Lab4_Outline ()

Lab 4 Nutricipe Outline
Title Page (Logo that we have on our website “a novel meal planning tool”)
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
User Manual Assignments
[] – are my comments and should not go to the user manual
1. Introduction – (Olga, Cole)
a. Societal Problem
b. Why this is a problem?
c. Prototype Introduction
2. Product Features – (Adam, Or’Sasha)
a. List goals and objectives
b. MFCD for the prototype
c. Overview of each component (see the example Mrs. Brunelle posted for
d. Include site map for the website component
3. Getting Started (an introduction paragraph for “Getting Started” – (Mark, Ben))
a. Required software – (Mark, Ben)
b. Navigating to the user interface (what pages are accessible to the nonauthenticated user) – (Mark, Ben)
c. Login – (Ben, Mark)
i. Nutricipe customer
ii. Administrator
[The login is the same for Nutricipe customers and administrators but
we need to mention this]
d. Create an account – (Ben, Mark)
i. Nutricipe customer
ii. Administrator (I am not sure where, but we need to mention that
anybody cannot just create an administrator account from the create an
account page)
4. User Interface – (an introduction paragraph for “User Interface” – (Erik, Adam))
a. Profile – (Ben, Mark)
i. Populating profile
ii. Profile maintenance
b. Pantry – (Olga)
c. Recommendations (Olga, Erik)
i. Daily Caloric Intake
ii. Food Group Recommendations
iii. Nutritional Goals Recommendations
d. Meal Builder
i. Meal Builder Display without Recipes and Ingredients – (John, Olga)
ii. Recipe Search Prompt – (Adam, John)
[Adam, you should explain what each search option means, because it is
not very obvious without an explanation]
iii. Recipe Search Report Display – (John, Adam)
iv. Recipe Card Display – (John, Olga)
1. Includes
- Recipe name
- Ingredients
- Directions
- Nutritional information
- Goals % information
- Option to add to a meal
v. Ingredient Search Prompt – (John, Olga)
vi. Ingredient Search Report Display – (John, Olga)
vii. Ingredient Card Display – (John, Olga)
1. Includes
- Ingredient name
- Nutritional information
- Goals % information
viii. Meal Builder Display with Recipes and Ingredients – (John, Olga)
1. Should have an option to display Meal Card
ix. Meal Card Display – (John, Olga)
1. Includes
- Pictures of all the recipes and ingredients in the meal
- Names of all the recipes and ingredients in the meal
- Nutritional information for the whole meal
- Goals % information for the entire meal
- Calendar to select a date for the meal
- Option to add the meal to the meal history
[John, between these two steps you will need to store a meal id and all the
meal info to the database]
x. Meal Card Display for the saved meal – (John, Olga)
1. Includes
- Pictures of all the recipes and ingredients in the meal
- Names of all the recipes and ingredients in the meal
- Nutritional information
- Goals % information
- Message that it was saved
- Generate Shopping list option
xi. Shopping List Display – (Olga, John)
e. User Satisfaction Survey Prompt – (Mark, Ben)
f. History
i. Meal Tracking – (Erik, Adam)
ii. Goal Tracking – (Olga, Erik)
5. Administrator Interface (an introduction paragraph for “Administrator interface” –
(Or’Sasha, Mark))
a. List all users option – (Or’Sasha, Ben)
b. Create an account option – (Or’Sasha, Ben)
c. Deactivate a selected account option – (Or’Sasha, Ben)
d. Reactivate a selected account option – (Or’Sasha, Ben)
e. User satisfaction survey report option – (Mark, Or’Sasha)
f. User satisfaction survey report display – (Mark, Or’Sasha)
6. Error Messages – (Cole, Olga)
7. Glossary of Terms – we can use the same we used for the Lab2 and just delete some
terms that do not apply to the user manual. If you want to add something else, please
add it to your tasks report.