Sales tax payment

Sales tax payment
Monika Kowalka
Escalation Engineer
Possible issues with sales tax payment......................................................................................................... 2
Pre-research .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Troubleshooting example 1: User get error message during sales tax payment run: “Account number for
transaction type Sales tax does not exist” .................................................................................................... 3
Step 0: Pre-requirements.......................................................................................................................... 3
Step 1: Checking setup .............................................................................................................................. 3
Step 2: Identify the transaction(s) ............................................................................................................ 3
Step 3: Identify the scenario ..................................................................................................................... 9
Step 4: Reproduce on customize environment ...................................................................................... 11
Step 5: Reproduce on standard environment ........................................................................................ 11
Example 2: Sales tax payment voucher is not equal to the posted sales tax transactions ........................ 12
Step 0: Pre-requirements........................................................................................................................ 13
Step 1: Checking setup ............................................................................................................................ 13
Step 2: Identify the transaction(s) .......................................................................................................... 13
Step 3: Identify the scenario ................................................................................................................... 21
Step 4: Reproduce on customize environment ...................................................................................... 23
Step 5: Reproduce on standard environment ........................................................................................ 23
Step 6: Not able to repro on customer application ................................................................................ 23
Example 3: User receive an error: ”Error message: The combination 3800---- is not valid for the account
structure Account structure – cee” ............................................................................................................ 24
Useful scripts and jobs ................................................................................................................................ 24
SQL Script 1: Identify all tax transactions that does not have corresponding
TaxTransGeneralJournalAccountEntry.................................................................................................... 24
SQL Script 2: Identify all tax transactions with source document line recID, but this source document
line does not exist. .................................................................................................................................. 25
AX JOB: Change the TaxPeriod for specific tax transactions................................................................... 25
Possible issues with sales tax payment
a. Error message: “Account number for transaction type Sales tax does not exist”
b. Difference between sales tax payment voucher and report and in connection in account balance
Existing fixes for similar problems or issues that can effect on the Sales tax payment feature
AX 2012 RTM
Sales Tax Payment voucher displays wrong values when purchase order amounts and invoice amounts are different
AX 2012 R2
Voucher posted in the Sales tax payment process is not complete
AX 2012 RTM
AX 2012 RTM
AX 2012 R2
Voucher posted in Sales tax payment process is incorrect, but the report generated is correct
VAT payment transaction is posted incorrectly when sales tax code is set with a currency that is different than the
company currency
VAT payment transaction is posted incorrectly when sales tax code is set with a currency that is different than the
company currency
AX 2012 R2
AX 2012 RTM
AX 2012 R2
Payment journal cannot be posted due to error, "Account number for transaction type Sales tax does not exist"
Sales tax payment voucher is generated with incorrect amount when purchase order line price is changed after
product receipt and cash discount is obtained with payment
Sales tax payment voucher is generated with incorrect amount when purchase order line price is changed after
product receipt and cash discount is obtained with payment
AX 2012 RTM
Printing the Sales tax payment report, receive error “Account number for transaction type Sales tax does not exist”
AX 2012 R2
Tax payment and account structure modification
AX 2012 R3
AX 2012 R2
AX 2012 R3
Tax payment and account structure modification
Sales tax payment voucher is not generated when tax code field ‘Pct. Exempt from sales tax’ is set 100 and use tax
is posted
Sales tax payment voucher is not generated when tax code field ‘Pct. Exempt from sales tax’ is set 100 and use tax
is posted
AX 2012 R2
Sales tax payment in reporting currency
AX 2012 R3
Sales tax payment in reporting currency
AX 2012 R2
Sales tax payment report shows updated transactions also in following periods
AX 2012 R2
AX 2012 R2
AX 2012 RTM
AX 2012 R2
AX 2012 R3
Not able to post sales tax payment due to error: Account number for transaction type Sales tax does not exist.
Sales tax payment voucher does not create the settlement tax transactions if vendor invoice is tax free and invoice
is posted in journal
If Vendor invoice is deleted in purchase history source document header is deleted and the link with
AccountingDistribution is lost
If Vendor invoice is deleted in purchase history source document header is deleted and the link with
AccountingDistribution is lost
If Vendor invoice is deleted in purchase history source document header is deleted and the link with
AccountingDistribution is lost
AX 2012 R2
AX 2012 RTM
AX 2012 R2
Able to delete posted free text invoice
Purchase order with sales tax code = 0% have no connection between tables TaxTrans and
Purchase order with sales tax code = 0% have no connection between tables TaxTrans and
Troubleshooting example 1: User get error message during sales tax
payment run: “Account number for transaction type Sales tax does not
Step 0: Pre-requirements
Full compilation
Full CIL generation
Database synchronization
Re-indexing (optional)
Reset usage data and restart AOS
Step 1: Checking setup
1. Posting profile setup
2. Ledger account and posting type
3. All accounts need to be in account structure
Step 2: Identify the transaction(s)
During settlement period, Customer is posting thousands of transactions and identifying which one is
causing the problem during debugging or analyzing the data is difficult or even impossible.
To minimize the number of records, please follow such procedure on TEST application:
1. GL > Setup > Sales tax > Sales tax settlement periods >
1.1. If current settlement periods have period interval set to Months and number of unit is set to
more than 1, change it to 1 and create periods for each month.
1.1.1.Now, run the report and identify the month where the issue occurs.
1.2. If current settlement periods have period interval set to Months and number of unit is set to 1,
change the period interval to Days and select number of units: 5 and create periods for each 5
days for specific month where the issue occurs:
1.2.1 Run the report for each 5 days period and locate the first period where the issue occurs.
1.3 If current settlement periods have period interval set to Days and number of unit is set to 5,
change the number of units to 1 and create periods for each 1 day for specific month where the
issue occurs:
1.3.1 Next run the sales tax payment for each day and locate days where the issue occurs.
1.4 Review the transaction for the days that has been identified in previous steps.
1.4.1 Check posted sales tax transaction in General Ledger > Inquires > Tax > Posted sales tax
1.5 Create new settlement period i.e. TEST for the same period interval (Days) and Number of units
1.6 For the transactions posted in the first identified day, change the tax period.
1.6.1 Option 1: Manually Open developer workspace go to AOT> Data Dictionary >Tables > select TaxTrans > field:
TaxPeriod - change the properties: AllowEdit and AllowEditOnCreate to YES and save
changes Open table TaxTrans > search for all transactions posted on identified day (field
TransDate) and change the TaxPeriod to “TEST” but just for few, i.e. on all with specific
Tax Code or where the source is the same (sales order, voucher, purchase order, free text
invoice, …) or tax origin (sales tax, cash discount)
1.6.2 Option 2: Tax period modified by script Open developer workspace > AOT > Jobs > create new and write code Run it and check the results
Result can be checked in TaxTrans table
1.7 Run again the sales tax payment for the “old” settlement period for the same day and check if the
issue still exist.
1.8 If issue occurs, repeat step 1.6 (1 or 2) for next part of transactions posted on the identified day
1.9 If the issue disappear, proceed with below:
1.9.1 Export the transactions to excel just to remember them
1.9.2 Change back the setup and set “TEST” tax period for first one and run the sales tax payment
for “Test” period
Hint: To do not create new settlement period each time when it will be posted, we can just modify data
in Table > TaxReportPeriod
Change on the field ”Closed” and “VersionNum” the properties “AllowEdit” and “AllowEditOnCreate” to
Open the TaxReportPeriod table and unmark checkbox in Closed column and change version form 1 to 0
On “TEST” TaxPeriod
After change:
Step 3: Identify the scenario
After identifying transaction, we have to find out how this transaction has been created.
In my example, the issue is coming from the voucher 140000003_042 where taxOrigin is set to cash
1. Open General ledger > Inquires > Voucher transaction > filter by the voucher number
1.1. Check the transaction origin
1.2. Check vendor transaction and history on voucher
Offset voucher for invoice
Offset voucher for second is connected with credit note
Conclusion: Voucher for tax cash discount was created after settling invoice with credit note.
1.3. Review the invoice and credit note and find out how it was created
Credit note
Conclusion: It’s a purchase order invoice and credit note
Step 4: Reproduce on customize environment
Try to create the same transactions, invoice and credit note and settle them. Cash discount voucher
should be created.
Run the sales tax payment
Step 5: Reproduce on standard environment
If we can reproduce the issue on customer database, we can try to do it in the same way on standard.
Note: Make sure to check the most important parameters
Note: Make sure that we test it on the same build number at first
Example 2: Sales tax payment voucher is not equal to the posted sales
tax transactions
Trial Balance before sales tax payment:
Sales tax payment voucher > Totals on voucher are not equal posted sales tax transactions
Account posting
Difference is 290.55 – 233.55 = 57.00
Trial Balance after sales tax payment > Balance on account 3800 is 57.00
Step 0: Pre-requirements
Full compilation
Full CIL generation
Database synchronization
Re-indexing (optional)
Reset usage data and restart AOS
Step 1: Checking setup
1. Posting profile setup
2. Ledger account and posting type
3. All accounts need to be in account structure
Step 2: Identify the transaction(s)
During settlement period, Customer is posting thousands of transactions and identifying which one is
causing the problem is difficult or even impossible during debugging or analyzing the data.
To minimize the number of records, please follow such procedure on TEST application:
1. Developer workspace > AOT > Tables > TaxReportPeriod >
1.1 Change on fields ”Closed” and “VersionNum” the properties “AllowEdit” and “AllowEditOnCreate”
from NO to YES
Save changes
1.2 Open table and find the period where the issue occurs
Change the Closed from TRUE to FALSE
Change VersionNum from 1 to 0
Save it and close the table
2. GL > Setup > Sales tax > Sales tax settlement periods >
2.1. If current settlement periods have period interval set to Months and number of unit is set to
more than 1, change it to 1 and create periods for each month.
2.1.1.Now, run the report and identify the month where the issue occurs.
2.2. If current settlement periods have period interval set to Months and number of unit is set to 1,
change the period interval to Days and select number of units: 5 and create periods for each 5
days for specific month where the issue occurs:
After change:
Run the report for each 5 days period and locate the first period where the issue occurs.
In out example, the issue occurs in period 10/11 till 10/15
1.3 If current settlement periods have period interval set to Days and number of unit is set to 5, change
the number of units to 1 and create periods for each 1 day for specific month where the issue
Note: In our example we have transaction posted on 15th of October, so no need to run this step.
1.3.1 Next run the sales tax payment for each day and locate days where the issue occurs.
1.4 Review the transaction for the days that has been identified in previous steps.
We have just two transactions, so it’s easy to identify which one is causing wrong ledger transaction
1.4.1 Check posted sales tax transaction in General Ledger > Inquires > Tax > Posted sales tax
1.5 Create new settlement period i.e. TEST for the same period interval (Days) and Number of units (1).
1.6 For the transactions posted in the first identified day, change the tax period.
1.6.1 Option 1: Manually Open developer workspace go to AOT> Data Dictionary >Tables > select TaxTrans > field:
TaxPeriod - change the properties: AllowEdit and AllowEditOnCreate to YES and save changes Open table TaxTrans > search for all transactions posted on identified day (field TransDate) and
change the TaxPeriod to “TEST” but just for few, i.e. on all with specific Tax Code or where the
source is the same (sales order, voucher, purchase order, free text invoice, …) or tax origin (sales
tax, cash discount)
1.6.2 Option 2: Tax period modified by script Open developer workspace > AOT > Jobs > create new and write code Run it and check the results
Result can be checked in TaxTrans table
1.7 Run again the sales tax payment for the “old” settlement period and check if the issue still exist.
Note: Need to repeat step 1.2
Note 2: Need to reset the period interval on “old” settlement period
Sales tax payment voucher for ALL other transaction:
Result: Voucher is equal to posted sales tax transactions:
Account posting
1.8 If issue occurs, repeat step 1.6 (1 or 2) for next part of transactions posted on the identified day
1.9 If the issue disappear, proceed with below:
1.9.1 Export the transactions to excel just to remember them – transaction with TaxPeriod set to TEST
1.9.2 Change back the setup on all other transactions ad leave “TEST” tax period for first one and run
the sales tax payment for “Test” period
1.9.3 Repeat above step till we identify first transactions that is causing the issue for transactions that
we saved in Excel
Hint: To do not create new settlement period each time when it will be posted, we can just modify data
in Table > TaxReportPeriod (Step 1.2)
Step 3: Identify the scenario
After identifying transaction, we have to find out how this transaction has been created.
In our example, the issue is coming from the voucher 110000007_061 where source is set to Purchase
2. Open General ledger > Inquires > Voucher transaction > filter by the voucher number
2.1. Check the transaction origin
2.2. Check the invoice journal
AP > Inquires > Journals > Invoice journal > find our voucher
Result: The view distribution and subledger entries is disabled
2.3. Click on posted sales tax and subledger entries
Result: Stack trance error
Conclusion: There are missing accounting distribution records for sales tax transaction
Step 4: Reproduce on customize environment
Try to create the same Purchase order and run the sales tax payment, but just for this transaction.
This can be done by changing the TaxPeriod
Step 5: Reproduce on standard environment
If we can reproduce the issue on customer database, we can try to do it in the same way on standard.
Note: Make sure to check the most important parameters
Note: Make sure that we test it on the same build number at first
Step 6: Not able to repro on customer application
In our example, the issue could not be repro because the accounting distribution exist.
Research in VKB and TFS and find KB 2986812 “If Vendor invoice is deleted in purchase history source
document header is deleted and the link with AccountingDistribution is lost”
Similar issue has been found for Free text invoice -> KB 2878451 “Able to delete posted free text invoice”
Review AP > Inquires > History > Invoice history and matching details and confirm that the PO has been
deleted from this form:
Missing voucher: 110000007_061
With this information we can try to reproduce the scenario:
1. Create PO
2. Delete PO from Invoice history and matching details (before fix KB 2986812)
3. Run the sales tax payment
Example 3: User receive an error: ”Error message: The combination
3800---- is not valid for the account structure Account structure – cee”
With the same procedure, we identify that the issue was coming from the voucher where tax amount
was equal to 0,00.
The root cause was connected with missing TaxTransGeneralJournalAccount entries to this TaxTrans.
This has been fixed under KB 2852396
Useful scripts and jobs
SQL Script 1: Identify all tax transactions that does not have corresponding
select distinct
order by taxtrans.DATAAREAID
Note: Highlighted lines can be change for amount that is equal to 0,00  KB 2852396
Note 2: In case of KB 2852396, in above script we can add “and TAXTRANS.Source = 1” or “and
TAXTRANS.Source = 5” because it applies to free text invoices and purchases orders
SQL Script 2: Identify all tax transactions with source document line recID, but this source
document line does not exist.
and TaxTRans.TAXAMOUNT != 0
AND TAXTRANS.TRANSDATE between '10/01/2013' and '10/05/2013'
order by taxtrans.RECID
Note: Highlighted lines can be change for specific period
AX JOB: Change the TaxPeriod for specific tax transactions
static void TaxPeriod(Args _args)
while select forUpdate TaxTrans
where TaxTrans.TaxCode == "InVAT19" &&
TaxTrans.TaxOrigin == TaxOrigin::CashDisc &&
TaxTrans.TransDate == mkDate(08,10,2014)
TaxTrans.TaxPeriod = "TEST";
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