Pekka Reinikainen
Helsinki, Finland
Have we evolved from quarks and did we
have a common ancestor with
chimpanzees 7 million years ago?
Has man’s origin been proven beyond
doubt by empirical scientific study?
Or is the academic version ofman’s origin
just a naturalistic creation myth?
Or has modern empirical scientific study
shown that the textbook claim is false?
500 million years ago a curious organism swam in the sea. All
vertebrates: fishes, dinosaurs, birds, mammalians and finally men
evolved from its descendants. Helsingin Sanomat/tiede (science)
This has been taught as a factum in biology for 40 years!
DNA is semantic information,
written in code language,
and determines a function.
MORSE: _ . _ . _
COMPUTER: 01010101
-the duplication of DNA is a very complex,
exact and enormously fast process (like
copying letter by letter 1 000 bibles per
hour). Only 1 letter out of one billion is
copied incorrectly! (thanks to the repair
function). This requires the co-operation
of 12 specific enzymes.
It is of course not true that the difference is 1%
or 30 million nucleotids, as will be shown later.
 But even this 1% is as many symbols
as an encyclopedia of 10 volumes!
Random mutations should write
this 10 volume encyclopedia!
(Richard Dawkins’ example of apes typing
the sonnets of Shakespeare … in The Blind Watchmaker)
Relative Differences: The Myth of 1%
- missing DNA sequences
orphan genes, that only men have
huge differences in non coding genes
differences in chromosome structures
of the brain gene-expression networks
17,4% are unique to humans
- Y – chromosomes are very different
29 JUNE 2007 VOL 316 p. 1836
=> Comparison of the
transcribed intergenic regions
of the human genome
to chimpanzee
Despite the proportionally small amount (1-3%)
of protein coding sequence,
the genome is ubiquitously transcribed into RNA
ENCODE - Project
The human genome is extensively transcribed and produces a wide
array of long nonocoding RNAs that are used in gene regulation,
chromatin modification, nuclear organisation, and scaffolding for
functionally active protein complexes.
Of interest in human origins are the ’long’ (lincRNA) and ’very long’
(vlincRNA) intergenic noncoding RNAs transcribed from genomic
regions outside protein coding genes.
LincRNA regions of the genome are more taxonomically restricted
than protein coding segments and make logical candidates for
research in genomic discontinuity.
There are an estimated twofold greater number of lincRNA genes
compared to protein-coding sequences.
In a recent study it was found that only 47% of expressed human
lncRNAs were conserved across primates and only 28% were found
to have homologs across mammals (eutherians). These results led the
researchers to state that “lncRNA transcription evolves rapidly”. This
Illustrates their evolutionary assumption of common ancestry.
Nesculea, A., et al., 2014, The evolution of lncRNA repertoires and
Expression patterns in tetrapods. Nature 505(7485): 635-640.
However, the sudden “appearance” of lincRNA genes in
separate lineages are intractable problems for
evolutionary paradigm.
- Short human lincRNA genomic regions (less than 600 nucleotids)
were about 75-79% similar to chimpanzee
- The larger ones (over 600 nucleotids) were about
71-74% similar
- The very long regions (vlincRNA) were only
67% similar to chimpanzee
- In contrast, all known human protein coding exons
(300-599 nucleotids) are 86% similar to chimpanzees
Jeffrey P. Tomkins,
- In physiology
- In the disease spectrum
- In brain development
- In reproductive physiology
- In muscles and bones: men can outrun an antelope, throw a javelin,
hammer etc…
- Hand dexterity and the muscles used in speech
- We have language and culture, we can compose and play
instruments, paint pictures and do scientific research
- We can change our brain’s neural network by studying
- We differ from animals by a quantum leap!
- It is not known which selection pressure would cause all of this?
An evolutionary biologist warns:
”The history of evolution is full of deceit.
The fact that we deceive is inherited from
our forefathers that deceived. Those of us
that behave in a certain fashion have got
this in their genes. That is why this
behaviour is so common.”
Differences between men and chimps
Skilful hands
Facial communication
Long childhood
Complex brain
Bipedalism requires specific structures that are unique
Bipedalism is not
an ‘evolutionary accident’
that causes ’slipped discs’
and other back problems
Picture from, Image of God
Mango the Bear gets back surgery for slipped disk at Israeli zoo
Knee is irreducibly complex
The irreducible mechanism of the
joint is shown to contain at least 16 critical
characteristics, each requiring thousands of
precise units of information to exist
simultaneously in the genetic code. This
demonstrates that the knee could not have
evolved but must have been created as a fully
functioning limb joint from the beginning of
its existence
Schematic diagram of the four-bar
mechanism in the knee joint:
The biomechanics of the knee are also simplified above for clarity. In
reality, the ligaments do stretch by a tiny amount when the knee is in
certain positions. There is also a small amount of torsional freedom
between the femur and tibia. These features make the knee joint an
extremely sophisticated mechanism. Indeed, the knee joint is so
sophisticated that human designers have been unable to produce an
artificial knee that has anything approaching the performance of a real
The Impossibility of an Evolved Knee
The knee joint presents a major challenge to the evolutionist
because it is unique, and because there are no intermediate forms
of joint between a condylar joint and the other two limb joints
found in animals and humans - the ball and socket joint and the
pivot joint. The knee is widely acknowledged by anatomists as
being a completely distinct type of joint. This is because the knee
uses completely different mechanical principles for hinged
movement. Whereas the knee has two mechanical linkages that
perform a vital guidance role (the cruciate ligaments), the joints of
the hip, shoulder and elbow have no such mechanical linkages at
all. Whereas the knee rolls and slides, the joints of the hip,
shoulder and elbow only slide. Whereas the knee has a centre of
rotation that moves by up to several centimetres, the joints of the
hip, shoulder and elbow have a fixed centre of rotation.
We can play on the piano over 20
notes per second and place our
hands on the keyboard in over 30
We can play many other
instruments, build computers and
do brain surgery.
We can play tennis or ice-hockey
or nail roof panels.
We have simultaneously both a
power grip and a fine movement
To build a robot arm that can do
all that is very challenging.
You can click ’the flight of a
bumblebee’ from the icon
Where did the ability to gesticulate when speaking come from?
Some people gesticulate even when they are on the phone,
when their fellow man cannot even see him/her.
Andrew Bass of Cornell University says that we have inherited
this from the fish that were our ancestors!
”Combining hands and speech can be traced to a time, when the
ability to communicate with fins evolved in fish”.
Fish can actually communicate by moving their fins.
”The communication between speech and pectoral muscles
takes us back to the origin of speech and hand gestures.
This may have to do with the development of language”.
Why do we gesticulate? 2.7.2013
Lip smacking by this ethiopian monkey may
bring light to the origin of human language
Current Biology 8th April 2013.
Tselada or the
ethiopian baboon
samcks its lips and
makes faces to
communicate. This
might help scientists to
understand the
development of early
human language.
When speaking
man uses up to
100 different
The throat is built
for speaking
respiration and
Special trait for man: communication
• Speech is controlled by 100 muscles
• Learning to speak takes over a year, co-operation of over 100
• The scale can be over 3 octaves (for example, if one note has a frequency of
440 Hz, the note an octave above it is at 880 Hz, and the note an octave below is at
220 Hz).
• Gorillas have only half as many face muscles
– No muscles for complex facial communication
– Apes cannot produce speech
– Men can speak up to 200 words/min
• In daily routines use up to 100 000 words
– Pianist can remember up to 10 000 notes
– Memory record is 42 195 decimals of Pi (3,14159…)
Of the 50 face muscles
of man, the 24 under
the skin produce man’s
facial expressions.
Paul Ekman of the
University of California
has estimated that
hundres of thousands
of expressions can be
It is challenging to take
a passport photo,
because the face is
constantly changing!
25% of the motor cortex is
wired for face muscle use!
• Man’s ability for facial communication is fantastic
• Our facial muscles
– Move different areas of the face very precisely
• Half of the muscles help eating
– 24 are reserved exclusively for expressions
– Apes do not have these muscles
• It is very hard to keep a “poker face”
– It is often easy to see when a person is lying
• For smiling, only 4-6 muscles are needed
• For frowning up to 20 are needed
• We have the ability to recognise people from their
This is how vertebrates got their faces over 400 million years ago
According to the evolutionists! Romundina - fish
25% of cortex for hands, 25% face expressions ja 25% speech => 75% COMMUNICATION
More information:
Research: Chimps communicate with 66 gestures,
Helsingin Sanomat, 4.7.2014
Brain weight does not determine
intellect: whales and elephants have much
bigger brains.
Brain cells are connected by synapses, which can be
compared to microprocessors and memory sticks. Human
brain contains one million billion (10^15) synapses.
The specific structure of the molecular switches of
the synapses determines intellect! Man has 100
billion billion switches (10^20).
In addition certain areas of the
human brain are markedly larger
than in animals.
It is good to remember that a big brain is a risk at birth and up
to 50% of the baby’s energy consumption goes towards brain
development. The first 2 years of life are marked by huge brain
cell accumulation and organisation. This does not happen in
apes. Man has an ’adult’ brain at the age of 24 years. What
would be the selection pressure?
It is interesting that the thousands of genes controlling our
intellect are degenerating and humanity is continually
becoming less intellectual. We were at the top of our intellect
about 5 000 years ago!
Computers are simple when
compared to man’s brain.
There is a bigger neural network
in the human brain than in all of
the world’s computers and
information networks put
A japanese-german research group imitated human brain
function with the world’s 4th fastest supercomputer
(comparable to 250 000 home computers).
The researchers imitated the function of 1,73 billion
(10^9) neurons (corresponds to about 1% of the brain’s
neurons) and the 10 000 billion (10^13) synapses that
connect them.
The goal was to simulate what happens in your brain
during 1 second.
This took the computer 40 minutes.
Riken – research centre, Kobe, Japan, Markus Diesmann
Yle News 27.8.2013, Eero Nurmi
The Smith Laboratory pursues neuroscience
research at Stanford University, developing and
applying new imaging methods to explore
brain microcircuit connectivity and molecular
architecture. The work of the laboratory is
supervised by Stephen J Smith, Ph.D., Prof. of
Molecular and Cellular Physiology at the
Stanford University School of Medicine.
Stephen J Smith earned a PhD from the University
of Washington in 1977 for research supervised by
Profs. Charles F. Stevens and Wolfhard Almers. He
did postdoctoral research at Berkeley with Prof.
Robert Zucker 1977-1980. The Smith laboratory
was established when Smith took a faculty position
at Yale in 1980 and then moved to Stanford
University in 1989. Prof. Smith teaches
Neuroscience and Microscopy at Stanford and at
other international teaching venues.
Human brain’s complexity is a challenge
The volume of the human brain is only 1,5 litres.
Our brain contains thousands of kilometres of
axons and dendrites.
These neural pathways connect hunderds of billions
(10^9)of different neurons and supporting cells
with a million billion (10^15) synapses.
Evolutionists’ explanation: brain growth started when man learned
how to cook meat:
Each of the synapses is a complicated molecular
machine that is made of thousands of different protein
Most of these molecules operate actively as individual
“molecular switches” transmitting dynamically a large
array of electrical and biochemical signals.
Moreover, synaptic proteins can be expressed from many
alternative genes and exist in different neurons in multiple
protein isoforms, so it is certain that a high degree of
combinatorial proteomic diversity must distinguish large
numbers of synaptic subpopulations within every region of the
central nervous system.
This unbelieveably compex brain network of synapses and
the vide variety of different kinds of synapses and neurons
is an enormous challenge for us who try to understand
brain structure, memory and conscious thinking.
It is only during the past few years that progress in
information technology and molecular genetics has made
possible the reconstruction and direct empirical study of
brain’s synapse network.
This kind of research in neuroscience seemed almost
impossible a few years ago.
Ultrastructural appearance of asymmetric and
symmetric synapses. Four asymmetric
synapses (arrows) and one symmetric synapse
(arrowhead) can be identified on four dendritic
spines (d1 to d4). Asymmetric synapses show a
thick post-synaptic density
The human brain contains about 200 billion (10^9) cells
and 10^20 synapses, the numbers are astronomical.
Each synapse is like a processor. It was thought that
each synapse operates as a switch or a transistor. The
new research and imaging techniques revealed that in
reality the synapses are extremely complex. Each
synapse contains a memory bank and processes
information and can contain thousands of protein
switches. This means that one man’s brain is more
complex than all the world’s supercomputers,
computers and information networks put togther = you
truly have the internet and google inside your head!
”Brain is so complex
that it is hard to believe”,
commented professor
Stephen Smith in
And this is not all
The chemistry of the
transmitting substances
The hormonal regulation
The role of the 100 billion (10^11)
supporting cells
uses tool
to break
a nut
Did men and chimpanzees
have a common “forefather”
7 million years ago?
Mutations are random and generally not
dependant on each other, but their effects are not
independent. Mutations that promote some trait
may harm another trait.
In addition many new anatomical
structures and physiological functions
can be very complex. This kind of new
traits require many co-ordinated
mutations to get a selective
advantage. Also many new structures
must appear simultaneously, so that
the result is useful (for example
Transition to walking on two feet requires cooperation between the design of feet, knees,
hips, spinal column, skull, face and balance
This can not be achieved by evolving one
structure at a time.
All the new and necessary traits must evolve
towards the same goal and with the same
Here is the crux of the matter
Hundreds of traits separate men from chimpanzees.
This requires millions of mutations.
Even if the numer of traits that must be changed
were only 30-40 and only 100 mutations were
needed, even these changes would take over 13,8
billion (10^9) years.
Estimation in the hominid line: 2 co-ordinated mutations
would be fixed in a population of 20 000, in about 216
million years.
10-20% of the genome
In finnish:,,,
In swedish:
In german:
has no mechanism
Today it is possible to show,
by empirical research in the
laboratory, that evolution i.e.
mutation + natural selection
cannot produce totally novel
structures and functions
(harware and software)
Evolution cannot even
restore the E. coli
bacterium its ability
to metabolise lactose
for energy
that it had lost
What does empirical data tell us about the performance
of the hypothetical evolutionary mechanism?
=> Mutations are not the motor of evolution.
Does the requirement of 2 mutations
really prevent evolution?
=> The 2 desired mutations
 simply do not happen!
Experiments with Escherichia coli trpA genes:
-if evolution requires 1 mutation,
mutants can always be found
-if evolution requires 2 or more simultaneous
mutations, nothing happens.
Two requirements:
breaks down lactose
transports lactose into cell
Both are needed
• O
Irreducibly complex:
The cell needs both lactase
and permease to be able to use
lactose for food
1-2 mutations rule is valid:
When an insect becomes
resistant to DDT
A rat to rat poison
A bacterium to an antibiotic
A malarial parasite to a drug
A man to the malarial parasite
If we wanted to have 7 co-ordinated
mutations in a bacterium, where lots
of mutations happen and populations
are huge, this would take 10^27
= 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 years
(based on Doug Axe’s population genetics model, also published in BIOComplexity)
The darwinistic random mutation/selection
mechanism works, when the result can be reached
with 1-2 point mutations
BUT the structure must already exist (!!!)
= the gene was already there.
Creation of a totally new function or structure
crossing an impossible gap
Esitmates in literature* of the probability of finding one
functional protein Is one possibility in a group of 1060 – 1070
Experimental results strongly
contradict the fantastic results
that the evolutionary theory claims
The textbook evidence that
”proves evolution” is usually
within the reach of 1-2
Where have the explanations disappeared?
”I am told that there are evolutionists who have
described how the necessary changes could
have happened. When I ask, in which books I
can find them, I either get no answer or am led
to books, where these explanations cannot be
found. Everybody seems to know that the
explanations exist, but I have not found anyone
who knows where they are.”
David Griffin, 2000, Religion and Scientific Naturalism,
State University of New York Press
12 weeks from conception.
The child starts to move
and is 6 cm long. Heart
sounds can be heard and
the sex can be known.
16 weeks from conception.
The child is 10 cm long. The
fundus of the uterus can be
felt 7 cm belov mother’s
navel. The child posesses
own fingerprints.