Introducing techUK Volcrowe/ Nemode Workshop. 22/4/15 |#techuk About techUK techUK represents the companies and technologies that are defining today the world that we will live in tomorrow. More than 850 companies are members of techUK. Collectively they employ more than 700,000 people, about half of all tech sector jobs in the UK. These companies range from leading FTSE 100 companies to new innovative start-ups. techUK’s target reach – 3 year plan (BIS Business Population Estimates – 2012) Total Database > 100,000 TechMap Full Membership >1000 Networks > 20,000 | @techUK |#techUK What does techUK do? techUK has a clear, simple mission: • To ensure the UK is a great place for tech companies to locate & grow • To ensure that technology is good for the whole of the UK economy • To ensure that technology is good for UK citizens and society. techUK value proposition We deliver tangible value to members in four key areas: • Developing networks and relationships • Developing markets • Reducing business costs • Reducing business risks. techUK 2015 Focus Areas In 2015 techUK will work to promote member interests under 4 broad headings: • techUK as the voice of the technology industry – seeking and gaining influence • Developing market opportunities for members to grow revenues – acting as a source of knowledge and a forum for ideas and opportunities • Ensuring members’ business viability by tackling blocks such as skills and diversity – particularly gender diversity • Reducing threats to the continued success of the tech industry in the UK. techUK 2015 Focus Areas Lead Public Sector Transformation Transforming Health Prepare for EU Referendum Manage impact of 2015 UK election outcome Complete Spectrum Forum Policy work Cyber Security Strategic Defence Spending Review techUK – Networks |#techuk Information economy (IE Council) Future Technologies Group (IE Group) Future Technologies Network 2015 Focus: Wireless Communications & Medtech techUK The Electronics Network - components and sub-systems supply chain CTO Council, IoT Council, BIG DATA Council, Mobile & Cloud Council, Communications Council SMART EVERYTHING IoT and M2M BIG DATA CLOUD SDN / VFN Fixed Technology 4G to 5G and beyond Radio Spectrum Wireless Technology UK Spectrum Policy Forum and UKTI & techUK partnership programme techUK – Future Technologies Network techUK – The Electronics Network Developing networks Fostering relationships between academia and business. A 4,000-strong electronics industry community. Developing Markets Access to markets, funding and technology Open Innovation and technology scouting. Supporting the technology community across the UK Driving innovation and excellence for electronics design. techUK – Cyber Connect UK A BIS-funded national support programme for cyber security start-ups and small businesses Web portal Access to finance Export Support A one-top shop for information on cyber business, news events and business opportunities. Funding the development of UK cyber start-ups and small businesses. Helping UK cyber companies do business in priority overseas markets. Cyber Map Business Acceleration The UK’s first directory of all UK cyber security companies. Connecting entrepreneurs with experienced mentors. Open Innovation Supply chain opportunities in government and industry. techUK – Programmes |#techuk techUK programmes - 2015 techUK programmes are designed around vertical and cross market areas of work which we are pursuing on behalf of the tech sector. Our programme grid demonstrates where organisations can get involved with techUK. The grid acts as a map where techUK members can derive value, from building networks and Developing markets, to reducing business costs and risks. techUK – Technology for Government #3PP techUK 3 Point Plan - To transform public services 1. Better Engagement 2. Better Information 3. More Innovation Securing Britain’s Digital Future. Innovation Den For Government: • A platform to test new solutions and ideas • Better understanding of innovative technologies available in a risk-free environment. For Industry: • Opportunities to pitch ideas to central and local government buyers and large supplier partners • In the last 2 years, 10 Innovation Dens have produced 270 secondary pitch opportunities for techUK members. So, how can Academia fit into techUK? |#techuk Developing relationships between Academia and Commercial Partners • Participating and Inputting into horizon scanning and preparatory work on future technology platform developments • Open innovation scouting. Matching industry IP and product development with the commercial divisions of academia • Building networks and relationships with key players within the UK technology company landscape • Understanding the challenges and opportunities facing the technology industry with an opportunity to partner for mutual benefit High Growth Programme Areas • Internet of Things and M2M connectivity • MedTech/ HealthTech • Cloud and Big Data • Cyber Security • Communications Infrastructures Broader Industry Challenges • Securing the future skilled workforce. Eskills • Improving the gender balance. Women in Tech • Supporting SME growth. Scale-Ups • Improving SME access to Public Sector procurement Connect with techUK @techuk #techuk 0207 331 2000 Paul Hide COO 0207 331 2193