Entrepreneur's Name


Entrepreneur’s Name

Student Name


• A brief biography (minimum one paragraph of text or audio). Include answers to the following questions:

• When and where was the person born?

• What kind of opportunities did the person have growing up?

• What is the social, cultural, and ethnic background of the person?


• A description of the person’s contributions

(minimum two paragraphs of text or audio).

Include answers to the following questions:

• What did the person do that is memorable?

• How has their work helped shape American society?

• What did you learn about this person that will affect or inspire your own life in some way?


• H –

• U –

• N –

• T –

H Harness your vision Take your idea and really think it out. What do you want to accomplish? What resources will be required?

U Underestimate the roadblocks Prevent barriers from stalling action. Find ways around the barrier whether it is money, discouragement from others, or time.

N Network Find and acquaint yourself with people who can help turn your vision into reality. Networking with other people can make roadblocks disappear.

T Take the first step Acting on your vision starts with a single step, and the first is the most difficult. However, once you do, you are more confident to take the second.

Works Cited

• A "Works Cited" page. Include a list of the books, websites, or other references where you found information. You may choose to visit the KnightCite Citation Service for help.

Please use the Chicago style of citing sources, the most common style for students of economics.
