Volunteer application pack Note: Please return pages 5 to 8 ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT ROWAN AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY & STRUCTURE Trustees Des Strategic Direction, Guidance and Oversight Director of Operation Mon - Fri REPORTING: Trustees, Funders, Companies House & Charity Commission MAINTENANCE: Building, Property, Equipment, Security, IT STRATEGIC PLANNING: Business Planning, Strategy, Direction, Guidance, Sector Developments and Future Trends. LEGAL: Policies and Procedures, H&S, HR, Annual Reporting. FINANCE: Accounts for RH and RF, Purchases, Invoicing, Payroll, Payments, contracts. HR: Recruitment, Appraisals, Supervisions, Planning, Staff Development, Daily Oversight, Absences, Issues, Well-being, Discipline. ART: Planning, Direction, Guidance, Commissions, Design, Customer Liaison. PR: Attending Meetings, LDP, County Council, Networking, Talks, Events, Student Reviews, Meeting with Public, Visitors, Parents, Carers and Funders. OVERSIGHT: Daily Studio Activity, Student Issues & Wellbeing ADMIN: Correspondence, Record Keeping & Filing. MARKETING & FUNDRAISING: Oversight Margaret — Chairman; Line Manager, PR Portfolio Ken — Recruitment, Fundraising Portfolio Rosalind — Finance Portfolio Ruth — Recruitment, Artistic Portfolio Rachel — legal/HR Portfolio Bridget Head of External Engagement & Marketing Tue-Thu NETWORKING: Building relationships with, local business, the public and private sector, with our Community and the local Arts Network. VOLUNTARY SECTOR: Programme for increased voluntary community participation and awareness of Rowan’s activities. BROADER BUSINESS STRATEGY: Organisation and execution of agreed marketing and promotional plans. IDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIES: Funding funded projects, commissions, sale of Artwork, cooperation and joint working. CONTACTS: Growing our list of contacts, friends and supporters. ADMIN: Correspondence, organisation and providing practical input as required. REPORTING: Director of Operations and a Board of Trustees. Providing general assistance to our students and working alongside or collaboratively with our staff team when needed ABI Deputy Director of Operation Wed – Fri (Ceramics Thu) ASSISTING WTH, REPORTING ON & COORDINATING DAILY OPERATIONS LEGAL: Ensuring Staff & Volunteers at Rowan is DBS(CRB) checked STRATEGIC PLANNING: Assisting in Business Planning, Strategy, Direction, Guidance. FINANCE: Counter signatory for cheques, disbursing petty cash, agreeing purchases. HR: Supervisions, Planning, Staff Development, Daily Oversight, Absences, Issues, Wellbeing, Discipline. ART: Planning, Direction, Guidance, Commissions, Design, Customer Liaison. PR: Attending Student Reviews, Meeting with Public, Visitors, Parents & Carers NEW STUDENT: New Student Applications & starting & on-going oversight. NEW VOLUNTEERS: New Volunteer Applications & starting & on-going oversight. OVERSIGHT: Daily Studio Activity, Student Issues & Wellbeing ADMIN: Correspondence, Record Keeping, Filing. Kirstin Fundraising & Communications CERAMICS LEAD TUTOR & TECHNICAL ADVISOR Tue + Wed MEDIA: Control of information on Website, Twitter and Facebook etc. FUNDRAISING: Administration, correspondence & organisation . GENERIC—TUTORS Amy PLANNING & IMPLEMENTING DAILY STUDIO ACTIVITIES. Print Tutor & Supply Tutor Planning, Events & Development Tue - Fri OUTCOMES: Oversee measurement and Recording OVERSIGHT: Exhibition setup & Assisting with Events SUPPLIES: Procurement and monitoring of materials DEVELOPMENT: Projects, themes and assisting with planning and resources. VISITS: Arranging and Assisting with Project Related Visits & Outings MAINTENANCE: Care and Maintenance of Studios, Materials and Equipment LEGAL: Ensuring the correct use of PPE and adherence to H/S policies & Procedures FINANCE: Monitoring materials levels and Budgets, agreeing purchases with Abi or Des. HR: Taking part in Supervisions, Staff Development; reporting Absences and Issues. ART: Enabling and enhancing student’s experience, encouraging artistic development. PR: Participating in Events & Student Reviews, Meeting Public, Visitors, Parents & Carers STUDENTS: Caring for students and reporting on issues & wellbeing. VOLUNTEERS: Involving and including volunteers in meaningful activity. OVERSIGHT: Break Times & Daily Studio Activity, Student Issues & Wellbeing PLANNING: Timely Execution of projects and commissions. ADMIN: Correspondence, Record Keeping, Filing & Reporting. SUPPORT: Being of assistance and support to each other Susie Mon + Wed + Thu Lead Print Tutor & Supply Tutor Peter D Mon -Thu Ceramics Assistant/General Assistant & Cleaning Debby varies Anna General Tutor & Supply Tutor 1 to 1 Artistic Development Mentor Hilary Mon – Tue + Thu Textiles Tutor & Supply Tutor Operations Assistant & Tutor Tue - Fri HELPING AND ORGANISING GENERALLY: Tutors, Studios and Students TUCK-SHOP: Co-ordinator RECYCLING: Champion VISITS: Arranging and Assisting with Visits & Outings FIRST AID: Supplies/Monitoring Peter C Mon - Thu Lima Mon - Tue Wood Tutor & Supply Tutor Mixed Media Tutor Karen Mon + Thu General Tutor Studio Support Victoria Mon + Wed Mixed Media Tutor & Supply Tutor Administration 2 Sarah Mon – Tue + Thu - Fri Tutor & Ceramics Technician OVERSIGHT: Workshop Projects & Commissions. SUPPLIES: Procurement and monitoring of materials DEVELOPMENT: Development of Ceramic Products MAINTENANCE: Machines, Tools & Equipment DESIGN: Commissions and Projects Ester Wed Ceramics Tutor Transport Travel Support Russell Mon - Fri Lead Wood Tutor, Machine Shop OVERSIGHT: Workshop Projects & Commissions. SUPPLIES: Procurement and monitoring of materials DEVELOPMENT: Development of Wood Products MAINTENANCE: Machines, Tools & Equipment DESIGN: Commissions and Projects DAILY SCHEDULE 9:00 Morning session starts 10:10 TUCK SHOP OPEN 10:15 to 10:30 Tea break. Tea and coffee is provided by Rowan for staff, volunteers and students Morning session work resumes 12:00 to 12:50 LUNCH Staff available to supervise Students who bring packed lunches. Afternoon session work resumes 15:00 to 15:30 Studios tidied and students go home 17:00 Last staff go home. Building locked. 3 Notes to prospective volunteers Rowan is a local charity with many links to our local community, schools and organisations. We really value the good will and generosity of our volunteers. Our volunteers undertake a number of tasks from providing support in the art studios, befriending our students, to helping with administration, marketing and events. Rowan is a lovely place to work and volunteer so why not contact us to see what kind of volunteering you could do at Rowan. Here’s what we look for in a volunteer and the selection process: o o o o o o o o Ability to enthuse, motivate and encourage Ability to interact with students in an appropriate manner You are prepared to assist, work with and for Rowan’s staff Where reasonably possible, you are able to reliably fulfil the days agreed That you understand, accept and operate within the philosophy of the charity That you can supply the names of two referees and that references received are acceptable Being prepared to undergo a police check via the Disclosure and Barring Service before commencing your volunteering Complete a two-month probationary period with a review at completion Prospective volunteers will be required to complete our application form. 4 VOLUNTEER APPLICATION SKILLS CHECK Please tick the relevant boxes to demonstrate the skills which you could bring to the organisation: Accountancy Understanding benefit system Business planning Transportation Marketing/PR/Communications Health and safety Contacts with local businesses Trained electrical/building/plumbing skills Administration Decorating and DIY Personal management Creative flair Event organisation Ceramics skills Welcome duties on open days/Help with exhibitions Stained glass skills Woodwork skills Development programmes Professional arts experience IT Skills Legal issues Website design Other (please specify) Experience of working with people with learning disabilities sales Customer relations Signature………………………………….Date…………………….. CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT) VOLUNTEER APPLICATION FORM 5 Before completing this form prospective Volunteers must read its accompanying - Notes To Assist Prospective Volunteers Name Sex M/F Date of Birth / / Address Post Code Telephone Numbers Email Address Relevant Medical Problems (e.g. Epilepsy, Mental Illness, Heart condition etc) Criminal Record ( if yes please give details and see note at bottom of page 4 - j Education & Qualifications 6 Brief Work History (continue on extra sheets if required) Next Of Kin’s Name and Address Next Of Kin’s Telephone Name & Address of Referee 1 7 Name & Address of Referee 2 I have received and read the Notes To Assist Prospective Volunteers and understand that a police check must be made via the Criminal Records Bureau before I may commence volunteering at Rowan. (The CRB check can take up to a month.) Signature Date Return to: Rowan, 40 Humberstone Road, Cambridge, CB4 1JG t: 01223 566027/8 f: 01223 566028 e: des@rowanhumberstone.co.uk www.rowanhumberstone.co.uk 8