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Liaisons – Level 3
Regional Liaison
Hold a minimum of one event per year.
Participate in the VAAN program.
Be available to connect new alumni with each other.
Act as a guide for new alumni moving to the region.
Submit an annual report with a completed leader roster, and a year out
planning calendar for annual recertification by the OUAA Board of Directors.
Have activity in at least ONE of the FOUR areas below:
Philanthropic event that financially supports an endowed scholarship to the
University, College, School, Department or students associated with your
Alumni Networking (alumni receptions, tailgates, continuing education)
Student-Alumni interaction (mentoring, career fair, mock interviews,
Community Service (adopt a highway, 5k walks, habitat for humanity)
Special Interest/College Liaison
Hold a minimum of one event per year.
Participate in the VAAN program.
Be available to connect new alumni with each other.
Act as a guide for new alumni moving to the region.
Submit an annual report with a completed leader roster, and a year out
planning calendar for annual recertification by the OUAA Board of
Have activity in at least ONE of the FOUR areas below:
Philanthropic event that financially supports an endowed scholarship to
the University, College, School, Department or students associated with
your group.
Alumni Networking (alumni receptions, tailgates, continuing education)
Student-Alumni interaction (mentoring, career fair, mock interviews,
Community Service (adopt a highway, 5k walks, habitat for humanity)
Networks – Level 2
Hold a minimum of two events per year.
Participate in the VAAN program.
Be available to connect new alumni with each other.
Act as a guide for new alumni moving to the region.
Forward all information on meetings, events, and attendees to OUAA.
Submit an annual report with a completed leader roster, and a year out
planning calendar for annual recertification by the OUAA Board of Directors.
Have activity in at least TWO of the FOUR areas below:
Philanthropic event that financially supports an endowed scholarship to the
University, College, School, Department or students associated with your
Alumni Networking (alumni receptions, tailgates, continuing education)
Student-Alumni interaction (mentoring, career fair, mock interviews,
Community Service (adopt a highway, 5k walks, habitat for humanity)
Special Interest/College Network
Hold a minimum of two events per year.
Participate in the VAAN program.
Be available to connect new alumni with each other.
Act as a guide for new alumni moving to the region.
Forward all information on meetings, events, and attendees to OUAA.
Submit an annual report with a completed leader roster, and a year out
planning calendar for annual recertification by the OUAA Board of Directors.
Have activity in at least TWO of the FOUR areas below:
Philanthropic event that financially supports an endowed scholarship to the
University, College, School, Department or students associated with your
Alumni Networking (alumni receptions, tailgates, continuing education)
Student-Alumni interaction (mentoring, career fair, mock interviews,
Community Service (adopt a highway, 5k walks, habitat for humanity)
Chapters and Societies – Level 1
1000 alumni in a geographic area that does not duplicate an existing
Hold a minimum of four events per year.
Participate in the VAAN program.
Be available to connect new alumni with each other.
Act as a guide for new alumni moving to the region.
Forward all information on meetings, events, and attendees to OUAA.
Submit an annual report with a completed leader roster, and a year out
planning calendar for annual recertification by the OUAA Board of Directors.
Hold a minimum of four events per year.
Have activity in at least THREE of the FOUR areas below:
Philanthropic event that financially supports an endowed scholarship to the
University, College, School, Department or students associated with your
Alumni Networking (alumni receptions, tailgates, continuing education)
Student-Alumni interaction (mentoring, career fair, mock interviews,
Community Service (adopt a highway, 5k walks, habitat for humanity
200 able to participate and does not duplicate an existing society
Hold a minimum of four events per year.
Participate in the VAAN program.
Be available to connect new alumni with each other.
Act as a guide for new alumni moving to the region.
Forward all information on meetings, events, and attendees to OUAA.
Submit an annual report with a completed leader roster, and a year out
planning calendar for annual recertification by the OUAA Board of Directors.
Hold a minimum of four events per year.
Have activity in at least THREE of the FOUR areas below:
Philanthropic event that financially supports an endowed scholarship to the
University, College, School, Department or students associated with your
Alumni Networking (alumni receptions, tailgates, continuing education)
Student-Alumni interaction (mentoring, career fair, mock interviews,
Community Service (adopt a highway, 5k walks, habitat for humanity)
OUAA Board: Recertification Process
Chapter/Society, Networks and Liaison Score card
Chapter/Society, Network, Liasion Name:
Number of Exec. Board Members
Number of Meetings per year
Number attended Alumni Leaders' Conference
VAAN volunteers
Type of events:
Alumni Networking
Student Alumni interaction
Community Service
Total number of events
Event attendance numbers (for entire year)
Submitted annual report including roster and year out plan
Bonus Points:
ALC New Representatives (25 pts)
ALC additional representatives (5 pt each person, max 25 pts)
All Meeting Minutes turned in within 15 days after meetings (25 pts)
All Event Notifications turned in 60 days prior to events (25 pts)
All Event Evaluations turned in within 15 days after events (25 pts)
All Attendee lists turned in within 15 days after events (40 pts)
Partnering with another chapter/society, network, liasion (10 pts)
Socities hosting a commencement event/Chapters Welcome event (25)
Total Bonus Points (200 maximum possible)
Event Funding:
New/Reorganized group- up to $1,000 (chapter/society only)
Philanthropy- Groups can receive 50% funding from the OUAA up to $1,000 per event.
Alumni Networking- Groups can receive 40% funding from the OUAA up to $800 per event. (excludes happy hours)
Student Alumni interaction- Groups can receive 50% funding from the OUAA up to $1,000 per event.
Community Service- Groups can receive 40% funding from the OUAA up to $800 per event. (t-shirts, meals, registration)
Total funds received for the year - Maximum $5,000 (in all categories combined)
Board decision:
Recertification - Requirements
The annual chapter and society documents are required for recertification by the OUAA Board of Directors. Chapter and/or society leadership teams are
required to submit all necessary documents for the previous calendar year by July 31.
Required documents:
Year-end report - The year-end report provides an overview of the chapter/society/network/liaison’s past year.
Leadership Roster – The roster provides the names and contact information for the current members of the chapter/society/network/liaison board.
Year out planning calendar – The planning calendar provides a general overview and timeline for upcoming or potential events.
These three documents can be accessed at www.ohio.edu/alumni/already-involved under the requirements section. The roster and planning calendar can be
uploaded directly to the year end report and must be added before the report can be submitted.
Questions should be directed to the designated OUAA liaison.
OUAA Chapter Liaison: Tyler Gagai at gagai@ohio.edu or at 740-597-1280.
OUAA Society Liaison: Casey Arnold at arnoldc2@ohio.edu or at 740-597-9089.
Volunteer Standards & Expectations
Ohio University Alumni Association volunteers agree to:
Promote a positive image of Ohio University and the Alumni Association.
Act with honesty, integrity, and respect towards all individuals in person and electronically.
Refrain from discriminating against any individual based on race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion,
Maintain appropriate social media manners concerning the alumni association, the board, and the groups and
positive fashion.
Comply with alcohol laws at Association events and require proper identification to avoid serving not serve
use proper identification at events.
Conduct themselves in a safe manner to ensure the safety and well-being of others.
Refrain from engaging in any type of harassment, verbal or physical, towards any individual.
Enhance the relationship between alumni, students, parents and the university.
Report to and work with the office of Alumni Relations in a timely and effective manner.
Update the office of Alumni Relations monthly on all newly acquired contact information including email
relevant information; etc.
Include Assistant Director and Coordinator on all group print and electronic communication including social
similar communications.
Refrain from collecting dues or donations without prior consent from the Office of Alumni Relations.
Refrain from opening any bank account in the name of the group or hold funds within a personal account.
Volunteer Media Policy
The Ohio University Alumni Association’s (OUAA) role is to advise and assist chapters and societies
in providing timely, relevant, and appropriate content to alumni. As part of this effort, the OUAA
encourages our volunteers, chapters, and societies to engage with alumni through appropriate
media, digital, and social channels. Such channels include but are not limited to websites, emails,
and social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
As an OUAA volunteer, you are a representative of the Alumni Association. Accordingly, the OUAA
has developed the following policies and guidelines in order to assist individuals who are
representing a chapter or society via media, online, or digital channels, as well as to protect the
reputation and brand of the OUAA.
Policies for Media Activity
News Media Activity and Interactions: If contacted by the news media, do not respond on behalf
of the University or the OUAA or as if you are a spokesperson for the University or the OUAA.
Questions from news media that require an institutional response and relate to a University policy,
position, or stance should be forwarded to the OUAA. The OUAA will then work with University
Communications and Marketing (UCM) and/or Advancement Communications and Marketing
(ACM) to determine who would be the most appropriate and effective spokesperson and to frame
the response in a manner that avoids disruption of University activities and protects student
If volunteers choose to speak to the news media on issues relating to the University, the OUAA, or
higher education in general, they should make it clear that they are stating their personal views
and are not expressing the formal position of the University or the OUAA.
For more information about Ohio University policies regarding news media activity and external
communications, please see University Policy 31.001 on External Communications.
Social Media Account Administrative Status: Both society or chapter leadership and the OUAA
should have usernames and passwords and/or administrative (“admin”) access to chapter and
society social media accounts. More than one volunteer should have access to accounts, and
chapter or society leadership should review admin access on social media accounts quarterly to
ensure that information remains current. During times of transition among chapter and society
leadership, the OUAA is available to help moderate social media activity.
The social media accounts you establish on behalf of the OUAA are property of Ohio University. If
you forfeit your volunteer duties, please take steps to relinquish admin rights to your liaison at the
Include your chapter or society’s OUAA liaison on all group print and electronic communications,
including social media posts, emails, listservs, invitations, newsletters, and similar
Before you exercise admin rights on any social media platform, read the “Terms of Service”
Identification: In the bio or “About” section of any chapter or society social media page, identify
who you are and your relationship to the University and the OUAA. Always be transparent and
disclose relationships. If you post on your personal profile and mention the university, the OUAA,
or your chapter or society, be sure to mention your volunteer status.
Personal or Organizational Accounts: Several guidelines apply if you are participating in or
running a social media account for yourself or an organization (such as an OUAA chapter or
society, or a student organization) that may reference Ohio University.
Do not post on behalf of the University or the OUAA or represent yourself as a spokesperson for
the University or the OUAA. If volunteers choose to post about issues relating to the University,
the OUAA, or higher education in general, they should make it clear that they are stating their
personal views and are not expressing the formal position of the University or the OUAA. Use a
disclaimer such as: “The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the
positions, strategies, or opinions of Ohio University or the Ohio University Alumni Association.” If
needed, refer questions or requests for comments to the OUAA.
Use good judgment regarding content. Do not relay confidential information or information about
a University employee, student, or faculty member. Remember, you may be held personally
responsible for such content.
Do not use the University logo on a personal website. Respect the University brand, trademark,
copyright, etc.
For more information, please see University Policy 15.015 on Copyright, University Policy 91.003
on Computer and Network Use, University Policy 31.010 on Publication of Periodicals Distributed
to Off-Campus Audiences, and Policy 31.001 on External Communications.
Forbidden Activities: Because the OUAA is associated with a public body, OUAA volunteers are not
allowed to block someone from posting in a volunteer-hosted public forum unless that person
violates a stated rule of posting in the forum.
Inappropriate use of social networks, which includes engaging in personal attacks, utilizing
derogatory or profane language and/or off-color or sexual humor, sharing incriminating photos, or
violating copyright rules and regulations is prohibited. Such material is subject to removal by
Do not violate University codes of conduct or engage in any illegal activity.
Do not use University or OUAA resources (including social media accounts) for private financial
gain or compensation.
Do not use University or OUAA resources (including social media accounts) to intimidate or single
out individuals or groups for degradation or harassment in violation of federal or state law and
other University policies.
Information Sharing: Do not post confidential or proprietary information about Ohio University,
the OUAA, students, employees, or alumni. OUAA volunteers must abide by applicable federal
requirements and laws, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), as well as NCAA regulations.
Distribution of confidential information may result in loss of admin privileges or termination.
Banning Users: Any social media user who directs profanity or hateful language toward the
University or any individual on an OUAA social media page may be banned from the page
indefinitely. Reinstatement of privileges is at the discretion of the OUAA.
Copyright and Compliance: Be mindful of the copyright and intellectual property rights of others
and of Ohio University. Follow copyright and compliance laws and guidelines when applicable, and
do not use copyrighted images, text, or software without permission or in violation of the
copyright laws of the United States. It is acceptable to use the Facebook sharing or Twitter retweet
functions to share content.
Do not violate terms of applicable software licensing agreements.
All alumni of Ohio University are, by National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) definition,
representatives of Ohio University’s Athletics interests. Inappropriate actions on the part of alumni
can jeopardize the eligibility of a student-athlete or prospect and/or can jeopardize the
compliance of the University with Mid-American Conference and NCAA regulations. For more
information, please see the Ohio Athletics Compliance Office’s “NCAA Guidelines for OHIO Fans,
Friends, and Alumni.”
Endorsement: Do not use the Ohio University or the OUAA name, imagery, or logos for
commercial endorsements, product or cause promotion, or in affiliation with a political party or
candidate, political cause, or religion.
Advertising: Most social networks have rules and regulations regarding advertising. Additionally,
the Federal Trade Commission has specific guidelines regarding disclosure of ads in social updates.
Please abide by all applicable rules and regulations.
Relevant Volunteer Standards and Expectations
Ohio University Alumni Association volunteers agree to:
Promote a positive image of Ohio University and the Alumni Association
Act with honesty, integrity, and respect toward all individuals in person and
Refrain from discriminating against any individual or group on the basis of race,
disability, or national origin
Conduct themselves in a safe manner to ensure the safety and wellbeing of others
Refrain from engaging in any type of harassment, verbal or physical, toward any
Enhance the relationship among alumni, students, parents, and the university
Report to and work with the OUAA in a timely and effective manner
Refrain from collecting dues or soliciting or collecting donations without the prior
Social Media Best Practices and Guidelines
Always think twice before you post. Privacy does not exist in the world of social media:
search engines can turn up posts years after they are created, and comments can be
rule, if you would not say something at a professional conference, to a member of the
whether you should post it online.
Use common sense. Avoid profanity, sexual humor, ethnic slurs, and other questionable
Respect differences and refrain from posting updates related to politics, religion, and
other sensitive topics. The OUAA respects and encourages different viewpoints and
opinions, but those should be reserved for your personal social media accounts,
OUAA is a 501(c)(3) organization, our employees, volunteers, chapters, and societies
on any political issue or candidate. Failure to abide by this guideline could jeopardize
Remember your audience. Be aware that a presence in the social media world is or
easily can be made available to the public at large. This includes prospective students,
and colleagues, and peers. Consider this before publishing to ensure that a post will
these groups. Avoid topics that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory, such
Be respectful. Understand that content contributed to a social media site could
encourage comments or discussion of opposing ideas. In your reply, choose your
words. Reply to comments in a timely manner when a response is appropriate;
on the information, wait. Also, always be honest, authentic, professional, and polite.
Do not delete Ohio University-related posts or comments unless the content is hateful.
You may not agree with another’s words, but you should honor his or her right to
share. However, if the content posted to your page offers little or no value, you may
decide to hide or delete the content because it might distract or confuse the audience.
Strive for accuracy. Always get the facts straight before posting them on social media.
Review content for grammatical and spelling errors. Do not work with rumors.
Develop a plan. Before you get started using social media, take some time to figure out
what you’re going to say, and when. Curate content sources, such as The Post, WOUB,
The Athens News, Compass, Ohio Athletics, etc. Link to an official Ohio University or
OUAA page when possible. Also, try to post regularly: aiming for 3-5 posts a week is a
good benchmark.
Do not spam.
Consider relevancy. Do not post anything that is not relevant to alumni, the University,
the OUAA, or the chapter or society.
Share! Chapter and society leadership are encouraged to share University, OUAA,
chapter and society updates on their personal pages.
If you have questions about online activity or how best to comply with these standards,
please contact your OUAA liaison.
Alumni Leaders’ Conference Awards
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