
EVS-GTR Task Force 9
Task force 9 will address the communication between the rechargeable energy storage system REESS
and the vehicle operator (driver). The TF will identify the safety issues with the REESS including the
battery management system (BMS), charging, thermal event and charge level indicator which require
driver information and develop appropriate provisions for a warning system.
Operating Principles:
TF will prepare an action plan to address the safety issues and an approach to establish a
solution for warnings to the driver. The plan will be submitted to the leadership of the EVS-IWG.
The TF will address the issues based on the principles in the TOR of the EVS-IWG.
The TF leaders will arrange face to face meetings, teleconferences and web conferences or email
exchanges as appropriate.
The solution (requirements, test procedures and justifications) will be science-based with
supporting data and analysis.
The TF will elaborate and document different options, evaluate analysis and data; and prepare
common positions and/or recommendations.
Identify safety-critical information needs and effective methods to communicate this
information to operators.
; Determine warning and messaging needs for operators and when to warn.
Task Force 9 will work with other task forces to identify parameters for warning systems.
Develop requirements and test procedures
To the extent possible, the TF will seek to harmonize possible universal warning symbols
Draft report that discusses task force decisions. The TF will provide a progress report and final
report to EVS-IWG.
The TF will raise any unresolved issues and propose recommendations to the co-sponsorship of
the IWG.
Supporting Documents:
1. Human Factors in the Safety Management of Rechargeable Energy Storage Systems. NHTSA,
August 2013.
2. Safety Performance of Rechargeable Energy Storage Systems (RESS). NHTSA, November 2014.
Japan proposal
4. China proposal
To the extent possible, the TF will try to meet the timeline of the IWG mandate. Below is the proposed
timeline for the TF activities: (please add 9th IWG meeting for September below)
• Task Force 9 Kickoff Meeting
• Requested participating members to bring back ideas to incorporate into
February 25,
the task force for the meeting in March.
March 1619, 2015
April 14,
June 1-5,
• 7th IWG Meeting
• Agree Task Force Action Plan and Timeline
• Review NHTSA research & TF9 proposals
• Monthly Meeting
• Consolidate feedback from 7th IWG Meeting
• 8th IWG Meeting
• Present 1st draft of Driver Warning GTR proposal
• Monthly Meeting
• Consolidate feedback from 8th IWG Meeting
July 14, 2015 • Reconciliation with TF 8 Heavy Duty Vehicles
• 9th IWG Meeting
September • Present final draft of Driver Warning GTR proposal
14-18, 2015
• Monthly Meeting
October xx, • Task Force closeout