HISTORY HAND IN ASSESSMENT TASK AND ORAL AND PRACTICAL IN CLASS TASKS ONLY Please hand in ALL pages with your assessment task (notification, marking criteria and research table). Name of task: Extended Response (Research & In Class Test) Year/Course: 8 Task Number: 3 Class Teacher: Date Due: Week 5, Term 3 (Last History lesson of this week) Task Weighting: 40%* *Semester 2 Mark Student Confirmation of their: Own work: I declare that this is all my own work and it has not been previously submitted for assessment. I have referenced any work used from other sources and understand it may be checked by using anti- plagiarism software. Use of technology If this task requires the use of technology then I understand it is my responsibility to have my work backed up on a regular basis, save my work on the intranet in my personal drive and keep draft copies of my work. If I do not do this I understand that the failure of technology will not be a reason to receive an extension for this task. Signature _____________________________________ Date _____________________ To be signed upon completion of the task prior to submitting task to teacher. Outcomes to be assessed: 4.6: Students use evidence from sources to support historical narratives and explanations 4.9: Students use a range of historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of the past. Task Description: Section 1 – Research Table – using worksheet provided (to be handed in on due date of task) 1. You will research the role and importance of the samurai in Japanese society (Depth Study: Asia Pacific World (Japan Under the Shoguns) and complete a research table outlining information about their skills and training (some suggested skills have been include in the list below). Skills in martial arts and weaponry Physical Fitness Skills in the arts and literature Knowledge and understanding of Bushido Evidence of the practice of Bushido The research table will be brought into class on the day of your exam as evidence of your research. You will NOT be able to refer to this research table during your exam. 2. It will be attached to your test paper at the end of the in class test by your teacher. 3. Do not go beyond the space given in the table. If there is a lot of information, you must summarise the information or choose the more important information. This section should be completed in point form. 4. Be sure to fill in ALL details – your source should be credible, and therefore have an author and title. 5. Information should be summarised in your own words. Any quotes should be enclosed in speech marks (“ ”) 6. You do not have to find each bit of content in a single source – some sources will have more information than others. Section 2 – In Class test using RESEARCH information and SOURCES provided (to be completed in class on task date) 1. You will be given an UNSEEN extended response question to be completed in 50 minutes.(This includes time allocated for the reading of the source sheet.) This question will be based on information you should have located in your research. 2. You will NOT be allowed to have your research table in front of you when completing this task 3. You will be given a source sheet with THREE unseen sources to refer to. 4. Your extended response is to be written in structured (TEEL) paragraphs. 5. Any quotes from the sources provided used must be enclosed in speech marks and be accompanied by the author’s name and title of the source in brackets after the quote. You will be assessed on how well you: Conduct a body of research in order to locate detailed information. Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the role and importance of the samurai . Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the skills and training of the samurai . Communicate your understanding with evidence from a range of sources. Use language in a clear and appropriate manner. Marking Guidelines: Extended Response Question Uses accurate, relevant and detailed historical information. Writes a well-structured, logical and clear extended response, using TEEL paragraphs Shows a detailed understanding of the role and importance of the samurai in Japanese society Shows a detailed understanding of the skills and training of the samurai Refers to sources provided Uses appropriate language and accurate historical terms. Uses historical information. Writes a well-structured response Shows an understanding of the role and importance of the samurai in Japanese society Shows an understanding of the skills and training of the samurai Refers to sources provided Uses appropriate language and historical terms. Uses some historical information. Attempts to write a structured response Shows some understanding of the importance of the samurai in Japanese society Shows some understanding of the skills and training of the samurai May refer to some of the sources Uses some appropriate language and historical terms. Uses limited historical information. Writes a limited response using limited paragraph structure – my write 1 or 2 paragraphs. Shows limited understanding of the importance of the samurai in Japanese society. Shows limited understanding of the skills and training of the samurai May or may not refer to sources provided in a limited way Uses limited appropriate language and/or historical terms. Writes a limited response, very brief (only a few sentences). Little or no use of the TEEL paragraph structure. Shows little or no knowledge of the role and importance of the samurai . Shows little or no knowledge of the skills and training of the samurai May not refer to sources provided Does not use historical terms. Marks 18 – 20 15 – 17 10 – 14 5–9 0–4 Research Table 5 Marks Your Name: _____________________________ Class: ______________________ Topic: Japan under the Shoguns___________________________________________________ This must be brought to class but may NOT be used when completing your in-class task under exam conditions. Source Details Source 1 Title of text or website Author Publication or Website details (Publishing company, Place of Publication, date of Publication, Website address, date you accessed/used the website) Important INFORMATION from this source (Summarise the information that you believe will be of use to you for your task) Information about: 1. Role and importance of the Samurai in Japanese society 2. Skills and training o o o o o Skills in martial arts and weaponry Physical Fitness Skills in the arts and literature Knowledge and understanding of Bushido Evidence of the practice of Bushido NB. You MUST summarise the content in your own words Source 2 Source 3 Source 4 Source 1 (Continued) Source Details Important INFORMATION from this source (Summarise the information that you believe will be of use to you for your task) Information about: 1. 2. Role and importance of the Samurai in Japanese society Skills and training o o o o o Skills in martial arts and weaponry Physical Fitness Skills in the arts and literature Knowledge and understanding of Bushido Evidence of the practice of Bushido N.B. You MUST summarise the content in your own words Source 2 (Continued) Source 3 (Continued) Source 4 (Continued)