BASHA ACADEMY ( NEW NO: 14, OLD NO: 45, PROF. SANJEEVI STREET, MYLAPORE,CHENNAI-4. PHONE NUMBER: 7708457611,9840571484 NOTE:The following questions have higher probability of repeatedly appearing in the examinations.So it is advisable to give more attention to these FAQ questions and frequent revisions.However a good student aspiring for centum in Physics is expected to study all the questions .Completely ignoring the other questions is riskier.Practice these questions with periodic revision. LIST OF FAQ QUESTIONS IN PHYSICS UNIT 7,8,9 and 10 Unit-7 Very short answers(3-marks) 1. What is photoelectric effect? 2. What is meant by cut - off (or) stopping potential? 3. What is meant by threshold frequency in photoelectric effect? 4. Give any 2 laws of photoelectric emission. 5. Define - work function. 6. What is a photoelectric cell? 7. Give the applications of photoelectric cells. 8. What is the limitation of electron microscope? 9. Define - Frame of Reference. 10. What is inertial or unaccelerated frame of reference? 11. What is non - inertial or accelerated frame of reference? 12. What are the two fundamental postulates of special theory of relativity? 13. Explain the variation of mass with velocity in relativity. 14. If a body moves with velocity of light, what will be its mass? Comment on your result (or) No material particle can travel with velocity of light. Why? Short answers(5-marks) 15. Explain how photoelectric effect is studied by Hallwachs experiment. 16. Discuss the effect of potential difference on the photoelectric current. 17. Discuss the effect of frequency of incident radiation on stopping potential. 18. Give the laws of photoelectric emission. 19. Explain Einstein's theory of photoelectric effect. (or) Obtain Einstein's photoelectric equation. 20. Explain the construction and working of photoelectric cell. 21. Derive an expression for De Broglie wavelength of matter waves. 22. Obtain an expression for De Broglie wavelength of an electron. 23. Explain wave mechanical concept of atom. How does the concept confirm Bohr's postulate? 24. Explain the construction and working of an Electron microscope. 25. Explain length contraction in relativity. 26. Explain Time - dilation in relativity. 27. Explain the variation of mass with velocity in relativity. Unit-8 Very short answers(3-marks) 1. With example explain classification of the nuclei in terms of its proton number and neutron number. 2. Give the empirical relation of nuclear radius. 3. Define - atomic mass unit (a. m. u). Give its value in kg. 4. What is electron - volt (eV)? Give its value in joule? 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. What is mass defect? What is meant by binding energy? What is nuclear force? Define - Radioactivity. What are radioactive elements? Explain Soddy Fajan's displacement laws with examples. (or) Explain the three decay processes of a radioactive nucleus during radioactive disintegration with examples. State Rutherford Soddy radioactive law of disintegration. Define Mean - life. Define - Activity. What is its unit? Define Half - life. Define - CURIE. How are neutrons produced? Give the reaction. How does an unstable neutron decay? What is artificial radioactivity? What is meant by Radio Carbon Dating? State and Define Unit of radiation exposure. What is meant by Artificial transmutation? Give an example. What is meant by Nuclear fission? Give the fission - reactions with Uranium isotope 92U235. What is meant by chain reaction? What is meant by critical size and critical mass of fissile material? 25. 26. 27. 28. What is a Nuclear reactor? What is a breeder reactor? What are the uses of reactors? What is nuclear fusion? What is thermonuclear energy? 29. What are cosmic rays? 30. What is meant by pair production and annihilation? Short answers(5-marks) 31. Show that nuclear density is almost a constant for all the nuclei (or) Obtain the value of nuclear density. 32. Explain the variation of Binding energy with mass number by a graph and discuss its features. 33. Give the properties of rays. 34. Give the properties of rays. 35. Give the properties of rays. 36. Obtain the relation between Half life period and decay constant. 37. Define and explain Mean life. 38. Give the properties of neutrons. 39. What is chain reaction? Explain controlled and uncontrolled chain reactions. 40. Explain the principle, construction and working of atom bomb. 41. Explain the principle and working of Hydrogen bomb. 42. Explain how Stellar energy is produced by sun and stars. 43. Explain the Latitude effect of cosmic rays. 44. Explain how the intensity of cosmic rays changes with altitude (altitude effect). 45. Explain how a cosmic ray shower is formed. Detailed answers(10-marks) 46. Explain the principle, construction and working of Bainbridge mass spectrometer to determine isotopic masses of nuclei. 47. Obtain an expression to deduce the amount of the radioactive substance present at any moment (or) State Rutherford - Soddy radioactive law of disintegration. Derive the exponential relation of disintegration. 48. Explain the construction and working of Geiger - Muller counter. 49. With a neat - sketch explain the working of a nuclear reactor. UNIT-9 Very short answers(3-marks) 1. What is a solid state electronic devices? 2. What is meant by valence band,conduction band and forbidden gap? 3. What do you understand by the terms Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors? 4. What is meant by doping and dopants? 5. What are the different methods of doping a semiconductor? 6. What is meant by Depletion region? 7. What is meant by potential barrier? 8. What is meant by rectification and rectifier? 9. Which property of the junction diode is used in the process of rectification? 10. What is meant by Zener voltage (or) breakdown voltage? 11. Draw the circuit diagrams of Transistor circuit configurations. 12. What is an amplifier? 13. What are the important parameters of an amplifier? 14. What are the requisites for the good design of an amplifier? 15. What is multistage or cascade amplifier? 16. What is the gain of a multistage amplifier? 17. What is the use of direct coupling? 18. Give the differences between positive and negative feedback. 19. What are the advantages of negative feedback? 20. What is meant by oscillator? 21. Explain the Barkhausen Criteria for oscillators. 22. What is IC? 23. What are the advantages of IC? 24. State DE Morgan's theorems. 25. Which are called UNIVERSAL GATES? Why? 26. What are the most important characteristics of OP - AMP? Short answers(5-marks) 27. Give the differences between N - type and P - type semiconductors. 28. Explain the working of PN Junction Diode with special reference to Depletion region, potential barrier. 29. Explain the working of Half - wave Diode rectifier. 30. Explain the working of Bridge rectifier. 31. Derive an expression for the voltage gain of an amplifier with feedback (or) Explain the effect of feed back on the gain of an amplifier. 32. Describe the essential components (parts) of an oscillator with block diagram. 33. Give the function OR GATE. 34. Give the function AND GATE. 35. Give the function NOT GATE. 36. Give the function EXOR GATE. 37. Give the function NAND GATE. 38. Give the function NOR GATE. 39. Prove DE Morgan's theorems. 40. Explain how the OP - AMP works in inverting mode. 41. Explain how the OP - AMP works in non inverting mode. 42. Explain how OP - AMP works as summing amplifier. 43. Explain how OP - AMP works as Difference amplifier. Detailed answers(10-marks) 44. Describe the energy band structure of insulator, semiconductor and conductor. 45. Describe an experiment to determine the characteristics of a transistor in CE configuration. Explain how the transistor parameters can be evaluated. 46. Explain the construction and working of single stage CE amplifier with special reference to frequency response and bandwidth. 47. Explain the construction and working of Colpitt oscillator. 48. Explain the construction and working of Multimeter. UNIT-10 Very short answers(3-mark) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What is meant by skip distance? What is meant by skip zone? Define – modulation? What is meant by amplitude modulation? Define – Modulation factor? Define – Bandwidth or channel width? What is meant by frequency modulation? What is meant by frequency deviation and carrier swing in FM? 9. What is the phase modulation? 10. What is meant by sensitivity and selectivity of a receiver? 11. What is Analog Communication? Explain with its shortcomings. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Short answers(5-marks) 12. Explain the process of reflection of electromagnetic waves by ionosphere? Give the mathematical analysis of 19. 20. amplitude modulated wave.Explain frequency spectrum of AM wave. Explain about frequency modulation give it advantages and disadvantages? Explain the process of AM Radio – Transmission with block diagram. Explain the construction of FM transmitter with block diagram. Explain the stages of simple (or) straight radio receiver, what are its disadvantages? Explain the stages of AM superheterodyne receiver with block diagram. Explain the working of FM superheterodyne receiver with block diagram. Explain the stages of monochrome TV transmission with block diagram. Explain the stages of monochrome TV reception with block diagram. 21. Explain fiber optical communication? Give its advantages and application? Detailed answers(10-marks) 22. Explain the process of Transmission and reception of Radar. 23. Explain the various stages of satellite communication with a neat diagram/ give its merits and demerits.