ARMY POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGES APPLIED LINGUISTICS IN ENGLISH PROGRAM VIVIANA A. VALLEJO DEL CASTILLO TITLE: ANALYSIS, DESIGN AND APPLICATION OF AN APPROPRIATE TEACHING ENGLISH METHODOLOGY FOR PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN WITH ADHD (ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER) IN THE BILINGUAL KIDS CENTRE “BLUE SKY” MENU GENERAL ASPECTS OF ADHD PROBLEM STATEMENT PEOPLE INVOLVED IN THE ADHD DIAGNOSTIC ACTUAL SITUATION LEARNING PROBLEMS ADHD STUDENT SYMPTOMS METHODOLOGIES RESEARCH TYPE AND DESIGN SAMPLE CLASSROOM MANAGMENT RESULTS CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS SUB MENU ADHD HISTORIC OUTLINE WHAT IS ADHD ADHD CAUSES ADHD EFFECTS TYPES OF ADHD METHODOLOGY RECOMPILATIONS DESIGNED METHODOLOGIES RESULTS ANALISIS OF THE RESULTS INTRODUCTION ADHD is a common behavioral disorder that affects an estimated 8% to 10% of school-age children. Boys are about three times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with it, though it is not yet understood why. ADHD HISTORIC OUTLINE 1902 1960 1990 WHAT IS ADHD ADHD is a neurological disorder that is characterized by three key symptoms: Inattention Hyperactivity Impulsivity ADHD CAUSES Imbalance in the Nervous System The neuron function comes off a small amount of chemical substance called Neurotransmitter Allergies Explained like an allergic reaction ADHD CAUSES Education Disorganized atmosphere Mother’s Pregnancy Use of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes ADHD EFFECTS SCHOOL LOW SELF - STEM HEALTH FAMILY TYPES OF ADHD ADHD IT “Predominantly Inattentive Type” Seems not to be listening Get distracted for irrelevant noise Passive Disorganized TYPES OF ADHD ADHD HI “Predominantly Hyperactive” Impulsive Moves from a place to another The behavior is annoying Seems aggressive Talks in excess TYPES OF ADHD ADHD CT “Combined Type” It is the most common type Combination of the inattentive and the hyperactiveimpulsive type PROBLEM STATEMENT The scholastic evolution Parents and teachers do not know how to treat them Problem teaching a second language PEOPLE INVOLVED IN THE ADHD DIAGNOSTIC TEACHER Is the first one detecting the disorder ADHD Diagnostic Teacher Rating Scale Attitude problems PARENTS ADHD Diagnostic Parents Rating Scale PEOPLE INVOLVED IN THE ADHD DIAGNOSTIC NEUROLOGIST Cartography technique Clinical treatment PEDIATRICIAN ADHD is treatable ACTUAL SITUATION Several tests were made by these professionals; the ones relationated with the English learning problem were made by the psychologist in relation to the cognitive styles: 1. REFLECTION AGAINST IMPULSIVENESS ACTUAL SITUATION 2. DEPENDENCY AGAINST THE INDEPENDENCE FIELD 3. FLEXIBILITY AGAINST THE REFLECTION LEARNING PROBLEMS AUDITORY DIFFICULTIES Does not follow directions VISUAL PERCEPTION DIFFICULTY Difficult recognition of the objects LEARNING PROBLEMS MOTOR DIFFICULTIES Frequent falls Abrupt games For writing adopts extreme positions LANGUAGE DIFFICULTIES The hearing is fine, but they cannot make sense of certain sounds LEARNING PROBLEMS MEMORY Memory difficulties ADHD STUDENT SYMPTOMS Does not give close attention to details Has trouble keeping attention on tasks Does not follow instructions Avoids doing mental effort activities Loses things needed for task Easily distracted Fidgets with hands or feet Blurts up answers Trouble waiting turn Talks excessively METHODOLOGY RECOMPILATIONS 1. SOCIAL – FAMILIAR ENVIROMENT METHODOLOGIES 2. BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTIONS METHODOLOGIES 3. BEHAVIORAL – MEDICAL METHODOLOGY METHODOLOGY RECOMPILATIONS 4. IMPROVING SELF-ESTEEM METHODOLOGY 5. METHODOLOGIC STRATEGIES FOR THE SCHOOL 6. PARENTS HELPING THEIR CHILDREN IN THE SCHOOL METHODOLOGY RECOMPILATIONS 7. PARENTS HOUSE METHODOLOGY 8. PENALTY AND REWARDS SYSTEM METHODOLOGIES DESIGNED METHODOLOGIES 1. TEACHING ESL FOR ADHD CHILDREN INTERACTING TEACHER - PARENTS English Teacher Parents DESIGNED METHODOLOGIES 2. TEACHING ESL FOR ADHD CHILDREN INTERACTING TEACHER – PARENTS – MEDICAL TREATMENT English Teacher Parents Pediatrician (Medical Treatment) DESIGNED METHODOLOGIES 3. TEACHING ESL FOR ADHD CHILDREN INTERACTING TEACHER – PARENTS – MEDICAL TREATMENT - PSYCHOLOGIST English Teacher Parents Medical Treatment Psychologist RESEARCH TYPE AND DESIGN The analyzed variables are: Grammar Vocabulary Class participation 100% 5 x 4 100% 5 x 3 100% 5 x 2 100% 5 x 1 80% 60% 40% 20% SAMPLE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT RESULTS 1. TEACHING ESL FOR ADHD CHILDREN INTERACTING TEACHER - PARENTS Variables Punctuation Grammar 2 Vocabulary 3 Class participation 1 TOTAL 6 Having a 40% the results are that the student acquired a D+ which belongs to the “Low Level”. GRAPHIC First Hypothesis Test Results Puntuation 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 Grammar Vocabulary Variables Class participation RESULTS 2. TEACHING ESL FOR ADHD CHILDREN INTERACTING TEACHER – PARENTS – MEDICAL TREATMENT Variables Punctuation Grammar 3 Vocabulary 4 Class participation 2 TOTAL 9 The final results where that the child acquired a 60% which means he is now in the “Standard Level” with a C+. GRAPHIC Second Hypothesis Test Results 5 Puntuation 4 3 2 1 0 Grammar Vocabulary Variables Class participation RESULTS 3. TEACHING ESL FOR ADHD CHILDREN INTERACTING TEACHER – PARENTS – MEDICAL TREATMENT - PSYCHOLOGIST Variables Punctuation Grammar 4 Vocabulary 4 Class participation 4 TOTAL 12 We can see here that the student has increased the punctuation of the three variables; he had acquired the 80% which means he is now in the “High level” with a B+. GRAPHIC Third Hypothesis Test Results Punctuation 5 4 3 2 1 0 Grammar Vocabulary Variables Class participation ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS Evolution Curve Punctuation 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 First Hypothesis Second Hypothesis Test Period Third Hypothesis CONCLUSIONS ADHD is a real deficit that starts in childhood. It can change the way children act, think, and feel. Teaching children over a period of time to recognize their behavior and to self manage is the ultimate goal This type of children need specialized teachers, people who understands about the problem and treat then differently than normal children. RECOMMENDATIONS It is important to be sure when teachers tell parents that their child may have ADHD, because maybe the professor confuses some symptoms with bad behaved children and they only need to put on some rules. If the child is taking a medical treatment is important to be sure and conscious of its benefits and its damages to the child health; choosing an appropriate medicine can change the ADHD child life. I recommend teachers and parents to keep in contact and maintain a communicative relationship by going constantly to school and ask the achievements of the boy, his necessities, so both can be aware of the child achievements or the problems he can present while he is growing. IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING THANK YOU