Top 25 Resources to help you manage your finances. 1. 3 Month

Top 25 Resources to help you manage your finances.
1. 3 Month Accounting Course (3MAC)
Set aside just 3- 6 hours per week and you can easily complete this course in a 3 month period
Comes with a hard-copy of 12 workbooks, ring binder and complimentary calculator
All assignments are submitted online via
Week 12 is the final exam which is optional, but a sure way of determining how much you have
learnt from your studies
Each workbook is accompanied by a Training Video, downloadable Powerpoint Presentation and
The course has been specifically designed for non-accountants to enable anyone to better
understand their business financial statements with a view to making educated decisions that will
positively influence profits, cash flow and equity growth
It has been written using a unique ‘top-down’ approach, meaning you can study it using your own
financial reports
Every attempt has been made to make it easy to read and understand regardless of your level of
It is business development focused rather than just a study course, it points out ways to become
more financially secure
It’s basic structure is as follows;
o 1. Introduction and Overview
o 2.-4. Trading Performance (Profit & Loss)
o 5.-7. Balance Sheet Management
o 8. Assets and Depreciation
o 9. Classification & Validation of Transactions
o 10. Budgets and Planning
o 11. Projecting Cash Flow
o 12. EXAM!
So, is it possible to learn and understand the core principles of accounting in just 3 months?
YES, study the 3MAC with the sure guarantee that you will learn the core principles and
concepts of Accounting “FAST!” once you make a start
2. Strategic Financial Plan Tool (SFP™)
Refer to 3MAC Week 10
Do you hope for the best or do you plan to succeed? Failing to plan is planning to FAIL!
The Strategic Financial Plan Tool (SFP™) is a brilliant forecasting tool, hugely beneficial for
business owners!
Planning is of all essence and so very critical because you need to make informed business
decisions based on your projections
The SFP™ first and foremost will help you to analyse where you are now with full ratio analyse.
You can then plot your destination options, and investigate the various travel methods to get
Just in case something comes up unexpectedly, you explore several different scenarios
The SFP™ has been developed to help business owners’ project sales growth in their businesses
that can be financially supported, either by improving working capital or by getting external
Sales targets or creating a projected Profit and Loss do not take into account that the business
may not have enough capital to fund the growth
The SFP™ also assists you to create an Action Plan to summarise and focus on the targets you
need to attain to hit your sales target and monitor your performance against forecast throughout
the year, with full printable variance analysis reports
This tool creates a sound plan to increase your business GROWTH & HEALTH!
3. Cash Analysis Monitor (CAM)
Refer to 3MAC Week 11
The purpose of this tool is to identify where the money has come from to fund your business and
where the money is going to
It helps you to monitor your cash flow trends and will also assist with forecasting your cash flow
Once you understand the cash movements in your business, cash flow forecasting will be much
easier and more accurate! What better way to learn than to implement a CAM in your business
The CAM produces a Cash Flow Statement which separates cash movement into the 3
categories, Operating, Investing and Financing Activities and then combines these movements as
a net increase/decrease in cash during the period reported on
The CAM also comes with conditional formatting charts to provide easier analysis, utilizing traffic
light colouring to highlight areas of improvement or concern
Make sure you update the CAM at the end of every period and review the results at your Finance
or Management Meetings so the Management Team have an intimate understanding of the cash
movement in your business
4. Sustainable Growth Rate Calculator (SGR)
This tool calculates the amount of sales growth that can be self-funded, whilst maintaining the
existing the Debt : Equity Ratio, Net Profit Ratio, Profit Payout Ratio and Asset : Sales Ratio.
It helps business owners identify the point that they will be required to secure extra funding so
that the business can continue to grow
Many businesses fail in periods of excellent sales results, due to not knowing at what points it
would be financially dangerous to continue or expand
This tool uses a formula known as the ‘Sustainable Growth Rate’ and was initially created by
Robert C. Higgins.
The ‘Higgins’ formula makes certain assumptions which are outlined on the Information Tab of
the tool. It also comes with a Warnings Tab and FAQs Tab so that the user holds information
gleaned from using this tool in its correct context
5. Break Even Point Calculator
Refer to 3MAC Week 3
“Every proprietor needs to have a complete grip and understanding of break-even”
Break-even is the term used to refer to the level of sales required to generate sufficient GP to
cover all the expenses, loan principal repayments, owner’s remuneration and tax, leaving nothing
over for re-investment or extra debt collection
Once you reach break-even sales, the GP from these sales basically goes straight to the bottom
line i.e. becomes NP
This tool has been developed to help businesses to calculate their break-even
Study how you can surgically cut your expenses
It calculates incentive break-even also which allows for additional loan repayments, capital asset
purchases, extra drawings etc.
“So that unless your business is achieving the break-even level, you’re going backwards”
6. Cash Flow Projection Calculator
Refer to 3MAC Week 11
Cash is the life blood of your business – you CANNOT survive without CASH!
Statics show that 33% of businesses that go broke are actually recording record profits; they
simply ran out of cash, with fatal results!
UBTA’s Cash Flow Projection Tool will assist you in estimating your cash requirements based on
the data that is available by computing the amounts that affect the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet
and Statement of Cash Flows
If you regular plot data in this tool and compare actual against budget, before long you will
become adept at estimating future cash flows and learn how to manage your working capital
You will as a result, make better funding decisions i.e. investing and finance activity decisions
“You need to be able to calculate a projection, not only for profit and loss, but for CASH
FLOW so you know where you want to be in 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months’
time and then you can compare every month with your projections”
7. Debtors Reconciliation Tool
This tool helps to ensure that all customer payments are applied to the debtors list, and that the
figure in the bookkeeping system is accurate
This is a critical element in business to prevent the possibility of fraud
This tool is to be utilised by the Accounts/Book-keeping personnel at the end of every month to
confirm closing debtor figures. This closing debtor figure is used to reconcile the month’s sales
invoices and debtor payments
Producing a monthly Ages Debtor Listing report will help identify any customers that are not
paying you within the agreed terms of trade, a vital component to a healthy ‘Working Capital
This tool will help ensure that all cash received is accurately accounted for. Any variances should
be explored and corrected
8. Money Tracker
Are you aware of where your money is coming from and where it is going to?
UBTA’s Money Tracker Tool will help you to monitor and gain control of your household finances!
This tool will teach you the basics principles of Double Entry Bookkeeping, which is fundamental
to understanding the concept and principles of Accounting
This tool gives you a running bank balance of every bank account you have. You must check
your bank accounts regularly (e.g. once per week) and if the balance is different, find out what
transaction(s) are missing.
It has the ability to compare this year/last year data and run a budget
Please note – this tool has no connection/relationship with the UK Money Plan electronic version.
The UBTA Finance Coach version is MS Excel based
9. Monthly Management Agenda Template
Achieve more in your Financial/Management Meetings by using an Agenda and following up
‘Action Items’ a powerful tool indeed
This template is already set out as per recognised minute taking protocol
It provides a suggested path-way to follow in listing various ‘Agenda Items’ that could well be
discussed when you hold a Financial/Management Meeting, which should be done on a regular
Regular meetings with your team create enthusiasm, constructive criticism with a view to
improvement, accountability, team focus in relation to the company’s VIGS, a platform to discuss
road-blocks, further training required etc.
Your team is your investment, your future!
10. Bonus Scheme Calculator (BSC)
This tool provides a means to implement a successful incentive bonus scheme within your
The whole organisation needs to be working towards a common goal, with the whole team
This tool enables the whole team to win, producing shared values, team work needs each
member to work at their best for the benefit of all
This tool also provides for discretionary bonuses for individuals for exceptional performance or
having gone the extra mile for the company
This tool is flexible so that you can customise it to your business, your GP is likely to be the most
reliable measure
Realistic and achievable targets need to be set fairly across the team, as comparing with previous
results, but then again, high enough for your team to stretch themselves
It compares target and actual so that the variance is shown
It has a one page report for management purposes showing the total bonuses due to each
employee etc.
It also comes with an employee report that can be printed and given to each employee
The tool also comes with a training video to help you implement this tool in your business
Become interdependent on one another, each member has a role in the team’s success,
prepare to win!
11. Business Analysis Tool (BAT)
Would you like to gain a clear picture of where you are NOW?
This tool has been developed by UBT Business Coaches to help analyse and report on a
business and the owner’s real situation and combine the figures in a universally recognised
Using this tool the business owner can review each item on their Balance Sheet including a check
for realism
Using this tool annually is like taking soundings along your financial journey to ensure you are on
You check your soundings by utilizing the SWOT Analysis feature i.e. what competition you have,
how well they are performing, what the industry is doing, what your strengths and weaknesses
are and more……
It will help you to step back and work on your business not in it!
This tool has been designed to help you take a complete snapshot of your business and
finances at a point in time and is strongly recommended for ALL businesses!
12. Financial Management Course (FMC)
A one day face to face course that is a must for all business owners & investors
Overview of Financial Statements: Learn how to interpret your financial position correctly with
the aid of your financial statements, because if you don’t understand what your financial
statements are telling you, you will not be able to make well informed financial decisions
Accrual Accounting: Often, the most confusing aspect of understanding financial statements
and the accounting process, for non-accountants, is the timing of the recognition of revenue and
Statement of Cash Flows: We have all heard the term “CASH IS KING”, indeed it is the lifeblood of business!
Working Capital Management: Can you pay your debts as and when they fall due? Can you
survive and prosper in the short term (next 12 months)
Review of Financial Information and Internal Controls: It is absolutely imperative that any and
all financial reports that a business will rely on for information, future planning and decision
making are completely accurate and dependable
True Net Profit and Profitability: Rent and partners’ drawings (wages) including tax are often
left out and you will find people saying “We have a very profitable business” but, when you put
those two costs in they are actually making a loss every year
Breakeven Analysis: Every business owner or everyone in business management needs to
have a complete grip and understanding of the Break-Even Concept – this is a critical point
13. Debtor Management Course (DMC)
A one day face to face course that is a must for all sales & collection/credit personnel
Where you are slack with debt collection, you are usually slack with everything
Learn how to collect money faster, while strengthening the relationship with your customers
Money owing to you by your customers represents a vital component of your working capital
Learning better policies and procedures can often help greatly improve your cash flow and reduce
the risk of having bad debts
14. Customer Evaluation Report (CER)
This tool will help you to analyse your top 50 customers, products and product groups with a view
assisting your Sales and Marketing Teams to cross sell effectively
It compares historical revenue and profits per customer with your forecast revenue and profit per
15. Ratio Analysis Tool (RAT)
Refer to 3MAC Week 6
Would you like a simple method of monitoring the financial performance and health of your
UBTA’s Ratio Analysis Tool (RAT) not only calculates the key financial ratios for your business it
also compares the ratios for the current period with previous periods
It utilises ‘traffic-light’ indicators to show how your ratios compare with globally recommended
standards, on an easy to read report
It produces a one-page report with recommendations for how to improve your business ratios and
includes an index explaining how each ratio is calculated
This tool is available in 4 different language versions of excel: English, French, German and
“They’re very, very critical ratios, because they’re the ratios that help you determine as to
when you’re going to run into trouble cash-wise. And they are the actual facts. There’s no
point looking at them, kidding yourself, they are the ratios”
16. Sustainable Business Model Tool (SBMT)
Refer to 3MAC Week 3
Does your financial business model provide you with a viable, prosperous future?
UBTA’s Sustainable Business Model Tool will check your structure is SURE and SOUND!
The SBMT enables you to check the level of GP that is being generated by your overhead wages
(i.e. sales, admin staff wages etc. {not included COGS wages})
It enables you to check the level of your overhead expenses as a percentage of your employment
costs, showing how well management are operating the business in relation to costs and
deployment of resources
So how sustainable is your business? Will you still be going STRONG in 12 months, 2 years, 3
“If you guys go back to your business and crunch your figures through that, you’ll find out
whether you’re going to be in business in three years’ time”
17. 7 Profit Drivers Tool (7PDT)
 Would you like a simple method of working out 7 ways to triple your profit?
 UBTA’s 7 Profit Driver Calculator Tool not only shows your existing profit levels, it highlights the
KEY 7 Profit Drivers that directly affect your bottom line!
This tool opens your eyes as to the investment you have in your team i.e. if you train your staff in
the key profit drivers of business they will pay you back recurring dividends!
Learn what drives your business forward and experience the tangible benefits immediately
Learn how to implement systems, record the numbers you need to know, who, what, where, write
then down and follow them through to a result
As soon as you start to monitor, things will improve – be proactive!
This tool is not just about working harder, it is working smarter, developing an operational plan to
improve the key drivers
18. Sales & Equity Tracker (SET)
Refer to 3MAC week 3
It is critical that you know what your break-even figure is month by month because if you do not
reach this figure, you are going backwards!
The SET not only calculates your break-even figure, it calculates your incentive break-even figure
and tracks your equity movement
Equity is the amount of funds that the owner(s) have in the business. It can be calculated by
obtaining the value of the Assets, and deducting this by the total Liabilities that the business has
(A – L = E)
You can use your knowledge of break-even to calculate what extra sales you would require to
cover an increased or new expense
There are 7 main drivers to increase profits. Learn these well, and then implement systems and
policies to improve each area
Every proprietor needs to have a complete grip and understanding of break-even!
19. Expense Monitor Schedule
This tool ensures that all business expenses are recorded, monitored, analysed and that their
effect on the Net Profit of the business is correctly analysed
By recording actual expenses, budgets can be set that surgically cut back unnecessary spending
to maximise efficiency and therefore profits.
Review the report monthly, identifying any positive or negative variance between the actual and
the budget. If there is any variance, analyse why this is the case. If the reason is due to lack of
planning or astute purchasing, action measures and policies to prevent careless spending should
be put into place.
Do your projections and then measure your actual performance against those projections
– preferably on a month by month basis, and if you are falling behind, you can take steps
to adjust it.
20. Discounts & Margins Tool
Do you know the difference between ‘Mark-up’ and ‘Gross Profit’? Some may think it is one and
the same thing, but it is not!
This is an invaluable to refer to when making pricing decisions and as a quick reference for how
Mark-up translates to Margin – a must for your Sales Team
It will enable you to see how many extra units you need to sell to make up for a discount,
measure the effect of price increases on a product and what effect across-the-board price
changes will have on your Gross Profit and Operating Profit
You will be able to determine how many sales you could afford to miss out on if you increase your
price and what the effect will be on profit if you have a general decrease in prices
21. Marketing Strategy Analyser (MSA)
Use this tool to analyse how your marketing strategy compare with your competitors
It will show you whether your business is in red or blue water
This tool is used to help you determine if your market strategy is setting you aside from the
competition, or are you a “me-too” business fighting over market share with all your competitors?
22. Frequently Ask Questions and Answers (FAQ’s)
There are now over 100 of these on our website. An invaluable resource to assist you in getting
the best value from your accountant!
To give you total support UBTA have published an abundance of accounting, bookkeeping and
financial questions, and advise that you would receive as a client
All your participating staff members can have access to these FAQs and furthermore, if they
cannot find the question that they are looking for, they can ask their own and have it answered by
highly qualified accountants
23. Business Manual ‘Finance Section’
UBT are creating a Business Manual which will cover the 6 KEY areas of business. Within this
manual is a section on ‘FINANCE’ which you will receive free under your subscription
24. Whitepapers
These are being added to constantly, topics such as;
o Inventory Valuation
o Strategic Financial Planning
o Market Research
o Accounts Department KPI’s
o Credit Management – Protect Your Cashflow
o Software Upgrade etc.
25. Accounting For Control (By: W.B. Hales)
Available as a 40 page download PDF book written in the early 1950s
Demanding reading, but worthwhile for any businessman
The author explains how the methods of profit planning and control and the subsidiary technique
of standard costing overcome the disadvantages of the merely historical methods of financial