#2. Meet (some of) your markets
Arjan Terpstra
What’s up?
• Marketing/markets for games/gaming
What’s up?
• Marketing/markets for games/gaming
• (sorry, no interaction design)
What’s up?
• Marketing/markets for games/gaming
• (sorry, no interaction design)
• A basic analysis of big games markets
(console, PC/Mac, handheld, mobile) and big market trends
What’s up?
• What we know: (some) games markets in figures
• What we know: games markets NL
• Trends in entertainment games
• Trends in applied games
• General Trends
1. games markets in figures
• What do we know about the size of games markets, and how do we know it?
1. games markets in figures
• What do we know about the size of games markets, and how do we know it?
• ‘Market research companies’
1. games markets in figures
• What do we know about the size of the games industry, and how do we know it?
• ‘Market research companies’
1. games markets in figures
• Worldwide revenue of total games industry
(Newzoo): 75,5 billion USD (2014)
1. games markets in figures
(Gross National product of countries 2011)
1. games markets in figures
• Worldwide revenue of total games industry (Newzoo): 75,5 billion USD (2014)
• Prediction 1 (Gartner): 111 billion USD in 2015, ‘mobile and console sales’ are boosters.
1. games markets in figures
• Worldwide revenue of total games industry (Newzoo): 75,5 billion USD (2014)
• Prediction 1 (Gartner): 111 billion USD in 2015, ‘mobile and console sales’ are boosters.
• Prediction 2 (DFC Intelligence): 100 billion USD in ‘software sales’ by 2018 (from 64).
1. games markets in figures
• Worldwide revenue of total games industry (Newzoo): 75,5 billion USD
• Prediction 1 (Gartner): 111 billion USD in 2015, ‘mobile and console sales’ are boosters.
• Prediction 2 (DFC Intelligence): 100 billion USD in ‘software sales’ by 2018
(from 64).
• Prediction 3 (DFC Intelligence): PC market 2014 : > 25 billion USD revenu
(first time). ‘Core gamers spend more on games than ever before’
1. games markets in figures
• Prediction 4 (PWC): Mobile market > 15 billion USD in 2018
(from 7 billion in 2013)
1. games markets in figures
1. games markets in figures
• Prediction 4 (PWC): Mobile market > 15 billion USD in 2018
(from 7 billion in 2013)
• Prediction 5 (DFC Intelligence): Mobile market > 29 billion
USD in 2018 (from 11 billion in 2013)
1. games markets in figures
• Prediction 4 (PWC): Mobile market > 15 billion USD in 2018 (from 7 billion in 2013)
• Prediction 5 (DFC Intelligence): Mobile market > 29 billion USD in
2018 (from 11 billion in 2013)
• Console industry (Gartner): 44 billion USD (2013)
• Handheld industry (Gartner): 15 billion USD (2013)
1. games markets in figures
• Worldwide revenue of total games industry
(Newzoo): 75,5 billion USD (2014)
1. games markets in figures
• Worldwide revenue of total games industry
(Newzoo): 75,5 billion USD (2014)
• But….
1. games markets in figures
1. games markets in figures
= 91 billion USD (> Newzoo’s market prediction, 75,5)
1. games markets in figures
• Worldwide revenue (Newzoo): 75,5 billion
USD in 2014
• ‘Our’ market forecast: 91 billion USD in 2014
• But: Gartners’ forecast: 101,6 billion USD in
1. games markets in figures
• Gartners’ forecast: 101,6 billion USD in 2014
1. games markets in figures
• Recap:
• Figures for the international games industry vary wildly – between 75,5 and 110 billion in gross revenue.
• The numbers are invariably high – often comparable with figures on the film industry (88 billion USD gross revenue)
• All market predictions foresee a future growth of 9-11 percent per annum.
2. Games market NL
2. Games market NL
• There’s a lot we DON’T know!
2. Games market NL
• Question: is there a ‘Dutch games/gaming market?’
2. Games market NL
• Question: is there a ‘Dutch games/gaming market?’
• Yes: in retail, localised App Stores, with Xbox
• No: part of ‘Europe’, ‘Western Europe’
2. Games market NL
• Size?
• 2012 (PWC): Dutch gaming market = 703 million Euro.
2. Games market NL
• Size?
• 2012 (PWC ‘global media outlook’): Dutch gaming market = 703 million Euro. ‘2016: 724 million Euro’
2. Games market NL
• Size?
• 2012 (PWC ‘global media outlook’): Dutch gaming market = 703 million Euro. ‘2016: 724 million Euro’
• Want to know more?
2. Games market NL
• Size?
• 2012 (PWC ‘global media outlook’): Dutch gaming market = 703 million Euro. ‘2016: 724 million Euro’
• Want to know more?
2. Games market NL
• …so let’s talk a bit about the Dutch gaming
2. Games industry NL
• Size of total revenue: (Games monitor 2012):
150 – 225 million Euro .
• (worldwide: 75,5 billion USD = 58,5 billion
2. Games industry NL
2. Games industry NL
• (Games monitor 2012): 150 – 225 million Euro revenue.
• Well-connected and informal infrastructure
• Growing connectivity between schools and working field
• High quality training
• Good conditions for startups through networks, incubators, seed funding et cetera.
• A growing number of funds for games studio’s
2. Games industry NL
• ‘Approximately half of the revenue comes from applied/serious gaming’.
• B2B market!!!!
2. Games industry NL
• Ca. 330 game companies (but: what is a game company?)
2. Games industry NL
• Ca. 330 game companies (but: what is a game company?)
2. Games industry NL
• Ca. 330 game companies (but: what is a game company?)
2. Games industry NL
• Ca. 330 game companies
• Ca. 3000 people employed
• Many small firms (indies or applied) making games
• ’70% of Dutch firms has a maximum of five people in it’
• ’Only ten firms have more than 50 staff’
Trends in entertainment games
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends? Markets?
• Two questions:
• 1. “What are the market trends that are important for your business? ”
• 2. “What are you going to do with that knowledge?”
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: console (Xbox360/One, PS3/4, Wii/Wii U)
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: console (Xbox360/One, PS3/4, Wii/Wii U)
• - Next gen consoles need to prove themselves in their second and third years. (in terms of hardware, software and service sales)
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: console (Xbox360/One, PS3/4, Wii/Wii U)
• - Next gen consoles need to prove themselves in their second and third years. (in terms of hardware, software and service sales)
• (Console) games are part of a wider ‘entertainment-hub’ strategy.
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: console (Xbox360/One, PS3/4, Wii/Wii U)
• - Next gen consoles need to prove themselves in their second and third years. (in terms of hardware, software and service sales)
• (Console) games are part of a wider ‘entertainment-hub’ strategy.
• Growing interconnectivity with devices other than console
(‘second screen gaming’) (PS Mobile, MS Smart Glass)
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: console (Xbox360/One, PS3/4, Wii/Wii U)
• - Next gen consoles need to prove themselves in their second and third years. (in terms of hardware, software and service sales)
• (Console) games are part of a wider ‘entertainment-hub’ strategy.
• Growing interconnectivity with devices other than console
(‘second screen gaming’) (PS Mobile, MS Smart Glass)
• Constant reflex to integrate promising or succesful technologies. (PS Move, Amiibo, Project Morpheus)
Trends in entertainment games
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: PC/Mac gaming
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: PC/Mac gaming
• - Firm comeback through digital distribution
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: PC/Mac gaming
• - Firm comeback through digital distribution
• - Dutch game industry gains momentum through Steam.
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: PC/Mac gaming
• - Firm comeback through digital distribution
• - Dutch game industry gains momentum through Steam.
• - Steam is finding its way to TV (2015)
Trends in entertainment games
Trends in entertainment games
• - BUT: Steam publishes more and more games….
Trends in entertainment games
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: Mobile
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: Mobile
• - Stellar rise of a new gaming segment
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: Mobile
• - Stellar rise of a new gaming segment
• Digital distribution (first App Store july 2008)
• The rise and rise of free2play
• Touch interface well suited for gaming
Trends in entertainment games
• (2013) Apple App Store holds 800.000 active apps, counts 40 billion app downloads (game and non-game apps)
Trends in entertainment games
• (2013) Apple App Store holds 800.000 active apps, counts 40 billion app downloads (game and non-game apps)
• Opportunities? Yes, but there are (A) problems with player demography: who is your gamer? (marketing)
Trends in entertainment games
• (2013) Apple App Store holds 800.000 active apps, counts 40 billion app downloads (game and non-game apps)
• Opportunities? Yes, but there are (A) problems with player demography: who is your gamer? (marketing)
• And (B) who is your competition?
Trends in entertainment games
Trends in entertainment games
• (2014): 1,75 Billion smartphones worldwide, 195 million tablets
• Android expands through ‘micro consoles’ (Ouya,
GameStick, GamePro) -> TV!!
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: Handheld (Nintendo DSi, 3DS, PS Vita, PSP)
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: Handheld (Ninendo DS, 3DS, PS Vita, PSP)
• Surprisingly stable market (vs mobile)
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: Handheld (Ninendo DS, 3DS, PS Vita, PSP)
• Surprisingly stable market (vs mobile)
• PSVita (2014) 8 million units worldwide, 43,3 million Nintendo
3DS, 154 million units Nintendo DS/Dsii, DS Lite.
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: Handheld (Ninendo DS, 3DS, PS Vita, PSP)
• Surprisingly stable market (vs mobile)
• PSVita (2014) 8 million units worldwide, 43,3 million Nintendo
3DS, 154 million units Nintendo DS/Dsii, DS Lite.
• PS Vita used as ‘second screen’ with PS4, games are more
‘platform agnostic’ – migrate from one device to the next.
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: Handheld (Ninendo DS, 3DS, PS Vita, PSP)
• Surprisingly stable market (vs mobile)
• PSVita (2014) 8 million units worldwide, 43,3 million Nintendo
3DS, 154 million units Nintendo DS/Dsii, DS Lite.
• PS Vita used as ‘second screen’ with PS4, games are more
‘platform agnostic’ – migrate from one device to the next.
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: general
• ‘cloud gaming’ will be a thingy…
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: general
• ‘cloud gaming’ will be a thingy…
• The ‘democratisation of game design’ gives us new perspectives on games and game design
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: general
• ‘cloud gaming’ will be a thing…
• The ‘democratisation of game design’ gives us new perspectives on games and game design.
• ‘Game analytics’ will continue to influence both game design and games marketing
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: general
• ‘cloud gaming’ will be a thing…
• The ‘democratisation of game design’ gives us new perspectives on games and game design.
• ‘Game analytics’ will continue to influence both game design and games marketing
• ‘Free2play’-models are on the rise – not only in mobile!
Trends in entertainment games
• Trends: general
• ‘cloud gaming’ will be a thing…
• The ‘democratisation of game design’ gives us new perspectives on games and game design.
• ‘Game analytics’ will continue to influence both game design and games marketing
• ‘Free2play’-models are on the rise – not only in mobile!
• High expectations for Virtual Reality technology (Oculus Rift), but no proven market yet.
Trends in applied games
Trends in applied games
• Ongoing definition debate: Applied games/serious games/persuasive games/engagement design/gamification?
Trends in applied games
• Definition debate: Applied games/serious games/persuasive games/engagement design/gamification?
• Anyhow:
• - 2010: 1,5 billion Euro revenue worldwide
• - 2015: 10,2 billion Euro expected
Trends in applied games
• Centre for Applied Games (Amsterdam):
• “44% of Dutch games companies is exclusively building applied games” (highest percentage worldwide)
Trends in applied games
• Strong presence in market segments:
• - maritime
• - security services
• - health care
• - education
• - business
Trends in applied games
• High expectations:
• ‘By 2015, more than 50 % of organisations that manage innovation processes will gamify those processes.’ (Gartner)
• ‘40 percent of all Global Top 1000 companies will utilize some form of gaming in transformational processes.’ (KPMG)
Trends in applied games
• Low production capacity!!! => there’s room for you there….
• (there’s a lot more for next time…)