C-ESS VIP ICT project

ICT Project
ESSnet Workshop,
3-4 December 2012
Scope and Business Case of the ICT Project
• Annual Surveys on the Use of Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) in enterprises and by individuals
• ICT Project will tackle both (enterprise and household) surveys and
their respective production and dissemination processes
• In a narrow sense, the purpose of ICT is to reengineer
the production and dissemination processes of ICT
• In a broader sense, ICT should generalise the proposed
solutions to establish a generic approach to statistical
data production and at ESS level
Expected Benefits
• More Integrated System: towards a distributed ESS Data
Warehouse and common model for data exchange
• Industrialisation of the production and dissemination process
Based on Standards
Intelligent formats
• Better synchronisation between national and European level
• Synergies within Eurostat and the ESS
Shared services
• Faster Dissemination of European Statistics
Reuse of SDMX-Reference Infrastructure
Statistical Organisation
Statistical Organisation
ICT: Step by step approach – Phase I (2013)
• Detailed analysis and documentation of the processes using
a BPM tool (ARIS)
• Consider only DISSEMINATION of aggregate data from
Enterprise survey
• Carry out a methodological study to reflect on data models,
data transmission, processing and data confidentiality of
aggregate and micro-data
• Set up a prototype to test the three different SDMX
transmission modes
ICT: Phase II
 Phase II
– The overall output of this phase (T+2 = 2014) would be a
prototype for a production system of ICT statistics based on
aggregate data, which transposes data processing steps
performed at Eurostat level to the shared service based
– Methodological guidelines for generalisation of the approach to
similar processes.
– Analysis and methodological work would precede any
implementation work beyond the ICT pilot.
ICT: Phases III and IV
 Phase III
– At the end of this phase (T+3 years = 2015), a new production
system for the Enterprise survey will be in production.
 Phase IV
– At the end of this phase (T+5 years = 2017), a full production
system for the Enterprise and household surveys fully SDMX
compliant will be in production.
– As for the previous phases, the experience of the use case
would allow the creation of methodological guidelines for the
generalisation of the approach.
Re-use of SDMX-RI Infrastructure already installed in NSIs
Participation of a limited number of NSIs in phases I + II
Input from other ESS-VIPs
Possible Support during phase III
ESSnets during phase IV
 Presentations and Discussions at different levels
 Information Society Working Group
 Business, IT, Methodology Directors' Groups
 Embedded into ESS VIPs
 This project has a medium/long term perspective.
 The project will build on developments that were made in the
context of the Census Hub and reuse an infrastructure
(SDMX-RI) already installed in most of the countries.
 The scope of the project is European Statistics. There will
minimal no impact of the production processes of the ESS
partners and on their legacy systems.
 Enhanced standardisation will also enable quicker policy
relevant analysis and cross-domain analysis.