International Cooperative Administrative Support Services MINUTES ICASS INTERAGENCY WORKING GROUP MEETING ICASS Service Center Wednesday, February 11, 2015 10:00 a.m. 1. Introduction of IWG Members and Attendees 2. Adoption of Minutes The Minutes of the January 14, 2015, IWG Meeting were approved and adopted. 3. NEA-SCA Regional Management Overview: Ned Alford, NEA-SCA Regional Executive Director. (Please see Mr. Alford’s PowerPoint presentation which is attached below.) Mr. Alford expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to address the ICASS IWG about a very dynamic region, as evidenced in recent news. He noted that NEA-SCA was two distinct bureaus with three types of posts: Normal NEA posts, Normal SCA posts, and posts that are in Areas of Unrest (AU) or conflict. Mr. Alford briefly discussed the foreign policy priorities and the impact on operating environments for the posts in this region. Some operational hurdles include security, crime, and filling positions. He noted that the difficulty in filling positions stems from a variety of conditions within the NEA-SCA region, including that 62% of the posts are unaccompanied, many are classified as hardship or danger pay posts, housing is a challenge because of poor infrastructure, medical and health issues are concerns due to the lack of U.S.-level health care providers, and there are limited school options for dependent children. Looking at inter-agency growth, Mr. Alford explained that the region has undergone rapid and continued growth, along with agencies’ increased use of TDYs to pursue post or regional program initiatives, all of which impacts the support platform. He noted that ICASS USDH staffing has not kept pace with customer growth and he displayed a chart showing the number of ICASS customers by region in 2007 and 2014, noting the significant increase in customer levels in NEA-SCA as compared to the other regions. Mr. Alford focused on major management issues in NEA and SCA regions (e.g., lack of FTE for new positions, increasing numbers of COCOM personnel, recruitment issues for posts that do not have Priority Staffing Post benefits packages, etc.), highlighting their efforts on risk assessment and mitigation. To illustrate his point on staffing, he provided a February 11, 2015 IWG minutes Page 1 spreadsheet identifying the service provider-to-customer ratio for each NEA post, highlighting those with the greatest staffing challenges, and the ratio for the NEA and SCA regions as a whole. Turning to the posts that are in Areas of Unrest (AU) or Conflict criteria, Mr. Alford presented the management issues and challenges in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. For Iraq, he noted that the FY2015 budget assumed a continued move to regularized operations. However, since June 2014, the increase in the military presence has led to a greater demand for operations, life support, and medical services. He identified some of the key issues which will impact Afghanistan’s ICASS budget in the coming years, including: rolling the Afghanistan Life Support Services into ICASS in FY2017; exploring staffing with Third Country Nationals as LE Staff leave or receive Special Immigrant Visas; reviewing housing options to address the need to increase the number of residences; and moving more personnel to Kabul as we close field operations. In Pakistan, the budget will focus on supporting staffing and basic operations, security, IT, and improvements and upgrades to temporary facilities. Mr. Alford reported that Islamabad will move into a New Embassy Compound in 2015 and post anticipates significant cost increases for utilities and contracts for operations and maintenance support. Finishing with a look at the cost savings initiatives undertaken in the NEA-SCA region, Mr. Alford identified some of the key activities, including: voucher processing through the Post Support Unit; implementing MeterNet to reduce energy consumption; and many greening initiatives such as LED lighting, rainwater collection, solar water heaters, and recycling of scrap metal. (Double click on the image below to see the presentation.) 1 THE BUREAUS OF NEAR EASTERN AFFAIRS & SOUTH CENTRALASIA ICASS Presented by NEA-SCA/EX Director, Edward Alford February 11, 2015 4. Updates/Reports: ICASS Service Center: ISC Director Richard Boohaker reported on the recent webinars for post Budget Committees and for CDC. He reminded IWG reps that the annual ICASS Customer Satisfaction Survey is in full swing and appreciates their support in getting the word out to overseas personnel. He also advised on the ISC’s participation in the Overseas Personnel System (OPS) “Fit-Gap” sessions last week. (The full text of the ISC Director’s report is included at the end of these minutes.) Budget Update: o Peter Hogan (ISC) reported that the informational FY15 Initial invoices are expected to be distributed to customer agencies by early March, followed by the Recap II invoices a couple weeks later. Finally he advised that on March 11th at 9:00am (prior to the February 11, 2015 IWG minutes Page 2 March IWG meeting) there will be the first of the briefings on Below-the-Line Items, with American Salaries and probably Post Assignment Travel (PAT) budget costs presented that day. All IWG are welcome to attend this briefing. o Jeff Kramer (USAID-ASP) reported that ASP invoices were sent to agencies in late January, along with a spreadsheet on the service provider redistribution. He asked IWG members to check with their budget office and notify him if their agency has not yet received their package. Service Provider: Sherrie Marafino introduced IWG members to the OCCI website and walked through some of the key aspects of the site and contents (see picture of homepage below). As an example, she showed Yerevan’s OCCI plan (“View Plans”), explaining that posts were tasked to submit up to ten cost containment initiatives targeting the GSO or Building Operations cost centers. The OCCI program and related tasking was introduced at the fall Regional Management Officer Conferences, Budget Workshops and Worldwide GSO Workshop. Management Officers were provided with a packet of post data (“Access your post data Packet”) meticulously pulled from a variety of State data repositories (e.g. TREES, FleetStat). This wealth of information showed posts where they stand on various metrics by using green, red or yellow arrows to highlight a description of whether specific criteria or thresholds were met based on the various sources of Post data. Post progress on each goal will be followed and as completed, posts will be able to add new goals to their plan. Ms. Marafino also talked about IRM’s plan to add up to 50 regional IT positions, mostly funded out of State Program, which will be made available under the ePAP program (Expanded Professional Associates Program). Below are snapshots of the OCCI homepage and a breakdown of projects by type that were viewed during the meeting. (Images can be resized for better viewing.) February 11, 2015 IWG minutes Page 3 5. Committee Updates: Policy Committee: IWG Chair Janet Buechel reminded everyone that today’s Policy Committee would focus on two items: a review of the draft DETO policy and discussion of the action items from the fall IEB site visits. 6. Other Issues IWG Chair Janet Buechel directed everyone’s attention to the list of cables sent to them electronically. She highlighted two cables on new legislation regarding LE Staff Death Benefits. State/BP is gathering additional information on the impact of this legislation and will provide a brief report out at the March IWG meeting. The meeting ended at 12:15pm. February 11, 2015 IWG minutes Page 4 ICASS Service Center U.S. Department of State SA-1, Columbia Plaza, Room H1504 International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (202) 663-3260 FAX (202) 663-3275 February 11, 2015 TO: ICASS Working Group FROM: ISC Director – Richard Boohaker SUBJECT: February 2015 Director’s Report Budget Update: With the FY 2015 Initial Budget process completed, the score carding process is now underway and ISC staff is incorporating that exercise into our ongoing work. Meanwhile, the informational invoices are being worked now and should be available at the end of this month or the first week of March. On January 28th Budget Committee met on the subject of reviewing the Domestic Below-the-line Requirements at the semiannual budget hearings. The Committee formulated a set of requests on timing, content, format and documentation that Trish Garate has outlined and shared with the committee members. The ISC is currently in coordination with BP regarding the details of these recommendations. We thank the meeting attendees for their very good input. Outreach and Training: In late January the ISC conducted webinars in its “Just in Time” series for post ICASS Council and Budget Committee members. The webinar focused on the details of the post meetings held at this time of year to review the post MOU and update policies related to workload count modifications in advance of the workload count process for FY 2016. The “Just in Time” webinar series is focused on educating overseas staff on their role in the ICASS budget and performance cycle at post; webinars are held at key points in that cycle to provide the information when it is most needed. The ISC also conducted one of its periodic webinars for staff of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The webinar, conducted jointly by ISC and CDC staff, is part of CDC’s mandatory post orientation program for CDC staff slated to be assigned overseas. ICASS Customer Satisfaction Survey: The 2015 ICASS Customer Satisfaction Survey opened 20 January 2015; and as of Friday, February 6th we’ve received 37,084 responses for a 46.6% response rate worldwide with 209 of 233 posts worldwide exceeding the 25% participation target. The ISC is in daily communication with the post management and Councils providing daily participation rates and sharing “get out the vote” practices. The survey is scheduled to run through February 20th. February 11, 2015 IWG minutes Page 5 ISC Participation in Overseas Personnel System (OPS) Sessions: ICASS Service Center staff attended the OPS “Fit-Gap” sessions last week, along with Department and other agency personnel, to identify requirements for the new personnel system to be used at posts. The sessions were hosted by HR and included staff from PeopleSoft, and will determine if the latter’s application can serve the needs of the Department as it seeks a replacement for the legacy post personnel system. Working Capital Fund Activity: Through 9 February, 285 of the FY 2015 first Recap Summary invoice payments have been authorized for a total of $422M. These represent 97% of the 295 invoices issued on 7 November 2014 for 99.9% of the $423M total invoiced with 94 days elapsed. There are eight (8) Recap#1 invoices outstanding for $497,000. Delinquent invoice letters have been issued to the customer agency POCs. There will be one more round of Recap invoices issued in March which should bring total billings for FY 2015 to 70% of last year’s totals. February 11, 2015 IWG minutes Page 6