Baptist denomination and well
as the community-at-large.
Lastly, the purpose of this study is to help formulate comprehensive, quantitative models and structured
approaches to appropriately assess effects and to produce a systemic context for understanding social
capital’s role in the Black Baptist church’s efforts to positively influence social change through the Black
Definitions and Terms
Social Capital: The connections among people, networks and organizations that can
be drawn upon to solve problems positively, in most cases, to achieve the common
good for all people. Indicators of social capital are: social engagement, collective
efficacy, trust, social cohesion, reciprocity, social participation, and perception of
community-level structures or characteristics (Putnam, 2000).
Black Church: A religious entity that is inclusive of various Afrocentric cultural
and historical practices, beliefs, influences, and theological orientations that is made
up of a collective body of Christian churches (across denominational lines); of
diverse physical and socioeconomic structures; with a shared identity; that meets
primarily for worship; with accepted polity and doctrines; and that ministers and
serves in various forms and degrees to predominately African-American people, to
the communities in which African-Americans reside, and/or where the church
building is located.
Definitions and Terms
• Community:
People who develop the common recognition of collective
interest, trust, cooperation, solidarity, and identity in a common cause and
mutual action.
• Social Change:
The process by which social problems are addressed through
the alteration in the nature of social institutions, social behavior, the social
relations of a society, community of people, or other social structures.
Theoretical Perspective
Research increasingly indicates the significance of social capital as essential in
the Black church’s efforts to develop and strengthen networks and to provide
greater access to resources that are necessary to build community and influence
social change. Social capital is postulated to be the key element in building
communities. It is an enormous resource generated from people power.
Significance of the Study
This study proves significant in contributing to the underdeveloped area of research associated with
the relational impact of social capital in the Black church on its efforts to develop community and
foster social change and in presenting pertinent questions and issues to guide future research.
The most paramount significance of this study lies in the fact that no existing studies have explored
the establishment and mobilization of social capital in Black Baptist churches in SC in their
individual and collective efforts to positively impact social change and community development.
Knowledge, understanding, and implications of social capital in the Black church may provide
additional insight into the Black church’s perception of social capital, as well as its ability to utilize
it effectively.
Research Questions
Research Question 1: What pastor and congregation characteristics predict
Black Baptist churches’ of South Carolina engagement in social change?
Research Question 2: How does the creation and utilization of social capital
relate to establishing positive social change among the Black Baptist
Research Question 3: Do high levels of social capital among Black Baptist
churches predict engagement in social change activities?
Hypothesis 1
There are statistically significant differences in social change engagement among pastors and
Hypothesis 2
There is a significant positive relationship between social capital and social change. Social
capital is positively related to the strengthening and the mobilizing of abilities and efforts of the
Black church to influence social change.
Hypothesis 3
There are statically significant differences in the levels of social capital within Black Baptist
churches in South Carolina.
Review of Literature
• Findings
• Emerging Themes
Methodology and Procedures
• Research Design
• Variables in the Quantitative Analysis
• Target Population, Sample and Setting
• Approach to Quantitative Analysis
• Data Collection
• Data Analysis Plan
• Reliability and Validity
Limitations of the Study
Self-report Bias
Cross-sectional Design
Data Collection Approach
Non-probability Sampling Method of Convenience Sampling
Incomplete Questionnaires
Rate of Non-response error
Weakened Statistical Power of Regression Analysis
Research Bias
Delimitations of the Study
• No Mandatory Attendance for Pastors of Member Churches
• One Perspective, That of the Pastor
• Confined Only to Member Churches of the South Carolina Baptist Congress
of Christian Education
Preliminary Findings
• Average Church Size is Less Than 200 Members
• 85% of Participating Pastors are 60 Years of Age or Older
• Majority of Churches have at least 3 Social Programs or Services That Serve
the Community
• 90% Reported Their Congregation Contributed Less Than $5000 Annually to
These Social Programs and Services
• Majority of Pastors Reported That They Have a Small Degree of Trust for
National, State, and Local Government Officials
• 95% Reported Their Congregation Feel Moderately Empowered to Make
Positive Social Change in the Community
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