B R ACT, AML & KYC,INVESTMENT AND AUDIT Presented By M C Parekh Faculty Member N. I. C. M. Gandhinagar • Spelled out in Section 56 of Part V of B. R. Act, 1949 • RBI regulates and supervises the UCBs vide the various provisions of the Act applicable to UCBs which is mainly relate to banking activities viz. • Requirement of minimum paid-up capital and reserves • Maintenance of cash reserve and liquid assets • Restrictions on loans and advances Relevant Provisions of B. R. Act, 1949 (AACS) • Section 56 • RBI exercises its regulatory, supervisory and developmental control on UCBs through the applicability of select provisions of the parent Act of this section from March 1966 • The duality of control was extended automatically to the sector with the extension of the Act to the UCBs Not Authorized under B. R. Act • The following powers are not prescribed to RBI under the B. R. Act, 1949 (AACS): • Registration of cooperative banks • Constitution of Board of UCBs • Removal of directors • Superceding of the Board of Directors • Auditing of the cooperative banks • Enquiry into the affairs of the UCBs • Enquiry into the conduct of the CEO / Chairman / directors of UCBs • Winding up of UCBs Important Sections • Section 5 – Definitions • "banking" means the accepting, for the purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand or otherwise, and withdrawal by cheque, draft, or otherwise; • "banking company" means any company which transacts the business of banking Important Sections • Section 6 - Forms of business in which banking companies may engage • borrowing, raising, or taking up of money • acting as agents for any Government or local authority or any other person or persons • carrying on of agency business of any description including the clearing • RBI Insp Obs: Sect-6 not compliedLeasing out entire premises & earning rent Important Sections (Contd.) • Section 8 - Prohibition of trading Notwithstanding anything contained in Sec. 6 or in any contract, no banking company shall directly or indirectly deal in the buying or selling or bartering of goods, except in connection with the realization of security given to or held by it Important Sections (Contd.) • Section 9 - Disposal of non-banking assets Notwithstanding anything contained in Sec. 6, no banking company shall hold any immovable property, howsoever acquired, except such as is required for its own use • RBI Insp Obs: Sec-9 not compliedHolding non banking assest >7 yrs Section 11 Minimum Paid-up Share Capital • Minimum paid-up share capital required for UCBs to carry out banking business is Rs. 1 lakh • RBI Obs:Sect-11 not complied- REV less than Rs. 1 lakh Section 18 Cash Reserve • • UCBs are required to maintain Cash Reserve Ratio on a daily basis in the following assets • Cash in hand and gold, Current Account balances with State Cooperative Banks and in notified banks including State Bank of India and its subsidiaries, and nationalised banks • The present stipulation is to maintain 3 per cent of the net demand and time liabilities on a daily basis • Obs. Sec-18-Included amount kept in current a/c with HDFC/AXIS bank for calculating CRR amount • Section 18 – Cash Reserve (Contd.) Scheduled UCBs maintain CRR under the provisions of the Section 42 of the RBI Act, 1934 • The present stipulation is to maintain 4 per cent of the Demand and Time Liabilities on an fortnightly average basis • The returns are to be submitted in Form B within 7 days from the reporting fortnight • They are required to maintain a minimum of 70 per cent of CRR balance on a daily basis l • In case of short fall, penalty is levied at 3 per cent above Bank Rate on the amount of shortfall for the first fortnight and at 5 per cent above the Bank Rate for the subsequent fortnights, if the default continues Section 19 Restriction on Holding Shares • No Cooperative Bank shall hold shares in any other cooperative society except to such extent and subject to such conditions as the Reserve Bank may specify in that behalf: • Provided that nothing contained in this section shall apply to— • shares acquired through funds provided by the State Government for that purpose; • in the case of a Central Co-operative Bank, the holding of shares in the State Cooperative Bank to which it is affiliated; Obs: Sec-19 Invested in IFFCO/KRIBHCO more than minimum level required for the representation in case of DCCBs Section 20 Restriction on Loans and Advances No UCBs can make loans against the security of its own shares No UCBs are allowed to grant unsecured loans and advances Directors and to any firms where any of the Directors is having interest Presently there is a complete ban on loans and advances to Directors and their relatives. However, the following categories of director related loans are presently permitted: Regular employee-related loans to staff directors on the Board of UCBs Normal loans as applicable to members to the directors on the Boards of salary earners’ co-operative banks and Normal employee-related loans to Managing Directors of Multi-State co-operative banks Section 21- relates to Rates of interest Obs Sect-21-Interest rate violation & declaration from staff not taken Section 22 - Licensing of UCBs • No co-operative society can carry on banking business unless it is a cooperative bank and holds a license issued by RBI • Sect-22(3)(a)-Real or exchangebable value of assets should be more than outside liabilities • obs :REV of assets less than Outside liabilities in case of some UCBs • Sect-22(3)(b)-Detrimental to interests of Section 24 Statutory Liquidity Ratio • Every UCB is required to maintain liquid assets in the form of cash, gold or unencumbered approved securities and Fixed Deposits with SCB which should not be less than 25 per cent of the total of its demand and time liabilities (In case of Scheduled UCB-23 %). • Obs : Sect-24 Separately not earmarked ACSF deposits, included SBI FD for calculating SLR amount Section 26- Unclaimed Deposits Deposits not claimed for 10 years should be reported to RBI in the prescribed form, Obs: Sec-26 Unclaimed deposits not reported properly – Inoperative aor Dormant a/cs mixed up with unclaimed deposit Section 27 Returns UCBs are required to submit offsite Returns to RBI/ NABARD –Tier-I UCBS-5 SOSS & Tier II – 8 OSS Returns Obs. Sect 27- Various returns to RBI not properly prepared and submitted in time Section 29 and 31 Account and Balance Sheet • At the end of each year UCBs are required to prepare balance-sheet and profit and loss account as on the last day of the year in the forms set out in the Third Schedule or is near thereto • To be submitted within 6 months Section 35 – Inspection of UCBs • RBI inspects basically to verify • if the conditions subject to which the banks have been issued licence to undertake banking business continued to be fulfilled The bank has adequate capital structure (Section 11(1)) and earning prospects • It’s affairs are not conducted in a manner detrimental to the interest of the present and future depositors (section 22(3) (b)) • The general character of the management of the bank is not prejudicial to the public interest and the interest of the depositors. • The bank is in a position to pay its present and future depositors in full as and when the claim arise (section 22(3)(a) of B.R. Act, 1949 (AACS) Supervision of Coops Bank Coop Banks are supervised on the basis of On-site Supervision i.e. inspection u/s 35 of BR Act Off-site Supervision On-site Supervision To safeguard the interest of depositors To maintain a sound banking system as per banking laws and regulations Financial position – Assets & Liabilities Off-site Supervision Variation in periodicity To bridge the gap between two inspections off-site monitoring system has been put up to have up to date evaluation of financial position Off-site Supervision Off-site supervision is done by calling various returns from the banks These returns are of two types i.e. Statutory Returns stipulated under either BR Act 1949 or RBI Act 1934 and Other regulatory returns Statutory Provisions OSS returns are statutory Sec. 27 (2) of BR Act : RBI may at any time direct a co-op bank to furnish it within such time, with such returns and information relating to business or affairs of the bank Statutory Provisions Sec. 46 of BR Act specifies penalties for non submission of or wrong reporting of these returns Returns are signed by the bank’s authorized signatory and countersigned and certified by Chairman or his authorized representative from the top management – usually head of compliance Prudential Concerns of Regulator 1. Solvency 2. Liquidity 3. Capital Adequacy 4. Asset Quality 5. Portfolio risk profile 6. Concentration of exposure 7. Connected/Related lending Statutory Returns FORM I Form II Form VI Form VIII Form IX Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss A/c Statutory Returns FORM I Sec. 24 of BR Act for SCBs / Sec 18 & 24 for other cooperative banks Statement of demand and time liabilities in India and amount maintained in cash, gold and unencumbered securities Monthly Statement Statutory Returns ♦ Form II Unsecured Loans and Advances to Directors – firms in which they have interest BR Act (AACS) Sec. 20 (2) Monthly To be submitted within 10 days after the end of month /Nil statement Statutory Returns Form VIII Unclaimed Deposit Accounts not operated for more than 10 years BR Act (AACS) Sec 26 Yearly as on 31st December To be submitted within 15 days from the close of calendar year Discrepancies observed Statutory Returns Form IX and Special Form IX Assets/Liabilities at close of business on last Friday of the month BR Act (AACS) Sec 27 Monthly To be submitted with 10 days of completion of the month Statutory Returns Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss A/c BR Act (AACS) Sec 29 and 31 Yearly as on March 31 (Unaudited) On or before 30 September (Audited) Regulatory Returns OSS returns: Statements 1 to 8 RBI has prescribed the eight Off-site Surveillance returns under the prudential supervisory reporting system (PSRS) Due Dates : Within 1 month from the close of the quarter/year OSS / SOSS Returns 8 OSS Returns by Tier II 5 SOSS (Simplified OSS) Returns by Tier I UCBs Regulatory Returns Sr. No. 1 Name of the Return Statement on Assets and Liabilities Periodicity Quarterly Top 10 Deposits, Sundry /Suspens 2 Statement on Earnings-NII,OP “ 3 Statement on Asset QualitySub,D1 loss “ 4 Statement on NPAs-Gross NPA/Net Npa “ Violation of Exposure norms 5 Statement sector wise advances- PS “ 6 Statement on connected lending “ 7 Statement on CRAR “ 8 Report on Bank Profile Annual SOSS Returns Sr. Name of the Return No. 1 Statement on Assets Liabilities 2 3 4 5 Periodicity and Statement on Earnings Statement on Asset Quality Statement on NPAs, large exposure, segment wise advances, net demand and time liabilities/net owned funds ratio Statement on Bank Profile Quarterly “ “ “ Annual Section 35 A – Power of the Reserve Bank to give Directions • RBI may issue direction to UCBs if it is satisfied that in public interest or in the interest of the banking policy and to prevent the affairs of the bank from being conducted in a manner detrimental to the interest of the depositors and to secure proper management of the bank • RBI derives it powers to order winding up of an UCB or its reconstruction only for the "eligible cooperative bank" stipulated under section 2(gg) of the DICGC Act, 1961 Section 55 –Act 18 of 1891 & Act 46 of 1949 to apply in relation to Cooperative Banks • The Bankers' Books Evidence Act, 1891 shall apply in relation to a Co-operative Bank as it applies in relation to a bank as defined in Sec. 2 of that Act • The Banking Companies (Legal Practitioners' Clients' Accounts) Act, 1949, shall apply in relation to a Co-operative Bank as it applies in relation to a banking company as defined in Sec. 2 of that Act.” Aspects to be seen • Whether Investment Policy is in vogue • Contents of the Policy - as per RBI Guidelines • Approval of policy by Board • Formation of Investment Committee • Delegation of Powers • Procedure for obtaining approval Aspects to be seen .. Contd.. • Approved list of brokers • Criteria for empanelment • Verification of creditworthiness, market reputation of brokers - done or not • Annual review of list of approved brokers done or not • Dealings through brokers - role of broker Aspects to be seen .. Contd.. • Periodical reconciliation of SGL / CGSL balances • Generation of periodical reports and submission to BoD, RBI & NABARD • Submission of half yearly review note to Board • Whether the bank has invested its surplus funds in non-permissible investments Aspects to be seen .. Contd.. • Whether bank has purchased or sold any security from / to broker on principal to principal basis • Volume of business with each broker not to exceed 5 % of the total transactions • Whether the contract note contains name of the counter party, details of settlement, etc Aspects to be seen .. Contd.. • Whether the bank has specified single exposure norms • Whether stop loss limit has been mentioned in the policy • Whether the bank has violated the prudential norms fixed by RBI • Whether functional separation of the front office, mid office and back office exists Front Office • Deals in securities (Buy, Sale, & Repo Deals) • Putting the bids in the auctions of T- bills and other securities • Maintenance of deal records including the tapping of telephonic conversation Mid Office • Risk Monitoring • Risk Measurement • Risk Management • Management Information System • Formulation and review of investment Policy & • guidelines for transactions in securities • Submission of reports to the top executives & Board • Maintenance of data base and updating front office with relevant information Back Office • Inter Bank settlements of funds borrowed or lent • Settlement of Call/ Notice/ Term/ CD/ CP/ REPO/ T-Bills/ NCD • Physical verification of securities • Monitoring brokers’ turnover • Reconciliation of RBI current A/c and constituents, own SGL investment portfolio • Interest collection on NCDs / Bonds • Dividend collection on shares or units • Follow-up on concurrent, statutory and RBI inspection reports Exposure Norms – Coops. • Investments in PSU bonds Not to exceed 10% of the bank's deposits at the end of previous year • Investing FDs with Nationalised banks- total 20 % and individual 5 % of total Deposits Classification of Investments SLR securities to be classified as under: Permanent- HTM- Premium to be amortised Current –HFT/AFS- Make Provisions Non SLR securites- To be provided if market price below b/v Know Your Customer Norms 49 What is money laundering? Money Laundering is called what it is because that perfectly describes what takes place – illegal, or dirty money is put through a cycle of transactions or washed, so that it comes out of the other end as legal, or clean, money. In other words, the source of illegally obtained funds is obscured through a succession of transfers and deals in order that those same funds can eventually be 50 made to appear as legitimate income. What are the key stages of the Money Laundering Placement Cycle? of criminal proceeds into the financial system Layering of transactions to confuse the audit trail and distance the original source of funds (e.g. successive transactions, international transfers, early termination products, tax haven companies, genuine businesses). Integration of funds back into the real economy as “clean and respectable money” 51 PMLA Definition • Offence of Money Laundering (section 3) Whoever • (a) acquires, owns, possesses or transfers any proceeds of crime; or • (b) knowingly enters into any transaction which is related to proceeds of crime either directly or indirectly; or • (c ) conceals or aids in the concealment of the proceeds of crime • Commits the offence of money laundering 52 KYC Policy should be reviewed by Board once in a year and amended according to guidelines issued by RBI 53 KYC. Policy includes the following nine key elements: 1 Customer Acceptance Policy (CAP) 2. Customer Identification Procedures (CIP) 3. Monitoring of Transactions 4. Risk management 5. Training Programme 6. Internal Control Systems 7. Record Keeping 8. Evaluations of KYC guidelines by internal audit and inspection system 9. Duties / Responsibilities and Accountability 54 Customer Acceptance Policy • Check whether the documents for identity & residence proof taken by branches are taken as per banks’ policy or not • Bank should prepare Customer Profile – Identity, Social – Economical status etc. • Bank can send Letter of Thanks for further verification 55 Towards Name proof Photo Identification Towards address proof Passport where the address differs Telephone Bill Voter’s Identity Card Bank account statement PAN Card Income/Wealth tax assessment order Driving Licence Credit Card Statement Govt. /Defence ID card * Electricity Bill ID cards of reputed employers * Ration Card Letter from a recognised public authority or public servant verifying the identity and residence of the customer* Letter from employer* *Subject to the satisfaction of the officer authorising the opening of the account •Note: Original should be produced for verification and copy, duly attested by the verifying official, shall be kept along with the account opening form. 56 Customer Identification Procedure The Board approved policy should clearly indicate CIP to be carried out at different stages a. While establishing a banking relationship b. Carrying out a financial transaction or c. When the bank has a doubt about the veracity/ authenticity or adequacy of the customer data available. 57 KYC for Existing Accounts • All existing accounts of companies, firms, trusts, charities, religious organizations and other institutions to be subjected to minimum KYC • Proper procedure should be followed to freeze the non KYC compliance account 58 Risk Categorization High Risk Medium Risk Low Risk 59 High risk customerdue diligence • Accounts of Trusts • Accounts of Companies and Firms • Accounts opened by professional intermediaries • Accounts of Politically Exposed Persons resident outside India • Non-Face-To-Face Transaction • Correspondent Banking – Countries linked to terrorist financing 60 Instances where customer are connected with high-risk Industries • Non-bank financial institutions (for e.g. money transmitters) • Travel agencies • Jewel/ Gem/ Precious metal dealers • Securities broker/ dealers, solicitor firms, etc. • Car/ boat dealerships • Property dealers/ builders • Arms, art and antique dealers 61 High-Risk Products • Any product which allows a customer to readily convert cash to a monetary instrument. • Any product or service which allows a customer to readily move from one jurisdiction to another which conceals the source of 62 Instances where customers are connected with high-risk customers • Geography – Drug producing nations – Drug transshipment countries – Drug using countries – Secrecy jurisdictions and tax havens, particularly those that grant offshore banking licenses. – Countries with high degree of public corruption 63 Monitoring of Transactions 64 Training & Education Employee Training • Banks should take steps to provide proper training to its employees on the statutory/ regulatory requirements and the internal policy & procedures so that the risks are well understood and managed • Employees should also be educated on the need for proper handling of customer queries Customer Education 65 What is meant by ‘suspicion’? Suspicion is personal and subjective and falls far short of proof based on firm evidence. Suspicion has been defined by the courts as being beyond mere speculation and based on some foundation i.e. “ a degree of satisfaction and not necessarily amounting to belief but at least extending beyond speculation as to whether an event has occurred or not”; and “although the 66 creation of suspicion requires a lesser Suspicious Transaction/Activity • Beware of activity not consistent with the customer’s business • Beware of a customer who provides insufficient/suspicious information • Beware of attempts to avoid reporting or record keeping requirements • Beware of certain funds transfer activities • Beware of unusual activities such as 67 Suspicious Transaction/ Activity • A customer/company who is reluctant to provide complete information regarding purpose of the business, prior banking relationships, officers or directors, or its location. • A customer/company who is reluctant to provide sufficient identification information/financial statements. 68 Suspicious Transaction/ Activity • Sending or receiving frequent or large volumes of cross border remittances • Receiving large TT/DD remittances from various centres and remitting the consolidated amount to a different account/centre on the same day leaving minimum balance in the account 69 Suspicious Transaction/Activity • Corporate accounts where deposits or withdrawals are primarily in cash rather than cheques • Corporate accounts where deposits and withdrawals by cheque/TTs/foreign inward remittances/any other means are received from/made to sources apparently unconnected with the corporate business activity/dealings. • A single substantial cash deposit70 Suspicious Transaction/Activity • A customer who is reluctant to provide information needed for a mandatory report or to proceed with a transaction after being informed that the report must be filed. • Any individual or group that coerces/induces or attempts to coerce/induce a bank employee to not file any reports or any other forms. 71 Suspicious Transactions/Activity • An account where there are several cash deposits/withdrawals below a specified threshold level to avoid filing of reports by intentionally splitting the transaction into smaller amounts for the purpose of avoiding the threshold limit. • Multiple accounts under the same name 72 Suspicious Transaction/Activity • A customer who is reluctant to provide information needed for a mandatory report or to proceed with a transaction after being informed that the report must be filed. • Any individual or group that coerces/induces or attempts to coerce/induce a bank employee to not file any reports or any other forms. 73 Suspicious Transactions/Activity • An account where there are several cash deposits/withdrawals below a specified threshold level to avoid filing of reports by intentionally splitting the transaction into smaller amounts for the purpose of avoiding the threshold limit. • Multiple accounts under the same name 74 Audit of UCB • It has been observed that quite often the internal inspection machinery in banks has failed to highlight and pinpoint the existence of gross and serious irregularities such as improper credit appraisal, disbursement without observing the terms of sanction, failure to exercise proper post-disbursement supervision, even suppression of information relating to unauthorised excess drawals allowed, kite flying in bills and cheques, etc. • The failure of the internal inspection machinery is mainly attributable to the Internal Audit Machinery • The banks should introduce a sound system of internal audit. With a view to strengthening the credibility of the inspection system in detecting cases of frauds/malpractices, steps need to be taken to gear up the inspection/audit machinery and to improve the quality of officers of the inspection department. The head of the inspection department at the Head Office should be a sufficiently senior Periodicity of Internal Audit • The periodicity of the internal audit of the branches should be at least once in every 12 months, which should be really of surprise character. • 2.3 Coverage of Internal Audit • 2.3.1 The coverage of such inspections should also be made more comprehensive, inter alia, to include a thorough examination of the internal control system obtaining at the branches including the various periodical control returns submitted to the controlling offices. CONCURRENT AUDIT SYSTEM • Ghosh Committee had recommended introduction of concurrent audit at large and exceptionally large branches of banks to serve as administrative support to branches, help in adherence to prescribed systems and procedures and prevention and timely detection of lapses/irregularities. Accordingly, all scheduled and other primary (urban) co-op. banks with deposits over Rs.50 crore were required to introduce the system of concurrent audit. Subsequently, JPC recommended for all UCBs Concurrent Audit of Investments The concurrent auditors shall certify that the investments held by the bank as on the last reporting Friday of each quarter as reported to the Reserve Bank of India are actually owned / held by it as evidenced by physical securities or the custodians statement. The certificate should be submitted to the Regional Office of the Reserve Bank of India, having jurisdiction over the bank, within thirty days from the end of the relative quarter. • 4.7 The concurrent auditors should specifically verify compliance to the instructions contained in our circular UBD.BPD.SUB No.5/ 09.80.00/ 2003-04 dated 28 April 2004 regarding transactions in Govt. Securities. Thank You 81