Rebuilding & Re-inventing the Alumni Association

Ateneo de Naga University
Alumni Association
Re-building & Re-inventing for
Service Driven Alumni
Charlie Villaseñor
President, Ateneo de Naga Alumni Association
President, Ateneo de Naga HS 82 Alumni
October 23, 2006
Manila, Philippines
Ateneo de Naga Alumni Association
Why Re-invent & Re-build
Our Key Challenges
How we’re Meeting that Challenge
Governance & Organization
Service Focus
Business Agenda
Where we are today
The Bottom line
Leveraging Global Reach
Next Steps
Our Alumni Association- background
In 2007 we’ve looked at our Alumni Association and found many
opportunities for improvement. Some of them are the following
 The by-laws needs to be reviewed and amended to meet current
 Our organization set-up is not adequately addressing
opportunities and key opportunity areas
 Our SEC, BIR and other business permits are expired
 We do not have a working Secretariat neither a Secretariat office
 The association is not in good financial position do not have
money except the first annual dues given to us by new graduates
 We are not taking advantage of our association many
opportunities. We are not making use of new technologies.
 There are missed opportunities in integrating with alumni based
ADNUAA® Confidential
Ateneo de Naga University
Alumni Association
Changes are clearly needed
It will help our association if we :
 Review and make our by-laws current in meeting new
requirements, opportunities and challenges
 We established a full-time Secretariat office in Manila:
 Established members database
 Issue communications and become center for information
 Carry-out day to day operations such as fund-raising
 Organize regular business forums, retreats, sports, all events
 Coordinate with satellite secretariat in Naga and int’l chapters
 Take advantage of new technology to facilitate the work and
look at this as potential areas of revenue generation
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Ateneo de Naga University
Alumni Association
Participation Issues
A common obstacle to having alumni get involve in alumni
activities are many such as:
Reasons for poor participation
Lack of information
Lack of variety of activities
No regular contact center for getting information
It requires money to participate
• Too diverse profiles of alumni
Involvement is especially difficult to manage within large, geographically dispersed members
of our alumni community
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Ateneo de Naga University
Alumni Association
How a well established Secretariat Office can help
More Participation
A well managed system
proper Secretariat
A Manila Secretariat Office Can Add Value
• Proper Governance => Fiscal controls
• Service Oriented => Customer driven
• Information Center => Faster turn-around
• Revenue Generator=> Business orientated
• Integration w/ chapters => Leverage technology
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Ateneo de Naga University
Alumni Association
Impact of a Central Secretariat Office
A Central Secretariat Office in Manila extends our options
Regional & International
Manila/ Philippines
Naga /
Efficient Membership Reach
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Ateneo de Naga University
Alumni Association
The New Challenge for Our Alumni Association
 Organization & Governance
Need to integrated with Alumni head office and Manila Chapter
We need sustainable leadership and proper governance structure
Getting close to the majority membership base
Centralized full time working Secretariat is key
Fiscal controls (ie; independent auditors)
 Service Driven
Understanding demographic profiles
Introduce services that are diverse and relevant to specific groups
Measure and manage continuous improvement
Use technology such as internet, VOIP, and mobile phones
 Resource Management
 Grow our financial capability to be able to run our programs (ie;
provide outreach, donate to our schools/scholars, medical missions)
 Secure support from capable members
 Prioritize on high-yielding revenue generators, fiscal discipline
 Identify innovative programs to draw resources
ADNUAA® Confidential
Ateneo de Naga University
Alumni Association
We’re going to make it work in our association
 To do that we’ll have to meet the challenges of:
No available full time working Secretariat
Traditional by-laws and governance structures
Old time practices
No adequate infrastructure
Poor “branding” and marketing of our services, opportunities
 We can change it for a better alumni association:
 Update our by-laws and comply with regulatory requirements
 Service driven association
 Deliver value to the membership base
 Support all chapters
 Key performance management
 Manila based Central Secretariat Office that can handle:
 Research & Communications
 Events and project management
 Revenue generation activities
ADNUAA® Confidential
Ateneo de Naga University
Alumni Association
And we’re getting after it
By moving forward on all three fronts simultaneously:
Proper Governance
Service oriented
Resource Management
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Review and update by-laws
Comply with regulatory requirements
Grow involvement and line-up of alumni leaders
Well established fiscal controls
Know the curent demographics and database
Identify key services requirements
Effective and full time working Secretariat
Manage key performance indicators – use available technology
Efficient use of resources
Right revenue enablers
Innovative programs
Measure and manage
Ateneo de Naga University
Alumni Association
Manila Central Secretariat is a big part of the answer
Established this office in phases:
 Around 2, then 3-4 people
 Secure basic office equipments and tools
 Move into generating sources of funding
 Aggressive communication campaigns for events
 Make this Secretariat available to Chapters (local & Intl)
as well as different batch groups who may want to avail
of their services.
ADNUAA® Confidential
Ateneo de Naga University
Alumni Association
Good for Alumni and also our School
 Benefits to Alumni:
Can easily access and get involve in the association
There is a well defined and structured process to participate
Avail of membership services and opportunity to also serve
Assurance of proper management and proper controls
Being part of a system of having continuous improvement
embodying the ideals of an Ateneo de Naga alumni
 Benefits to our school:
Closer cooperation and collaboration with the alumni
Have a more organized channel of communication
More efficient coordination when fund sharing is necessary
Partnership approach in building the Ateneo De Naga brand
Potential for more strategic joint programs
ADNUAA® Confidential
Ateneo de Naga University
Alumni Association
Where we are today...
 Leveraging our Manila Chapter
 Manila Chapter 2007 officers very supportive of the plan forward
 Manila Chapter have offered resources to kick-off the program
 Manila Chapter willing to support the big picture and for them to also
 Informal Surveys in Naga and USA
 Naga team recognizes the need to make the changes
 USA based alumni would like more collaboration with Philippines
 Invitation to USA Convention “All USA Ateneans” in July 2008, Chicago
 Next Steps
Do a Strategic Planning session by January 2008
Secure the Secretariat office and
Hire the resources
Share this to the Grand Alumni Reunion in Naga on 30 December 2007
and secure further support
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Ateneo de Naga University
Alumni Association
The Bottom Line...
A co-ordinated approach
Centralized Secretariat
Governance & Service
 Manila base
New By-laws
 focus on delivery
Service focus
 Measure & manage
Proper Controls
Will improve the overall performance of the alumni
WE can do it!
ADNUAA® Confidential
Ateneo de Naga University
Alumni Association
In Summary
We’re changing the way we will run our alumni association
 Establishing and preparing the new organization model
 Puting in place a more effective Secretariat Center
 Delivery of more diverse and relevant services
 Making the fiscal controls in place
 Setting some business objectives for sustainable long-term growth
 Getting more alumni inspired to participation
 Working closely with the Ateneo de Naga University
By January 2008:
 We need to do more detailed strategic planning and project
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Ateneo de Naga University
Alumni Association
Thank You!
ADNUAA® Confidential
Ateneo de Naga University
Alumni Association
Ateneo de Naga University
Alumni Association
Re-inventing & Re-building for
Service Driven Alumni
Charlie Villaseñor
President, Ateneo de Naga Alumni Association
President, Ateneo de Naga HS 82 Alumni
October 23, 2006
Manila, Philippines