Tietronix Software, Inc. SDA DRUPAL INTERGRATION Software Architecture Document Version 4.0 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 Revision History Date 09/14/2010 Version 1.0 Description First Draft of Design Document Author Aditya Macherla Arun Mahankali Shruti Damle Truyen Le Vishakha Kadam 09/30/2010 2.0 Second Version of Design Document 10/14/2010 3.0 Third Version of Design Document 11/03/2010 4.0 Adding technical motivations to choose Drupal and XMLRPC Adding the Appendix B for Evaluation Criteria Arun Mahankali Shruti Damle Truyen Le Vishakha Kadam Aditya Macherla Arun Mahankali Shruti Damle Truyen Le Vishakha Kadam Fourth Version of Design Document Aditya Macherla Confidential Change System Architecture Diagram Specify which techniques to choose XML-RPC or PHPJava Bridge Appendices (XML DTD, XML request-response format) Aditya Macherla Adding design detail of myworklist module Arun Mahankali Add the high level block diagram for MyWorklist Module Truyen Le Shruti Damle Vishakha Kadam Restructure Section 5 Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 2 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose 6 6 1.2 Scope 6 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 6 1.4 References 6 1.5 Overview 7 2 System Overview 8 3 Design Considerations 3.1 Assumptions and Dependencies 9 12 3.2 12 Constraints 4 Overview of System Architecture 13 5 Design Details 5.1 SDA View Module 15 15 5.2 5.3 5.1.1 Main Tasks of - SDA View Module 15 5.1.2 High Level Block Diagram 16 5.1.3 Data Flow Diagram – SDA View 17 5.1.4 Behavior – SDA View 20 5.1.5 Data Structure – SDA View 23 SDA Worklist Module 24 5.2.1 Main Tasks of - SDA Worklist Module 24 5.2.2 High Level Block Diagram 24 5.2.3 Data Flow Diagram- Worklist 25 5.2.4 Behavior - Worklist 26 5.2.5 Data Structure – Worklist 27 5.2.6 Dependencies 27 SDA Communication Module 28 5.3.1 Static Structure 29 5.3.2 Behavior 30 Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 3 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 5.3.3 Components 31 5.3.4 Dependencies 33 Appendix A: Cross-platform communication using XMLRPC 34 Appendix B: Evaluation Criteria 35 Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 4 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 Software Architecture Document Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 5 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose The design document provides a comprehensive architecture of the integration of SDA and Drupal. This document is the blueprint for the implementation phase. The document includes a brief overview about the current SDA system and its propose presentation layer in Drupal, options to integrate Drupal and SDA, trade-off between the available options for communication between them, the SDA Drupal integration high level and detail architecture diagram and conclusion. The audiences for the document are team members, Instructor Dr. Yue and Project Mentor Mr. Abbasi, management of Tietronix to make decision whether to go or not go with Drupal as a replacement for Liferay at presentation layer. 1.2 Scope This document is applied to the integration of SDA with Drupal. This document is addressed to: 1) Tietronix decision to go with Drupal for presentation layer or not. 2) the coding phase of the project 3) the whole capstone project quality 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations SDA: Software Development Assistant. Drupal: An open source content management system and more than that. XMLRPC: XML Remore Procedure Call. Modules: A piece of code that make up to do certain tasks in Drupal. SVG: Scalable Vector Graphic 1.4 References 1) Tietronix website: www.tietronix.com 2) Drupal community: http://drupal.org 3) Drupal Developer: API http://api.drupal.org 4) XMLRPC standard: http://www.xmlrpc.com/ 5) W3C SVG Working Group: http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/ Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 6 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 1.5 4.0 Overview The remaining of the document describes the system overview which provides a general description of the Drupal and SDA and available communication mechanisms between them. Followed by design consideration, it states the current limitations and constraints of this project. Then system architecture provides a high-level overview of how the functionality and responsibilities of the system were partitioned and then assigned to subsystems or components. The final section provides design details including diagrams, behavior and mechanism, data structure, and dependencies. Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 7 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 2 System Overview As per objective, SDA is needed to integrate with Drupal. Let us have brief overview SDA and Drupal. SDA is an engineering automation product that guides engineers through their project specific standard, processes and procedures. It is a complex real time process system that provides real time graphical status. It is a collaboration tools for project’s state-holders including: software engineering, project lead, management, and event observers. It provides a Tailored tool- Collaborative environment. With SDA, information or data is consolidated in one place and then can be viewed or manipulate in a flexible way depending the user’s roles. It is a strict-compliance system. Drupal is used to build web sites. It’s a highly modular, open source web content management framework with an emphasis on collaboration. It is extensible, standardscompliant, and strives for clean code and a small footprint. Drupal ships with basic core functionality, and additional functionality is gained by enabling built-in or third-party modules. Drupal is designed to be customized, but customization is done by overriding the core or by adding modules, not by modifying the code in the core. Drupal’s design also successfully separates content management from content presentation. So to integrate the SDA with Drupal the communication mechanisms should be considered. 1) XML-RPC Server (java), XML-RPC Client (PHP) 2) PHP-Java Bridge We will see the pros and cons of these mechanisms in next section. Suppose considering XML-RPC Server option 1) Drupal (XML-RPC Client) is going to communicate with SDA via XML-RPC Server. 2) Drupal will send the request to XML-RPC Server and XML-RPC Server will generate the response by communicating with SDA. This response is send to Drupal. 3) Drupal will then receive this response and will display the result. (SVG files) Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 8 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 3 Design Considerations This project implementation targets to remove/solve the limitations of the current system of the SDA. This design document is followed by feasibility study of the possibility of convert the presentation layer of SDA in Java to PHP using DRUPAL. Tietronix Company may want to upgrade the system in future and this implementation is a prototype for it. The development of our project does not target bringing the whole SDA system in live action, but only two modules with the functions and interfaces required for the system. Considering the complexity of the modules in the SDA, we are limited only two modules (Life Cycle and Perform Work) to come up with design in a semester to implement. When it requires for further development of the complete SDA upgrade, it requires implementing the functionalities of the other modules and the interfaces required for it. Why we choose Drupal? Based on the current limitations of Liferay in SDA as well as the feature requests, a list of technical criteria is come up and used to evaluate the alternative systems among Liferay, Drupal, and Joomla. See Appendix B: Evaluation Criteria for further details. In general, Drupal does fulfill most of the criteria including java backend support, flexible modular architecture, organization boundary support, less time and effort in implementation and customization, easy upgrade, highly scalability, and strong community support. Among the above, the flexible modular architecture and organization boundary support are the limitations of current Liferay. The flexible modular architecture of Drupal allows removing/installing modules at will. This save resources and improve performance. The organization boundary support allows multiple organizations using the same code base which is also save system resources. The result of this evaluation helps us decide to choose Drupal for the migration. Therefore, the two modules above will be implemented in Drupal. Why we choose XMLRPC? The current implementation uses Java via Liferay, which supports Java and is thus natural to integrate with the backend J2EE business layer by calling Java classes. One of the biggest challenges may be that Drupal is PHP based and thus its integration with the backend Java business layer is a tricky part. There are two ways to achieve that: one is using web services (XMLRPC) and other is using PHP/Java Bridge. What is XMLRPC: It's a set of implementations that allow software running on disparate operating systems, running in different environments to make procedure calls over the Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 9 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 Internet. It's remote procedure calling using HTTP as the transport and XML as the encoding. XML-RPC is designed to be as simple as possible, while allowing complex data structures to be transmitted processed and returned. What is PHP/Java Bridge: The PHP/Java Bridge is an implementation of a streaming, XML-based network protocol, which can be used to connect a native script engine, for example PHP, Scheme or Python, with a Java virtual machine. To choose between these two options we came up with some evaluation criteria and studied these two mechanisms based of them. The evaluation criteria are: 1) Ease of implementation: Since this project involves quite a bit of feasibility study, this criterion is weighted the most. Web Service XMLRPC: it's easy to implement this technique because Drupal does support web-services. In the SDA (Java side), it's also easy to build xmlrpc server class to let client in Drupal connect to. Most parts of the communications have been tested. PHP/Java Bridge: Till now, Drupal doesn't support PHP/Java Bridge unless we have to start from scratch. In addition, PHP/Java Bridge can directly access the native libraries of Java backend. But we do need it to access to the custom classes of SDA also. For this, a lot extra work is needed. So because of time constraint of capstone project, we weight web service (xmlrpc) higher than PHP/Java Bridge. 2) Standard compliance: In the future, if SDA needs to be integrated with other system (not Drupal), then which technique is more reusable? Web Service XMLPRC: Together with XML, web service protocol standards provide an industry-wide means to realize interoperability and platform-neutral communications. For that, if in the future SDA needs to integrate with other systems, most of the work in xmlrpc server side can be reusable. PHP/Java Bridge: It is not an industry standard and it has lack of adherence to standard interfaces. So in the future, if SDA needs to integrate with other systems then almost nothing can be reusable. So, we weight xmlrpc higher than PHP/Java Bridge Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 10 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 3) Conversion of data types and objects between PHP and Java: Web service XMLRPC: True conversion of data types and objects from Java to PHP and vice-versa. It has high levels of interoperability between separate operating environments. PHP/Java Bridge: Java/PHP object compatibility is not provided for all data types. Some data types should be handled by the programmer while converting them. Therefore, we weight xmlrpc higher than PHP/Java Bridge 4) Ease of updates: Web service XMLPRC: It has a larger community of users than bridge, so it should not have problems with updates, resolving technical issues and backward compatibility. PHP/Java Bridge: It has a small number of users than XMLRPC so maintenance issues might be faced. 5) Performance: Web service XMLPRC: It does have performance issue due to overhead but it can be improve through optimization PHP/Java bridge: As mentioned, on the webpage of is vendor, it is 50 times faster than xmlprc but haven't clarified the metrics for this in terms of time. So, we weight php/java Bridge higher than xmlrpc. 6) Security: XMLRPC has some sort of secure channel for communication. But, more or less, both options have security issues. Thus the comparison of these two techniques is shown table below. Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 11 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 Evaluation Criteria Web service (XMLRPC) 4.0 PHP/Java Bridge Ease of implementation Standard compliance Conversion of data types and objects between PHP and Java Ease of updates Performance So, we have finalized our decision to go with XMLPRC as a communication mechanism between SDA and Drupal. Although performance is not the most weighted criteria in this design, the performance goal is to achieve the turnaround time for any request made by the end user should be within 1-3 seconds given a good internet speed connection. 3.1 Assumptions and Dependencies The end users look and feel may slightly vary but provides all the features which include the two modules with the new design implementation. The new frontend implementation is provided using the PHP using Drupal. 3.2 Constraints The complete system testing cannot be performed, since the design development is provided only for two modules of the SDA system. Unit testing for the functionalities of the two modules can be performed. As the output in the browser uses of SVG files, the end user may use Firefox, Safari or chrome (where they come as in-built features) as their web browser. If the end user wishes to use Internet Explorer from Microsoft they need to install plug-in such that it supports SVG files. Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 12 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 4 Overview of System Architecture Figure 4.1 Overview of System Architecture Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 13 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 1) SDA Presentation The purpose of SDA Presentation is to provide an interface for end users to interact with the system. The layer will include logic to present data to the users. It should not include any business or data access logics. It may include some validation of data. This presentation layer is handled by Drupal which is an open source CMS based on PHP. It has been emerged in the web application for a while. PHP/HTML/JS/CSS are used mainly to make up the presentation layer. 2) Communication Layer The purpose of Communication Layer is to provide an interface for Drupal to interact with SDA server. In this layer we can use different communication techniques. They can be either Web Services - XMLRPC, SOAP, JSON etc. or PHP/ Java Bridge. Based on the requirements, we have evaluated and decided to implement Web Service – XMLRPC instead of PHP/Java Bridge. The evaluation criteria are: - Ease of implementation - Standard compliance - Conversion of data types and objects between PHP and Java - Ease of updates Therefore, we will address the Web Service – XMLRPC in this design document. Drupal plays xmlrpc client role and SDA backend plays xmlrpc server role. 3) SDA Core SDA Core is grouping of core subsystems of SDA. They include the business layer, data access layer, events, model and utility classes, and interfaces to SDA dependencies. This group provides the major services for all clients. 4) SDA Dependencies SDA depends on two major systems to function: the TieFlow process automation engine and the Drupal engine. The TieFlow engine provides services related to workflow automation and the enactment of the software development process. The Drupal engine provides SDA the environment for its Presentation layer. It can also provide other services like groups, user management, message boards, calendars etc. Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 14 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 5 Design Details This section describes in detail about the design of SDA View Drupal module and Java XMLRPC Server of the integration system. We will concentrate first on the Drupal modules (5.1) and then Java XML RPC server (5.2). 5.1 SDA View Module 5.1.1 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Main Tasks of - SDA View Module Input SVG file from SVG package via HTTPRequest/session or from SDA backend. Parse the SVG as a DOMDocument object Standardize the DOMDocument object to include style elements and hashtable. Retrieve the children processes information from SDA Backend including states Create and update the style element based on state received and hashtable. Add links to processes (for subprocesses if any). Form the breadcrumb for processes/sub-processes. Display the DOMDocument object and breadcrumb on the fly Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 15 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 5.1.2 High Level Block Diagram SVG file 1. Entity 2. Links to other entity Output Input SDA View Drupal Module SVG image 1 2 3 Color: fill Links Breadcrumb Input parameters/ arguments Communications Layer SDA Backend Web servicesXMLRPC DB Figure 5.1 High Level Block Diagram Based on the request from users, SDA View Drupal module locates the SVG file from SVG package. This is a raw SVG file with no state-color and links to sub-processes. The module, firstly, processes the file with parameters input from SDA backend through Web Service – XMLRPC communication layer. It, then, generate a complete SVG image with state color and links. In addition, a breadcrumb is created. The complete SVG image and breadcrumb are displayed on the fly in Drupal to users. Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 16 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 5.1.3 Data Flow Diagram – SDA View Although PHP is object-oriented programming language now, Drupal was built on top of a version of PHP that didn’t support object-oriented. This is inherited until today’s Drupal. It is not really using PHP object-oriented version fully, but it is using the object oriented concepts. Each entity in Drupal such as node, content type, etc. is an object. Therefore, the following diagram is a similar to that of UML static structure of SDA View module. Figure 5.2 Data Flow Diagram of SDA View Drupal Module As shown in the data flow diagram Figure 5.2, we have the following functions: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) process_http_request_session_object locate_svg_file, parse_svg parse_svg standardize_domdocument_object connect_get_children_processes process_svg display_domdocument_object Let’s have a look at each of them in more details. Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 17 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 1) process_http_request_session_object: this function is used to check the HttpRequest object or session to see if either of them contains values (package_name, process_name, version). If HttpRequest object contains the values, these values will be stored in session and passed to the next function -locate_svg_file, parse_svg - as input parameters. If no, then the function will check session, if session contains the values, these values are passed to locate_svg_file, parse_svg. Finally, if the values are not in session, then the function will connect to SDA backend using web service xmlrpc to retrieve the initial values, store these initial values in session, and pass it to the next function locate_svg_file, parse_svg. Therefore, the input parameters of this function are HttpRequest object and session while the output are $package_name, $process_name, $version in string. The section will also describe more detail about this function. 2) locate_svg_file:The main task of this function is to form the name of svg file and the path to it. Based on the input parameters which are values passing from process_http_request_session_object and the svg file naming convention, the function forms the svg file name as $package_name_$process_name_$version.svg. The path to this file is also known. Hence, the input of this function are string parameters $package_name, $process_name, $version while the output are also string represent the $svg_file_name and $path_to_file. 3) parse_svg: this function is used to handle a simple task. It parses the SVG to a DOMDocument object. So the input is the SVG file name and path to it while the output is a DOMDocument object. 4) standardize_domdocument_object: the SVG packages are not always follow a standard format. There are packages that do not have style template elements and hashtable in SVG file. In order to make it easier for the following processing, this function is used to standardize the SVG files so that they always contain style template elements and hashtable. The function requires DOMDocumet object ($domdocument) as input parameter and the output also a DOMDocument object but standardized. 5) connect_get_children_processes: this is a straight forward function which is used to connect to SDA backend through web service – xmlrpc and retrieve the children processes information. The function sent over to SDA backend the string parameters as $project_name, $package_name, $process_name, and $version of the parent (current process). It then, receives string values including $package_name, $process_name, $version, and $state of all children processes from SDA. 6) process_svg: The output from function 4 and 5 are the input parameters for this function. It processes the standard DOMDocument ($standard_domdocument) using the information received from SDA of function 5 ($package_name, $process_name, $version, $state). Depending on the $state values of sub-processes, the appropriate style element is created with fill color value. Then the old style in class attribute of svg process tags (<path> tags) is substituted by the new style elements. In addition, the links to children processes are also formed in this function. These links are also appended to processes shape of SVG. Last but not least, the function create Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 18 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 breadcrumb based on the input information. Therefore, the output of this function is a complete DOMDocument object ($complete_domcocument) with color and links and the breadcrumb. 7) display_domdocument_object: The task of this function is to display the complete DOMDocument object and the breadcrumb on the fly. This function accept DOMDocument object ($complete_domdocument) and breadcrumb ($breadcrumb) as input parameters. It then used the embed tags to call a php code. This php code is used to add the content type to the header and then display the DOMDocument object together with the breadcrumb. Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 19 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 5.1.4 Behavior – SDA View Sequence Diagram Figure 5.3: Sequence Diagram – SDA View module – Drupal Figure 5.3 show the behavior in sequence of the SDA View Module in Drupal starting from http request object until the SVG images are shown to users. Please have a look at section for Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 20 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 the description in detail. Behavior Description The general idea of this module is to load, process, and then display SVG from the packages/templates in Drupal. 1) When the module is completed and enabled, the following will happen: - Organic Group module will be enabled as a requirement by this module - A content type called process is created and make as group node 2) The project is temporary created by create an organic group. So the organic group name should be the same as the project name created in SDA side. In addition, a package is selected for this project or organic group. 3) When users create a node of content type l. Project Name ($project_name) is retrieved from the organic group. A node type process creation means a lifecycle portal is created for this organic group having the name as project_name. 4)When users navigate through the project processes/sub-processes, an appropriate SVG file will be loaded. The module has to process HttpRequest object and/or session to find the correct package_name, process_name, and version (values). These values are needed for forming the SVG file name. The task of process HttpRequest object and/or session is handled by function 1 – process_http_request_session_objectin Figure 5.3. Detail diagram of this function is shown in Figure 5.4 below: Figure 5.4 Process http request/session objects Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 21 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 So initially, the module will check HttpRequest object to see if it contains values (package_name, process_name, and version). If it is, these values are saved in session and passed to function 3 – locate_svg_file (Figure 5.3) as inputs parameters for this function. If it’s not, then the module will check the session to see if it contains the values. In case the session contains the values, these values will be passed to function 3 – locate_svg_file (Figure 5.3) as inputs parameters. Otherwise, the module will connect to SDA backend and retrieve the initial values from SDA database using web service xmlrpc. These initial values are saved in session and passed to function 3 – locate_svg_file (Figure 5.3) as inputs parameters 5) After processing of HttpRequest and/or session object, function 3 – locate_svg_file (Figure 5.3) receives the values (package_name, process_name, version) as input parameters. It then, forms the name of the SVG file from these values based on SVG file naming convention. The file name starts with package_name, follow by process_name, version, and then the file extension .SVG. There are underscore “_” separation between these values. So the file name is package_name_process_name_version.SVG. For example, if the package_name is SDANonGFE, the process is 0, and version is 1.0, then the file name is SDANonGFE_0_1.0.SVG. In addition, this function also forms the path to the file. Therefore, the input parameters of this function is values (package_name, process_name, version) and the output values are SVG file name and path to the file. These will be the input parameters for the next function 4 – parse_svg (Figure 5.3). 6) Using the the file name and path to it, the module loads the file and parse it as a DOMDocument object for further process later on. This is done through function 4 – parse_svg. 7) Depending on the software used to create SVG file, the SVG file may have style element templates (st1, st2, st3, etc) and state/color hashtable or not. We need these elements to easily manipulate the DOMDocument object, so we need to standardize the SVG file to include these elements. This is done in function 5 – standadize_document_object (Figure 5.3). This part of the module will check the input parameter DOMDocument object received from function 4 above to see if it contains style elements and hashtable or not, if it’s not, the code will add these elements. Therefore, the output of this function will be the standard DOMDocument object with style element and hashtable. This object will be passed to function 7 – process_svg (Figure 5.3) as an input parameters. 8) At this stage, the module needs to connect to SDA backend to retrieve the values of all the children processes of the current process including package_name, process_name, version, and state. This is handled by function 6 – connect_get_children_process (Figure 5.3). The function uses the values output by function 1 – process_http_request_session_object and project_name as input parameters. These parameters are sent to SDA backend using web service - xmlrpc. SDA backend will retrieve the children information based on the received parameters and then response to the module all children package_name, process_name, version, and state. This response Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 22 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 information is sent to Function 7 – process_svg (Figure 5.3). 9) Function 7 – process_svg (Figure 5.3) accepts standard DOMDocument object (output from function 5 – standardize_domdocument_object) and values (package_name, process_name, version, state) of all children processes as input parameters. Based on the state (inactive, active, in process, etc), style element templates, and hashtable, the function creates new style elements with appropriate fill color values. In addition, the function also creates links and breadcrumb based on current and children processes values. The new style elements and links are appended in the DOMDocument object tags for each process/sub-process that has value of addlinks tag attribute as “yes”. Hence, the outputs of this function are DOMDocument object with color and links and breadcrumb. 10) Until this stage, the DOMDocument object is ready to display. The function 8 – display_domdocument_object (Figure 5.3) is built to handle this task. The input parameters for this function are the DOMDocument object and breadcrumb which are the output of Function 7 – process_svg above. The code displays the DOMDocument object and breadcrumb on the fly. That means no SVG file is created in this case. Finally, we have the SVG image display on project page. Project users: to add users to project, we add users to organic group. We can define the project roles as: - group lead <=> project lead - group member <=> project member And more roles added using Organic Group user roles and Organic Group Users role access. 5.1.5 Data Structure – SDA View SDA organic group table Fields Type Functions Nid int(10) Node id project_name Text A string to specify the project name Fields Type Functions project_id int(10) An integer id number to specify the project id that the user is belonged to user_id Int (10) A integer to specify the id of the user Role Text A text field to specify the project_user table Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 23 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 role of user in this project 5.2 SDA Worklist Module 5.2.1 Main Tasks of - SDA Worklist Module 1) Inputs are current user, current project, and filter getting from request object or session, or default. 2) Connect to SDA backend to retrieve an array of worklist 3) Rendering the received worklist in a tree format. 5.2.2 High Level Block Diagram Request 3. current_user 4. project_nam e 5. workstatus Input SDA Worklist Drupal Module Output Worklist 4 5 Tree format Color states Input parameters/ arguments Communications Layer SDA Backend Web servicesXMLRPC DB Figure 5.5 High Level Block Diagram Based on the request from users, SDA Worklist module get the current user, current projects and Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 24 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 workstatus and send it to SDA backend through Web Service – XMLRPC communication layer. It, then, receives the wordlist in an array format and display it in tree format to user. 5.2.3 Data Flow Diagram- Worklist Figure 5.6 Data Flow Diagram of SDA Worklist module As shown in the data flow diagram Figure 5.6, we have the following functions: 1) 2) 3) 4) worklist_process_request_session_object worklist_connect create_tree_object generate_tree 1) worklist_process_request_session_object: this function is used to retrieve the values of current user, current project, workstatus from either request object or session. If not then, it will get the default value. 2) worklist_connect: Send the current user, current project, and workstaut to SDA backend to retrieve the worklist array. 3) create_tree_object: based on the current username, project name, and process name, it will create a tree object and its attributes icon, title, alt. 4) generate_tree: this is a recursive function used to generate the worklist in a tree format based on the input parameters from worklist_connect and create_tree_object. Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 25 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 5.2.4 Behavior - Worklist Sequence Diagram Figure 5.7: Sequence Diagram – SDA Worklist module Figure 5.7 shows the behavior in sequence of the SDA Worklist Module in Drupal starting from HttpRequest object until the worklist tree structure is shown to users. Please have a look at section for the description in detail. Behavior Description The general idea of this module is to retrieve and display the worklist in a tree format. 1) When the module is completed and enabled, the following will happen: - Organic Group module will be enable as a requirement by this module - A content type called worklist is created and make as group node. 2) When users create a node of this content type, it is part of organic group. The organic group name already created will be the project name. 3) When users view this content node, the functions are run behind to render the node content as: - worklist_process_request_session_object: will retrieve the current user, current project, workstatus, and root process from request object initially. If the values are in there, it will pass these to the next function and store them in session. If the values are not Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 26 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 in request, it will check the session and get these values. If they are not in session, it will get the default value. - worklist_connect: this function used the output of the above function and send over to SDA backend to retrieve the worklist in an multi-dimension array format. - create_tree_object: this function is based on the inputs like current username, project name, and process name to generate the tree object and set its attributes (icon, title, alt). - generate_tree: This recursive function is used to actually generate the tree of worklist and output to users. 5.2.5 Data Structure – Worklist SDA organic group table Fields Type Functions Nid int(10) Node id project_name Text A string to specify the project name Fields Type Functions project_id int(10) An integer id number to specify the project id that the user is belonged to user_id Int (10) A integer to specify the id of the user Role Text A text field to specify the role of user in this project project_user table 5.2.6 Dependencies The module depends on the following modules of Drupal: 1) Organic Group: The module locates at http://drupal.org/project/og. It enables users to create and manage their own 'groups'. Each group can have subscribers, and maintains a group home page where subscribers communicate amongst themselves. 2) Service module: The module locates at http://drupal.org/project/services. It provides a standardized solution of integrating external applications with Drupal. Service callbacks may be used with multiple interfaces like XMLRPC, JSON, JSON-RPC, REST, SOAP, AMF, etc. This allows a Drupal site to provide web services via multiple interfaces while using the same callback code. 3) All Drupal core modules. Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 27 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 5.3 4.0 SDA Communication Module This module will act as a communication layer between back-end SDA and presentation layer of SDA which is Drupal. It will reside on top of SDA's base modules. Communication mechanism used: Web service - XMLRPC This module uses Apache's XMLRPC APIs to provide a communication mechanism between SDA code in java and Drupal side code in PHP. XMLRPC is used to make RPC calls via XML based on request-reply mechanism. The main tasks of the SDA Communication module are: 1) To act as server, handle the requests sent by client. Client will be the module on Drupal side. 2) Implement the functionality of a server. Make the server listen continuously on a predefined port number. This port number will be used by client to connect. 3) Based on client requests, call the required functions of SDA code. 4) Get the inputs from SDA back-end and send them to Drupal client. 5) The parameters required from Drupal module are Project Name or (Process Name, Package Name and Version). 6) Based on these parameters gather state information of that process/sub-process and return back to Drupal module. Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 28 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 5.3.1 Static Structure Following class diagram shows static structure of the module at SDA side. Figure 5.6 Class diagram for SDA’s java module As shown in the figure, this java module will reside on top of SDA’s core java modules. This module contains a servlet called XMLRPCServlet.java. The main task of this servlet is to start the XMLRPC service. This servlet has following method: 1) init Let’s have a look at it in more details. init: This default method for servlet initializes the servlet. It also obtains the port number from servlet configuration defined in application’s web.xml file. This method will start the XMLRPC service on the port number obtained in init() method. It will listen continuously for requests from client (Drupal module). 1) LifeCycle Module: There is a class called ProcessInfoService.java which contains calls to SDA’s code related to LifeCycle module. Servlet will make calls to this class when a request from client is received. The class ProcessInfoService.java contains following methods: 1) GetInitialProcessDetails 2) GetProcessDetails Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 29 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 Let’s have a look at each of them in more details. GetInitialProcessDetails: Input parameter to this function is Project Name sent by Drupal client. This method will call corresponding SDA codes with this Project Name to obtain the (Process Name, Package Name, and Version) associated with initial process defined for that project. These values are returned back to Drupal client. GetProcessDetails: Input parameters to this function are Process Name, Package Name, and Version sent by Drupal client. This method will call corresponding SDA codes with these values to obtain the Process Name, Package Name, Version and Process State associated with the children of that process. These values are returned back to Drupal client. 2) MyWorklist Module: There is a class called ProcessWorklist.java which contains calls to SDA’s code related to MyWorklist module. Servlet will make calls to this class when a request from client is received. The class ProcessWorklist.java contains following methods: 3) GetWorklist 4) CreateWorklistTree Let’s have a look at each of them in more details. GetWorklist: Input parameters to this functionare Project Name, current user name and filter selected by the current user sent by Drupal client. This method will call corresponding SDA codes with this Project Name to obtain the worklist assigned to current user for that project. Then it will make a call to the method CreateWorklistTree() with the worklist as input parameter. CreateWorklistTree() will return the worklist in a tree format. This worklist tree is returned back to Drupal client. CreateWorklistTree: Input parameters to this function are Process Name, Package Name, and workilist for current user for that project. This method will form a tree structure of worklist items and return this tree structure. 5.3.2 Behavior This module will be primarily written in java. It will import SDA's code into it, which is needed to communicate with SDA's back-end. Following are some broadly identified tasks which are required to perform by this module: 1) To start the XMLRPC server, the servlet code will create a Web Server object and assign a port number to it which will be used by the client to connect. It will assign a unique handler (string value) to it. The purpose of assigning a unique handler to this Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 30 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 server is to create an object like instance of this server for the client to connect. When server starts, it continuously listens on the port for client's requests. 2) The details needed by the Drupal client are already identified. This server code will have a function for each of these details. The function will call SDA's back-end code using SDA's API and return the required values when called. For the LifeCycle Module: Client will call these methods using the handler defined. Input parameters which will be provided by client will be: - ProjectName - PackageName - ProcessName - Version Client will receive following details: - ProcessName - Process states For the MyWorklist Module: Client will call server methods using the handler defined. Input parameters which will be provided by client will be: - ProjectName - CurrentUser - Filter Client will receive following details: - WorklistItems in a tree format 5.3.3 Components ProcessInfoService.java Member variables: - PackageName Data type: String Purpose: Contains name of the package - ProcessName Data type: String Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 31 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 Purpose: Contains name of the process - ProjectName Data type: String Purpose: Contains name of the project Methods: - GetInitialProcessDetails: Input parameter: Project Name (String) Returns: Process Name, Package Name, and Version (Hashtable) - GetProcessDetails: Input parameters: Process Name, Package Name, and Version (String) Returns: Process Name and Process State (Hashtable) ProcessWorklist.java Member variables: - ProjectName Data type: String Purpose: Contains project name received from Drupal client - CurrentUser Data type: String Purpose: Contains current user name received from Drupal client - Filter Data type: String Purpose: Contains filter name received from Drupal client Methods: - GetWorklist: Input parameter: Current user name, project name and filter Returns: Hashtable of worklist items for that user for that project Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 32 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 - CreateWorklistTree: Input parameter: Project name, package name and worklist Returns: Hashtable of worklist items in a tree format XMLRPCServlet.java Member variables: - PortNumber Data type: int Purpose: Contains port number for XMLRPC service Methods: - init: Input parameter: Servlet Config object Returns: void 5.3.4 Dependencies This module is dependent on following (or more) codes which are part of SDA’s base modules: - com.tietronix.portal.manager.ProcessManager - com.tietronix.portal.manager.ProjectManager - com.tietronix.portal.manager.UserManager - com.tietronix.portal.model.ProcessModel -com.tietronix.portal.Constants.State -com.tietronix.portal.model.WorkItemModel -com.tietronix.portal.model.WorkItemModelList Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 33 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 Appendix A: Cross-platform communication using XMLRPC The communication layer between SDA and Drupal is implemented using XMLRPC calls which facilitate interaction between two different platforms: Java based SDA and PHP based Drupal. This project uses Apache XML-RPC APIs, which are Java implementation of XML-RPC, a standard protocol that uses XML over HTTP to implement remote procedure calls. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML-RPC http://ws.apache.org/xmlrpc/ http://php.net/manual/en/book.xmlrpc.php http://www.xmlrpc.com/ http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/j-xmlrpc.html http://oreilly.com/catalog/progxmlrpc/chapter/ch03.html Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 34 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 4.0 Appendix B: Evaluation Criteria Based on the current system limitations and the feature requests, the following list of criteria is used to evaluate the three system: Liferay, Drupal, and Joomla. Criteria Liferay Drupal Joomla Support for groups where members of the groups are the only one that can access the contents. No other user is allowed access (not even read only access) Yes => Groups, Roles & Permissions available Yes No Support for organization concept, where users belong to an organization. Modules are shared between organizations, but data is not. No organization boundary support in Liferay Yes => Drupal supports multisites. No Support for inter module communication both in peer to peer and broadcast mode. Yes Liferay does support inter module communication Yes => events/triggers/actions management Yes Support for adding/removing modules at will for certain users (they have to be nonadministrators) No Yes => can be done through organic group and its dependent modules No Modular architecture: ability to remove/add modules at will. It is modular architecture but can’t remove the module at will. The whole package is installed. Yes Yes Time to implement a module, given that the developer knows the target language and the tool architecture Depends on module requirement. Need to create .info and .module files. Getting start at http://drupal.org/node/206 754 It’s easy Complexity in setting it up and using it It is on J2EE standards, complex/easy accordingly Couple of weeks to get start. Couple of weeks Scalability: Besides the hardware is there a limit on the number of users, groups, modules etc. Does it have support for load balancing, Quite scalable (proven) => controllable using configuration No, not at all. It does support for load balancing + distributed deployment. No limit on number of Users, modules. It does support load balancing. Confidential The module organic group at http://drupal.org/proj ect/og should fill the bill Http://acquia.com is a Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 35 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 good example. distributed deployment Ease of upgrade: what does it take for going from one version to another? Are the API's stable enough, or do they keep changing drastically from version to version 4.0 Not that easy and it seem to be a limitation of Liferay. Half of a day to do the upgrade from version to version. Drupal does support upgrade from version to version. The post here Maximum 48 hours (Joomla source) http://drupal.org/upgr ade show the detail. There are two types of upgrade: Minor and Major releases. If Minor release like 6.1 to 6.x, core and API don't change. If Major release like 6.x to 7.x, there are changes in Core and API. Procedure is given in such case. The release history can be found here: http://api.drupal.org/a pi/drupal/CHANGEL OG.txt/6/source. Drupal 3.x from 2001 – 2002 Drupal 4.x from 2002 – 2007 Drupal 5.x from 20007 – now Drupal 6.x from 2008 – now Drupal 7.x is coming So although Drupal is developing, but it does a very good job in support either non-paid or paid services. So in general a version of it could be last from 4-5 years. Platform stability: how long has this tool be in use? How many users/groups/companies use it? Confidential Follows quite some JSR standards, (search for companies using it, some are there on their site itself) … It has been use for almost 10 years since 2001. It is developing and getting bigger and bigger. 1% of all websites worldwide are using Drupal (source: Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 It has been there since 2005. The first release is in 2005, the second is in 2008, and the third is this year Page 36 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 need more on it … http://en.wikipedia.or g/wiki/Drupal). 4.0 2010. These are the most typical examples: 1. Woldcup 2010: http://www.sa2010.gov.za / 2. whitehouse: www.whitehouse.gov , www.data.gov.uk, 3. US Department of commerce: http://www.commerc e.gov/ 4. London gov: http://london.gov.uk/ 5. Intel http://appdeveloper.in tel.com/en-us/ 6. Grammy http://www.grammy.c om/ 7. King of Belgium http://www.monarchi e.be/ 8. Jamaican Priminister http://www.opm.gov. jm/ 9. Queen of Jordan http://www.queenrani a.jo/ 10. Grammys http://www.grammy.com/ The long list can be found here Community Support: how large is the community. What is a general turnaround time Confidential Very good free community support - It is a large community with 365,000 pages on drupal.org comprise: Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 - A large community with paid services Page 37 SDA Drupal Integration Version: Software Architecture Document Date: 11/04/2010 for an issue? Is there paid support service available? is available. In Enterprise edition even paid service available as well. news, featured sites, featured requests, bugs, patches, themes, modules, forum threads, documentation (source 4.0 provided. http://drupal.org/com munity-initiatives). - There are a lot of paid good support services such as acquia.com, lullabot.com, etc. The issue tickets normally solved in 24 hours at latest. How easy is it to support a backend java tool? Not difficult as it follows JSR specs - It is quite easy since Drupal provide a standardized API to provide web services communicate over XMLRPC (SOAP, REST, AMF) protocol to a Java application (either web server/client/desktop applications). - Support communications to Java backend What kinds of modules/tools are bundled in the application? Most of the popular web functions are bundle with the tools such as: blogs, chat, message, contact, social networking. etc. Visit http://drupal.org/pr oject/modules Most of the popular web functions are bundle with the tools such as: blogs, chat, message, contact, social networking. etc. Visit http://drupal.org/project/ modules It shifts with most of the popular web function: blogs, chat, message, contact. Does it integrate with other authentication sources like LDAP, Kerberos etc? Yes => quite well Yes it is. It integrates with LDAP, Kerberos, etc. The modules webserver_auth, and LDAP does help to handle these things. Support other authentication sources like LDAP, Kerberos. Note: The inputs for Joomla are taken from the Joomla community contribution. Based on the above result, we decide to choose Drupal for this feasibility study. Confidential Tietronix Software, Inc., 2016 Page 38