How can substantive conversation be promoted in a traditional secondary mathematics classroom? Winnacunnet High School University of New Hampshire May 7, 2012 1 I. Rationale When I entered graduate school, I had three years of classroom teaching experience. As I expanded my knowledge of best practices through my methods classes and education coursework, I was eager to get back into the classroom and put into practice all that I had learned. I came to the University of New Hampshire, because I wanted to grow as a teacher, and I spent a lot of time reflecting on what I would do differently as a result of all that I now knew. When I arrived at Winnacunnet, this was at the forefront of my mind. Problem-solving, metacognition, and classroom community had become passions of mine, and I wanted them to be integral parts of my teaching. I was really surprised to find that many of my students did not. The transition from educational ideals to educational reality was a huge challenge for me. Many of my students did not want to engage. They wanted to come to school, put in the minimal effort required, and not think about my class again until the next day. Their attitudes and behaviors were not bad, and I had no significant discipline problems. Most of my studentssimply wanted to come to class, receive the content from me, and do some minimal practice. I found it very difficult to implement my ideals with classes that themselves desired minimum engagement. I realized that student engagement was in fact the key to my dilemma. If I could find a way to get my students participating more fully in class, I believed I would have more success in encouraging problem-solving and promoting metacognition. I decided to research ways to transform my class into a learning community that would investigate critical questions, weigh points of view, form positions, present and defend their work, and collaborate with peers. I was seeking a pedagogical transformation. My research led me to communication. The Importance of Communication in a Mathematics Classroom The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2000) named communication one of the five key process standards for mathematics, declaring it 2 “an essential part of mathematics and mathematics education.” (NCTM, 2000, p. 60) As stated in NCTM’s Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, instructional programs should enable students to use communication in order to organize and consolidate their thinking as well as to analyze and evaluate their own thinking and the strategies of others. Additionally, these programs should enable students to communicate their thinking coherently and precisely using mathematical language. The benefits of communication in the classroom are abundant. The process helps to build both meaning and permanence for ideas. By making ideas public, they become tools for the learning of the community. The explanations by peers help students to develop their own understandings. Exploring multiple perspectives or approaches help participants to sharpen their thinking skills and discover connections among mathematical concepts. In justifying their solutions to others, students gain better mathematical understandingand develop a language for expressing mathematical ideas and an appreciation for the necessity of the precision of mathematical language. (NCTM, 2000) Students who have opportunities, encouragement, and support for speaking, writing, reading, and listening in mathematics classes reap dual benefits: they communicate to learn mathematics, and they learn to communicate mathematically. (NCTM 60) An additional benefit of communication is that it promotes metacognition. Reflection and communication are intertwined. As teachers pose thoughtful questions and provoke students to reexamine their thinking, students gain proficiency in organizing and verbalizing their thoughts. Communication for the purpose of reflection can become a natural part of classroom discourse and mathematical learning (NCTM, 2000). II. Literature Review There is an abundance of educational research available on the subject of classroom discourse. To best inform my action research, I narrowed my search to a more precise definition of productive and engaging classroom conversation, best 3 teacher practicesfor promoting classroom discourse, criteria for analyzing the presence of this type of conversation within the classroom learning community, and challenges to facilitating substantive conversation. Defining Effective Classroom Communication Researcher Fred Newmann (1995) definessubstantive classroom conversation as a discussion that goes beyond the facts and experiences to an interaction about the ideas of the topic. Such substantive conversation is further characterized by evidence of higher order thinking. For example, students compare and analyze ideas, synthesize information, or raise questions in order to clarify or to further their understanding. Secondly, during substantive conversation students interact directly with each other rather than withsolely the teacher, and they give sustained attention to a topic. Rather than correcting student responses, the teacher encourages students to support their thinking with evidence or reasoning. Finally, substantive conversation builds on previous comments as students work together toward a collective understanding of the concept (Newmann F.M., Secada, W.G., & Wehlage, G. G 1995). Newmann and Wehlage (1992) go on to say that a high level of substantive conversation is evidenced by three features. The first is considerable interaction between students about the ideas of the topic which includes indicators of higher order thinking. Another feature of substantive conversation is the unscripted nature of the exchanges. Participants explain themselves, respond directly to comments from previous speakers, and ask questions. Finally, the dialogue builds coherently on the students’ ideas. Best Teacher Practices Research by the National Research Council (20005) suggests several shifts in teacher practices thatpromote a classroom community of discourse. Rather than asking questions that focus on the answers, teachers should ask questions that focus on mathematical thinking. They should probe student thinking, model or expand on explanations, and physically fade from the center of the classroom. Additionally, 4 coaching students in their participatory roles can be helpful. For example, a teacher can suggest that everyone have a question ready once a classmate has presented a solution to a problem. (NRC, 2005) Joan Moss and Ruth Beatty (2010) take this idea further by investigating how to promote the inclusion of all students in the classroom discourse. There exists an imbalance in students’ participation levels in most mathematic classrooms. The contributions from the higher performing students are generally given more weight by both the teacher and the class than those of the lower-performing students. Moss and Beatty’s research found that an effective way to address this hierarchy of students’ mathematical achievement and status is to apply the principle of democratization of knowledge. This principle supports the idea that all contributions in the class are both valued and can be improved, and it can best be achieved when the teacher reduces his/her role in student discussions. Because the teacher no longer provides the answer, there is an increase in student efforts to provide explanations Additionally, Moss and Beatty (2010) found that epistemic agency, the responsibility that the group assumes for the ownership of ideas, was greatly improved when the teacher was removed as the primary source of mathematical ideas. The students take responsibility for contributing ideas. They monitor each other’s contributions, asking for both clarification and revision. The teacher and textbook are no longer the sole authorities of mathematical ideas. Students build the knowledge together. In order for such a classroom community to be successful, there must be a balance between the process and content of the discourse. In other words, the ways in which student ideas are elicited must be balanced with the substance of the ideas of the discussion. One method to facilitate such balance is provided by Miriam Sherin (2002). Her “filtering approach” begins with soliciting multiple ideas from students to facilitate a student-centered discourse. During this time, students are encouraged to elaborate on their thinking and to compare their ideas to those of their classmates. The teacher then filters these ideas, bringing the students’ foci to a 5 subset of the mathematical ideas that have been raised. The final step is to encourage another student-centered discourse. Communication can also play an integral role in the successful implementation of other process standards. For example, as part of an exploration of how teachers can orchestrate pedagogically sound, active problem solving in the classroom, Jinfa Cai and Frank Lester (2010) concluded that desirable discourse in mathematical teaching was crucial. Specifically, students should provide explanations that are grounded in conceptions of the situation rather than strictly procedural. Additionally, in desirable classroom discourse, teachers should persistently probe their students’ thinking, particularly when their responses were in the more basic terms of numbers and operations. Criteria for Measuring the Existence of Communication Researcher Kimberly Hufferd-Ackles (2004) provides a theoretical framework to support teachers in their efforts to develop their classroom into a math-talk learning community. She defines amath-talk learning communityas “a community in which individuals assist one another’s learning of mathematics by engaging in meaningful mathematical discourse.” (81)The components of this framework are questioning, explaining mathematical thinking, sources of mathematical ideas, and responsibility for learning. The presence of these components can be assessed by an analysis of: evidence of mathematical community, teacher actions, and student actions. Research shows that the progression through the levels of a math-talk community is generally concurrent for these components. The first level, level 0, represents a traditional, teacher-directed classroom where the teacher’s questions seek the correct answer, and the teacher is the source of ideas and affirmation. In level 1, the teacher begins pursuing students’ mathematical thinking but is still the lead in classroom discussions. Learning to elicit meaningful student comments through questioning is a critical first step. In level 2, the teacher is coaching students to take on more important roles in the learning community and is stepping out of the central role in classroom discussions. In level 3, the teacher is facilitating 6 a math-talk learning community by coaching and assisting the students as they take on the lead roles (Hufferd-Ackles, 2004). This trajectory can be examined by exploring the progression through each of the components. The first component, questioning, focuses on the questioner in classroom conversations. It is important to use questions to assess both what students know and how they think. Once student thinking is brought out through questioning, it is a part of the discourse space and can be assessed and built upon by others. Another goal of questioning is a shift from teacher as exclusive questioner to students questioning each other, as well. This questioning should not be exclusively to find answers, but predominantly to uncover the mathematical thinking behind these answers (Hufferd-Ackles, 2004). The second component, mathematical thinking, revolves around explaining. This is most profoundly influenced by the social climate that develops to support student explainers. As students learn to express their thinking, scaffolding by supportive classroom colleagues is important. Additionally, the teacher coaching the student to explain his/her solution or thinking rather than elaborating or summarizing for him/her is a critical shift. Classroom expectations should shift from providing numerical answers to sharing mathematical ideas (Hufferd-Ackles, 2004). The third component of the math-talk community framework issource of mathematical ideas. A key shift for growth in this component is to elicit student ideas as the teacher presents the content. This uncovers previous knowledge and misconceptions and exposes the students’ developing understanding of the material. As students try to understand the meaning of the mathematics rather than simply imitate the teacher, their thinking becomes part of the mathematical content. They can explore content and suggest multiple methods. These methods then form much of the content (Hufferd-Ackles, 2004). The final component, responsibility for learning, results from students becoming increasingly invested in both their own and in each other’s learning. Key indicators are students desiring to ask questions, volunteering to go to the board, and assisting each other. Rather than students believing they must listen to and 7 imitate the teacher to learn mathematics, they have the confidence and engagement to verify the correctness of each other’s work, choose their own language to convey their ideas to the class, and comment, clarify, and expand on other’s work and ideas.The whole class acts as the teachers, assisting others in understanding. The teacher supports the discussion while allowing students to take on the central role of explaining (Hufferd-Ackles, 2004). Challenges Cai and Lester (2010) documented several roadblocks to orchestrating classroom discourse. One such factor is the amount of time allocated to solving and discussing a problem. Teachers often wait less than one second after asking a question before intervening again. A second factor is the amount of opportunity teachers are allowing their students to struggle with challenging problems. Productive struggle is necessary for learning problem solving, yet many teachers in the United States take over the thinking and reasoning by telling students how to solve a problem. Additionally, there are many dilemmas faced by teachers in trying to implement a discourse community resulting from the students. For example, students often become disengaged when faced with more challenging problems. Often it becomes more difficult to manage the direction of a class discussion when teachers open the classroom to student ideas. Because it is more difficult to predict where a lesson will go, it is more difficult to prepare for their role in instruction. (Hufferd-Ackles et al, 2004) III. Methodology In order to investigate how substantive conversation can be promoted in a traditional secondary mathematics classroom, three investigations were made. The mathematics faculty of Winnacunnet High School was surveyed to shed light on thecurrent philosophiesand observations of secondaryteachers regarding conversation in the classroom, three classes completed a questionnaire to ascertain 8 the current beliefs and attitudes of high school students, and three lessons were planned, executed, and analyzed to determine the presence of substantive conversation in my classroom communities. The three resulting data sets were than analyzed in order to identify possible hindrances, impetuses, and trends of substantive conversation. Teacher Survey In order to assess the current place of substantive conversation in the mathematics classrooms of WHS, a survey was given to the teachers that asked them to consider the place of substantive conversation in their teaching philosophy and in their classes. The first part of the survey asked teachers to reflect on whether or not substantive conversation was a part of their teaching philosophy and how the level of the class being taught affected this. Additionally, teachers were asked to consider how the pace of the curriculum and the academic strength of the students either promoted or impeded academic discussion. Teachers were given a statement as asked to agree or disagree given a likert scale. The second part of the survey asked teachers to consider the existence of Newmann’s (1995) specific evidences of substantive conversation in their classes. To prevent teachers from having to make generalities about courses whose learning communities might operate differently, a response space was provided for accelerated/honors/advanced courses and another for preparatory/remedial courses. Additionally, teachers were asked to consider the existence of these evidences in both whole class and small group discussions. Student Questionnaires All students in three classes were asked to complete a questionnaire during class. The Algebra 1A is composed entirely of freshmen. The two Algebra 1B classes are mostly freshman, but also include a few sophomores and a junior. In all, fifty-one students completed the questionnaire. Students included their names so that correlations between the academic strengths of the student, the classroom 9 community of which they were a part, the level of the math class, learning style differences, and their responses could be investigated. Most questions pertained to students’ comforts and experiences with academic class discussions in general. Students were asked to reflect on how they felt about participating in discussions and what they felt hindered or facilitate good class discussions. Students were also asked to consider how they viewed whole class and small group conversations specifically in mathematics classes, both past and present. Lesson Planning and Analysis Three lessons were planned and analyzed using an adaption of Learning Sciences International’s lesson plan and substantive nature analysis (2007). The lesson plan created by Learning Sciences International is more appropriate for a discovery- based classroom. Therefore, it was adapted to facilitate substantive conversation within a more traditional environment. Possible student approaches, questions to be posed, and possible student misunderstandings are added to the traditional planning. The lessons were then analyzed, once by myself and twice by other teachers observing the lesson. IV. Data Teacher Surveys Ten of the thirteen mathematics teachers responded, with some teachers considering each of their courses separately. The analyses of agreement were rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent. 10 WHS Teacher Survey Part I Results: Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree 20% 70% 20% 40% 30% 60% 20% 20% 10% 30% 60% 0% 20% 50% 30% 0% 1. Substantive conversation is a part of my personal educational philosophy. 10% 0% 2. The amount of substantive conversation desired depends on the 10% level of the class. 3. The amount of substantive conversation possible depends on the 0% level of the class. 4. There is little time available in the curriculum to allow for learning to occur through substantive conversation 5. Planning for a lesson involving substantive conversation requires a different approach to lesson planning. Summary: Most mathematics teachers at WHS value substantive conversation as part of their educational philosophy. While the majority of teachers felt that the amount of substantive conversation possible is dependent upon the level of class, the group was fairly divided on whether the amount they desired depended on the level. Additionally, most teachers felt that facilitating such conversation in class requires a different approach to lesson planning and were fairly evenly divided on whether our curriculum allows enough time for it. 11 WHS Teacher Survey Results Part II: Percentage of Teachers Who See these Evidences in their Classes Small Group Preparatory Make Distinctions Whole Class Preparatory Apply Ideas Forming Generalizations Ask Questions Small Group Advanced Explain Thinking Build on Ideas Whole Class Advanced 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 A breakdown of all six evidences can be found in the appendix. Summary: Teachers at Winnacunnet High School believe substantive conversation is very present in the accelerated/honors/advanced mathematics classes. Most believe all these evidences are present in whole class discussion, but over a third of the teachers felt that students do not explain their thinking in this large group format. In small groups discussions, however, the teachers overwhelming believe these students engage in substantive conversation, including explaining their thinking. By contrast, the teachers were fairly evenly divided on the presence of substantive conversation in the preparatory and remedial classes. While most teachers believe these students both ask questions to clarify or expand their understanding and make distinctions between mathematical concepts during whole class discussions, the presence of both these evidences is believed to decrease in small group work. Explaining thinking to peers is again the weakest of the evidences, in both whole class and small group discussion. 12 Student Questionnaire The first question asked students how they felt about participating in classroom discussions. The results for the two tracks are shown in the charts below. Algebra 1A Algebra 1B dislike like nuetral depends Reasons students gave for enjoying participating in whole class discussions included: 1. Being able to get a sense for how well their peers were understanding the material 2. Making the class more enjoyable 3. Learning about what not to do 4. Improving understanding 5. Being able to show off Reasons students gave for not enjoying participation in whole class discussions included: 1. 2. 3. 4. Not being comfortable with classmates Nervous about saying the wrong answer Not feeling as smart as their peers Having difficulty focusing The second question asked students if they have any classes this academic year that had good class discussions. About eighty percent of both tracks believed that they did, with Foundations of Democracy and English being the most frequently 13 mentioned. Also listed multiple times by students were math, Spanish, physical science, and journalism. The follow-up question asked students to consider what makes a good academic discussion in class. Their responses focused mostly on topic choice and class participation. Studentsfelt that topics which were current and relatable helped to promote good class discussions, as did those that allowed for multiple point of view or correct answers. Good class participation, whether it be asking questions, expressing an opinion, or disagreeing, was considered critical to students. Students were also asked to reflect on roadblocks and impetuses to productive, meaningful classroom discussions. The roadblocks were, without exception, results of the behaviors of their peers. Being a distraction, bullying, calling out answers, and not taking the work seriously were highest on the list. The impetuses were more general. For example, student participation and listening skills were frequently mentioned. Additionally, a facilitating teacher and a positive, motivated class were considered helpful in creating such discussions. When asked in the forth and fifth questions to reflect on whole class discussions and small group work specifically in math classes, student responses were similar, regardless of track or learning style differences. Students were positive about small group work, particularly if they were able to work with peers of their choosing. Students find it helpful to work collaboratively and in safer environment in which to raise questions and to make mistakes. Responses to whole class discussions were much more varied. Some students find them very helpful while others find the format overwhelming. The larger role of the teacher in whole class discussions was considered helpful, as was the opportunity to hear other people’s thinking. The multiple voices and possible distractions were considered detriments to student understanding. Several students also felt there really is not very much to discuss in mathematics, saying “They are not too interesting, because they are about numbers and equations,” and that there was “nothing to discuss. There’s only one solid answer to a math question.” 14 Lessons LESSON ONE Wednesday, March 22, 2012 Algebra 1B Lesson Three of the Functions Unit _______________________________________________________________________ Goals: 1. Assess student understanding of domain & range 2. Solidify students understand the multiple representations of functions. 3. Connect this unit with the linear functions unit from trimester 2. 4. Have students participate in substantive conversation ________________________________________________________________________ Warm-Up: (10 minutes) Provide answers for last night’s homework and answer questions. Lesson: 1. Quiz on domain & range (20 min) 2. Substantive Conversation Activity: (40 minutes) * Goal: Students will solidify their understanding of functions. Students will understand how different representations can show the same function. Students will connect this unit to what they already know about linear functions. * Problem: Who Shares My Function? (Tufts, 2009) * Students will form groups by finding the other representations for their function. * Instruction Techniques: * Model during yesterday’s direct instruction how one function can be represented as a table, graph, and equation. * Allow students to work in groups. Lead a quick, all-class discussion after students have found their correct groups sharing how students found the other representations for their function. * Questions: 1. What questions should we ask of each other as we try to locate the other representations for our function? What else will help us? x- or yintercepts, increasing/decreasing, slope 15 2. How will you know when you have found another representation? What tests could you run? sketch a graph given the data table/equation Closure: 1. Are all lines functions? * Misunderstandings: * Students may assume that, because a function is linear, it is their function. In fact, all functions in this activity are linear. * Students may look at the same representations to see if they are the same function. This should be quickly dismissed as a possibility given the data provided. * Students may confuse slope with y-intercept in their equation. * Students may use a positive rather than a negative slope & vice-versa in the story. * Students may not understand what the slope of their line could represent. * Students may mix-up the dependent & independent variable. * Possible Approaches students may take: * Students may take their data and create a graph or an equation and then match this to another student’s. * Students may hold up their information and simply wait for students to find them. * Students may identify a part of the function such as the y-intercept or slope and seek a function that matches it. *Accomodations: Pair a student who will have difficulty with another, stronger student for the function search. 16 Evidence of Substantive Conversation Who Has my Function Activity Observations by Rebecca Carlson, teacher Block 1 Block 3 Making distinctions: Applying ideas: 5, 3 students used the tables to test inputs/outputs on graphs & equations. 2, 3 students used the equation’s intercepts as a way to weed out possibilities. 3 students compared their graph’s slopes to find the correct equation. 1 student sketched a graph from her equation and sought out its replica. Forming generalizations: Raising Inquiries: 2, 1 students had similar graphs and asked the group to help them find the difference. Students explaining themselves: 3, 1 students felt they had found the right group that was already complete and had to explain why they had the correct graph. 3 students with tables explained why they matched the points on a graph. Students building on another’s ideas: 2 students worked this way as they tested inputs for a data table. 2 students worked together using slope then intercept to decide between graphs and equations. 17 LESSON TWO: Thurs., March 29, 2012 Algebra 1A Lesson 7.3Multiplication Properties of Exponents Warm-Up: Check homework for completion while students work. (10 min) 1. Simplify: 𝑠 −3 𝑏 −2 𝑎0 𝑑6 𝑐 −3 1 2. 𝑘 ? = 𝑠3 ________________________________________________________________________ Wrap-Up from yesterday: (10 min) 1. Provide students w/ the correct answers. 2. Allow remainder of 10 min for questions. ________________________________________________________________________ Lesson: Multiplication of exponents(50min) (Mention that we returning to 7.2 Scientific Notation later when we can do something more interesting with it.) Goals: Students will discover the Product of Powers Property. Students will discover the Power of a Power Property. Students will discover the Power of a Product Property. Students will engage in substantive conversation. 1. Products of powers with the same base. * Instruction Techniques: * Ask students to simplify 𝑥 5 ∗ 𝑥 2 . Allow students a couple of minutes to work on it individually. Ask for volunteers to share their answers. Facilitate a discussion on which answers are correct, perhaps by creating camps or a debate. * Possible Student Approaches: * Students use expanded form. * Students use substitution to test scenarios. * Students use past knowledge that they can/cannot defend. * Questions: * Who has a solution they would like to share? * What do y’all think of this thinking? * Does anyone have anything to add to this solution? * Does anyone have a counter-example? * Does anyone have a different solution/approach? 18 * How might 0 as an exponent or base affect this idea? * Can we generalize this to a property? * Guided Practice Opportunity on a w/s 2. Repeat process forthePower of a Power Property with (x4)2. 3. Repeat process for the Power of a Product Propertywith (xy)3. ________________________________________________________________________ Independent Practice: p. 464 (2-54 even) 19 Evidence of Substantive Conversation Observations by Meaghan Donohue, Spanish Intern with a math education background Making distinctions: P explained the difference between evaluating & simplifying. K added that n ≠ 0. Applying ideas: M applied the idea of a zero exponent to the warm-up. Moving the negative to the other side of the fraction bar. “When are we going to use this?” Forming generalizations: “Does 22 * 43 = 85 ?” T: “x3*x3 = (x3)2” “Wait, x3 * x3…you just said was…oh, x6” L: “Isn’t (xy)3 = x3y3 because it is just xy*xy*xy? Raising Inquiries: “What does that mean?” J: “Isn’t it true that ….It can’t be a negative fraction?” L: “When you’re simplifying and you have a fraction is that the simplest form?” “x2 * x3 = ? Don’t you just add them?” “What would a3 * b2 be?” Students explaining themselves: P: Explained how to remove the fractions from the numerator and denominator fraction B: explained that there are 2 halves in 1 for 2/(1/2). S explained his reasoning using expanded notation. Students building on another’s ideas: T built on L’s idea for the warm-up. J & P agreeing with each other. K disagreeing and coming around. Comment: You did great! There was a lot of awesome conversation, and students seemed very engaged. I like that you had students have different answers and you put them on the board, and they defended their answers. 20 LESSON 3: Tues., April 3, 2012 Algebra 1B Writing an Equation from the Graph of a Transformed Parent Function Warm-Up: Have students complete the “Chapter 5 Transformations” worksheet. Call on students to share their answers. ________________________________________________________________________ Lesson: Goal: Students will solidify their understanding of transformations. Students will review finding the domain for these functions. Students will apply what they know about transformed functions to find the equations from graphs. Students will engage in substantive conversation. 1. Sketching the graphs * Instruction Techniques: * Give students about 10 minutes to sketch the graphs. Have students use only their resources (PF sheet & green key). They should not yet work together. * Assign pairs of students a problem to discuss and then present to the class in pairs. * Possible Student Approaches: * Students use their parent function graph & transform it. * Students still rely on a table of values. * Students use past problems as models. * Students include/leave off points. * Questions: * How did you recognize the transformation/parent function? * What do y’all think of this thinking? * Does anyone have anything to add/change to this graph? * Does anyone have a different graph to share? * How did you know in what order to do the transformations? 2. Writing the Equation from the Graph * Instructional Techniques * Lead a whole class discussion on finding the equation. * Have students put some answers on their whiteboards. * Possible Students Approaches: 21 * Some students might create the linear equations using what they know from the last unit. * Some students might have difficulty dealing with both transformations and select only one. * Students might need to reference their PF sheet to recognize how the functions changed. * Questions * How did you know which PF/transformation it was? * How did you know to go up/down vs right/left * What do y’all think of this thinking? * Does anyone have anything to add/change to this equation? * Does anyone have a different equation to share? * What did you need to discuss/come to agreement on when you first shared your responses in pairs? ________________________________________________________________________ Independent Practice: Algebra 1B Transforming Functions 22 Evidence of Substantive Conversation Observations by Stephanie Goupil, Math Teacher/Cooperating Teacher Making distinctions: Class discussed various transformations. Answering, “How did you know it was horizontal instead of vertical?” As M examined the equation of a transformation, he answered, “Why reflected? Why to the right? Why up two? . Applying ideas: L: Able to apply all concepts and provided all functions & transformations. J: Could apply knowledge of transformations to graphs. M: Could apply knowledge of transformations to graphs. L: “It needs to go under the square root to be inside the function.” Applied knowledge of symmetric shapes to identify missing parts of graph. Forming generalizations: K: “We knew it was a quadratic because of the small 2.” Raising Inquiries: R: “Isn’t it a fraction that squishes?” L: “What is a stretch again?” T: “ How do you know how to find what kind of function you have?” Students explaining themselves: When asked who can defend their solution, Alex stated that it goes through the yaxis. Students building on another’s ideas: Comment: Stephanie tracked student participation in the whole class discussions. 11/19 students volunteered answers individually. 3/19 asked questions. 8/19 students participated in the conversation after being called upon. 4 students tended to volunteer significantly more than their peers. 1 student did not participate at all. 23 Summary of lessons: In order to assess the level of substantive conversation the classes achieved during these lessons, I applied the evidence gathered and my personal observations to Hufferd-Ackles’ Levels of the Math-Talk Community: Action Trajectories for Teacher and Student (2004). Progression through the levels from 0 to 3 is achieved as the classroom community grows to support students acting in central roles and shifts from a focus on answers to a focus on mathematical thinking. The two B-level Algebra classes were found to be very similar and are therefore summarized in one table. Algebra 1B Questioning level 1 Teacher questions begin to focus on student thinking and focus less on answers. Teacher begins to ask follow-up questions about student methods and answers. Teacher is still the only questioner. As a student answers a question, others wait passively or wait for their turn. Explaining mathematical thinking level 1 Teacher probes student thinking somewhat. One or two strategies may be elicited. Teacher may fill in explanation herself. Source of Responsibility for mathematical ideas learning level 2 Teacher follows up on explanations and builds on them by asking students to compare and contrast them. Teacher is comfortable using student errors as opportunities for learning. level 1 Teacher begins to set up structures to facilitate students listening to and helping other students. The teacher alone gives feedback. Students give information about their math thinking, usually as it is probed by the teacher (minimal volunteering of thoughts). They provide brief descriptions of their thinking Students exhibit confidence about their ideas and share their own thinking and strategies even if they are different from others. Student ideas sometimes guide the direction of the math lesson. Students become more engaged by repeating what other students say or by helping another student at the teacher’s request. This helping mostly involves students showing how they solved a problem. 24 Algebra 1A Questioning Explaining mathematical thinking level 2 level 2 Teacher continues Teacher probes to ask probing more deeply to questions and also learn about asks more open student thinking questions. She also and supports facilitates student- detailed to-student talk. descriptions from students. Teacher open to and elicits multiple strategies. Source of Responsibility for mathematical ideas learning level 2 Teacher follows up on explanations and builds on them by asking students to compare and contrast them. Teacher is comfortable using student errors as opportunities for learning. level 2 Teacher encourages student responsibility for understanding the mathematical ideas of others. Teacher asks other students questions about student work and whether they agree or disagree and why. Students ask questions of one another’s work on the board, often at the prompting of the teacher. Students listen to one another so they do not repeat questions. Students exhibit confidence about their ideas and share their own thinking and strategies even if they are different from others. Student ideas sometimes guide the direction of the math lesson. Students begin to listen to understand one another. Weh the teacher requests, they explain other students’ ideas in their own words. Helping involves clarifying other students’ ideas for themselves and others. Students imitate and model teacher’s probing in pair work and in whole-class discussions. Students usually give information as it is probed by the teachers wit some volunteering of thoughts. They begin to stake a position and articulate more information in response to probes. They explain steps in their thinking by providing fuller descriptions and begin to defend their answers and methods. Other students listen supportively. 25 V. Conclusions By taking a very purposeful approach to facilitating substantive conversation, I was able to improve the level of conversation in my classes. Using the adapted lesson plan, I was able to shift my role from the sole source of knowledge and questioning and improve student participation in these roles. Both the teachers’ and students’ responses are helpful in addressing the many challenges which still remain. Confidence As predicted by the research of Hufferd-Ackles (2004), progression through the levels of a math-talk community by my classes has been generally concurrent for all four components. Additionally, as would have been hypothesized from both the teacher surveys and the student questionnaires, my A level class possesses stronger substantive conversation than both my B level classes. The majority of students in my A level class enjoy participating in classroom conversation, while the majority of my students in the B level classes are either ambivalent about or dislike participating in them. Based on both the students’ class placements and my personal observations of their work, it is fair to assume that students in the A level class have more confidence in their mathematical knowledge than those in the B level classes. Students who either dislike or were hesitant to participate in class discussions often said it was because they did not feel comfortable with the topic or material. They also said that good academic discussions in class were often the result of informed students.It therefore follows that these perceived strengths/weaknesses in mathematics affect students’ comfortable levels in participating in classroom discussions. This proves to be a major roadblock as I work to facilitate a math-talk learning community. It is particularly in these lower level classes where I feel the greatest need to increase student engagement. In order to scaffold students, I need to implement strategies such as: 26 1. Starting with a problem 95% of the classroom can answer (De Frondeville, 2009). This creates an intellectually safe classroom where almost all students have an opportunity to participate and to build confidence. 2. Using problems that allow multiple approaches (De Frondeville, 2009). This allows students to fall back on past concepts and to be open-minded to different ways of thinking. 3. Setting conversation ground rules so that all students feel intellectually safe and have an opportunity to participate (Learning Sciences International, 2007). This can help to address some of the roadblocks students listed in the questionnaires, such as students saying the answers when they were not called upon. 4. Let students practice their explanations, for example by first discussing their thinking in pairs (LSI, 2007). This gives all students the time to think and to build confidence in the expression of their thinking. Metacognition Another interesting theme that emerged through all the methodologies was metacognition. Of all the evidences of substantive conversation, teachers felt that students least often explained their thinking to peers.Additionally, some students responded that it is difficult to have discussions in math classes, because there is nothing to discuss. Answers are simply right or wrong. Both of these data points suggest a lack of thinking about their thinking. Furthermore, during class discussions, I find that students often have difficulty explaining their reasoning beyond reiterating the steps they took in solving a problem. Interestingly, learning about other students’ thinking was one of the key benefits to classroom conversation according to the student questionnaires. In order to increase the substantive conversation in my classes, I need to improve my students’ metacognitive skills. Steps to achieving this include: 1. Modeling. I need to reflect aloud my own thinking when working problems with the class. 2. Asking questions that elicit the verbalization of student thinking. 27 3. Increasing the opportunities for student reflection, for example by journaling or think-pair-shares. Independent Learners As a teacher, one of my primary goals is to assist my students in becoming independent learners. I found that promoting substantive conversation in my classroom had the added benefit of promoting students’ academic independence. In my new role, I was acting as a facilitator and coach, supporting my students as they become responsible for their own learning and begin the journey of becoming life-long learners and contributors. The first step to this important shift was resisting their needs for my affirmation of their work. Before students go to the board, they often ask me if their work is correct. While working through a problem at their desk, they will often pause and ask me if their work so far is correct. The benefits of avoiding providing them with a response are two-fold. Students’ metacognitive skills are improved as they learn to question whether or not their solutions are reasonable. When students ask me if their answer is correct, I often respond, “Well, does it make sense?” Additionally, students are finding ways to discover the correctness of their work in other ways. They will more often checktheir own solution, for example by performing a mathematical check or by conferencing with a classmate. Small Group Work While students from all tracks enjoy working in small groups, teachers feel that the students from the higher tracts are more productive than those in the lower tracks during small group work. I, too, found that while my B-level students really enjoyed working in small groups, it was difficult to optimize their effectiveness. Students overwhelmingly prefer to choose their own groups, stating that it is uncomfortable talking with someone you do not know or like. Self-selected groups create the obvious problem, however, of socializing rather than working. Since the teacher cannot be with all groups at the same time, how does one keep the students conversations academic? Additionally, students complained that sometimes a group 28 member will not participate and will then take credit for others’ work. The problems inherent in small group work are a topic I look forward to investigating further. Questions for Further Exploration 1. How can teachers make small group discussion most effective? 2. How can teachers help students to see the topics discussed in mathematics class as relatable or current? 3. What classroom norms/expectations promote a classroom community where students feel intellectually safe? 4. How can technology be used to facilitate substantive conversation? 29 Appendix Student Questionnaire 1. How do you feel about participating in whole class discussions? 2. Do you have any classes this year that you believe have really good discussions? 3. What do you think makes a good academic discussion in class? 4. How would you describe small group work in a mathematics class? 5. How would you describe whole class discussions in mathematics class? 6. What do you feel are roadblocks to productive, meaningful classroom discussions? 7. What do you feel are impetuses to productive, meaningful classroom discussions? 30 Teacher Survey Results: Accelerated/Honors/Advanced: Whole Class: Students often make distinctions between mathematical concepts during conversations . Students often apply mathematical ideas as they discuss the answers to problem. Students often discover new knowledge by forming generalizations. Students often ask questions to clarify or expand their understanding. Students often explain their thinking to their peers. Students often build upon each other’s ideas. Small Group: Students often make distinctions between mathematical concepts during conversations . Students often apply mathematical ideas as they discuss the answers to problem. Students often discover new knowledge by forming generalizations. Students often ask questions to clarify or expand their understanding. Students often explain their thinking to their peers. Students often build upon each other’s ideas. Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree 25% 62.5% 12.5% 0% 25% 62.5% 12.5% 0% 25% 50% 25% 0% 25% 62.5% 12.5% 0% 0% 62.5% 37.5% 0% 37.5% 50% 12.5% 0% Strongly Agree Agree 25% 75% 0% 0% 37.5% 62.5 % 0% 0% 37.5% 50% 12.5% 0% 37.5% 62.5% 0% 0% 37.5% 50% 12.5% 0% 25% 62.5% 12.5% 0% Strongly Disagree Disagree 31 Teacher Survey Results: Prep/Remedial Whole Class: Students often make distinctions between mathematical concepts during conversations . Students often apply mathematical ideas as they discuss the answers to problem. Students often discover new knowledge by forming generalizations. Students often ask questions to clarify or expand their understanding. Students often explain their thinking to their peers. Students often build upon each other’s ideas. Small Group: Students often make distinctions between mathematical concepts during conversations . Students often apply mathematical ideas as they discuss the answers to problem. Students often discover new knowledge by forming generalizations. Students often ask questions to clarify or expand their understanding. Students often explain their thinking to their peers. Students often build upon each other’s ideas. Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree 9.1% 63.6% 27.3% 0% 9.1% 45.5% 36.4% 0% 18.2% 27.3% 45.5% 9.1% 18.2% 54.5% 18.2% 9.1% 0% 45.5% 45.5% 9.1% 0% 63.6% 36.4% 0% Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree 9.1% 54.5% 27.3% 9.1% 27.3% 18.2% 54.5% 0% 18.2% 36.4% 45.5% 0% 27.3% 36.4% 36.4% 0% 9.1% 27.3% 54.5% 9.1% 9.1% 36.4% 45.5% 9.1% 32 Works Cited Cai, J. & Lester, F. (2010). Why is teaching with problem solving important to student learning? The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Reston, VA, ch/Clips_and_Briefs/Research_brief_14_-_Problem_Solving.pdf. De Frondeville, T. Ten steps to better student engagement. Edutopia, 11 March 2009. Web. 20 March 2012. <>. Learning Sciences International. Teaching authenic mathematics in the 21st century. Central Bucks School District. 2007. Web. 2 March 2012. <>. Moss, J., & Beatty, R. (2010). Knowledge building and mathematics: shifting the responsibility for knowledge advancement and engagement. In Kanuka, Heather (Ed.). Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology(Vol. 36). Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Network for Innovation in Education. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2000). Principle and standards for school mathematics. Reston, VA: Author. National Research Council. (2005). How students learn: mathematics in the classroom. Committee of How People Learn, A Targeted Report for Teachers, M.S. Donovan and J.D. Bransfrod, Editors. Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Newmann, F. M., Secada, W. G., & Wehlage, G. G. (1995). A guide to authentic instruction and assessment: Vision, standards, and scoring. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin. Newmann, F. M., G.G. Wehlage, and S.D. Lamborn. (1992). The Significance and Sources of Student Engagement. In Student Engagement and Achievement in American Secondary Schools, edited by F.M. Newmann, pp. 11–30. New York: Teachers College Press. Sherin, M. G. (2002). A balancing Act: developing a discourse community in a mathematics classroom. In Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, pp. 205-233. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 33