ASSOCIATED STUDENTS University of California, Santa Barbara Senate Bill Subject: A Bill to Update the A.S. Office of the Controller Author: _______ __Jonathan Rothschild______ Second: Number: __ FPP: Bill Type: Vote Required for Passage: _____ _______________ _______ _______ COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION recommends to the A.S. Senate that the following action be taken: Pass As Written: Pass With Amendments: Do Not Pass: Refer To Committee: Recommended by a Vote Of: Chairperson's initials: CONSTITUTION ANS BY-LAWS RECOMMENDATION Grammatical Recommendations:________________________________________________________________ Structural Recommendations:___________________________________________________________________ Legal Code Violations:_________________________________________________________________________ Pass with Amendments:________________________________________________________________________ Table:________________________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT -SPONSORED LEGISLATION Student Sponsor: Student Co-Sponsor: The Student-Sponsored Bill Liaison has insured that this StudentSponsored Bill is correct in its form and adherence to the ASUCSB Legal Code. Pass As Written: Pass With Amendments: Do Not Pass: Refer To Ad-Hoc Committee: FISCAL IMPACT Amount: $ 0 Account: A Bill To Update the Description(s) of the A.S. Office of the Controller Whereas: The A.S. Office of the Controller is a new entity with the Association this year Whereas: The Office cannot hire until the Legal Code is updated as below Whereas: The ASUCSB Senate stipulated a deadline of 10/15/14 during the 10/08/14 meeting for the delivery of the below Legal Code Therefore let it be enacted by the Associated Students in the Senate assembled: ARTICLE X – A.S. CONTROLLER(S) SECTION 4. OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER A) The Controller shall be empowered to appoint and remove and office within the following positions: 1) Assistant Controller (Chief of Staff) 2) Historian 3) Within the Internal Branch: a) One (1) Internal Operations Coordinator b) One (1) Internal Oversight Coordinator c) Two (2) Project Leads 4) Within the Venture Branch: a) One (1) Venture Inception and Incubation Coordinator b) Two (2) Project Leads c) One (1) Venture Sustaining Coordinator 5) All members referred to above, with the exception of (1), (2), and (3) shall: a) Be required to attend weekly all-hands-on-deck meetings. b) Submit a bi-weekly checklist of assigned, achieved, and pending goals. c) Miss no more than (1) meeting of any unit to which that position is a liaison. d) Serve a term of office that shall be concurrent with that of the Controller. B) The Office of the Controller shall: 1) Conduct yearly evaluations of A.S. Units 2) Implement new, sustainable, and viable units across campus 3) Advise A.S. Executive Director on staffing of A.S. enterprise units 4) Serve as the sole student fiscal authority within A.S., ensuring the fair, safe, and most efficient use of all student fees currently employed throughout the association. C) Duties and Powers of the Internal Operations Coordinator: 1) Oversee all A.S. Units which are meant to generate a positive net income. This includes but is not limited to: Notetaking, Publishing, Bike Shop, Cashiers, and Ticket office. 2) Conduct a yearly evaluation of these units. This will culminate in three (3) separate deliverables by week eight (8) of Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters, each addressing a third of the aforementioned Units. These evaluations are to address operational discrepancies within and between A.S. Units as it pertains to financial policies and procedures. 3) Present changes to A.S. Policies that will facilitate sustained growth of these units within the association over time D) Duties and Powers of the Internal Oversight Coordinator: 1) Oversee all A.S. Units whose main focus is not necessarily the generation of a profit, and determine the efficacy/necessity of current cash flows within, between, and out of those A.S. Units. 2) With the help of the Associated Students Office of the Controller, Manage and coordinate the creation of a tri-annual strategic plans for a specific subset of all A.S. Units, which will be determined by the Controller. These plans must be approved by the Finance and Business Committee by no later than week six (6) of Spring quarter. E) Duties and Powers of the Venture Inception and Incubation Coordinator 1) Seek out and test new sustainable units across campus. This task is to be divided into two main parts, one of which will be delegated to one or multiple Project Leads: a) Inception: This consists of maintaining contact with newventure/entrepreneurial repositories on campus, constantly screening them for ventures that fit the criteria set by the Venture Sustaining Coordinator. These repositories include but are not limited to: The Technology Management Program, the New Venture Competition, the Entrepreneurial Association, and the Bren School Eco-Entrepreneurship Program. Once a new venture idea is deemed feasible, it is to be passed on to Incubation b) Incubation: This consists of nurturing and facilitating the growth of newly incepted ventures within A.S. For every venture that is forwarded to Incubation, there shall be one (1) designated liaison. This liaison is to perform all duties necessary to implement the Unit within A.S. This includes but is not limited to: Attending and/or presenting to the A.S. Senate, drafting relevant policies, and maintaining contact with relevant A.S./University staff in order to get a Unit to the point of self-sustainability. The performance of this section of the office shall be evaluated by the average time required in order to insure the viability of assigned Units. F) Duties and Powers of the Venture Sustaining Coordinator 1) Evaluate and oversee the procedures and methodologies of all matters related to Venture Inception and Incubation, with the goal of compiling a constantly updated list of criteria that characterizes the types of ventures that will succeed within the Association. This list of guidelines shall be presented to the Associated Students Office of the Controller on a weekly basis, and shall culminate in the creation two final reports that are to be delivered by week eight (8) of winter quarter and week six (6) of spring quarter. 2) Locate policies within A.S. which hamper the successful, sustainable, and safe implementation of any new venture to A.S. and present suggestions for changes to these policies at weekly all-hands-on-deck meetings. G) Duties and Powers of the Project Lead(s) 1) Initially, project leads are to be hired into a single pool of staff. From this pool, each Individual Project Lead is to choose by week (6) of Fall quarter whether they wish to work exclusively with the Internal Branch, or the Venture Branch. Until this time, project leads may take on slightly simpler tasks within any part of the Office in order to find the area in which they are best fit. There are a limited number of possible project lead within each branch, and therefore will be assigned on a first-come, firstserved basis. 2) Assist the A.S. Office of the Controller Coordinators in all matters related to their respective job descriptions. Project Leads may choose to either: a) Work specifically under a designated coordinator, with a set list of tasks defined by that coordinator and approved by both the Controller and Assistant Controller. b) Under the discretion of the Controller, Work on multiple projects within that project lead’s respective branch in the Associated Students Office of the Controller. Project leads under the Venture branch may work on any Inception, Incubation, or Sustaining related project, and Project leads under the Internal branch may work on any Operations or Oversight related project. H) Duties and Powers of the Historian 1) The primary role of the historian is to document the activities of the AS Controllers Office. This process is built on three pillars: Narrative, Data and Analysis. The historian submits weekly reports on the AS Controller, the contents of which includes but not limited to: actions, decisions, and motions at all-hands-on-deck meetings and status reports of the overall mental and operational health of the different positions within the office. All of this is to be summarized into one large monthly report. 2) In addition, the historian shall attend all staff meetings and collect all reports/deliverables created by anyone within the Office. These reports are to be streamlined into an easy to comprehend briefs, with the main goal of showing how each of the respective parts fit together. From these analyses, the historian is to suggest ways in which collaboration and efficiency can be increased within the office. 3) Deliver, by week six (6) of spring quarter, a final 5 year strategic plan defining how the office of the controller should grow in the coming years. This final deliverable is to be based on the data, interviews, and personal relationships that were cultivated and fostered throughout the year with members of the Associated Students Office of the Controller. This report should highlight improvements that will increase the overall operational effectiveness of the office, as well as the strategies required to ensure proper execution of the office in coming years. 4) The Historian shall serve as a semi-autonomous member of the office, answering only to the Controller and Assistant Controller. It is imperative that the Historian remain impartial, approachable, and inclusive to all members of the Office. I) Duties and Powers of the Assistant Controller 1) Record the Minutes 2) Attend all Associated Students Office of the Controller meetings 3) Run meetings in the absence of the Controller 4) Hold at least two (2) weekly office hours 5) Oversee the duties of three (3) Associated Students Office of the Controller coordinators at a time, rotating as he or she sees fit or at the end of the Academic Quarter, whichever comes first. During this period, the Assistant Controller is to provide assistance in order to facilitate the execution of the Coordinators’ duties. CC: Denise Rinaldi