Performance of Korean Welfare System in the DJ Administration Kyo-seong Kim (Ph.D.) Chung Ang University Introduction 1. Background • Areas of social welfare policy have experienced sweeping changes under the DJ Administration. • In general, this welfare reform have received positive evaluations. • The welfare reform under the DJ Administration should be evaluated as astonishing as welfare innovations achieved in the UK in the latter period of the Second World War and in the US during the Great Depression (Sung, 2001). • If the welfare reform is continued, Korea could be the first country to start from an underdeveloped country after the Second World War and enters the welfare state (Kim, 2005). Introduction 2. Major Purpose 1. Examine contents of welfare reform under the DJ Administration. 2. Analyze efforts for expansion of state welfare and results based on two dimensions of time and space. 3. Evaluate DJ Administration’s welfare reform. Methods Social Welfare Coverage Expenditure Benefit level Examine contents of welfare reform Compare before & after Compare Korea with other Advanced Countries Poverty Rates Gini Coefficients Cluster Analysis Analyze Efforts & Results Evaluate welfare reform Welfare Reform in the DJ Administration 1. Coverage Expansion (1) Expansion of National Pension Scheme (NPS) to the entire population. (2) Expansion of Employment Insurance (EI) and Workmen's Accident Compensation Insurance (WACI) to all work places with less than one employee. 2. Extension of Benefit Level (1) Extension of unemployment benefit period. (2) Increasing the amount of benefit in EI & WACI. (3) Reduction of replacement ratio in NPS. Welfare Reform in the DJ Administration 3. Enactment of National Basic Livelihood Security Act (1) Revocation of demographic criterion in the eligibility test. (2) Introduction of conditional recipients based on the idea of workfare. (3) Extension of benefit level. Government Budget in % of General Account 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Social security Source : Ministry of Health & Welfare ( 1997 1998 1999 2000 Ministry of Health & Welfare 2001 2002 Social Expenditure in % of GDP 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 SD 1988 Cor 1990 Lib 1992 Korea 1994 Mexico Source : OECD (2004) Social Expenditure Database, 1980-2001 ( 1996 Turkey 1998 2000 Social Expenditure by Major Policies 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1987 1992 1996 1997 Social Insurance 1998 1999 Public Assistance Source : Ministry of Health & Welfare ( 2000 2001 Social Service 2002 Coverage Expansion Source : ILO (1992) International Labour Conventions & Recommendations, 1919-1991 (Recommendations 102, 103, 128, 130, 134, 168, 176) Data : Korean National Statistics Office (NSO), Corporations of Social Insurance Notes : E : Employee, EAP : Economically Active Population Poverty Rates 11 10 9 8 7 6 1996 1997 1998 1999 Pre-transfer Income 2000 Post-transfer Income Data : NSO (1996-2002) Income & Expenditure Survey of Urban Households Notes : Setting the poverty line at 50% of median income. 2001 2002 Gini Coefficients 0.35 0.33 0.31 0.29 0.27 0.25 1996 1997 1998 1999 Pre-transfer Income 2000 2001 Post-transfer Income Data : NSO (1996-2002) Income & Expenditure Survey of Urban Households 2002 Effects of Tax & Transfer in Reducing Poverty 30 20 10 AUS CAN FIN FRA GER ITA JAN Poverty Rate, Disposable Income NED NOR SWE UKG 2000 1990 2000 1990 2000 1990 2000 1990 2000 1990 2000 1990 2000 1990 2000 1990 2000 1990 2000 1990 2000 1990 2000 1990 0 USA Effects of Tax & Transfer Source : Föster & D'Ercole (2005) Income Distribution and Poverty in OECD Countries in the Second Half of the 1990s ( Clustering 1995 2003 Method : Cluster analysis with z-scores of social expenditure(%), maturation of social insurance(year), relative poverty rate(%), gini coefficient, using the method of ward linkage, squared euclidean distance. Conclusion Findings • Efforts and results for expansion of state welfare are worth recognizing in some degree. • However, the level of state welfare is still lagging behind compared with those of advanced countries. Discussions • More radical changes such as enactment of family allowance and sickness allowance are needed. • More development in social service area is necessary.