www.freestudentprojects.com www.studentprojectcode.com www.bestprojectsidea.com Project title: Cake Ordering System (COS) SYNOPSIS Project Category: Stand Alone Application Objective: The “Cake Ordering System (COS)” objective is to provide a system which manages the sales activity in a cake shop for each day and its calculation which is very huge. The users will consume less amount of time when compared to manual paper work through the automated system. The system will take care of all the sales servicing activity in a quick manner. Data storing is easier. It will be able to check any report at any time. Paper work and manual work is reduced. The system is user friendly and easy to use. Description: The” Cake Ordering System (COS)”activity is based on ordering and selling the cake for each customer. Each customer will be given unique order number. As soon as this the customer’s name and contact details are added for reference. Next the cake is selected and stuffing type is also added if required. The user should enter the date of delivery and also the quantity. A separate bill is produced for the confirmation and the customer can do any advance payment. Duringthe day of delivery, the customer will be producing the bill of order. According to it, again a bill is generated for selling purpose and the customer is supposed to pay the balance amount. All the data’s are being stored in the database. Admin has the authority to add cake details, flavour details and rate. And he also has the right to edit and delete those details to/from the list. Admin provides username and password for each user. At the end of the day report is generated to calculate the payment for each user in each day. Modules of the software: Account Configuration: Cake: A new type of cake is added which includes the name of the cake and the rate. Also the details can be edited if necessary only by the admin. Along with this any of the details can easily be deleted by him. Flavor: 2 types of cake flavor are added namely outside stuffing and inside stuffing and separate rate is added for flavors. The admin has the authority to modify the details added and he also has the right to delete those details. Report: Here the user can look through the order collected by each user and also can share the payment, he earned in each day. Registration: As soon as the user joins the company, the admin provides unique username and password to him. Order:Here the customer orders for cake by providing his name and contact for identification and a unique order number will be generated from the software. A separate bill is generated for the confirmation purpose. Sale:On the day of delivery, as soon as the customer produces the bill of order and his unique order number, the user checks in the system whether that order number and order is available www.freestudentprojects.com www.studentprojectcode.com www.bestprojectsidea.com or not. If so he will pass the bill of order to the production counter and finally sales bill can be generated. Logout: This module allows the user to Logout the application. Further operations cannot be performed after user exits Languages to be used: Front End: Visual Basic.net Back End: Microsoft SQL (Structured Query Language) Server: Hardware requirements: Processor: Intel dual core or above Processor Speed:1.0GHZ or above RAM: 1 GB RAM or above Hard Disk: 20 GB hard disk or above Software requirements: Language: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Database: Microsoft SQL server 2008 Future Scope of the Project: Reduction of paper work. Human effort or Manual Labor can be reduced drastically. Major operations that are done manually can be done within a matter of seconds. www.freestudentprojects.com www.studentprojectcode.com www.bestprojectsidea.com SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT ANALYSISANDSPECIFICATION PURPOSE: The basic purpose of SRS is to describe the complete behaviour of the software proposed. It is like an agreement between client and the developer. Software system easily understands and solves any problem if the SRS is produced. The special and the extra importance is given to identify what is required from the system, not how the system will work and achieve its goal. The final goal is to produce a stable and a high quality SRS. INTENDED USERS AND READING SUGGESTIONS: This Software Requirements document is intended for: Administrator:should have the basic Knowledge of computers and Visual Basicin order to perform tasks. An Admin can access to any users profile whereas a user cannot access neither to admins profile nor to any other users profile. User who should have the basic Knowledge of computers and Visual Basic in order to perform tasks and who wishes to read about what this project can do. User can access only the services given by the Admin. Developers who can view project’s abilities and can easily understand to add more features for future development. SCOPE: This project is helpful to computerize the sales activities and the payment given to the user. REFERENCES: PankajJalote, An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, Third Edition, Narosa Publications OVERVIEW: The system functionality provides an overview of this document.SRS is like an agreement between the developer and the client of how the software “COS” is to be constructed. The correct understanding of the SRS enables us to do correct software and will be useful in future stages for the development of the project. This system helps us to manage all the sale transactions in an easily sorted manner.The project “Cake Ordering System” is developed to maintain and track the Sales activities. OVERALL DESCRIPTION PRODUCT PERSPECTIVE: A Database is included for more than one user in the COS system. Every user has a unique master key and it will uniquely open the database for each user. Admin provides different username and password for each user. This includes a wide range of sales activities. This software aims at the sales of cake for each customer hence reducing paper work. It also provides day by day reports to keep track of all the sales activities. www.freestudentprojects.com www.studentprojectcode.com www.bestprojectsidea.com USER CHARACTERISTICS: Administrator: The administrator of the company is allowed to access all the services in the system. The username and password for the end user is given by the administrator. User: The user is allowed to access the services given by the administrator like ordering, billing etc. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT Processor: Intel dual core or above Processor Speed: 1.0 GHZ or above RAM: 1 GB RAM or above Hard Disk: 20 GB hard disk or above. Operating Systems: Windows XP/2000/2003/2007 ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDANCIES: Basic knowledge of the computers should be known by the users and we also assure that software user manual and training documentation will be given to the users FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT: Login Module: Introduction: Authorized users are allowed to access. Input: User enters the User type, Username and password. Process Definition: Checks User type, Username and password is valid or not. Output: User is directed to next page or shows the message box “Login Failed”. Registration module: Introduction: Only Admin can access the page. Input: Admin has the authority to provide username and password for new users Process Definition: Checks same username and password exists or not and also checks whether all the fields are entered. Output: Employee gets the username and password. Report Module: Introduction: Only Admin can access the page and check the report. Input: Username, from date, to date Process Definition: It retrieve’s all the information stored from different tables. Output: Requested report is generated. Cake Module: Input:cake name, rate Process Definition:A new type of cake is added which includes the name of the cake and the rate. Also the details can be edited if necessary only by the admin. Along with this any of the details can easily be deleted by him. Output:A new cake and a rate is added to the system. Flavour Module: Input:outside stuffing, inside stuffing, rate www.freestudentprojects.com www.studentprojectcode.com www.bestprojectsidea.com Process Definition:2 types of cake flavour are added namely outside stuffing and inside stuffing and separate rate is added for flavours’. The admin has the authority to modify the details added and he also has the right to delete those details. . Output:A new cake and a rate is added to the system. Order module: Input: Orderno, name, contact, cake name, stuffing’s, quantity Process Definition:Here the customer orders for cake by providing his name and contact for identification and a unique order number will be generated from the software. Output: A separate bill is generated for the confirmationpurpose. All the information is being saved in the database. Sales module: Input: Order no Process Definition:On the day of delivery, as soon as the customer produces the bill of order and his unique order number, the user checks in the system whether that order number and order is available or not. If so he will pass the bill of order to the production counter. Output: As soon as this procedure is done, ticket can be generated. All the information is saved in the database including the ticket no. EXTERNAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENT: USER INTERFACES: GUI is provided by the software which is self-explanatory. User friendly forms, menus and options are contained by the software. Designing of the product have to be studied by the developer. Software gives warnings with necessary assistance to the clients. HARDWARE INTERFACES: Keyboard and mouse are the input for all the systems designed forms. Keyboard and mouse will provide user friendly interaction between the user and the system and the forms can be viewed through a monitor in GUI. SOFTWARE INTERFACES: The software is developed with all the basic controls and class provided in VB .Net. Application Package must be installed. A confirmation prompt is presented by the system to the user like continue or cancel operation, if any modifications to be done. All the data’s inserted will be stored in SQL. OTHER NONFUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT: PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENT: Good memory space is required. Should be Error-free. Large amount of data should be handled easily. SAFETY REQUIREMENT: Backups can be done regularly. www.freestudentprojects.com www.studentprojectcode.com www.bestprojectsidea.com SECURITY REQUIREMENT: A password is given to the SQL server. Administrator and the end user, who have their own user name and password, have only the right to open the software. SOFTWARE QUALITY ATTRIBUTES: PORTABILITY: Installation of this software can be done in any windows operating system. FLEXIBILITY: As the transaction takes place, the system keeps on updating the data. MAINTAINABILITY: In this stage, validation will be referred from the given SRS TIMELINESS: The system performs all the operations in less amount of time.. RELIABILITY: Validations even for user inputs will be done. Avoid incorrect storage of records. OTHER REQUIREMENTS: None DATA FLOW DIAGRAM Context Flow Diagram: www.freestudentprojects.com www.studentprojectcode.com www.bestprojectsidea.com Orderno, caketype,stuffing,qty Cake Ordering System User Bill,reports Level 1: user type,username, password, cno,cake name,rate fno,stuffings name,rate User name,contact,c akename,stuffin g name,qty 1.0 Registration 2.0 Maintenance of Cake Details 3.0 Maintenance of Flavour details 4.0 Order 5.0 Report Level 1.0: tbl_login cno,cake name,rate tbl_cake fno,stuffings name,rate tbl_flavour orderno,name,co ntact,cakename, stuffing name,qty,total date daily/monthly report Usertype, Username, password tbl_order www.freestudentprojects.com User Usertype,Username, password www.studentprojectcode.com www.bestprojectsidea.com Usertype,Username, password Registration tbl_register Us Us erty p e pa rnam e, ss wo e, rd val rie ret Login Failed Authentication Successful(cake name,qty) Cake Ordering System Ordered list, Bill genertion, report Level 2.0 e ak m na te ra e, cake name, rate Cake no Maintenance of cake Details User c o, cn ak o,c cn Add te , ra me a en Delete Cake no Ca ke tbl_cake cno,cake name, rate e, nam c ak e c no, rate no Update ke Ca no Level 3.0 Add te e, ra g nam in ff u t fno,s stuffing name,rate User uffi ng na me , ra te Flavour no Maintenance of flavour Details Delete Flavour no tbl_flavour fno,stuffing name, rate te e, ra g nam in ff u t fno,s ur no Flavo Fl a vou rn o Update Level 4.0 fno ,st www.freestudentprojects.com www.studentprojectcode.com www.bestprojectsidea.com tbl_cake cakename name,contact,cake name,stuffing name,qty User rate Order process tbl_order orderno,name,cont act,cakename,stuff ing name,qty,total orderno,name,contact, cakename,stuffing name,qty,total Bill generation orderno,name,contact, cakename,stuffing name,qty,total tbl_bill