Diploma of Quality Auditing- Summary of Evidence Matrix

BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Kit
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BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
Table of Contents
About this RPL Kit
Page 3
The Diploma of Quality Auditing qualification
Page 4
The RPL process
Page 5
Gathering evidence
Page 6
Submitting the evidence
Page 8
Summary of Evidence (Matrix)
Page 10
Evidence Planner
Page 12
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BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
1. About this RPL Kit
This kit is designed to help you compile evidence through a recognition process to
achieve this qualification. This is a formal process that is based on a portfolio of
evidence submitted by you, the student.
You are going to work through the requirements of the qualification and gather:
Evidence of prior training and qualifications Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Evidence of current competence Recognition of Current Competence (RCC)
This is an “assessment only”pathway
This is an “assessment only” pathway based on designed for candidates with relevant
qualifications and/or business experience. You may be eligible for some but not all of
the units that make up the qualification. So it is possible you are mixing the recognition
process with some formal learning (components of a course).
Quality portfolio preparation takes time
We appreciate that evidence gathering and portfolio preparation takes some time. It is
in your best interest to start planning, organising and get the process under way as
quickly as possible.
Planning, organisation and presentation are important
This kit provides planning tools that guide the evidence gathering. Use these tools and
tables to build up your planned evidence. Here are some tips to putting your portfolio
Look for evidence that meets the requirements for multiple units of
competency 
If you can demonstrate evidence that covers several units of competency, it will
minimize time spent searching for and compiling multiple forms of evidence for
each unit.
Authenticity 
You need supporting evidence to authenticate that the products and processes
you are submitting are indeed your work. Third party letters or references may
be requested to support your portfolio.
Recent evidence is preferred 
The assessor is looking for currency of competence so use recent projects as
evidence. As a rule of thumb, evidence from the last two years is preferable and
do not go back more than five years. This should be discussed with the
assessor. Your academic training and qualifications may go back further than
five years to demonstrate knowledge of vocational education and training.
Label the evidence 
Complete the cover page, evidence summary matrix, provide an index and label
the evidence. The assessor will not proceed unless the cover page and summary
are submitted and the evidence is organised and labelled.
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BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
2. Course Structure
BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Participate in a quality audit
Initiate a quality audit
Lead a quality audit
Report on a quality audit
Manage project quality
Manage risk
Manage people performance
Facilitate continuous improvement
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BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
3. The RPL Process
1. Enquiry-call Open Training Institute on +61 (03)86282500
2. Enrolment and payment of fees
1. Access RPL Kit online via My Study Centre
1. Read RPL Kit thoroughly
Support Available from your
Assessor on +61 (03)86282500
2. Commence compiling your Portfolio
1. Upload Evidence Planner, Summary of Evidence and your
supporting documents.
2. Portfolio assessed
1. Conversation with Assessor for validity.
2. Assessor signs off
1. Assessor will provide feedback and request
additional evidence or information on supporting
documents provided.
2. You submit additional evidence/information.
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
4. Gathering Evidence
Contact with the Assessor
If required, you can contact the Assessor by calling student services on (03) 8628 2500
to assist the evidence gathering process.
The Assessor can help to:
interpret the units of competency 
advise on matching evidence to the competencies 
clarify ways to organise the portfolio 
clarify the underpinning knowledge and skills required 
identify ways to fill gaps in experience and learning 
What will the Assessor be looking for in the assessment of the portfolio?
The Assessor will take an integrated and holistic approach to assessment and is looking
evidence of the specific evidence requirements for each unit of competency 
evidence of valid, current products that align to the units of competency, the
performance criteria and evidence guide which can be authenticated as the work
of the candidate 
evidence of valid, current processes that aligns to the units of competency, the
performance criteria and evidence guide which can be authenticated as the work
of the candidate 
evidence of the application of required skills and key competencies/employability
skills 
What if I don’t achieve all competencies by the end of the portfolio appraisal?
On submission of your portfolio, you will receive feedback from the Assessor. If there
are gaps in evidence or a question arising from the quality of the evidence, authenticity
or currency you will be contacted and given the opportunity to resubmit further
evidence. You will have an agreed time from when you enrolled in the RPL process to
complete all assessments with reasonable adjustments depending on your
The Assessor will sign off on the units of competency that have been achieved and the
Statements of Attainment indicating partial completion or the full qualification will be
What sort of evidence should you provide?
The Assessor is looking for specific evidence across the units of competency.
The evidence will be made up of:
1. Products –that have been developed, documented and used by you.
2. Processes –evidence that shows “how” you do what performed tasks, conducted
research or applied required knowledge and skills
3. Required knowledge and required skills –that demonstrate your
understanding of theory, legislation, and the principles of business.
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
Rules of Evidence
Currency – relates to the age of collected evidence. Competency requires
demonstration of current performance – therefore the evidence collected must
be current/very recent. Try to find evidence which shows that you can perform
the competency now. If all your evidence is 5 to 10 years in the past and you
have not been active in recent years then currency of skills and knowledge is
questioned. 
Validity –is when the process assesses what it claims to assess. Try to ensure
that the evidence relates clearly and directly to the elements and performance
criteria in each unit of competency. Check the overview of evidence and the
specific evidence requirements if you are not sure if the products and processes
are appropriate. 
Sufficiency –relates to the amount of evidence collected. The collection of
sufficient evidence is necessary to ensure all aspects of the competency have
been captured and to satisfy the need for repeatable performance.
Supplementary sources of evidence may be necessary. Try to present enough
evidence, not too much, not too little across the units of competency. The
specific evidence requirements in each unit will indicate the minimum amount of
evidence that must be submitted.
Authenticity –relates to ensuring the evidence is from the candidate and not
another person. The assessor needs to be satisfied the own work. Do not make
things up and do not say that work done by someone else is yours. Provide
evidence that the work is yours through third party letters of authentication or
statutory declarations. 
Range –Try to collect a number of pieces of evidence that cover a range of
contexts, locations and the times you have demonstrated the competencies. 
These explanations have been adapted from the TAA04 Training and Assessment
Training Package Glossary of Terms ©ANTA 2004
Examples of Evidence
Curriculum Vitae and authenticated work history 
Qualifications (E.g- Vocational, Higher Education), Certificates of Attendance
(Training Seminars) or Training records 
Products, Processes and examples of work (E.g- Strategic/Business/Marketing
Plans, Procedures, Job Descriptions, Performance Appraisals, Coaching logs) 
Third party reports from verified and appropriate people, preferably from the workplace 
Work records that support your evidence (E.g- project files, emails, meeting
notes, diaries) 
Reports, Assignments 
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BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
Putting the portfolio of evidence together
Step 1: Start preparing the Summary of Evidence Matrix
The matrix is an overview of your portfolio. Keep building this table as you
continue evidence gathering. The Summary of Evidence Matrix must be submitted
with the portfolio.
Step 2: Start to fill in the Evidence Planner table–by unit of competency.
Fill in the Evidence Planner table listing your evidence and explaining how it aligns
to each units of competency that it addresses. Remember, some evidence will
address more than one unit of competency. The Evidence Planner explanation will
give the Assessor a better understanding of how the documents you submit meet
the requirements of the unit and your understanding of the required knowledge
and skills across the qualification.
Read the units in detail this time clarifying your potential evidence against: the
elements, required skills/knowledge and performance criteria. Check the range of
variables to clarify the language and terms and the application of performance
criteria in your own work context.
Step 3: Review and finalise your evidence
You should now have your evidence organised and be able to see areas where the
evidence might be weak. Organise the verification and third party letters. The
Assessor will prefer to see letters on company stationery. Emails are not
acceptable. The declaration forms in this kit can also be used.
Step 4: Compile the portfolio
Check the labels and organise the evidence. Do not send originals of qualifications;
get copies certified as a true copy.
 Finalise the certified Summary of Evidence table with the explanations of
your evidence in your own words.
Finalise the Evidence Planner Matrix –the ‘at a glance” summary pa the top of your
Open Training Institute will accept photocopies certified by anyone who is currently
employed as:
 an accountant (they must be a member of the Institute of Chartered
Accountants in Australia, the Australian Society of Certified Practising
Accountants, or the National Institute of Accountants, or the Association of
Taxation and Management Accountants or Registered Tax Agents).
 a bank manager, but not a manager of a bank travel centre
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
barrister, solicitor or patent attorney
credit union branch manager
commissioner for declaration
Justice of the Peace
medical practitioner (doctor)
police officer in charge of a police station, or of the rank of sergeant and above
postal manager
principal of an Australian secondary college, high school or primary school
Step 5: Submit the portfolio
Presentation of your portfolio is important. RPL applications should be uploaded via
My Study Centre.
Copies of all parts of the applications must be retained by the applicant.
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
6. Summary of Evidence (Matrix)
The following matrix is completed as an example. Please use the matrix provided in the following page
Letter from
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BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
Diploma of Quality Auditing- Summary of Evidence Matrix
Use this summary to build a picture of your evidence across the units of competency in the Diploma of Quality Auditing
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BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
Diploma of Quality Auditing -Evidence Planner
Use these summary tables to gather evidence that addresses the details in units of competency.
BSBAUD402B Participate in a quality audit
Review auditee documentation
Participate in developing audit
Gather and analyse information
Performance Criteria
Where applicable, review auditee's previous quality audits to establish
possible impact on the conduct of the current audit
Request relevant organisational documents from auditee, and review
and check the adequacy of these documents
Amend reviewed documents, and determine and source any further
documentation required
Resolve issues which arise with auditee and relevant parties
Access or prepare appropriate checklists/tools and audit related
Confirm schedules and required resources with auditee before
beginning auditing activities
Anticipate possible issues and outline strategies to address these
issues, should they arise
Ensure preparation activities and documentation correspond to the
audit plan
In consultation with auditing team, determine appropriate methods
and techniques
Assist lead auditor in creating entry and exit meeting agendas
Access a range of potential sources of information
Collect and make an initial assessment of sample documentation
Interview appropriate persons in relation to relevant documentation
Identify and report patterns, trends, interrelationships and areas of
Identify aspects of the audit that require the use of specialists and
request appropriate assistance
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Evidence Provided
Internal Use Only
BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
Evaluate information
Report findings
Critical Aspects of
Participate in exit meeting
Evaluate information against prescribed benchmarks
Form a defensible opinion as to the meeting of these benchmarks by
the auditee
Ensure opinions are formed from and supported by available
Formulate findings and prepare a corrective action report if
discrepancies or non-compliances are detected
Examine results/findings against audit objectives and present to lead
Report recommendations for improvements as applicable
Prepare for exit meeting
Ensure reporting arrangements are agreed upon and documented
during the meeting
Ensure context and consequences of audit are explained, and followup is discussed
preparation of multiple audit plans for a range of quality audits
containing information on the audit schedule, proposed
activities, methods, and techniques; risk analysis and proposed
treatment of identified risks; entry and exit meeting agendas
participation in audits as a member of an audit team
gathering of data and information by a variety of methods
knowledge of relevant legislation and national standards
developing a comprehensive report for the exit meeting, which
analyses findings and information gathered to arrive at the
communication skills to listen to clients and other audit team
members and to clarify points with them as necessary
culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people
from diverse backgrounds and people with diverse abilities
interpersonal skills to establish rapport with clients and to
liaise with other audit team members
literacy skills to read, write, edit and proofread documents to
ensure clarity of meaning, accuracy and consistency of
organisational and time management skills to sequence tasks,
meet timelines and arrange meetings
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
problem-solving skills to identify any issues that have the
potential to impact on the auditing process or outcome and to
develop options to resolve these issues when they arise
teamwork skills
technology skills to use a range of equipment required to
conduct quality auditing activities.
auditing codes of practice or ethics
auditing methods and techniques
auditing regulations and standards including:
AS/NZS ISO 9000:2006 Quality management systems Fundamentals and vocabulary
AS/NZS ISO 19011:2003 Guidelines for quality and/or
environmental management systems auditing
current audit practices
industry products and/or services
quality auditing principles and techniques
relevant legislation affecting business operation, including
appropriate occupational health and safety, environmental,
and privacy legislation
terminology relating to quality auditing.
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BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
BSBAUD501B Initiate a quality audit
Assess quality audit scope and
Communicate with auditee
regarding proposed quality audit
Identify resources required to
conduct quality audit
Develop and submit quality audit
Performance Criteria
Evidence Provided
Determine and discuss audit objectives with the auditee, client and all
other relevant parties
Determine and discuss scope of the quality audit with the auditee, client
and all other relevant parties
Identify relevant standards that impact on the environment in which the
audit operates
Determine scope commensurate with identified risks
Determine audit history, organisational structure and culture through
consultation with the auditee
Negotiate and ensure agreement with auditee, the proposed audit methods
and techniques to be applied
Outline audit processes to establish sequence of audit activities, and the
roles of the auditors and auditees in the process
Identify resources required to perform the quality audit efficiently and
Select audit team members on the basis of relevant expertise
Confirm availability of resources required to conduct the audit with auditee
Assign roles and responsibilities to audit team members
Develop quality audit plan according to established scope and objectives
Assign timing, schedules and responsibilities for implementation of the
audit plan
Develop audit priorities and ensure agreement with auditees and audit
team members
Document and submit audit plan to auditee
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BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
Prepare audit team
Review auditee documentation
Critical Aspects
of Assessment
Identify and prepare checklists
and audit related documentation
Inform audit team members of their responsibilities, audit objectives and
Communicate audit plan and schedules to all audit team members
Discuss and clarify audit methods and techniques with audit team
Review auditee's previous audits to establish possible impact on the
conduct of the current audit
Review and check relevant organisational documents for accuracy
Resolve arising problems with auditee and relevant parties
Develop checklists to reflect audit scope and objectives
Develop or obtain documentation required for the audit
Prepare agenda for entry meeting
Include value-adding activities in audit related documentation where
documented audit plans for auditees across a variety of contexts
including the scope and objectives of the audit, proposed audit
methods and techniques to be used, required resources and
schedules, and allocation of individual audit team member
responsibilities for conducting the proposed audit
knowledge of relevant legislation, national standards and
compliance issues
communication skills to listen to and question clients and other
audit team members
culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people from
diverse backgrounds and abilities
interpersonal skills to establish rapport with clients and to liaise
with other audit team members
literacy skills to read, write, edit and proofread documents to
ensure clarity of meaning, accuracy and consistency of information
organisational, planning and time management skills to sequence
tasks, meet time lines, conduct inspections and arrange meetings
problem-solving skills to overcome any issues which may potentially
affect the auditing process or outcome
teamwork skills
technology skills to use equipment required to conduct quality
auditing activities
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
auditing codes of practice or ethics
auditing methods and techniques
auditing regulations and standards, including:
AS/NZS ISO: 9000:2006: Quality management systems Fundamentals and vocabulary
AS/NZS ISO 19011:2003: Guidelines for quality and/or
environmental management systems auditing
current audit practices
industry, product and/or service knowledge
quality auditing principles, techniques and systems
requirements of house or other style manual protocols for written
relevant legislation affecting business operations including
appropriate occupational health and safety, environmental, and
privacy legislation
software applications relevant to conducting quality auditing
terminology relating to quality auditing.
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BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
BSBAUD503B Lead a quality audit
Performance Criteria
Evidence Provided
Organise entry meeting in advance at a mutually agreed time
Conduct entry meeting
Prepare agenda for audit
Confirm objectives and scope of audit at entry meeting
Confirm schedules and logistical arrangements at entry meeting
Make changes to plan, schedules and arrangements where required
Identify a range of potential sources of information
Identify and gather information
Manage audit team resources
Conduct exit meeting
Guide team members in
continuously improving their
Interview appropriate persons
Gather relevant information and sample documentation
Supervise activities of audit team members
Assess and review audit team findings in line with audit scope
Re-assign team members as required
Instigate contingency actions as required
Seek and reach agreement on corrective action reports
Make preparations for exit meeting
Examine results and findings against audit objectives and present to
Ensure reporting arrangements are agreed upon
Explain context and consequences of audit and discuss during follow-up
Provide feedback on performance to audit team members
Encourage and support audit team members to critique their own work
Provide and document advice for individual improvement
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Internal Use Only
Critical Aspects
of Assessment
BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
demonstration of leadership and management of a quality auditing
team across quality audits in a variety of contexts
management of the information gathering process by team
members, and analysis, synthesis and reporting of the findings
knowledge of auditing methods and techniques
auditing codes of practice or ethics
auditing methods and techniques
auditing regulations and standards, including:
AS/NZS ISO: 9000:2006: Quality management systems Fundamentals and vocabulary
AS/NZS ISO 19011:2003: Guidelines for quality and/or
environmental management systems auditing
current audit practices
industry, product and/or service knowledge
quality auditing principles, techniques and systems
requirements of house or other style manual protocols for written
relevant legislation affecting business operations including
appropriate occupational health and safety, environmental, and
privacy legislation
software applications relevant to conducting quality auditing
terminology relating to quality auditing.
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BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
BSBAUD504B Report on a quality audit
Performance Criteria
Evidence Provided
Compare results of audit evaluation against audit objectives and criteria
Compile audit results
Prepare report
Negotiate follow up process with
Monitor and review audit system
and activities
Analyse audit results
Provide objective evidence relating to the need for reduction, elimination
and prevention of non-conformance as the basis for the audit report
Produce audit report according to specified audit requirements
Present audit report to auditee and other stakeholders
Determine and initiate any corrective action required to deal with nonconformance, in consultation with auditee
Provide suggestions for improvements where applicable
Ensure time lines are agreed upon for completion of corrective action
Ensure corrective action follow-up procedures are agreed with auditee
Evaluate effectiveness and suitability in achieving audit objectives
Investigate possible improvements in audit methods, economy and
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Internal Use Only
Critical Aspects
of Assessment
BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
completion and presentation of audit reports to auditees/clients and
negotiations for follow-up actions with auditees/clients
knowledge of auditing regulations and standards
communication skills to listen to and question, clients and other
audit team members
culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people from
diverse backgrounds and abilities
interpersonal skills to establish rapport with clients and to liaise
with other audit team members
literacy skills to read, write, edit and proofread documents to
ensure clarity of meaning, accuracy and consistency of information
organisational, planning and time management skills to sequence
tasks, meet time lines, conduct inspections and arrange meetings
problem-solving skills to overcome any issues which may potentially
affect the auditing process or outcome
teamwork skills
technology skills to use a range of equipment required to conduct
quality auditing activities.
auditing codes of practice or ethics
auditing methods and techniques
auditing regulations and standards, including:
AS/NZS ISO: 9000:2006: Quality management systems Fundamentals and vocabulary
AS/NZS ISO 19011:2003: Guidelines for quality and/or
environmental management systems auditing
current audit practices
industry, product and/or service knowledge
quality auditing principles, techniques and systems
requirements of house or other style manual protocols for written
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
relevant legislation affecting business operations including
appropriate occupational health and safety, environmental, and
privacy legislation
software applications relevant to conducting quality auditing
terminology relating to quality auditing
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BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
BSBMGT502B Manage people performance
Allocate work
Assess performance
Provide feedback
Performance Criteria
Evidence Provided
Consult relevant groups and individuals on work to be allocated and
resources available
Develop work plans in accordance with operational plans
Allocate work in a way that is efficient, cost effective and outcome
Confirm performance standards, Code of Conduct and work outputs with
relevant teams and individuals
Develop and agree performance indicators with relevant staff prior to
commencement of work
Conduct risk analysis in accordance with the organisational risk
management plan and legal requirements
Design performance management and review processes to ensure
consistency with organisational objectives and policies
Train participants in the performance management and review process
Conduct performance management in accordance with organisational
protocols and time lines
Monitor and evaluate performance on a continuous basis
Provide informal feedback to staff on a regular basis
Advise relevant people where there is poor performance and take
necessary actions
Provide on-the-job coaching when necessary to improve performance and
to confirm excellence in performance
Document performance in accordance with the organisational performance
management system
Conduct formal structured feedback sessions as necessary and in
accordance with organisational policy
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BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
Aspects of
Manage follow up
Write and agree performance improvement and development plans in
accordance with organisational policies
Seek assistance from human resources specialists where appropriate
Reinforce excellence in performance through recognition and continuous
Monitor and coach individuals with poor performance
Provide support services where necessary
Counsel individuals who continue to perform below expectations and
implement the disciplinary process if necessary
Terminate staff in accordance with legal and organisational requirements
where serious misconduct occurs or ongoing poor-performance continues
documented performance indicators and a critical description and
analysis of performance management system from the workplace
techniques in providing feedback and coaching for improvement in
knowledge of relevant awards and certified agreements.
communication skills to articulate expected standards of
performance, to provide effective feedback and to coach staff who
need development
risk management skills to analyse, identify and develop mitigation
strategies for identified risks
planning and organisation skills to ensure a planned and objective
approach to the performance management system.
relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects
business operation, especially in regard to occupational health and
safety and environmental issues, equal opportunity, industrial
relations and anti-discrimination
relevant awards and certified agreements
performance measurement systems utilised within the organisation
unlawful dismissal rules and due process
staff development options and information.
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BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
BSBMGT516C Facilitate continuous improvement
Lead continuous improvement
systems and processes
Monitor and adjust performance
Critical Aspects
of Assessment
Manage opportunities for further
Performance Criteria
Evidence Provided
Develop strategies to ensure that team members are actively encouraged
and supported to participate in decision-making processes, assume
responsibility and exercise initiative as appropriate
Establish systems to ensure that the organisation's continuous
improvement processes are communicated to stakeholders
Ensure that change and improvement processes meet sustainability
Develop effective mentoring and coaching processes to ensure that
individuals and teams are able to implement and support the organisation's
continuous improvement processes
Ensure that insights and experiences from business activities are captured
and accessible through knowledge management systems
Develop strategies to ensure that systems and processes are used to
monitor operational progress and to identify ways in which planning and
operations could be improved
Adjust and communicate strategies to stakeholders according to
organisational procedures
Establish processes to ensure that team members are informed of
outcomes of continuous improvement efforts
Ensure processes include recording of work team performance to assist in
identifying further opportunities for improvement
Consider areas identified for further improvement when undertaking future
development and use of a range of strategies and approaches that
improve work outcomes or organisational functioning, using
continuous improvement models
monitoring performance and customer service
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
communication skills to communicate opportunities for
learning skills to coach and mentor staff, using a range of methods
to cater for different learning styles
innovation and lateral thinking skills to design better ways for
achieving work outcomes
planning skills to establish and monitor systems and process for
continuous improvement
teamwork and leadership skills to gain the confidence and trust of
continuous improvement models
knowledge management systems
quality systems
sustainability principles
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BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
BSBPMG513A Manage project quality
Performance Criteria
Evidence Provided
Determine quality objectives and standards with input from stakeholders
Determine quality requirements
Implement quality processes
Aspects of
Implement project quality
Document in a quality-management plan the quality metrics for project and
product output
Select established quality-management methods, techniques and tools to
resolve quality issues
Distribute, discuss and support quality requirements with project team and
Include agreed quality requirements in the project management plan and
implement as basis for performance measurement
Undertake quality-assurance audit of project processes for compliance with
agreed plans
Assess quality control of project and product output according to agreed
quality specifications
Identify causes of variance to quality metrics and undertake remedial
Maintain a quality management system to enable accurate and timely
recording of quality audit data
Review processes and implement agreed changes continually throughout
the project life cycle to ensure continuous quality improvement
Review project outcomes against performance requirements to determine
the effectiveness of quality-management processes and procedures
Identify and document lessons learned and recommended improvements
successfully managing project environment so that quality
outcomes are achieved for a project of sufficient complexity to
demonstrate the full range of performance requirements
applying a range of quality management tools, techniques and
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BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
analytical skills to monitor achievement of project outcomes against
quality criteria
communication and leadership skills to:
motivate staff and convey expectations
ensure outcomes are met
literacy skills to develop quality objectives and criteria
mentoring skills to boost performance.
quality management theory
quality assurance and control techniques, tools and methodologies
quality roles and responsibilities in project management
methods for managing performance and continuous improvement
relevant legislation, codes and national standards, including:
award and organisation agreements and industrial instruments
industry codes of practice
legislation from all levels of government that affects business
operation, especially in regard to work health and safety (WHS)
and environmental issues, equal opportunity, industrial relations
and anti-discrimination.
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BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
BSBRSK501B Manage risk
Establish risk context
Identify risks
Analyse risks
Select and implement treatments
Performance Criteria
Evidence Provided
Review organisational processes, procedures and requirements for
undertaking risk management
Determine scope for risk management process
Identify internal and external stakeholders and their issues
Review political, economic, social, legal, technological and policy context
Review strengths and weaknesses of existing arrangements
Document critical success factors, goals or objectives for area included in
Obtain support for risk management activities
Communicate with relevant parties about the risk management process
and invite participation
Invite relevant parties to assist in the identification of risks
Research risks that may apply to scope
Use tools and techniques to generate a list of risks that apply to the scope,
in consultation with relevant parties
Assess likelihood of risks occurring
Assess impact or consequence if risks occur
Evaluate and prioritise risks for treatment
Determine and select most appropriate options for treating risks
Develop an action plan for implementing risk treatment
Communicate risk management processes to relevant parties
Ensure all documentation is in order and appropriately stored
Implement and monitor action plan
Evaluate risk management process
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Internal Use Only
Critical Aspects of
BSB51607 Diploma of Quality Auditing
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
communication and literacy skills to consult and negotiate, to
prepare communications about risk management, and to encourage
stakeholder involvement
organisational and management skills to plan and implement risk
management processes
problem-solving and innovation skills to find practical ways to
manage identified risks
AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management - Principles and
legislation, codes of practice and national standards, for example:
duty of care
company law
contract law
environmental law
freedom of information
industrial relations law
privacy and confidentiality
legislation relevant to organisation’s operations
legislation relevant to operation as a business entity
organisational policies and procedures, including:
risk management strategy
policies and procedures for risk management
overall operations of organisation
reasonable adjustment in the workplace for people with a disability
types of available insurance and insurance providers.
risk management plan which includes a detailed stakeholder
analysis, explanation of the risk context, critical success factors,
identified and analysed risks, and treatments for prioritised risks
details of monitoring arrangements for risk management plan and
an evaluation of the risk management plan’s efficacy in treating
knowledge of relevant legislation, codes of practice and national
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