Name Vocabulary and Study Guide for Chapter 24 On a separate

Name _____________________________________Date_______________Period__________
Vocabulary and Study Guide for Chapter 24
On a separate sheet of paper write the definition of each word and a sentence that furthers the
understanding of the word
Learning Goal: I will be able to understand the social and economic changes which altered the United
States during the 1920’s.
Section 1 (752-757)
Warren G. Harding: 29th President, served from
1921-1923 with the focus on peace abroad and
prosperity at home
Assembly Line: manufacturing using a conveyor
belt to move materials to workers who stay in
one place to work
Popular culture: movies, fashion, songs, slang,
and other expressions of culture that appeal to
many people
Prohibition: legal ban of alcohol imposed by the
18th amendment.
Speakeasies: nightclubs that illegally served
Installment buying: paying for items in small
monthly payments
Fundamentalism: belief that every word in the
Bible is literally true.
Teapot Dome Scandal: corruption by a Harding
cabinet member who took bribes to allow oil
drilling on public lands
Section 3 (762-767)
Calvin Coolidge: 30th President served from
1923-1929 with a pro-business aim.
Laissez-faire economics: theory that business if
free from govt. regulation, will act in ways that
benefit the nation.
Section 2 (758-761)
Marcus Garvey: leader who called for a return
to Africa to form a separate nation
Harlem Renaissance: a burst of African
American culture in the 1920’s and 30’s
Langston Hughes: Harlem Renaissance poet
Lost Generation: Americans who became
disillusioned with society after WW1.
Flapper: a young woman eager to try new
fashion, dance, or fad.
Expatriate: A citizen of on country who lives in
another country.
Jazz Age: name of the 1920’s, because of the
popularity of jazz- a new type of music that
combined African rhythms, blues, and ragtime.
Ku Klux Klan: racist group that used violence to
keep African Americans powerless and America
“racially and morally pure.”
Mass Media: communications that reach large
NAACP: National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People group formed
in 1909 to protect the rights of African