United Learning Academy Teachers’ Pay Policy Scope The Pay Policy for teachers set out below applies to teachers employed on the United Learning Academy contract (ULT contract). The Pay Policy does not apply to Head Teachers, Deputy Head Teachers or those teachers whose contract of employment with United Learning is as a result of the transfer of undertakings from the Local Education Authority to United Learning. ULT is a registered exempt charity and forms part of the trading name, United Learning. This policy must be read in conjunction with the United Learning Teachers’ Performance and Development Review Guidance. The Pay Structure is set out in Annex C. 1. 1. United Learning's Objectives 1.1 United Learning’s vision is to provide excellent education so all young people are able to make a success of their lives. To deliver this vision, United Learning aims to attract, retain, develop and reward outstanding teachers. 1.2 United Learning places great emphasis on being a values-led organisation with an ethos established to bring hope and aspiration to the communities we serve in our schools. Our values act as a yardstick for how we behave, interact with each other and deliver our mission. These values are: Ambition, Confidence, Determination, Creativity, Respect and Enthusiasm. 1.3 United Learning will seek to reward its teaching staff: 1.4 a) In a fair way based on transparent policies; b) At competitive market rates to recruit and retain good teaching staff; c) At levels which are affordable within the funding available to the Academy as agreed by the DfE, using public funds in the best possible way to the advantage of the students within United Learning Academies; d) In a way which inspires staff to raise their professional standards; United Learning expects its teaching staff: a) To support quality initiatives to improve teaching and learning and to help make the learning experience challenging and exciting; b) To enable successful student progress; c) To make a contribution to the life of the Academy outside the classroom. Where staff make such contributions it is done so on a voluntary basis and is not part of the contractual obligation; d) To commit to continuing professional development. 2. Salary on Appointment 2.1 The salary of a Newly Qualified Teacher will normally commence on the first point within the PT scale. Previous teaching and other relevant experience will be taken into account when 1 of 14 determining the starting point on the scale. 2.2 2.3 3. For teachers other than NQTs, the starting point within the United Learning Academy Pay Policy will be determined by: a) Number of years of post qualification teaching experience; b) Other relevant experience; c) Whether or not the teacher has successfully fulfilled threshold requirements; d) Any proposed leadership responsibilities; e) Any proposed management responsibilities. In normal circumstances, a teacher’s starting salary will be no less than their current salary. General Pay Award 3.1 A general review of pay is undertaken on an annual basis, is applicable to all teachers and all parts of their pay. The purpose of the general pay award is to ensure that the salaries of teachers are and remain at competitive market rates. 3.2 The general pay award date for all teachers employed on the United Learning Academy contract will be 1st September each year. 3.3 The general pay award applies equally to all teachers employed on the United Learning Academy contract. 3.4 In negotiation with United Learning Academies recognised unions, the Board of United Learning will take into account when considering any general review: a) United Learning’s long-term commitment to attract and retain the best staff; b) Submissions from United Learning Academies recognised unions and negotiations annually at the Joint Negotiating Committee; c) Headline inflation over the preceding months; d) The recommended pay review award to teachers in the maintained sector; e) The ability of United Learning Academies as a group to fund any increase in pay, with particular reference to the level of funding available to the Academies as agreed by the DfE; f) Any other relevant factors. 4. Individual Pay Awards under United Learning Academies Contribution Based Pay Scheme 4.1 This section sets out the framework for assessing individual contribution for pay review purposes. 4.2 The purpose of Contribution Based Pay within academies is to: a) Encourage the skills and attitudes which will underpin the success of individuals and United Learning; b) Enhance the impact of teaching on students’ achievements and their personal development; 2 of 14 c) Clearly align the individual teacher’s objectives with the development of the academy; d) Encourage continuous improvement and development of all teachers; e) Provide a basis for considering an individual’s contribution and reviewing their pay. 4.3 Contribution Based Pay, and subsequent individual pay progression, recognises the contribution a teacher makes to academy performance both through the achievement of up to three Objectives and through the development and application of skills, attitudes, abilities and knowledge required to perform effectively as a teacher, as set out in the Teachers’ Standards. 4.4 Objectives for teachers must show an appropriate balance between: a) Improving the impact of teaching on pupils’ achievement and personal development, where relevant, including examination outcomes; b) Improving the professional skills and/or achieving the aspirations of the individual. 4.5 It is not envisaged that teachers are assessed in a tick-list fashion against each individual Standard, but instead they should be used as a basis for dialogue to highlight strengths and achievements, identify areas for development and possible Objectives. 4.6 For further details about setting Objectives and reviewing performance in line with the Teachers’ Standards, please refer to the United Learning Teachers’ Performance and Development Review Guidance. 4.7 Once the Performance and Development Review record has been completed and signed off, it will be submitted to the Head Teacher. 4.8 Having received the Review record, the Head Teacher will follow up some or all aspects raised by the Performance and Development Review with the appropriate line manager. 4.9 The Head Teacher will consider the merits of each Performance and Development Review 3 of 14 record and make recommendations for pay awards in line with the appropriate sections of this Pay Policy. 4.10 In making recommendations for pay awards, the Head Teacher will consider contribution in all three Objectives and with reference to the behaviours set out in the Teachers’ Standards. As set out in point 4.5 above, the Teachers’ Standards should not be used in a tick-list fashion and the review of an individual’s performance should start from the premise that all the standards are being met unless clear evidence to the contrary is provided. 4.11 In making recommendations for pay awards, the Head Teacher is expected to exercise judgement as is necessary and to show leadership in moderating the management of the Performance and Development Review system within the academy. He or she will take into account additional significant evidence as may be necessary to ensure completeness, consistency and fairness of the pay review process across the academy. 4.12 Overall, United Learning will assess teachers’ contribution at one of the three contribution levels described in Annex A. 4.13 Individual pay awards are determined according to the policy set out below. 4.14 Failure to meet all Objectives will not automatically result in no pay progression if significant progress has been made and/or failure to meet Objectives were due to reasons beyond the teacher’s control. 4.15 It will be possible for a ‘no progression’ determination to be made without recourse to the separate United Learning Capability Procedure. 4.16 The funding of salary progression for United Learning Academy teachers will be made available in all cases where the teacher has met the requirements as set out in this policy. 4.17 Final decisions on pay awards will be made by the local moderation panel (see section 5 below) following recommendations by the Head Teacher. 4.18 The timeline for the pay review process is shown below: Performance & Development Reviews and intial pay review process completed by October half term Moderation Panel held by mid-November Pay progression received in December pay run and backdated to 1st September 5. Pay Review Moderation 5.1 The Head Teacher and the Moderation Panel are responsible for ensuring the consistency and fairness of the pay review process and outcomes and ensuring that the implementation of the Contribution Based Pay and non-consolidated recognition awards meet the requirements of United Learning’s Equality Guidelines. 5.2 Each academy will form a local moderation panel consisting of, as a minimum, the Head Teacher, Head of Junior School (if applicable), Chair of the Local Governing Body (or designated Local Governing Body member(s) as appropriate), Senior Leadership Team 4 of 14 members (as appropriate) and their Central Office HR Business Partner. The panel should meet, in person, no later than mid-November. 6. 5.3 The purpose of the local moderation panel is to ensure the consistency and fairness of the Performance and Development Review process and pay recommendations within the academy. 5.4 The role of the Head Teacher will be to present their pay review recommendations and answer questions. The Moderation Panel will be responsible for approving the final pay awards. 5.5 To ensure consistency and equality between academies, the Central Office HR team and the Education Director (or his/her deputies) will undertake a review of this policy within academies across United Learning from time to time. Group summary reports and the operation of this policy will be discussed annually with recognised trade unions. Professional Teacher (PT1-6) Salary Range and Progression 6.1 Points 1, 2 and 3 in the Professional Teacher salary range are fixed salary scale points. Beyond this, points 4 to 6 are guidance points for reference only to help academies manage pay progression through this range and clarify teachers’ expectations. These guidance points are not mandatory and academies have the flexibility to work outside them, however it is envisaged that in most cases the guidance points will be used as scale points. 6.2 Teachers with up to two years post qualification experience will normally be paid on the first two points of the Professional Teacher scale (PT1 and 2) and salary progression will be incremental, including progression onto PT3. This increase will be applied annually on 1st September during each of the first two years after they have qualified. Such increases will be made in addition to any increase agreed within the general pay review as described in paragraph 3. 6.3 Such increments will be applied automatically unless: a) The teacher is the subject of a formal capability procedure, in which case an increment may be withheld or delayed; b) The teacher fails satisfactorily to complete the induction period as set out in the United Learning Academy policy for teachers in the first two years of the profession. 6.4 The salary progression for teachers with more than two years and up to six years post qualification experience will be assessed on an annual basis through the Contribution Based Pay scheme. Subject to ‘expected’ contribution, as defined in Annex A, teachers will progress through the band each year on 1st September, with due regard to the published guidance points as appropriate. 6.5 Professional Teachers whose contribution is judged to be ‘consistently outstanding’, as defined in Annex A, will progress at a faster rate within the band. 6.6 Such increases will be made in addition to any increase agreed within the general pay review as described in paragraph 3. 5 of 14 6.7 7. Progression may be withheld or delayed where support interventions have failed and a teacher is the subject of a formal capability procedure. Threshold Applications and Evidence 7.1 Any qualified teacher may apply to be paid in the Experienced Professional Teacher (EPT) pay band and any such application must be assessed in line with this policy. It is the responsibility of the teacher to decide whether or not they wish to apply to be paid in the EPT band. 7.2 Applications may be made once a year following the Performance and Development Review (PDR). Where teachers wish to be assessed they should notify their Head Teacher in writing of this request and with their request they should submit evidence from their most recent reviews. This may include the previous academic years’ Performance and Development Review which will be considered together with their performance in the current academic year. Only evidence from the Performance and Development Review process will be used. For teachers with an attendance gap in the previous academic year (e.g. due to maternity/long term sickness absence) evidence should be submitted from the most recent Performance and Development Review. The Assessment 7.3 An application from a qualified teacher will be successful where the Head Teacher is satisfied that: a) The Teacher is highly competent in all elements of the Teachers’ Standards; and b) The Teacher’s achievements and contribution to the school are substantial and sustained. 7.4 For the purposes of this pay policy: a) ‘Highly competent’ means that the Teacher is assessed this year as meeting all of the Teachers’ Standards and exceeds at least half of them; b) ‘Substantial contribution’ means that the Teacher has played a critical role in the overall success of the school and has made a significant contribution to the raising of student standards; and c) ‘Sustained achievement/contribution’ means that the teacher has maintained a good/excellent performance rating over the two year period of the assessment. Processes and Procedures 7.5 Applications should be made at the conclusion of the Performance and Development Review process and received by the Head Teacher no later than 31st October. The Head Teacher will acknowledge receipt of all applications. 7.6 If successful, applicants will move to the minimum of the Experienced Professional Teacher scale from 1st September (this will be backdated as appropriate). 7.7 If unsuccessful, feedback will be provided by the Head Teacher as soon as possible and within 10 working days of the decision, and will cover the reasons for the decision and the appeals arrangements available to the teacher. 6 of 14 7.8 8. 9. If a teacher is unhappy with the outcome of their application they should refer to the Appeals Procedure detailed in Annex B. Salary Progression for Experienced Professional Teachers with no Leadership or Management Responsibilities 8.1 The salary of teachers with no specific leadership or management responsibilities will be determined within the Experienced Teacher band (EPT). Salary progression within this band will reflect contribution as assessed following two successful Performance and Development Reviews (over a two year period) under the Contribution Based Pay Scheme. 8.2 Whilst there are no formal salary scales applicable to Experienced Professional Teachers there are guidance points for reference only to help academies manage pay progression through this range and clarify teachers’ expectations. These guidance points are not mandatory and academies have the flexibility to work outside them to reward teachers as appropriate. 8.3 Experienced Professional Teachers whose contribution demonstrates ‘year on year improvement’, as defined in Annex A, following two successful Performance and Development Reviews (PDR) (over a two year period) will progress on 1st September up to the EPT2 guidance point. 8.4 Experienced Professional Teachers whose contribution is judged to be ‘consistently outstanding’, as defined in Annex A, will progress at a faster rate within the band and are eligible to progress to the EPT3 guidance point and beyond to the maximum value of the band. 8.5 Salary increases within the Experienced Professional Teachers Band will be made in addition to any increase agreed within the general pay review as described in paragraph 3. 8.6 Progression may be withheld or delayed where support interventions have failed and a teacher is the subject of a formal capability procedure. Leading Practitioner Band 9.1 Teachers who are judged to be consistently outstanding classroom teachers and whose primary purpose is the modelling and leading of teaching skills improvement will be promoted to the position of Leading Practitioner. 9.2 Leading Practitioner’s pay falls within the Leading Practitioner Band. At the point at which a teacher is promoted to the status of Leading Practitioner a decision will be made as to his or her starting point within the band. This pay decision will take into account: a) The teacher’s current pay position; b) Experience; c) The specific Leading Practitioner role which is being offered. 9.3 Leading Practitioners whose contribution is judged to be ‘consistently outstanding’, as defined in Annex A, will progress on 1st September. 9.4 The Leading Practitioner Band has no upper limit. 7 of 14 9.5 Progression may be withheld or delayed where support interventions have failed and a teacher is the subject of a formal capability procedure. 9.6 Salary increases within the Leading Practitioner Band will be made in addition to any increase agreed within the general pay review as described in paragraph 3. 10. Leadership and Management Pay 10.1 Teachers will receive payment of an appropriate TLR1 or TLR2 for undertaking permanent additional responsibilities. 10.2 The Head Teacher may award a TLR1 or TLR2 to a classroom teacher for undertaking clearly defined and sustained additional responsibility in the context of the academy’s staffing structure for the purpose of ensuring the continued delivery of high-quality teaching and learning and for which the teacher is made accountable. 10.3 The Head Teacher may award a TLR3 for clearly time-limited school improvement projects. Criteria for such an award should be agreed in advance by both parties. The duration of the fixed-term must be established at the outset and payment should be made on a monthly basis for the duration of the fixed-term. 10.4 Although a teacher cannot hold a TLR1 and TLR2 concurrently, a teacher in receipt of either a TLR1 or TLR2 may also hold a concurrent TLR3. 10.5 The salary and any allowances, except for TLR’3 of a part time teacher, should be paid on a pro rata basis. 10.6 Before making an award, the Head Teacher must be satisfied that the teacher’s duties include a significant responsibility that is not required of all classroom teachers and that: a) Is focused on teaching and learning; b) Requires the exercise of a teacher’s professional skills and judgement; c) Requires a teacher to lead, manage and develop a subject or curriculum area; or to lead and manage student development across the curriculum (does not apply to TLR3); d) Has an impact on the educational progress of students other than the teacher’s assigned classes or groups of students; and e) Involves leading, developing and enhancing the teaching practice of other staff (does not apply to TLR3). 10.7 Before awarding a TLR1, the Head Teacher must also be satisfied that the significant responsibility above includes line management responsibility for a significant number of people. 10.8 Pay for Designated Senior Positions (typically Head Teachers, Vice Principals/Deputy Heads and Heads of Junior Schools) will be managed outside of this policy. 11. Leadership Pay Range (not Designated Senior Positions) TBC 8 of 14 12. Unqualified Teachers 12.1 United Learning does not have Unqualified Teacher pay scales, however academies are encouraged to refer to the maintained sector pay range for Unqualified Teachers when setting and managing salaries. The use of these scales is not mandatory and may not be appropriate for all Unqualified Teachers. 12.2 The salary progression for Unqualified Teachers will be assessed on an annual basis through the Contribution Based Pay scheme. Subject to ‘expected’ contribution, as defined in Annex A, Unqualified Teachers would be eligible to progress each year on 1st September. 12.3 Such increases will be made in addition to any increase agreed within the general pay award review as described in paragraph 3. 12.4 Progression may be withheld or delayed where support interventions have failed and a teacher is the subject of a formal capability procedure. 12.5 Unqualified Teachers who are judged to be ‘consistently outstanding’, as defined in Annex A, will be considered for salary progression at a faster rate. 13. Acting Allowances 13.1 Where a teacher is required to act as a Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher or Assistant Head Teacher for a period in excess of four weeks, she/he will receive an additional allowance in order that the total pay received is equal to that of the substantive post holder. 13.2 Payments will be backdated to the day on which the teacher assumed those duties. No pressure, direct or indirect, will be placed on teachers to act up where such acting up is voluntary on their part. 14. Special Educational Needs (SEN) Allowances 14.1 The Head Teacher may award a SEN allowance to a classroom teacher where: a) The SEN post requires a mandatory SEN qualification; b) It is in a special school; c) They teach pupils in one or more designated special classes or units. 14.2 Where a SEN allowance is to be paid, mandatory qualifications, other qualifications and experience of the teacher relevant to the post and demands must be considered. 15. Non-Consolidated Recogition Awards 15.1 Head Teachers may elect to reward individuals, teams or the whole Academy through the payment of a non-consolidated recognition award. It is envisaged that the focus will be on recognising team success. Such payments can be made in addition to any individual annual award as set out in this policy. 15.2 Non-consolidated recognition awards should principally be used to reward one-off successes of individuals and teams. 15.3 The criteria which Head Teachers will apply in determining recommendations for non- 9 of 14 consolidated awards will be: a) The sum of money allocated by the Board to the Academy for this purpose; b) The percentage of the eligible population that should receive an award; c) The minimum/maximum value of awards; d) The relative performance of individuals, teams, sections or departments within their Academy; and e) The appropriate balance in terms of equality. 15.4 Non-consolidated recognition awards will also be subject to the moderation and approval of the Moderation Panel, as set out in section 5 above. 16. Part-Time Teachers 16.1 Teachers employed on an on-going basis at the academy but who work less than a full working week are deemed to be part-time and as such, any salary will be paid on a pro rata basis. 16.2 Pay progression for teachers employed on a part time contract of employment are the same as those teachers employed on a full time basis. 17. Recruitment and Retention Incentives and Benefits 17.1 Where the Head Teachers considers it necessary as an incentive for the recruitment of new teachers or the retention of existing teachers, a payment may be agreed, any such payment should be subject to the following: a) Criteria agreed in advance by both parties; b) Annual formal reviews; and c) Clarification given at the outset of the expected duration of the incentive/benefit and the review date after which they may be withdrawn. 18. Funding the Salary Bill 18.1 The funding for the salary bill is contained within the grant made available by the DfE to United Learning Academies for the purposes of running each particular Academy. 19. Appeals 19.1 If a teacher is unhappy with the pay award/no pay award given, to which the teacher feels s/he was due, they should refer to the Appeals Procedure in Annex B. 20. Monitor and Review 20.1 The Head Teacher and Local Governing Body will monitor and review the outcomes and impact of this policy on an annual basis, including trends in progression across specific groups of teachers, to assess its effect and the academy’s continued compliance with equalities 10 of 14 legislation. Group summary reports and the operation of this policy will be discussed annually with recognised trade unions. 21. Legal Effect 21.1 United Learning may revise the Pay Policy from time to time but will not change the provisions of the paragraphs which are legally binding in a way which is detrimental to the teachers to whom such paragraphs apply. 11 of 14 Annex A Objectives ‘Expected’ Contribution ‘Year on Year Improvement’ ‘Consistently Outstanding’ Contribution The objectives set The objectives set and The objectives set are then met are more challenging than those of the year before or more challenging than those of the year before and have been achieved1 The objectives set have been achieved and some have been exceeded1 Skills & Behaviours The performance of the teacher consistently meets the Teachers’ Standards2 The performance of the teacher consistently meets the Teachers’ Standards2 and shows some outstanding attributes The objectives set have been achieved and some have been exceeded 1 The performance of the teacher is consistently outstanding when reviewed against the Teachers’ Standards2 Taking into account any barriers to achievement or special circumstances, for example, long term illness or maternity leave. 2 The Teachers’ Standards should not be used as a checklist but as a basis for dialogue to highlight strengths and achievements, identify areas for development and possible Objectives. 12 of 14 Annex B – Appeals Procedure A teacher may have an objection to any aspect of their pay award or performance review. Some examples are given below but this list is not exhaustive: a) The way in which the Performance and Development Review was conducted; b) The assessments arrived at as a result of the Review meeting; c) The pay award/no pay award given to which the teacher feels s/he was due. Informal The teacher should initially raise the matter with their line manager who will make every effort to reach an agreement informally. If the matter is not resolved to the teacher’s satisfaction, the objection should be pursued in accordance with the following formal Appeals Procedure. Formal The objection should be put in writing to the Head Teacher within 10 working days of being notified of the decision against which they have an objection(s). The letter should outline the reason for the objection(s). The Head Teacher will review the objection(s) within 10 working days of receipt of the objection letter with a member of the Governing Body, who will not have been involved in the initial decision. Following the review, the Head Teacher will confirm the decision within 10 working days. The decision will be final. If the result of the Appeals Procedure is an increase in pay, the increase will be backdated to the date on which the increase would have been otherwise paid. If the matter is not resolved to the teacher’s satisfaction, the objection should be pursued in accordance with the United Learning Grievance Procedure. Version number: UCST/ULT/Both: Date Authorised: Date issued: Date Reviewed: 2.0 ULT September 2014 September 2014 Target Audience: Reason for version change: Name of owner/author: Name of individual/department responsible: Teaching Staff Review of pay structure and CPB Reward & Policy Team HR 13 of 14 Annex C – United Learning Academy Teachers’ Pay Structure 2014 Professional Teacher Pay Structure Inner London United Learning Academies (Paddington, Lambeth) 28,921 30,429 31,099 33,041 35,178 37,560 42,754 PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 guidance pnt PT5 guidance pnt PT6 guidance pnt PT Top Outer London (Walthamstow) 26,904 28,571 29,473 31,637 34,020 36,406 38,737 All Other Academies 23,549 25,338 26,444 28,756 31,001 33,387 35,216 Maintained Sector Comparison M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 Inner London 27,543 28,980 30,490 32,079 34,547 37,119 All Other Schools Outer London 22,023 23,764 25,675 27,650 29,829 32,187 25,623 27,211 28,896 30,685 33,287 35,823 Experienced Teacher Pay Structure United Learning Academies Inner London (Paddington, Lambeth) 42,755 43,628 44,856 45,909 46,824 51,019 EPT1 EPT1a until Sept 2015 EPT2 guidance pnt EPT2a until Sept 2016 EPT3 guidance pnt EPT Top Outer London (Walthamstow) 38,738 39,490 40,356 41,551 43,040 45,478 Leading Practitioner Pay Range (no upper limit) Inner London Outer London (Paddington, Lambeth) (Walthamstow) All Other Academies 35,217 36,220 37,262 38,456 39,946 44,114 Inner London All Other Schools Outer London 42,332 38,355 34,869 U2 44,412 39,775 36,161 U3 45,905 41,247 37,496 Leadership Pay range (no upper limit) All Other Academies 47,100 43,058 40,543 TLR 3 Fixed Term 511 2,551 TLR 2 (£) 2,587 6,322 TLR 1 (£) 7,471 12,643 Starting rate Maintained Sector Comparison U1 Academies (Secondary) Academies (Primary) Starting rate tbc tbc Academies (Inner & Outer London) tbc TLR Payments Minimum Maximum SEN Allowance Minimum Maximum (£) 2,043 4,034 Unqualified Teacher Pay Structure (guidance only) Outer London Inner London Pay Scale 19,167 20,293 1 21,045 22,169 2 22,922 24,046 3 24,801 25,922 4 26,677 27,798 5 28,555 29,673 6 All Other 16,136 18,013 19,889 21,766 23,644 25,520 14 of 14