Distillation of partially miscible liquids Mariana Reyes Cortez Edgar O. Hernández Saab Alfredo Jiménez CONCEPTS The immiscible liquids that dissolve in the median ratio are called "partially miscible". Consider a pair of liquids that are partially miscible and form a low boiling azeotrope (a common system, because both properties reflect the tendency o the two kinds of molecules to avoid each other). Can’t be separated by simple distillation Why do azotropic mixtures are form? Due to differences in intermolecular forces of attraction among the mixture components (hydrogen bounding and others). The tendency of a mixture to form an azeotrope depends on two factors: (i) the difference in the pure component boiling points, and (ii) the degree of nonideality (Horsley, 1973; King, 1980). A heuristic rule is given in Perry and Chilton (1973) that azeotropes occur frequently between compounds whose boiling points is less than 30 °C. The presence of some specific groups, particularly polar groups (oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine and fluorine), often results in the formation of azeotropes. Characteristics 1. Positive deviation from Raoult’s law: The attraction between identical molecules is stronger than between different molecules. This may cause the formation of a minimum-boiling azeotrope and heterogeneity. 2. Negative deviation from Raoult’s law: The attraction between different molecules is the strongest. This may cause the formation of a maximumboiling azeotrope. 3. Ideal mixture obeys Raoult’s law: The components have similar physiochemical properties. The intermolecular forces between identical and different molecules are equal. EXAMPLE EXAMPLE Water and ethanol form an azotropic mixture, which means that cant be completely separated, however you can change the composition of the mixture by adding Benzene as a separation agent, so you can skip azotropic point and it can now be separated. Other way to skip the azotropic point is changing the pressure. APLICACIONES Environmental policies as the entry into effect of the Month September 2005, Act 693 of 2001 Ministry of Mines and Energy of Colombia, where it regulates the gasoline must contain 10% by volume of ethanol, which technical limitations should possess a very low water content. Referencias: http://people.cst.cmich.edu/teckl1mm/PChemI/Chm351Ch8aF01.htm http://destilacionquimica.blogspot.mx/ http://www.nt.ntnu.no/users/skoge/publications/thesis/2000_hilmen/Thesis_ Hilmen.pdf https://books.google.com.mx/books?id=dVGP7pmCh10C&pg=PA187&lpg =PA187&dq=destilacion+de+liquidos+parcialmente+miscibles&source=bl& ots=itEGs3UMIY&sig=KVwgdzE9OSxHS5vslWaxfjI2z3c&hl=es419&sa=X&ei=Fg80VYvbDcvRtQWU7oCwBg&ved=0CB8Q6AEwAQ#v=onep age&q=destilacion%20de%20liquidos%20parcialmente%20miscibles&f=false