HIFU Treatment Time Reduction Through Focal Zone Size and Spacing Selection Joshua Robert Roemer, 2,3,4 PhD 2Utah 3Department of Physics, Center for Advance Imaging Research (UCAIR), of Mechanical Engineering, 4Department of Bioengineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah USA 220 x x Axial Spacing Treatment Time (sec) Purpose: Reduce treatment times in HIFU treatments through focal zone size and spacing selection. Introduction: An obstacle to widespread clinical implementation of HIFU for cancer treatment is the long treatment times needed for large tumors. Previous research has shown that treatment times can be greatly reduced by strategically choosing the focal zone path1, optimizing pulse heating and interpulse cooling times2,3 and applying higher power densities2,3. This research expands previous work by looking at strategies for focal zone size and spacing selection in a simulated tumor. Simulation Setup: Treatments were simulated for a 1x1x16mm3 tumor in a 7x7x7cm3 tissue region with a uniform perfusion of 0.5 kg/(m3 s). SAR patterns for the treatment were obtained by using the Hybrid Angular Spectrum method4,5 to simulate a 256 element phased array (Imasonics, Inc.). The tumor center and geometric focus (13 cm) for the transducer were both located at the center of the tissue region; the long axis of the tumor was parallel with the axis of the transducer. All acoustic and thermal properties were those of water, except for attenuation, which was that of muscle. SAR patterns were electronically steered and transducer power was fixed for all treatments. The focal zone size was 1x1x12mm3 (50% SAR line). Treatment Time Optimization: Pulse heating times for each treatment were optimized by using the fmincon routine in Matlab 2011b., which minimized total heating time subject to the constraint that all tumor voxels reached 240 CEM. Focal Zone Size: The tumor (Figure 1) was treated using two different strategies: first using two discrete, sequential pulses (Figure 2) at different axial positions, or second a “rapid scanning” approach where two pulses were time shared in a “duty cycle” between two locations (Figure 3), which is equivalent to using a larger “effective” focal zone. Results: Figure 2 shows the treatment time versus focal zone spacing for the two discrete pulse heating strategy. The optimal spacing was 10mm, a separation which provided a small amount of overlap for the 50% SAR lines and good heating of the distal tumor. Tumor 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 0 2 4 8 6 10 12 14 Distance between Focal Zones (mm) Figure 2: Treatment Time vs. Focal Zone Spacing on the tumor shown in Figure 1. Transducer Figure 1: Schematic (not to scale) showing the treatment setup used in the optimal spacing simulations. Figure 3 shows treatment time versus duty cycle for the rapid scanning (larger effective focal zone) using the optimal 10mm spacing. Rapid scanning always had longer treatment times than discrete scanning. Additional studies (results not shown) were also performed for higher perfusions, lower transducer powers, and a larger tumor. Optimal axial spacing was perfusion and power independent for the range of variables studied. Conclusions: Discrete scanning was always faster than rapid scanning due to its higher power densities and better use of nonlinear thermal dose. For discrete scanning, an optimal axial spacing exists, corresponding to an optimal overlap of the focal zones’ 50% SAR lines. For rapid scanning, an optimal axial spacing and duty cycle (biased towards the distal tumor) also exist. Future Work: Additional studies will investigate optimal transverse spacing and further compare rapid and discrete scanning strategies. Acknowledgments: This work was partially supported by grants from NIH (R01-CA134599), Siemens Medical Solutions, the Focused Ultrasound Foundation, a University of Utah Synergy Grant, the Ben B. and Iris M. Margolis Foundation, and the Center for High Performance Computing at the University of Utah, Urvi Vyas, Allison Payne, Doug Christensen, Martin Cuma , and Dennis Parker. 300 250 Treatment Time 1Department 1,2 Coon 10mm 200 150 100 Discrete Fastest Time 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Percent Duty Cycle in Front Position Figure 3: Treatment Time vs. Duty Cycle for rapid scanning. Optimized duty cycles with spacings of 6, 8, 12, and 14mm gave even longer rapid scanning treatment times . References: 1. J. Coon, A. Payne, R. Roemer, “HIFU Treatment Time Reduction in Superficial Tumors through Focal Zone Path Selection”, International Journal of Hyperthermia, Accepted for publication, 2011. 2. Payne, Allison, Urvi Vyas, Adam Blankespoor, Douglas Christensen, and Robert Roemer. "Minimisation of Hifu Pulse Heating and Interpulse Cooling Times." International Journal of Hyperthermia 26, no. 2 (2010): 198-208. 3. Roemer, R., and A H Payne. "Minimization of Hifu Dose Delivery Time." In International Society of Therapeutic Ultrasound. Seoul, Korea, 2007. 4. U. Vyas and D.Christensen. "Ultrasound Beam Propagation Using the Hybrid Angular Spectrum Method." Paper presented at the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008. EMBS 2008. 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2008. 5. U. Vyas and D. Christensen. ‘”Ultrasound Beam Simulations in Inhomogeneous Tisse Geometries Using The Hybrid Angular Spectrum Method”, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control,Provisionally Accepted for Publication, 2011.