ACSH100: Student Handout Tutorial week 4 Tutorial week 4 In ACSH this week we will be focusing on the following: Assessment 2 - seminar Researching for assessments Oral presentations Annotated bibliographies – refer to week 3 worksheet. Paraphrasing 1. Assessment 2 2. Seminar presentation research. Finding information to support your research and discussion of a topic can sometimes be challenging. It is important that you familiarise yourself with the Macquarie University database. There are 4 steps to finding academic sources: 1. Find the content keywords in the assignment task or question. 2. Read some basic background information on the general topic area (eg. Social Inclusion) 3. Develop a search statement. 4. Search for sources 1. Finding the content key words For this particular seminar the content key words will be identified in the topic focus that your group has decided on. For example: Homelessness, youth, Australia – engage, work, learn, have a voice, social inclusion, exclusion. You will use these words when conduct internet searches and library/database searches to source information. 2. Read some basic background information on the general topic. Often reading articles or texts that provide a background to the topic that you are studying (i.e. social inclusion) and the focus (e.g. homelessness) will provide you with a basic understanding of the area that you are researching. You will find readings that will help you with your understanding of the concept of social inclusion in your course notes. In addition to this, the articles/text that you read may have a reference list that you can use to look for additional resources that you can research. 3. Develop a search statement. Using the key words from your content key words, develop a search sentence that you can enter into an internet or library catalogue/database research. 1 ACSH100: Student Handout Tutorial week 4 4. Search for sources. Searches for sources can be time consuming, but be patient! Some tips for researching are: If you are finding it difficult to find resources using the MQ database, a good place to start looking for texts is GOOGLE scholar. Google scholar will provide you with a list of resources – some of these you will be able to access through Google scholar for free – but most you have to pay for. If you note the author, title and date of the book or article that you have found on Google Scholar, you are then able to look for the resource through a MQ catalogue or database search. Suggested site for you to access in your search: Journal of social inclusion - Other sites that you will find useful to access are: St Vincent de Paul The Smith Family The Australian Government The Australian Bureau of Statistics 3. Preparing the seminar presentation Preparing a Presentation Preparing an oral presentation is much like preparing any other assignment; it needs to be planned researched and written before it is delivered. Getting started: Examine the assignment criteria provided in your course outline carefully and make sure you know exactly what to do. If you are unsure, check with your tutor. Analyse your audience. What are their needs, constraints, knowledge level? Research your topic. Read and consider sources of information carefully. Express your own conclusions about the opinion/argument/ thesis you think the author is trying to express. Demonstrate an ability to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses in the material presented in the texts. (This is particularly important in writing your annotations.) Brainstorm your topic and write a rough outline in point form. Organise your material and write a draft—think about the length of time you have to speak and the amount of information you can include. Summarise your draft into points to write on palm cards. Plan and prepare your visual aids. 2 ACSH100: Student Handout Tutorial week 4 4. Writing an Outline of your presentation As stated in the Assessment 1 guidelines the outline should be 1 – 2 pages in length. The outline should: Clearly define the focus of the seminar – the individuals, groups and agencies involved; the aspect of social inclusion (or exclusion) investigated; the reason why it is important and/or potential benefits to society. You need to: Provide an outline of what your group has chosen as the focus for the seminar. An example of this might be: The role of Not for Profit Organisations, such as The Smith Family, in addressing youth homelessness. Highlight the Social Inclusion Domains that will be focussed on: Work, Engage, Have a voice, Educate. Why has this topic been identified by your group as being important? Why should society consider it an important issue? Are there any benefits to society in addressing this issue (consider the benefits for both society and the individuals/groups that are the focus of your research). The outline should include information such as: Background to the topic being developed Provide information on the background to the topic. What is the history (briefly) of the issue? Why is it an issue? What aspects of the issue have you been allocated to discuss. Purpose of the presentation What is the purpose of this presentation? Is it to: inform argue educate generate discussion persuade Think about what your group wishes to achieve in providing your classmates with the type of information that you have chosen to present in relation to your topic. 3 ACSH100: Student Handout Tutorial week 4 Position in relation to the topic Are you presenting your information from a particular perspective? For example; You might find information about a particular program that is being used to address the issue your group has chosen and present your information based on this program. Your group’s presentation may be arguing that particular need or deficit has not/ must be addressed in relation to the issue that you have chosen to focus on. Questions posed List any questions that you plan on asking the audience when presenting your part of the seminar. Did you identify any question that you found yourself asking when reading about this issue? What were they? Did you find answers to them or are they an aspect of the issue that remain unanswered? Case Studies (if included) Have you included any case studies in your presentation? If so, provide a brief overview of the case study and how it will be used. Links between agencies and individuals There are many agencies involved in addressing social inclusion issues. What links did you find between agencies and individuals? Will you be discussing the programs, policies or assistance that these agencies offer to individuals? REMEMBER The outline should NOT: Be presented in dot point form. Be a script for your presentation – but it should have sufficient details for it to be read as a stand alone document. 4 ACSH100: Student Handout Tutorial week 4 5. Seminar/Oral presentations Your lecturer will provide you with information on seminars and oral presentations. Use the following headings as a guide to take notes for yourself. 1. What you need to consider Be clear about your topic know your audience know the venue 2. Writing and editing the presentation. 3. Structure introduction body conclusion 6. Oral presentation techniques Getting to know your presentation voice and speech body movement Gestures Eye contact Managing anxiety/presenting confidently. 5 ACSH100: Student Handout Tutorial week 4 7. Oral presentation critique sheet *Please note – this will not be the assessment sheet used to mark your seminar presentations, although the criteria is something that you should consider and see as relevant. CONTENT Clear introduction with the value of the topic expressed. Content is logically organised; concepts are clearly defined. Content is expressed and developed as appropriate to the audience’s need; information is relevant and interesting. Effective use of visual aid: appropriate number; relevance of information on slide; design. Conclusion summarises main points discussed. References – slide included and references correctly formatted. DELIVERY Body Language – posture, gestures. Appropriate eye contact with audience. Correct pronunciation; pitch & tone of voice. Presentation completed within time frame specified; pace of delivery. /1 /2 /2 /3 /1 /1 /4 /2 /2 /2 Comments (for discussion): 6 ACSH100: Student Handout Tutorial week 4 8. Visual information. In the assessment information you have been instructed to use visual information to support your oral presentation. The visual information that you can use can include the following: Pictures Figures (Graphs, Pie charts, etc) Tables *All visual material MUST be referenced. You can also use visual information in the form of: Short clips from YouTube, or TV documentaries Audio recordings (i.e. – segments from a radio interview) a short multi-media presentation produced by your group. 7