Honors Introduction to Psychology
Course Description
Honors Introduction to Psychology is a one‐semester course that challenges you to
decide whether or not psychology is a true science. It discusses research methods used
in the field and delves down into specific areas of psychology, such as developmental
psychology, learning, memory, and psychological disorders, in order to help you answer
that question for yourself. You will also explore the various ways in which technology
has affected the field of psychology.
Course Objectives
When you finish this course, you will be able to:
 Explain how and why psychology is considered a science
 Describe the various ways in which technology has affected the field of psychology
 Understand various research methods used in the field of psychology
 Use the scientific method in psychological research projects
 Explain how people change psychologically over the course of their lives
 Detail the various theories of learning
 Describe the various theories about personality
 List the symptoms, possible causes, and treatments for major psychological
Assignment Type
13 Assignments
195 pts
15 Knowledge Checks
150 pts
25 pts
130 pts
45 pts
168 pts
80 pts
125 pts
1,053 pts
1 Project
13 Discussions
4 Papers
6 Unit Tests
1 Midterm Exam
1 Final Exam
Course Totals
Suggested Course Schedule
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The suggested time frame shown below is based on learning sessions. A learning
session is a 45-minute period of time. This course should take approximately 90
learning sessions to complete, but this schedule is just a suggestion. You may work on
each unit at your own pace, completing as many learning sessions as you’d like in one
sitting. However, keep in mind that you must finish the entire course within the time
specified by your school district.
Content Covered
Unit 1: Foundations of Psychology
The human mind is a powerful thing. But there was a time when
psychology wasn’t considered a respectable field of study; it certainly
wasn’t considered a science. Over time, we’ve learned a lot about the
human mind, and psychology has become a reputable field.
In this unit, there will be:
1 Knowledge Check
10 pts
2 Assignments
30 pts
1 Project
25 pts
2 Discussions
20 pts
1 Unit Test
28 pts
Unit 2: Research Methods
Psychology is a scientific field supported by valid experimentation. In this
unit, you will learn about various research methods used in psychology.
In this unit, there will be:
3 Knowledge Checks
30 pts
4 Assignments
60 pts
2 Discussions
20 pts
1 Unit Test
28 pts
Unit 3: Developmental Psychology
You are not the same person today that you were five years ago, and in
five years, you won’t be the same person you are now. People change
throughout their lives. In this unit, you will explore the changes people
face as they go through life.
In this unit, there will be:
3 Knowledge Checks
1 Assignment
2 Discussions
1 Unit Test
30 pts
15 pts
20 pts
28 pts
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Honors Introduction to Psychology Midterm Exam 80 pts
Unit 4: Learning and Memory
Understanding how people learn gives us insight into why people behave
the way they do. This understanding allows us to remedy situations and
conditions that result in the learning of negative behaviors, as well as
create positive learning environments in schools, work places, and even
at home.
In this unit, there will be:
3 Knowledge Checks
30 pts
3 Assignments
45 pts
2 Papers
45 pts
3 Discussions
30 pts
1 Unit Test
28 pts
Unit 5: Personality
Personality is what makes each person unique. Having a clear
awareness and appreciation for the elements of personality allows us to
communicate effectively with one another. Each person communicates
differently based on his or her personality. Taking personality styles into
account when communicating makes for a more successful exchange.
In this unit, there will be:
3 Assignments
60 pts
2 Discussions
20 pts
1 Unit Test
30 pts
Unit 6: Psychological Disorders
Psychological disorders affect a significant percentage of people every
day. This unit will cover causes, symptoms, and treatment for a variety of
psychological disorders, from depression and anxiety to schizophrenia
and Alzheimer’s disease.
In this unit, there will be:
5 Knowledge Checks
50 pts
2 Discussions
20 pts
2 Papers
135 pts
1 Unit Test
28 pts
Honors Introduction to Psychology Final Exam
125 pts
Privacy Policy
©2011 Advanced Academics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
No member of the Advanced Academics staff may release student information without
the written permission of the student’s parent or legal guardian. Advanced Academics
will not publish students’ names, images and/or class work in print, video/film, or on our
public website without written student and guardian consent.
Disability Statement
If you have a disability or condition that may affect your ability to succeed in this course,
it is important that you contact your teacher to make accommodations so that you will
have every opportunity to perform well. Your teacher and virtual school program
coordinators are committed to helping students with disabilities succeed, and every
request will be treated with respect and confidentiality.
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